No if.

Not surprisingly, Zi Shibu saw Yuan Jing's slightly wide eyes, which was a signal of surprise, indicating that he was obviously not prepared for today's meeting.

After asking the question, she was pleasantly surprised to see a little understanding flashed in the boy's eyes. Obviously, the boy had recognized her.

Originally, she hardly had any hope, but it turned into reality like this!

And then--

Murasaki Shikibu was a little confused to see that Yuan Jing's face showed a little respectful alienation.

"Is it Aunt Xiangzi?" She even heard a slight guard from this answer?

What the hell is this all about?

Rao Zi Shibu had already conceived a lot of situations for today's meeting, and had already made corresponding psychological preparations. Today's meeting was completely beyond her expectations, so that she was at a loss for a while. .

She was not a person who was particularly good at dealing with people. Such a situation beyond her imagination made her mind go blank for a while.

She didn't even refute the name 'Xiangzi' like she did to Minamoto Larimitsu, but just nodded subconsciously.

"It's really Aunt Xiangzi." Yuan Jing showed a polite smile, "Because I haven't seen her for almost ten years, I'm still a little worried that I've made a mistake."

After nodding to Zi Shibu, Yuan Jing came to his exclusive seat in the Lamb Club, pulled the seat away, and sat down very naturally, then opened the lunch box he was carrying, a pair of The look of getting ready for lunch.

He clearly recognized her, but he didn't show much. After greeting her politely, he started to do his own thing...

The meeting that Zi Shibu had been looking forward to for a long time and spanning 10 years, but the young man behaved extremely calmly, as if it was not a big deal at all.

His performance like this undoubtedly made Zi Shibu feel a little uncomfortable.

How should I put it, the precious gemstones that I cherish are just worthless gravel that can be seen everywhere in the eyes of others...

It is human nature to feel wronged and uncomfortable because of this, right?

Besides, why are you guarding me?Whether it was 10 years ago or just now, I didn't do anything worthy of your vigilance, right?

Murasaki Shikibu was a little puzzled by this.

The purplish red eyes looked at Yuan Jing who was closing his eyes, clasped his hands together and said "I'm starting" with some resentment, the already familiar "big girl" puffed up her mouth childishly, obviously thinking about it. stuffy.

Such a slightly 'pretentious' expression appeared on Murasaki Shikibu's body, but it didn't look artificial at all, it just made people feel innocent and cute.

Unfortunately, the only man in the room other than Murasaki Shikibu did not see this scene.

So, what is Yuanjing thinking in his heart at this time?

He was actually thinking in his heart at this moment——

"Why FGO again?"

It is inevitable that Murasaki Shikibu would be confused by Minamoto's attitude.

From her point of view, since Yuan Jing can recognize her, Yuan Jing must have been deeply impressed by the meeting 10 years ago.

Murasaki Shikibu regards Genke as one of his own.

This can be seen from her two completely opposite attitudes when facing Yuanjing and Ningguang.

Although she only met Yuan Jing once, but before that, she often heard from Minamoto Laiguang how cute her "adopted son" was, or what kind of genius he was, and so on. .

Her ears were calloused.

But after breaking up the relationship, Yuan Jing is still one of the most important characters in her writing, which is the prototype of 'Ruo Zi'.Murasaki Shikibu also specially asked the Fujiwara family to order a batch of "Wakashi" dolls based on the original scene in his mind.

It was in the company of these dolls that she spent a lonely day and night.

Therefore, in Zi Shibu's heart, Yuan Jing has always been by her side.

Yuanjing's status in her heart is actually comparable to that of Yuan Laiguang, both of whom are "extremely important people" to her.

By analogy, although I am definitely not the most important group of people in Yuanjing's heart, at least I shouldn't be so alienated, right?

But at Yuanjing, the situation is not like this.

The reason why he was able to recognize this "Aunt Xiangzi" was not because he was deeply impressed by the meeting ten years ago.

He did remember that meeting, after all, after that meeting, Minamoto Raimitsu's mood dropped down very obviously.

She will enter the Wanjian building to accept the trial shortly thereafter, and there must be some reasons for this.

However, saying it is 'remember' is actually just a vague impression.

It is obviously impossible to use these vague impressions to confirm that the person in front of me is that 'Fujiwara Kako', given that the other party has changed so much.

However, although he can't remember 'Fujiwara Koko' clearly, Yuan Jing still remembers the appearance and characteristics of 'Murasaki Shikibu' quite clearly.

Coupled with Chika Fujiwara's somewhat abnormal performance today, and the words that Murasaki Shikibu asked.

After connecting all these clues together, the true identity of this peerless beauty who has many overlapping elements with his adoptive mother Minamoto Yorimitsu is already ready to be revealed.

That is to say, unlike what Murasaki Shikibu thought, Yuan Jing did not rely on a deep impression, but deduced her true identity through deduction.

That's why he wasn't excited at all.

As for where those little vigilances come from...

This is actually pretty easy to explain.

Because in his previous life, 'Murashi Shikibu' was a character from the famous mobile game "Destiny Grand Designation", which is also the character in FGO that he has broken thoughts in his heart.

The current source scene has shadows for the characters from FGO.

It's not that he has any prejudice against FGO characters, it's just...

The world seems to like to use the characters in FGO as a 'pass' to test him.

For example, the "Cultural Festival Event" with Minamoto Larimitsu as the final boss, and the "British Exchange Student Event" with Arsalia Pendoragon as the mastermind...

