However, as the student council president who counterattacked from the bottom of the school, Ging Guang, who has the ability to see through people's hearts, noticed something strange from the other party's micro expression——

"Did she just want to talk to me?" Such a question flashed across her mind, but Ningguang didn't delve into it.

No matter what kind of plans that person has, whether he really wants to have a talk with her or not, it is insignificant compared with what Ningguang is going to do now.

Rather, it was a great help for the other party to be able to leave so simply and neatly.

She has more important things to do, or in other words, this may be the most important thing in her life.

'Well, I have almost taken care of all the related students and teachers in the third grade. 'Lying back on the comfortable sofa in the student council president's office, feeling the pleasant softness, Ningguang narrowed his eyes slightly,'This may be the first time I feel from my heart that everyone is rich The people are so nice. '

'In the next words, there is only one person left who needs to get it done. '

After deliberating a little bit in his heart and thinking about the relevant wording, Ning Guang stood up from the sofa in the reception area and came to the exclusive seat of the student council president.

She turned on the computer on the table, and logged into the exclusive client of St. Eden Academy with the account number and password of the student council president.

Through this client, Ningguang can contact any faculty member of St. Eden Academy as the student council president.

She manipulated the keyboard extremely skillfully, and quickly wrote an email.

But in the column of the recipient's address, she typed a name that everyone is familiar with——

That is the head teacher of St. Eden Academy High School Class A:

Hiratsuka quiet.


The peerless beauty in a black dress stopped in front of the sign of St. Eden Academy, raised her hand to help her glasses on the bridge of her small nose.

Should it be said that she really deserves to be a great beauty? Even such a simple movement highlights a sense of beauty called intellectuality.

Just like many people who love reading in the world, Murasaki Shikibu is actually a bit short-sighted.

Her degree of myopia is not high, only about 100 degrees.

I belong to the group of people who are better off wearing glasses, but if they take them off, they don't really affect their daily life too much.

'Society Building...Society Building...Ah, found it. "What Murasaki Shikibu looked at was naturally a thumbnail of St. Eden Academy.

St. Eden Academy covers a very large area, which can be said to be about [-] times that of a general middle school, and it is completely comparable to universities such as the University of Tokyo or Waseda University.

If it is someone who has never been here before, it is very easy to get lost in this campus.

It is for this reason that St. Eden Academy will set up landmark signs at its important intersections. While presenting a bird’s-eye view thumbnail of St. Eden Academy, it will also mark its current location very intimately. s position.

This is what Murasaki Shikibu is looking at now.

"Qianhua told me that the club she and Jinger belonged to is in the corner of the second floor of the club building," Zishibu recalled in his heart, "As for the house number, I remember it is... 216?" '

Obviously, the Lamb Club founded by Yukinoshita Yukino is the destination of Murasaki Shikibu.

There, the activity record of the Lamb Society is stored, that is, the thing called the "Killing Case Book".

For Murasaki Shikibu, this book is a record book of club activities in which Yuanjing and the girls solve various incidents together, but it is quite a reference item.

And besides looking through this activity record, the club classroom of the Lamb Club is also the place planned by Murasaki Shikibu, where he and Yuanjing will meet again after many years.

She has already discussed with Qianhua, and has already obtained the key of this club classroom from Qianhua.

This is the first reunion after ten years, so it is natural to pay attention to it.

Even so, it would be too early to go now.

There are still about four hours before Yuanjing and the girls' lunch break.

This was not the negligence of Murasaki Shikibu, because during this period of time, there were other 'tasks'.

'what. Murasaki Shikibu sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, there is still no way to have a smooth conversation with the student council president..."

Ningguang was not mistaken, Zi Shibu really wanted to have a talk with her.

She is very likely to be the prototype of one of the characters in his new work. Of course, Zi Shibu wants to understand Lianguang, so as to dig deeper into her role.

Although Fujiwara Chika had already told her a lot about Ningguang, but this was only her own perspective after all, and quite a lot of extremely important content was missing.

For example, how Yuan Jing defeated Ning Guang who was the president of the student council without revealing his identity at that time, and what kind of relationship between the two has changed since then.

In addition, when the stock market blocked the Sigong Group, how did the two work together? When Ning Guang held such a large sum of money, what kind of thoughts did he have in mind, and what kind of emotional restraint did he rely on? Live up to the temptation to run away with the money.

In addition, there are many, many things that Zi Shibu wants to get answers from Ningguang.


It's all just 'thinking' after all.

Not to mention having a conversation with Ningguang, she couldn't even say a word to Ningguang completely.

In the end, she could only keep silent from beginning to end.

Obviously, when facing Minamoto Yorimitsu and the relatives of the Fujiwara family, he was able to speak very smoothly. Murasaki Shikibu even once thought that he would have no problem at all when facing "strangers".

But judging from his performance just now...

This is obviously just an unrealistic expectation.

Sure enough, just like when I was a child, I am still a "defective product" of the Fujiwara family...

