The hometown of the Fujiwara family is in Kyoto, which is also the place where Zi Shibu usually lives and lives.

However, because Sakurajima's political center has long been transferred to Tokyo, her two older brothers who are in official careers are currently living in Tokyo.

The two elder brothers actually love this younger sister who has been weak and sick since she was a child and is still alone until now, so they have always wanted to take her from Kyoto to their home to take care of.

If Murasaki Shikibu really visited Fujiwara Daichi's house, it should be said that 'you can stay as long as you want', right?

"It just so happens that I haven't seen my three lovely nieces for a long time, and this time I will get close to them." Murasaki Shikibu noticed that after he said the word 'niece' from his mouth, Minamoto's shoulders were very tight. visibly shaken.

Ha, hooked!

"At the same time, I can also take a look at that little guy, ah, I shouldn't be able to call him that now," Zi Shibu's eyes flashed a little nostalgia, obviously he had a deep impression of Yuanjing.

This is also quite a natural thing, he was the fuse that led to the breaking of friendship between him and Minamoto Raimitsu.

It is also one of the prototypes of the most successful characters in her own writing, how could she not care about Yuan Jing?

"This is also the reunion after almost ten years. Xiaojing, Ajing, Jinger... Laiguang, which name do you think is cuter?" Zi Shibu asked with some seriousness.

"You!" Minamoto Larimitsu glared at Murasaki Shikibu.

She has completely lost the previous depression, and the exuberant anger has begun to burn her reason.

The hands hidden in the wide sleeves of the kimono were clenched at once, and there was even the sound of knuckle friction in the room.

But Zi Shibu did not show any fear at all.

"What me?" Looking at Minamoto Raimitsu with his head tilted, Zi Shibu said in a provocative tone, "Raiguang, you have to know that he is not just your adopted son now."

"He's still my niece's future husband. In terms of relationship, he should call me 'auntie'." When he said this, Zi Shibu looked reckless.

"Besides, I know. Xiaojing actually doesn't intend to marry Qianhua alone. I actually know what happened last Sunday."

This is what Chika Fujiwara told her.

As for why Qianhua would do this...

Of course, I want to find someone to think of a way.

She has no obsession with the position of the main wife. If she can live happily with everyone, she is actually quite happy.

This is also one of the reasons why she would seek out the four real concubines and form an alliance.

But her meaning does not represent the meaning of the Fujiwara family.

Fujiwara Chika didn't even have the confidence to persuade her parents.

Of course she can leave all this to Yuan Jing, because this is the test he should go through.

Fujiwara Chika is a kind girl, she felt that if this matter was completely handed over to Yuan Jing, the burden on him would be too heavy.

She didn't doubt Yuan Jing's ability, but just felt that it was not good to just wait quietly for the young man to take care of everything properly.

After all, this is also closely related to her future happiness, so Qianhua feels that she also needs to do her part.

Therefore, in private, she secretly contacted her aunt who was still in Kyoto at the time, that is, Zi Shibu.

Although their personalities are very different, the relationship between Murasaki Shikibu and Fujiwara Chika is actually quite close, and it can even be said that they talk about everything.

If it's my aunt, she must be able to think of a good way to help Ah Jing, right?

This was what Chika Fujiwara thought at the time.

It was also one of the reasons why Murasaki Shikibu came here today.

"I don't care about it. As long as Qianhua thinks it's nothing, then everything will be fine, because this is a matter between her and him and them."

"From my personal point of view, I actually quite admire Jing Er. [Responsibility] is a very high score for me."

"However, it is far from enough to get my help." Zi Shibu said in a somewhat cold voice.

"Laikou, you know that as long as I am willing to help, the problems on the side of the Fujiwara family will no longer be a problem." She is the eldest princess of the Fujiwara family, a wise and beloved patriarch The younger sister is the contemporary 'Murashi Shikibu' who enjoys a high reputation among the people of Sakurajima.

If she stood up, at least on the side of the Fujiwara family, Yuan Jing's resistance would be greatly reduced.

"Of course, if I don't want to help, but express my firm opposition, then this matter can be said to be more than half of it."

"And now, I leave this choice to you." Murasaki Shikibu said thinking about Minamoto Raimitsu.

Although it has been 10 years since they broke up, Minamoto Raimitsu is still her most important friend besides her family.

"Help Jinger, hinder Jinger, or just stand by... No matter which one you choose, I will do as you say." She spread her hands and looked at Yuan Lai calmly. Light.

"..." The room was terribly quiet for a moment, Minamoto Yorimitsu looked at Zi Shibu, with a little struggling expression on his brow.

Obviously, her heart is also quite disturbed.

Of course she hoped that there would be fewer people robbing her precious son, but in this case...

Will Ah Jing be sad?

"It seems that this is a difficult decision." Zi Shibu stood up, and the long hem of the kimono rubbed against the wooden table and chairs, making a rustling sound.

"Fortunately, I'm not in such a hurry." Zi Shibu said in an unhurried tone as he turned and walked towards the door, "Just let me know when you've made a decision." , Uncle and aunt know my contact information."

Of course she is going to resign, because if she stays any longer, even with her self-cultivation, she will no longer be able to control her expression.

Minamoto Raimitsu would show such an expression, this is really...

so fun!

Go back and write it down quickly!

Murasaki Shikibu, Fujiwara Chika's aunt, Minamoto Yorimitsu's childhood friend.

She's not a bad person, nor is she a rotten person.

She's just a—

Crumb woman.

Chapter 27 Why are there only ten?It takes fourteen!

If Murasaki Shikibu could give himself an evaluation and label himself, it would be——

Literary girl.