After the baptism of these two events, Yuanjing will subconsciously maintain the necessary vigilance against the characters from the FGO world in this world, which is actually quite a matter of course.

Before Murasaki Shikibu appeared, Yuan Jing actually made corresponding guesses about what the next test event of the world would be.

He and the girls will go to Vienna, the art capital of the world, under the leadership of Shizuka Hiratsuka during the winter vacation.

It was also once the actual capital of the late Holy Roman Empire.

In Yuanjing's view, a character who can possess the two elements of 'art' and 'roman' at the same time can't be more obvious.

That is the Roman tyrant with the nickname "red saber", the emperor of the rose, Nero.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the possibility of this guess is not too great...

In fact, if Yuan Jing was allowed to choose, compared to Murasaki Shikibu, he actually hoped that the test he would face was Nero.

The purple Shikibu of this world is from the Fujiwara family, and obviously has a blood relationship with Fujiwara Chika.

In terms of age and seniority, Murasaki Shikibu should be Chika's... aunt?

Yuanjing speculated so.

The world is a butter world.

The so-called "test" of the world is actually a manifestation of its will.

These are some rules summarized by Yuanjing.

And what is the will of the world?

From the current point of view, I just hope that he can truly become the leading actor in this world.

If there is no pressure from Minamoto Raimitsu, he does not know when he will be able to open his heart to the girls.

If it wasn't for Artoria's interference, the girls don't know how long they would have to wait before they could truly become one with him.

From a male point of view, such a thing is not so much a 'test', but it is actually more like a benefit and temptation.

But now, the appearance of Murasaki Shikibu means that the next "test" has arrived. Obviously, this time is to test Yuanjing, whether he can get the approval of the Fujiwara family, so as to solve his most troublesome marriage contract.

For Yuan Jing who was still a little clueless, this was actually a really good thing. After all, no matter what, it meant that at least he had a good chance to achieve his goal.

But the problem is...

There is no morals in this butter world.

It has always carried out its duty as a 'butter world', and is trying so hard to make Yuanjing run in a very bad direction, and it doesn't care about any ethics at all.

After Yuan Jing defeated Yuan Laiguang, she was in an extremely fragile state physically and mentally at that time. It can be said that she could ask for anything from Yuan Jing and would not refuse any of his requests.

As long as Yuan Jing wanted to, he could completely turn this peerless beauty into his own.

After Yuanjing passed the test of Altria, he even held a large 1Vs7 'party' at the shrine, a place that is extremely sacred in people's hearts...

And what he is facing now is the test from Zi Shibu. Although it is not clear what the result will be like, one thing is certain.

That is, it is definitely not a 'serious' result.

To be honest, 10 wives is enough for Yuanjing, he is actually quite satisfied with it, and he doesn't want to increase this number.

Moreover, Zi Shibu should be Fujiwara Chika's aunt.

If he really became like that in the end, where would he have the face to meet Fujiwara Daichi again?

'In short, for the sake of safety, let's keep a certain distance first. '

Yuanjing thought so in his heart.

Meanwhile, Murasaki Shikibu——

'Such an abnormal performance, there is definitely a reason I don't know. '

'Watch me find it! '

She also made such a determination in her heart.

Chapter 33 Chika Fujiwara's "Small Thoughts" and "Ah~~"

"You said, your aunt is here?" Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Fujiwara Chika in surprise, "Is she in the activity room of our club now?"

After the fourth get out of class, Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya were going to the Lamb Club's room as usual to have lunch with the other two members.

But when the two walked up to the stairs together, they met a pink-haired girl who was already waiting there.

This changed from a two-person trip to a three-person trip.

"That's right!" Fujiwara Chika nodded, with a big smile on her face that both of them were quite familiar with.

"It's the first time I know that you, Qianhua, have an aunt." Qingshui Huiye said with great interest.She and Fujiwara Chika have known each other since elementary school, but Fujiwara Chika has never mentioned before that she even has an aunt.

"Ah, well, Kaguya, you don't know that it's actually very normal." Chika Fujiwara scratched her cheek lightly with her fingers, and then said vaguely, "Auntie's situation, to be honest, is a bit special."

"She was somewhat introverted and had been living a reclusive, hermit-like life."

"Since I was very young, I have been living in my hometown in Kyoto, and I rarely have contact with the outside world. It can be said that I am the eldest lady of the boudoir."

"Understood," Shimizu Kaguya nodded, "It's the completely opposite type of existence to Qianhua."

"Hey, Kaguya, what do you mean!"

Three beautiful girls with very different styles walked down the stairs talking and laughing.

"By the way, isn't Ah Jing with you, Qian Hua?" Xue Nai asked a little strangely.

"Not really." Qian Hua shook her head, "I let him go first."

"Huh?" Hui Ye looked a little strange, "I remember, didn't you just say that your aunt is introverted?"

"If that's the case, why did you let Ah Jing meet your aunt alone?"

"It's okay, Ah Jing is special." Chika Fujiwara shook her head, "It's not only true for us, but especially for my aunt."

At this time, the three of them just walked out of the teaching building.

They should have turned left and walked towards the club building, but Chika Fujiwara took a few steps forward quickly and walked in front of the two of them.

"It's still early, and there is still about an hour before the end of the lunch break."

"If you're not hungry, can you take a walk with me first?"

"I want to create some alone time for him and my aunt."

Turning to face her two friends, the girl with a smile as bright as the sun clasped her hands together and made a somewhat cute request.

"Of course, I will explain the reason well, about who my aunt is and what kind of entanglement she has with Ah Jing."

"I'll explain it to you right away, too."

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