From Yukinoshita Ayano's silence, she could see what she meant, both Yangno and Yukino hugged their mother again gratefully.

Neither Yuanjing nor their mother Ayano Yukinoshita disappointed them.

They are really lucky.

"You see, since there is no real help to achieve the goal, and it may cause completely opposite effects, then naturally there is no need to tell mother about this." Yukinoshita Yang Nai affectionate Said so.

The so-called opposite effect naturally refers to making Yukinoshita Ayano think that he is using his identity to force her to hand over the two sisters to him, thinking that this is forcing her to sell her daughter in exchange for the future of the Yukinoshita family take off.

"Besides, Ah Jing actually has a little bit of cleanliness emotionally." Yukinoshita Yukino added from the side, she had participated in the girls' gathering organized by Artoria, and heard her talk about Yuan Jing His view of love and the reasons for it, we can naturally understand the reasons why he would adopt these practices.

"In Ah Jing's view, love needs to be pure and natural. If it is mixed with impurities such as interests, status, and reputation, it will make him feel a little uncomfortable."

"He hopes to win our admiration and your approval by virtue of his character and ability, and hopes that the reason why you will trust us to him is because he is 'Yuanjing' rather than 'Yuanjia' Little Lord'."

"Of course, this doesn't mean that he dislikes his identity as the 'Young Master of the Yuan Family'." Xue Nai added.

"But instead of taking it as one of the reasons for the success of the event, he hopes to regard it as a 'gift' and a 'surprise' given to you after the event is successful."

"A Jing takes feelings very seriously, and I actually like it very much." When she said this, Yukinoshita Yukino's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she looked shy and proud. is moving.

Even Yukinoshita Ayano, who is Yukino's mother, has never seen her daughter, who is like a flower in the mountains, show such an appearance.

'My daughter has really grown up, and she can't keep her if she wants to. '

Yukinoshita Ayano felt a little melancholy in her heart.

However, Yuan Jing is indeed the most outstanding boy she has ever seen, and she is not too surprised that her two daughters will be fascinated by him.

"By the way, Mom, if you really want to visit your in-laws, the opportunity will come soon." Yukinoshita Yoshino is best at 'making progress', although Yukinoshita Ayano just said that she 'I won't object for the time being', but she directly used the word [in-laws].

"When the New Year comes, Ajing will go back to his hometown." Yukinoshita Yoshino said, "The Yuan family is a family that controls the Sakurajima religion, and the New Year has a special meaning for the Yuan family. It's time for a grand ceremony."

"Ah Jing is the future master of the Yuan family after all, so naturally he needs to show up."

"If you really want to meet Ah Jing's mother, this is actually a pretty good time, we can go back with him."

"However," when he said this, Yukinoshita Yoshino hesitated a little.

"But what?" Yukinoshita Ayano asked curiously, "Is there something wrong with this?"

At the same time, she was secretly thinking:


Calculated in this way, the preparation work is barely in time.

"There's nothing wrong with it, but the current Patriarch of the Yuan family, Auntie Laiguang, Ah Jing's adoptive mother, might not treat you very well." Yukinoshita Yukino continued her sister's words.

Aunt Raimitsu is what girls call Minamoto Raimitsu after the cultural festival.

After all, the other party is their future 'mother-in-law', and they must always maintain due respect.

"Auntie Laiguang has doted on Ajing since she was a child. No, to say 'doting' is actually a bit too light." can be clearly stated.

"It should be said that Auntie Laiguang has a morbid attachment to A Jing. She regards A Jing as her own property and wants to take away his freedom and future."

"Although this attempt has been thwarted by us and Ah Jing, and Ah Jing has gained the freedom to control her own life from her, but Aunt Lai Guang will definitely still have this matter in her heart."

"A Jing has her own right to freedom of marriage. Aunt Lai Guang naturally has no way to make irresponsible remarks in this regard, but it is naturally impossible to make her greet her with a smile, especially when time has not passed now."

"If mom really wants to visit, you may have to be prepared to face Aunt Lai Guang not giving you a good face."

"Of course, it's just that she has a bad face, and she won't really do anything." Yukinoshita Yukino hurriedly vaccinated her mother, "Now she actually listens to A Jing."

