However, she did not call Minamoto Raimiko's name, but called him 'Haruka'.

"Counting it all together, it should have been almost 10 years, right?" She said in a nostalgic tone, "Since that quarrel."

Minamoto Raimitsu's beautiful eyes were wide open, and he looked at this former best friend who had broken up with him and hadn't seen him for almost ten years——

"Xiang...zi?" she said in a hesitant voice.

"Don't call me by that name!" The beauty called 'Xiangzi' by Minamoto Raimitsu reacted greatly, "Don't you know? This name is what I hate the most!"

"This reaction is indeed Xiangko's fault." Minamoto Raimitsu nodded indifferently.



In this quaint room, Minamoto Larimitsu brewed a cup of fragrant tea for Miss "Xiangzi".

Pushing the teacup that was almost [-]% full with the turquoise liquid in front of her, Minamoto Raimiko's voice could not hear sadness or joy, "Why are you here?"

It's been ten years since we haven't been in touch...

"Isn't it because of someone's recent behavior that frightened uncle and aunt." Miss 'Xiangzi' said meaningfully with her head lowered and inhaling the fragrance of the liquid in the teacup, "Until today, you But I have locked myself in the room for almost seven days."

"My daughter, who has always been strong, will be autistic for so long at once. Uncles and aunts will naturally be worried," she said with a light smile, "However, Xiao Yaoyao has very few friends, and the members of the Yuan family are forced to accept you. order, do not disturb..."

"There is no other way, the elders can only contact me," Ms. 'Xiangzi' said in a very relaxed tone. It seems that contrary to Minamoto Raimiko, she is actually in a pretty good mood, "After all, although we broke up, I was once your last friend." Good friend."

The "Little Yaoyao" in her mouth naturally refers to Yuan Laiguang in front of her.

This was her name before inheriting the position of Patriarch.

The Minamoto family has a very strange tradition, that is, when inheriting the position of the head of the family, they must also inherit the name 'Minami Raimitsu' (the reason for this has been explained before).

And wait until after resigning, to restore his previous name.

For the current Minamoto Raimitsu, it is——

source remote.

"Of course, the second elder actually knows the reason why you are so autistic. It's really inappropriate to call people from the Fujiwara family here at this time, but who can say that there are no other suitable people?"

Miss 'Xiangzi' shrugged.

That's right, her full name is actually Fujiwara Koko.

It's from the Fujiwara family.

If you want to talk about seniority, she is actually Fujiwara Daichi's biological sister, that is, Fujiwara Chika's aunt.

As the two branches of the four major families that are still passed down to the present, the Fujiwara family and the Minamoto family can be said to have been friends for generations, and they can be called the same spirit.

When Minamoto's mother was pregnant, Fujiwara Daichi's mother was also pregnant with her third child.

Yuan Haruka and Fujiwara Koko were born almost at the same time, so they naturally became friends who can talk about everything.

As for why this pair of close friends broke up with each other, and even lost contact with each other for almost 10 years...

The source of it is actually the most important adoptive son of Minamoto Larimitsu, that is, Yuanjing.

When Yuan Jing was 8 years old, Fujiwara Kako came to visit Yuan's house from her hometown in Kyoto, and naturally met her friend's "son" who had always been a treasure.

Fujiwara Koko was already very curious about this "son" recognized by her best friend Minamoto Raimitsu (then called Genharuka), because she showed it off to herself every now and then, but she always suggested to the other party that she also meet him Minamoto Raimitsu's head was shaking like a rattle for this "child given to her by God".

As if afraid that she would snatch it from her hands.

Because of dissatisfaction with Minamoto's behavior, and the fact that Yuanjing, who was only 8 years old at the time, was really cute like a porcelain doll carved with jade, so she was half joking and half serious said:

"Little guy, I've taken a fancy to you."

"Come to Kyoto with me?"

In the end, Yuan Laiguang, who came in a hurry, listened to him.

If it was normal, Minamoto Raimitsu would not have such a big reaction.

However, at that time, Minamoto Raimitsu was actually told by his father that he had already arranged a marriage for Minamoto, with Chika Fujiwara of the Fujiwara family.

At that time, Fujiwara Koko actually didn't know about this matter, and she just wanted to get angry with Raimitsu when she said this, but it didn't have any special meaning.

However, for Minamoto who is already quite sensitive, these words are no different from provocation.

Her reaction at that time can be said to be quite violent.

Fujiwara Koko was quite wronged by this, and both of them were still young girls at that time, not as mature as they are now.

