As for this second part...

That is, the negative and somewhat socially fearful side of Guangyuan's personality, it should be self-evident who the source of it is.

In fact, there are quite a lot of personal conjectures mixed with Murasaki Shikibu.

At that time, Minamoto Raimitsu boasted that "there is a little bit in the sky, but it is hard to find on the ground". It is actually quite normal for Murasaki Shikibu to be curious about the source scene and then feel envious.

If Minamoto Raimitsu has it, then of course Murasaki Shikibu, who has always wanted to be on an equal footing with her, will also have the idea of ​​"I also want one...".

This feeling becomes especially strong when you feel alone.

If I picked up Yuanjing, what would I do to him?

With this in mind, Murasaki Shikibu, who was really a literary 'girl' at the time, wrote a lot of practice pens.

These practice pens are also the nourishment drawn by "New Genji Tale".

Obviously, unlike Minamoto Raimitsu who dotes on Yuanjing and wants to hold it firmly in his hands, Murasaki Shikibu is more inclined to regard it as a spiritual haven to escape reality, act like a baby to him, and then be healed by him.

This is the fundamental difference in the character of this pair of former best friends.

Reality has no ifs.

Although Murasaki Shikibu imagined that he picked up Yuanjing and made him the adopted son of the Fujiwara family, but this is just an unrealistic imagination.

It was with this imagination that she wrote "The New Tale of Genji".

After that, Zi Shibu also fell into a low tide of creation at the same time.

In fact, Murasaki Shikibu knew what he wanted to write——

Unlike the previous 1Vs1 pure love work, she wants to challenge the 1VsN emotional entanglement in the original "The Tale of Genji" this time.

However, problems naturally follow one after another, that is:

Not to mention the emotional disputes of 1VsN, she has never even talked about love, so naturally she lacks true feelings in this regard.

She once wrote some words, but the content was quite empty, and she couldn't read it at all.

Such a work would bring shame to the name 'Murica Shikibu', so naturally there is no way to see it.

In fact, if we really want to draw materials from the real world, the materials in this area can be said to be overwhelming.

In the upper class society of Sakurajima, lovers can be said to be quite a common phenomenon.

With the relationship network of the Fujiwara family, if she really wanted information in this area, she could have as much as she wanted.

But she didn't.

She didn't want to stain her eyes with these things.

Murasaki Shikibu refuses to call such a relationship full of money and coercion 'feelings'.

Because he has read too many books, Murasaki Shikibu has a high opinion of "love", which has been praised by countless people.

This also made her vision quite high, so that there are still men who can catch her eyes, and they haven't married yet...

Ah, of course, she didn't care much about it herself.

Books are a harbor for the human soul to rest, a place for people to rest.

Real life is cruel. Everyone in this world has experienced misfortune to varying degrees.

Because of this, I look to books for beautiful things that don't exist in the real world.

If those things are regarded as materials, Murasaki Shikibu is of course confident that her new work will be quite 'realistic', and even because of the materials, she is fully confident that she will surpass her previous work.

This is the case...

Neither she at the time of writing nor the readers of the book will feel happy.

Therefore, even if it is unrealistic, she actually wants to find the pure feeling of "I love everyone, and everyone loves me" that has nothing to do with interests in real time.

She originally thought that this was just her good wish, and it was impossible to realize it.

Until the moment she received a call from her niece Fujiwara Chika...

Murasaki Shikibu finally found a source of inspiration for his new work.

It is a bit of a coincidence that the new work is the same as her previous work, and it is the same child who inspired her.

Ah, he's grown up now, and calling him 'the kid' doesn't quite fit him anymore.

Decided, just like myself in front of Yuan Laiguang, I should call him 'Jing'er'.

"Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, Shimizu Kaguya, Yukinoshita Haruno, Shijo Mafei, Sawamura Spencer Eriri, Shiina Mashiro, Arturia Pendoragon .”

As if counting each name like a treasure, a smile appeared on Murasaki Shikibu's face.

That smile did not contain any contempt, and even a bit of approval and a little bit of regret.

"At first I thought it was 'Ruozi', but I didn't expect it to be 'Guangyuan'?" The soft murmur echoed the sound of raindrops falling on the stone slab, beside the bluestone path, the camellias in full bloom swayed and swayed.

"Well done."

Murasaki Shikibu made such a sound of approval.

As for why there is some regret——

"If there are four more, it will be fourteen." Zi Shibu said in a low voice.

As for why there are fourteen, this is because in "The Tale of Genji", the total number of women who are described to have a relationship with Light Source is 14.

The reason why her "New Genji Tale" is exactly fourteen volumes is actually a tribute to this.

"Besides, there is too little big sister in it. Only Yukinoshita Yono is half of it. Obviously, Guangyuan in the original book is half of the mother." Obviously, Zi Shibu still doesn't know Artorie. Ya's true identity.

By the way, is Arturia really a 'big sister'?

"I tested Raikou just now, and she really didn't mean it...She is obviously the best candidate for 'Concubine Barnacle'." Zi Shibu said rather angrily.

Concubine barnacle is the stepmother of Guangyuan in the original book, and the first person that Guangyuan fell in love with, and the fundamental reason why Zi Shibu called her "half mother control".

But obviously, neither Minamoto Raimitsu nor Yuanjing has any intention of tarnishing this pure mother-child relationship.

Among Yuanjing's "wives", although all attributes are complete, there are overwhelmingly few characters with the attribute of "big sister".