Yuan Jing spent a lot of effort to make Ayano Yukinoshita temporarily acquiesce in the relationship between her and Yango and Yuan Jing. If you make up your mind, it will be a waste of money.

Yukinoshita Ayano obviously saw Yukino's thoughts, her dark blue eyes looked at her two daughters who were looking at her two daughters nervously with a half-smile, and she opened her red lips lightly, "Don't worry, Mr. Yuan is Yuan. Jun, Yuan Jun's mother is Yuan Jun's mother, I can tell the difference."

"I won't take my anger out on him for such a trivial matter."

After hearing this, the Yukinoshita sisters looked at each other and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And after that, Yukinoshita Yoshino seemed to think of something again, and looked at his mother again.

But different from just now, this time she was hesitant to speak, as if she didn't know whether she should say such things to Yukinoshita Ayano at this time.

But in the end, she still gritted her teeth——

"At that time, there should be several people with the same purpose as me, right?" It was Ayano Yukinoshita who said this before Yang Nao.

"Let me think about it, besides Yoko Touma, there should be Manho Fujiwara and Nao Hayasaka?" Yukinoshita Ayano said in a tone that sees through everything.

"...You know all about it?" Yukinoshita Yono said a little embarrassingly.

"It doesn't count as knowing, it should be regarded as 'understanding'." Yukinoshita Ayano showed a bitter smile at the corner of her lips.

She understood why these three wives were so affectionate to her during the cultural festival.

Especially Fujiwara Wanho.

As a member of the Fujiwara family, she had absolutely no reason to do so.

Looking at it now, it seemed that she was the only one who was kept in the dark.

"Uh, actually, there should be a Mrs. Sawamura now..." Yukinoshita Yukino added with a little embarrassment.

Shiina Mashiro's parents are far away in England, so they probably won't be returning to Sakurajima during the New Year.

As for the parents of Concubine Shijo...

This is the most difficult object for Yuanjing to deal with, and the two of them are not sure if he can do this before the new year.

"So much?" Ayano Yukinoshita opened her mouth in surprise, "Is it the widow of the deceased British diplomat? I've heard about it."

The death of a British diplomat was originally a sensational event, and Yukinoshita, who was aspiring to develop his official career, naturally paid attention to the progress.

Moreover, during the cultural festival, Fujiwara Wanho also mentioned this matter to them by the way, and Yukinoshita Ayano was quite impressed by this.

"That is to say, did Gen-kun participate in this recent incident?" Yukinoshita Ayano muttered.

Official Sakurajima, who originally wanted to hand over Sawamura's mother and daughter, has turned his attitude 180 degrees recently. The doubts in Yukinoshita Ayano's heart have now been answered.

"In this case, two, three, four..." After silently counting in her heart for a while, Yukinoshita Ayano suddenly looked at her eldest daughter with extremely serious eyes.

"Yono, when I asked Gen-kun before if he had taken away Yukino's [wow——] daughter, his answer to me was [not yet]." When he said this, Mrs. Yukinoshita's tone He kept his usual seriousness, without the slightest hint of joking, as if this was a very serious academic research, rather than asking about some kind of experience of his daughter.

"What about you?" Yukinoshita Ayano looked at her eldest daughter, "Did you do that kind of thing with Gen-kun?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino wondered why her mother would ask such a thing at this time, but up to now, there is actually nothing to hide.

Under her mother's scorching gaze, she nodded shyly.

Yukinoshita Yukino puffed up her cheeks slightly, looking a little jealous.

However, compared to this, she is undoubtedly more concerned about the reason why her mother asked such things.

"Then..." Yukinoshita Ayano's fluent language suddenly stuttered, her dark blue eyes looked around, and after confirming that there were only three of them, mother and daughter, in this room After that, a little blush appeared on her beautiful face, which was very similar to the two sisters——

"Then, what about his...?"

"Don't laugh! I'm very serious!"

"This is a matter related to the happiness of your future husband and wife life, so be more serious!"