Zi Shibu lowered his eyes, but he didn't show any sadness or weakness.

She had obviously been mentally prepared for this, and it could even be said that she was a little numb.

Whenever this time, she will envy the 'Guangyuan' in her writing.

After all, 'Guangyuan' has 'Ruozi', which can provide her with spiritual comfort and a safe haven to heal her.

If she also finds her 'Ruozi'...

Will things get better too?


Walking on the corridor of the club building, towards the branch room of the Lamb Club, Yuan Jing frowned slightly.

'Qianhua seemed to have some plans. '

He thought so in his mind.

The fact that the other party did not go to the club with him is proof.

This kind of thing actually happened on Tuesday last week, but Fujiwara Chika only did it for that day.

'I'm not happy about the Sunday thing without me! '

This is what Qianhua hopes to convey to him from this behavior.

However, today was completely different from last time.

Qianhua didn't show any dissatisfaction, but seemed...

Some expectations?

What is she expecting?

After getting closer to the room, Yuan Jing's ears moved slightly.

In the room, is there anyone?

But it doesn't sound like Yukino and Kaguya at all...

If so, is it the client?

This is a little strange when the final exam is approaching.

Yuan Jing stepped forward quickly, and pushed the door of the department room open at once.

The first thing he smelled was a faint fragrance very similar to orchids.

In the cramped classroom that was neatly tidied up by Qianhua and the others, a beauty in a black dress was sitting on a chair specially prepared for the client.

On the table in front of her was a very familiar notebook, and she was carefully turning the pages with her slender fingers.

Black bangs hung down on her snow-white forehead, and her long black hair hung down like tassels.

Because of the extremely fair skin, the hair, eyelashes and pupils look even more black and bright, as if they are shining with black light.

This is a peerless beauty full of intellectual beauty.

As if she heard the sound coming from the door, she raised her eyes from the text, and the moment she saw Yuan Jing, her originally elegant but indifferent expression instantly softened——

"Little guy, do you remember me?" She asked with a chuckle.

Chapter 32 The third big test and... Are you chasing me?

What will it be like to meet again after 10 years?

Long before today, Zi Shibu had actually made many assumptions in his mind.

The biggest possibility is that Yuan Jing didn't know her, but just regarded her as a strange stranger...

This is actually impossible.

After all, Yuan Jing had only met her once, and he was only an 8-year-old child at the time.

Even very good childhood playmates are often forgotten after a few years of separation, not to mention strangers who have only met once.

Moreover, compared with her at that time, the current Murasaki Shikibu has actually changed a lot.

In addition to fading youthfulness and becoming mature in appearance, her body, especially the "slime" on her chest, has also undergone considerable changes from her 10 years ago, and it can even be said to be almost completely It's two people.

Under the combined effect of these two factors, the possibility of Yuanjing not being able to recognize himself is quite high.

In fact, Murasaki Shikibu has long been mentally prepared for this.


But ah.

If Yuanjing really recognized him and was delighted at the reunion after ten years, wouldn't that mean that Yuanjing had a deep impression on him?

You see, even after a long time of baptism, even if things have changed, but at the moment of meeting each other, the two can be said to recognize who the other is at first sight.

Isn't this an extremely romantic plot that often appears in books?

Murasaki Shikibu is a 'literary girl' full of sensibility.

Although the rational part of the "mature adult" clearly understands that such a thing will never happen, the emotional part that "refuses to grow up" has some unrealistic expectations.

All these assumptions and expectations can finally have a definite answer today.

"Little guy, do you remember me?" When he said this, Zi Shibu's tone was extremely relaxed and freehand.

But at this moment, her heart was contrary to her tone of voice.

Uneasy, restless.

The complex emotions were messed up in such a mess, and the elegant and intellectual mask she had specially put on for today was also a little shaky because of this complex state of mind.

Purple-red eyes fixed on the boy's face, and Murasaki Shikibu tried to read Yuanjing's micro-expression to read his true inner thoughts.

This is one of the family traditions of the Fujiwara family, and it is a skill that every member of the Fujiwara family must learn.

Even a 'defective product' like her is the same.

It's just that Zi Shibu hasn't used this skill for a long time.

Because she has no need for this at all.

Since the completion of the Book Paradise, she no longer needs to contact strangers.

A wide variety of books met almost all her emotional needs.

The book is candid.

It neither hides nor deceives nor refuses.

As long as she wants, she can open them anytime and anywhere, and get a chance to communicate with them.

In the eyes of Murasaki Shikibu, books are undoubtedly more accessible and trustworthy than people.

If possible, Zi Shibu undoubtedly hopes that he can stay in the book paradise prepared by his grandfather for the rest of his life.

If there is no incident of breaking off friendship with Minamoto Raimitsu, which made her want to write an article to "equalize" her, and thus taste the joy of creation and bear the expectations of book fans, this is actually true. Happening with high probability.

But as we always say, in the real world—

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