So after a quarrel, the two broke up.

The two close friends who used to talk about everything have been angry for ten years.

If it wasn't for Minamoto Raimitsu's low performance recently, her parents would not have rushed to the doctor to ask Fujiwara Koko to help.

"You have arranged me like that in your works, why do you still have the face to come back to see me?" Minamoto Raimiko snorted lightly with his nose, as if he said this with some disgust.

"Oh," Fujiwara Koko narrowed her eyes and looked at Minamoto Raimitsu, and made a meaningful voice, "I didn't expect Xiaoyaoyao to have broken up with me, but she still read my works."

"Sure enough, I should have brought a signed book as a gift. What a mistake."

Fujiwara Koko didn't go into official career like her two older brothers. She didn't have much interest in the intrigue between adults. Instead, she picked up a pen and became a quite famous writer.

And her most famous work is a bold adaptation of "The Tale of Genji".

While causing widespread controversy, it also gained considerable fame for it.

As for what Yuan Laiguang complained about, it was actually the content of "The Tale of Genji" that she rewrote.

Koko Fujiwara boldly distorted the gender of the male Guangyuanshi in the original novel into a female, and she also brought a boy 10 years younger than her into her mansion. Since he was 8 years old, he has been taking care of him. Cultivate to become the perfect object in your mind.

He eventually became her husband as well.

This plot seems to be a tribute to the "Light Source Cultivation Project" in the original book, but Minamoto Raimitsu, who is his friend, knows that this is actually an allusion to her and Yuan Jing.

"By the way, do you actually think this is an arrangement?" Fujiwara Koko said regretfully, "Obviously this relationship has been well received, and everyone's response is very enthusiastic."

"That's because everyone doesn't know me and Yuanjing," Minamoto Laiguang frowned, "The relationship between me and him is not as dirty as you think."

"It's because you are always like this that the situation has become like this." Fujiwara Koko sighed.

"This has nothing to do with you, Xiangzi?"

"!!! You're called that name again!" Fujiwara Koko patted the table with her slender hands, looking very dissatisfied, "I've said it all, I'm called Zi Shibu now!"

"Purple Shikibu!" Fujiwara Koko emphasized every word.

This is her pseudonym.

Chapter 26 'Auntie' and Jinger

Murasaki Shikibu is actually a character that existed in the history of Sakurajima. She is a character who is almost contemporary with the original Minamoto Larimitsu, and is one of the 36 song immortals in the Middle Ages.

Of course, if you want to say her most outstanding achievement, it should be writing "The Tale of Genji", a work that has a profound impact on Sakurajima's culture.

Even in the history of world literature, Murasaki Shikibu can be said to be the most famous Sakurajima.

To give a simple example, the name [Murashi Shikibu] has entries in 131 languages ​​on the wiki, which is the most among Sakurajima people.

Incidentally, Shakespeare has entries in 200 languages, while Andersen has 140.

Although it is not accurate, from this simple comparison, the status of the name Murasaki Shikibu in the history of world literature can be fully seen.

Logically speaking, it is actually impossible to use the name of such a famous person as a pseudonym.

But Fujiwara Koko did just that.

Whether it is the editorial department, the publisher, the printing house... There is no objection in any link, the pseudonym [Murica Shikibu], together with her rewritten "The Tale of Genji", just entered in such a grandiose manner. Into the field of vision of modern Sakurajima people, and caused quite a stir.

This is not because the Fujiwara family has a big business.

Well, it should be said that this is not just because the Fujiwara family has a big business.

More importantly, Fujiwara Koko was originally a descendant of Zi Shibu.

In other words, Zi Shibu was originally a member of the Fujiwara clan.

The historical Murasaki Shikibu was not actually called Murasaki Shikibu at all. This name was actually given to her by the people of Sakurajima in later generations.

Because in the Heian period where she lived, women had no status at all, so even her name was not handed down.

We only know that her surname is Fujiwara, and her father's name is Fujiwara, a famous literati at that time.

Shikibu was what she was called during her court service when she grew up.

Because her elder brother was Shi Shibu Cheng, and most of the female officials in the palace at that time were named after their father and brother's official title, so it was called Fuji Shibu.

In fact, this tradition also existed in ancient China. For example, Du Fu was called Du Gongbu because he was a member of the Ministry of Industry.

As for the origin of "Purple", it is also because "The Tale of Genji", the heroine Zi Ji in the book is the most recited by the world, so "Fuji Shikibu" became "Purple Shikibu".