If it is real life, then naturally there is no problem.

But if it involves artistic creation, then it is natural to consider the needs of this aspect.

Now, there are actually two ways in front of Zi Shibu.

One is to let a 'big sister' become Yuan Jingxin's wife.

The second is to select one of these ten people and carry out artistic "reproduction" of him.

"Well, which side should I choose?"

Murasaki Shikibu fell into such troubles.

Chapter 28 You are destined to be eaten by me!

"So, girls, is it really okay for us to just go back like this?" Driving her car on the highway, Touma Yoko looked at the two girls sitting in the back seat of the car through the rearview mirror, meaning Pointingly said:

"I think that if you persevere, Yuan Jun will not refuse to go on a date with you."

"Just let him go to Xue Nai's sister for the time being, do you really mind?"

After a very chaotic night, but the result was extremely bright, Yuanjing and others who were still in Chiba City ushered in the last Sunday before the final exam.

While it was raining heavily at Tada Shrine in Kansai, Chiba City in Kanto was sunny and cloudless.

However, Touma Yoko, Touma Kazusa, and Yukinoshita Yukino did not stay in Chiba City much.

After breakfast in the morning, the three of them set off on their way back to Tokyo regardless of Ayano Yukinoshita's persuasion.

However, Yuan Jing did not go with them, but stayed behind.

"Although I also want to date Ah Jing, let's lend him to my sister for now." Through the car window, looking at the familiar scenery outside, Yukinoshita Yukino replied, "After all, this is her It's the most missing thing right now."

"I hope that after today, her anxiety will be a little less." She sighed softly.

Yes, uneasy.

This is what Yukinoshita Yukino saw from her sister's performance yesterday.

There is a fundamental difference between Yukinoshita Yono and her, Kazusa, Chika and the others, that is, she is a college student, and she has much fewer opportunities to contact Yuanjing than other girls.

This was the source of her uneasiness.

The things she and Yuan Jing have experienced together are too little, so that Yang Nai can't even be sure whether Yuan Jing really likes her in his heart.

Although Yuan Jing has already decided to marry her, but in case, in case it is only out of his sense of responsibility, the young man actually has no love for him in his heart...

In this case, what should she do?

She didn't ask Yuanjing this question.

'do you love me or not? 'Such questions will make men feel bored. Yang Nai has seen many couples who broke up because of this, so naturally he will not follow these lessons.


In fact, she was also afraid of getting an affirmative answer from Yuanjing.

No, let alone an affirmative answer, even a little hesitation would be like a sharp arrow, shooting her heart full of holes.

In the past, the perfect superman who was not afraid of anything, turned out to be so weak in love.

This was something Yang Nai himself had never thought of.

It is precisely because he has no confidence in the emotional connection between the two that Yukinoshita Yono is so inclined to the physical relationship, so much so that it can even be said that he is a little 'belittled' himself.

If it develops into a relationship that desires each other's bodies...

Will the hearts between her and Yuanjing be able to get closer because of this?

"Well, anyway, if you want to date Ah Jing, there will be more opportunities in the future." Yukinoshita Yukino said so generously, "For now, I'd better focus on the final exam first, at least I have to go to the final exam." We got the place in Vienna."

She's actually pretty confident about it.

"However," looking away from the scenery outside the window, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Touma Kazusa sitting next to her with a slightly apologetic look, "Yang Nai is my sister, there is no need for you to talk to us at all. Together......"

"This is a little out of line, Yukino." Touma Kazusa said in a rather soft tone, "Whether it's you or Yangno, in my opinion, they are already my family."

Xue Nai was the one who helped her get out of the shadows with Ah Jing, and was her closest friend.

And Yang Nai also helped her a lot last Sunday...

They are all going to marry Yuanjing in the future, so it is only natural that they will take care of each other like this.

"Also," while saying this, Dongma Hesha's cheeks were slightly flushed, and a lustful light flashed in the eyes under the willow eyebrows.

This kind of expression appeared on her already extremely delicate face, and the complex posture in a short moment can be described as the most beautiful in the world, even making Yukino, who is also a beautiful girl, feel dull for a moment.

After experiencing what happened that day and being opened by Yuanjing, the feminine charm unique to mature women has begun to linger on her graceful body.

Like a carefully irrigated rose, Dongma Hesha began to become more and more beautiful.

"And even if it's a date, I don't have that kind of physical strength at all..." Touma Kazusa's voice was quite soft, and it could be seen that she was actually quite embarrassed.

After what happened last Sunday, Yuan Jing certainly didn't become a "sex monster" who loves women, but he will not deliberately avoid anything about this normal physiological needs.

So, whether it was Friday night or last night, Yuan Jing spent time with her in Hesha's room.

Yuanjing has actually learned to control his own desires.

Even if there is only one person as the 'opponent', he will not make it unbearable for the other party.

For him who has a proficiency panel, he will have an extremely amazing talent in everything.

This is naturally the same.

On the contrary, Touma and Sasa's side...

Because she already fell in love with Yuanjing, plus this is a time that may never be available in the future, and can be completely monopolized by her, as well as the taste and taste after tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time and wanting to let herself Lover satisfies competitiveness.

On the contrary, Touma and Sa became the one who demanded too much.

As for the result, it was naturally the same as what she just said.

She 'eats' too much.

Even now, Hesha's calf is still a little weak...

"Whisper!" Hearing her daughter's words, Touma Yoko, who was holding the steering wheel, whistled breathlessly.

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