That's right, it's a 'girl'.

Since a man can remain a teenager all his life, then naturally a woman can also remain a girl all her life, right?

Murasaki Shikibu loves books.

Although there is no problem with e-books, she prefers physical books in paper form.

"The touch of paper can make me feel at ease." These are her exact words.

Reading books is naturally a fairly easy hobby for the daughter of the Fujiwara family.

The great-grandfather of Chika Fujiwara, who was still the prime minister at that time, was the grandfather of Murasaki Shikibu who loved his granddaughter very much.

When Zi Shibu was 10 years old, he even built an extremely large library for her in the basement of Fujiwara's ancestral house in Kyoto as her birthday present.

To this day, a steady stream of books are still transported to this place every year, becoming a part of this paradise of books.

And the "New Genji Tale", which became a sensation and caused widespread discussion after it was released, was also written word by word in this underground paradise.

Since the first volume was released when Murasaki Shikibu was 18 years old, "The Tale of Genji" has been published at a rate of more than half a year.

It was not until the end of the series the year before last that No.14, the final work, was officially released, marking the official end of the series.

It has been two years since then, and Murasaki Shikibu still has no new releases.

It seems that this "New Genji Tale" has exhausted all her talents.

Holding a paper umbrella, Zi Shibu walked slowly on the bluestone road that had been wet by rain.

The sound of clogs stepping on the stone slab is very pleasant to the ears.

In order to prevent her ankle-length jet-black hair from getting wet from the rain, she tied it into an extraordinarily elegant lady's bun.

For this kind of thing, Murasaki Shikibu is already quite skilled.

Because she is indeed married.

As for the subject——

That, of course, is literature.

This is a very useful excuse, which saved her a lot of trouble and blocked countless "wolves, tigers and leopards" who either coveted her status or coveted her body.

For the eldest princess of the Fujiwara family, only one plausible excuse is needed to maintain her purity.

Tada Shrine was a place she used to visit when she was a child, and now after ten years, Murasaki Shikibu finally revisited the old place.

"Today's harvest is not bad."

Gently touching the long sleeves of the kimono with his fingers, feeling the reassuring touch, a slight smile could not help but float on Zi Shibu's lips.

As a writer, she has to carry a pen and paper with her in case of a sudden inspiration, but there is no way to write it down, only to let it slip away.

And after walking out of Minamoto Yorimitsu's room, she did not leave the Tada Shrine, but walked into an empty room very familiarly, and recorded Minamoto Yorimitsu's appearance in great detail.

This is the nourishment for her new work, so don't be careless.

Although she claims to be a literary girl, she doesn't actually read all kinds of books.

What she prefers are books that are full of various "emotions" such as love stories and revenge stories.

"Emotion" is also the main line of her writing, the center of gravity.

But the current Murasaki Shikibu has undoubtedly encountered a rather difficult problem to solve, that is——

There is not enough material for writing.

She is not someone who has a particularly rich experience and has gone through vicissitudes.

The Fujiwara family protected her so well that she could easily get everything she needed without having to deal with people she didn't want to deal with.

This resulted in a result, that is——

Murasaki Shikibu's social network is actually quite narrow.

Except for a few people such as her family and Minamoto Raimiko, she has not even had much contact with other people.

The reason why she was able to write "The Tale of Genji" is that she is very familiar with the original "The Tale of Genji" and can be said to be fluent in reverse, Minamoto Raimitsu actually took a lot of credit.

Not only did she inspire Murasaki Shikibu's fighting spirit, but it was under the belief that "I want to be equal to you!" that she came up with the idea of ​​writing this book as a modern "Murasaki Shikibu".

Moreover, it can be said that half of the material in this book was provided by Minamoto Raimitsu.

The original work of "The Tale of Genji" is actually a long novel describing the extravagant life of the nobles in the Heian era, which is somewhat like "A Dream of Red Mansions" in Huaguo.

Among them, the protagonist Guangyuanshi is the son of the emperor, handsome and merciful.

Of course, the result is actually very similar to Jia Baoyu's, that is, to shave off his hair to become a monk and escape into Buddhism.

But in "The Tale of Genji", Guangyuanshi is a peerless beauty who disguises herself as a man.

That is, a princess.

The reason why she disguised herself as a woman was because her father loved her mother too much and wanted to use the method of "mother is more expensive than her son" to make her mother a queen.

But halfway through the plan, Guangyuan's mother died because of an 'accident'.

You have no jokes.

Since the emperor has already said that Guangyuan is the "Prince", even if her real gender is a woman, she can only be the "Prince".

As a result, Guangyuan could only be forced to become a "male", and stepped into the treacherous court struggle involuntarily.

After the death of the old emperor and the succession of the new emperor, Guangyuan's life became more and more sad. At this time, her spiritual haven and the undisputed hero of the book, 'Ruo Zi' appeared on the stage.

He is a collateral son of Guangyuan's mother's family, and he is very similar to her mother.

When returning home to worship the ancestors, Guangyuan met 'Ruozi' by chance, took a look at him, and took him back to his residence.

After that, the main line of the book was suddenly divided into two parts.

The first part is the method used by Guangguang to raise this little boy into the husband he expected, and the interesting things that happened in it.

The second part is Guangyuan Shi who came back after intrigues with others outside. When he returned to his house, he hugged 'Ruozi' and complained about things such as "the minister is terrible", "men are terrible", "women are terrible" and so on. , the story of being healed by him while making bitter irony.

The source of inspiration for the previous part is naturally what Minamoto Larimitsu, a good friend, once boasted to his friends when he was a girl.

This is also the source of the positive aspects of Guangyuan's personality in the book.

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