By the way, this 'Purple Lady' is the woman in Guangyuan's cultivation plan, who was trained by Guangyuan from the age of 10, and married into her family when she became an adult.

In the "New Genji Tale" written by the modern Murasaki Shikibu, she injected some elements of Yuanjing into this character...

Fujiwara Koko chose the name 'Murashi Shikibu' as her pseudonym. From the perspective of people in the literary world, she was actually trying to 'get popular'.

Because of this reason, although "The Tale of Genji" has achieved unprecedented success, Fujiwara Koko's reputation in the literary world is not very good.

Although due to the background of the Fujiwara family, everyone did not dare to say too much, but it was still necessary to say a few words that were not reconciled.

However, as a former close friend who grew up with Fujiwara Koko, Minamoto Yorimitsu knew that Fujiwara Koko did not change her name for such a superficial reason.

As the princess of the Fujiwara family, ah, should I say the eldest princess now?

If you really want to be famous, there is no need to use this kind of demon heretics.

As for its real reason...

"Now, Haruka, you are Minamoto Raimitsu, and I am Murasaki Shikibu," Fujiwara Koko, no, from here on, it should be called Murasaki Shikibu, and said in a rather comfortable tone, "This is the way Wait a minute."

Yuanyao passed the trial of Wanjianlou, and then defeated her father to inherit the position of the head of the Yuan family and the name 'Yuan Laiguang' when she was 20 years old.

At the same time, Fujiwara Koko also began to use the pseudonym "Murasaki Shikibu", and wrote the first part of "The New Tale of Genji" at the age of 20.

The meaning of this, whether it is Minamoto Larimitsu or Murasaki Shikibu, is actually quite clear in my heart.

Although at that time, the two had actually broken up for two years...

The words that had been smoldering in his heart for 8 years were finally able to confide to his former best friend, and Zi Shibu felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Minamoto Larimitsu glanced at his hair.

Although we haven't seen each other for 10 years, Xiangzi, well, Shikibe is still exactly the same as before.

Including this kind of unwillingness to admit defeat.

"So, Shikibu," Minamoto Raimitsu didn't get too entangled with Murasaki Shikibu on the matter of addressing, she really doesn't have such a mood now, "I'm not in the mood to play this kind of reunion drama with you at all, and I don't have it at all. Reminiscing about old times."

"If nothing else..."

"Obviously it was the first touching meeting in 10 years, but I didn't even finish a cup of tea, so I thought about giving me an order to evict me?" Slender fingers gently touched the cup in front of him. The brewed tea, Zi Shibu deliberately said in a somewhat regretful tone.

While saying this, her deep purple eyes, which were very similar to Minamoto Raimitsu, gave Minamoto Raimiko a somewhat resentful look.

Yuan Laiguang ignored it.

Unlike her who has always been straightforward, Zi Shibu has been a gloomy woman who likes to play "conspiracies" since she was a child, and it can be said that she is the one that perfectly fits the image of the Fujiwara family in the hearts of the public.

Because of her personality, Minamoto Raimitsu has actually suffered a lot, and the number of times she has been 'used' by her is beyond count.

However, Minamoto Raimitsu can actually come back with revenge every time.

Because Zi Shibu couldn't beat her.

After being 'used' by Murasaki Shikibu, she would find an opportunity to block Zi Shibu in a place where no one was around, and spank her ass as punishment until the other party burst into tears, vowing that she would never do it again.

Of course, this kind of 'oath' is just to listen to it.

Neither Murasaki Shikibu nor Minamoto Raimitsu actually took this kind of thing seriously.

This kind of bad relationship lasted until the two of them, until Murasaki Shikibu finally touched Minamoto Yorimitsu's Ni Lin that no one can touch...

"Since someone is so unfeeling, then there is no need for me to stay here any longer." Zi Shibu tidied up his luxurious kimono, and pretended to be about to leave, "Anyway, Laimitsu, apart from being a little depressed, , and there is nothing special to pay attention to, I will tell the second elder after I go out."

"What are we going to do next..." Murasaki Shikibu seemed to be talking to himself, but those deep purple eyes that seemed to be able to speak kept glancing in Minamoto's direction , the meaning of "drunkard's intention is not in wine" is actually quite obvious.

"By the way, I haven't been to my eldest brother's house for quite some time, so I'll stop by when I go back to my hometown." Zi Shibu is the youngest sister in the family. She has two older brothers, and the eldest brother is naturally Fujiwara Daichi.

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