Chapter 23 We are here to join you

After getting the signature from Yuanjing, Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui did not continue to stay in the lounge, waiting for Mrs. Yukinoshita and Yukinoshita sisters to come back, but simply Saying goodbye to Yuanjing.

In fact, the two of them never thought about waiting for them to come back.

Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui were originally outsiders who broke in by mistake. The reason why Mrs. Yukinoshita called her two daughters out was because she really wanted to ask them about certain things. Give them a moment to say goodbye to Yuanjing.

When they come back, they don't want to continue to see the two of them still in the room.

When Yukinoshita Ayano took the two sisters away, she specially gave them a meaningful look.

Whether it was Yumiko Miura or Yuihama Yui, they all understood this look.

Because of this, Miura Yuiko did something crazy like asking Genke to sign the clothes on her chest.

Otherwise, when Yukinoshita's mother and daughter came back and saw this signature, unnecessary disputes would arise.

Don't underestimate the jealousy of women.

Yumiko Miura has a deep understanding of this.


"So, for us, is the night over?" Yuihama Yui's tone was a little dazed as he walked in the corridor backstage of the theater.

She quietly lowered her head and looked at the chest of her clothes, where it should have been written in beautiful handwriting:

'To Yuigahama Yui,

May you always keep smiling.

—— source view'

That's the right wording.

Yuhihama Yui was wearing a light brown woolen sweater, which perfectly highlighted the girl's pretty figure that was almost comparable to that of Yango.

But also because of this, these handwriting became slightly distorted.

For example, the last signature 'Yuanjing', she can only see the upper half now...

Thinking of what he did just now, Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but feel a little feverish on his face.

When Yuan Jing signed her autograph, he looked quite serious, and he didn't deliberately take advantage of her because of her thoughtless behavior.

For example, writing a signature with force on purpose, or poking it dishonestly with the tip of a pen.

His strokes are quite light, and Yuihama Yui can only feel a little bit of the rough touch of the marker pen.

Compared to this, what makes Yuigahama Yui more shy is actually the posture of the two of them at that time.

To be honest, holding it there and using it as a 'cushion' for the boy to sign.

It's really like I'm feeding him...

Ahhh, Yuihama Yui, what are you thinking!

The girl who was affectionately nicknamed "Duanzi" by her friends now has a really red face like a cute pink dumpling.

"That depends on what you think." The blond girl walking beside Yuigahama Yui answered her friend's question.

And on the left breast of her white dress, there is almost exactly the same handwriting as on Yui's woolen sweater——

'To Yumiko Miura,

Hope you never cry.

—— source view'

Looking down at the handwriting, Yumiko Miura smiled slightly on her face.

"Never cry... Yuan-kun, you really..."

"Yumiko, what do you mean?" Yuigahama Yui couldn't help asking, looking at Miura Yuiko with some surprise.

"Literally." Miura Yuiko shrugged quite easily. After making a decision in her heart, she suddenly became a lot more relaxed, "If Yui feels that this is enough, then this night is considered to be over. .”

"But..." Miura Yuiko's green eyes looked at her best friend.

It is precisely because of Yuigahama Yui's concern that she can avoid making a fool of herself in front of her classmates.

More importantly, it is because of Yui that she can meet him...

Of course, she and Yui were able to meet Yuan Jing backstage tonight, and it was her own credit for not breaking the line that should have been broken.

From this point of view, the relationship between her and Yui has been evened out.

"If Yui is not satisfied with this," Yumiko Miura cast a meaningful gaze at the boy's handwriting on Yuihama Yui's chest when she said this, "then tonight's parting naturally does not mean It's over."

On the contrary, it can be said to be the beginning.

Having said that, even if Yuihama Yui is as slow as Yui, she can't help but understand what Yumiko Miura means.

The red eyes opened wide, looking at this best friend who took good care of herself, Yuihama Yui said with some expectation, "But, but, Yumeko, don't you like Ha Shan-kun?"

"Oh, was I that obvious before?" Yumiko Miura chuckled, but she immediately showed a somewhat sad look, "Since you can see Lian Jieyi, do you think Ha Shan-kun can see it?" ?”

"..." Of course, yes.

Yuigahama Yui did not answer Yumiko's question.

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