"Of course, there are still some things to pay attention to in the process of contacting her."

"It's just," Qian Hua said with a little apology, "out of personal privacy considerations, I may not be able to say so clearly on some things."

"I hope you can forgive me for this."

Yukino and Kaguya looked at each other——

""Ok. ""

The two nodded together.


"Murashi Shikibu?!" Yukinoshita Yukino opened her mouth slightly, showing a rather obvious look of shock, "Is that the teacher Murasaki Shikibu I thought of?"

In addition to being shocked, her tone was also quite obviously agitated.

After all, she is also a fan of "The Tale of Genji" and a fan of Teacher Murasaki Shikibu.

It is undoubtedly a great surprise for Yukinoshita Yukino, who is a book fan, to be able to meet this mysterious author today.

Now the three of them are strolling in the courtyard of St. Eden Academy, which is still colorful and extremely beautiful even in winter, continuing the unfinished topic before.

"It should be the teacher Murasaki Shikibu you are thinking of." Fujiwara Chika nodded, "After all, that Murasaki Shikibu in history was already a figure more than 1000 years ago, and it is impossible to say that he is still alive... ..Bar?"

Her tone at the beginning was extremely firm, but when she said it to the end, she hesitated a little.

Yuan Jing did not hide the real identity of Artoria Pendragon from her, so the girls actually knew that the real identity of her good sister turned out to be the thousand-year-old who only existed in legends. King 500 years ago.

Since there is a precedent like Artoria, there is no possibility of Murasaki Shikibu's death... It seems that she can't say for certain?

However, Yuanjing also said that Artoria's survival is a miracle that cannot be replicated.

Moreover, while she is a king, she is also a peerless warrior. In history, Zi Shibu was just a female literati with no power to restrain a chicken. The gap between the two can be said to be a world of difference.

Looking at it this way, the possibility of the historical "Song Immortal" still surviving can be said to be almost zero.

Compared with the shocked Yukinoshita Yukino, Shimizu Kaguya is much calmer. Regarding the fact that Zishibu actually has an extraordinary relationship with the Fujiwara family, or that she is simply a member of the Fujiwara family, she actually thought about it before. over such a possibility.

After all, the Yukinoshita family is a young aristocrat who has not been established for a long time, and Yukino is not very sensitive to such things, so naturally he doesn't understand the so-called 'dignity of a big family' and the like.

[Purasala Shikibu] This name is one of the most important surnames in the history of Sakurajima literature, but it has always been regarded as the glory of the family by the Fujiwara family.

Without the permission of the Fujiwara family, how could someone have the guts to use it as their pen name?

Even if she did this, the editorial department and the publisher would not agree.

As an evergreen tree in Sakurajima's political circle, the Fujiwara family has such influence.

However, although Kaguya had already guessed that 'Murasaki Shikibu' was related to the Fujiwara family, but the other party turned out to be Fujiwara Chika's aunt, which was still beyond her expectation.

"Then what is your aunt's real name?" Kaguya asked curiously, "Is it Fujiwara Koko?"

These two names were not guesses by her.

Although the specific name of Murasaki Shikibu has not been handed down in history, according to textual research, people generally believe that the two most likely real names are Fujinoriko and Fujiwara Koko.

Maybe it was for this reason that Fujiwara Chika's aunt gave herself the pseudonym 'Usagi Shikibu'.

"It's Fujiwara Koko." Qianhua said with certainty, "This is what I want to tell you next."

"Although you already know my aunt's name, can you not use names that include 'Fujiwara' or 'Xiangzi'?"

"If possible, I hope that you will call her by [Mr. Purple] or [Shikibe Sensei] after meeting her." Both of these are the two most mainstream nicknames for her by her book fans.

"Don't think of her as a member of the Fujiwara family, but just as 'Purora Shikibu'."

"Please, this is really important."

This is what Fujiwara Chika said before, and I hope Kaguya and Yukino will "pay attention to things".

This note... seems a bit strange.

The initial shock and surprise dissipated slightly, and Yukinoshita Yukino asked cautiously, "Of course there is no problem, but have you told A Jing?"

"Seeing how solemnly you explained it, then the real name issue should be quite a minefield for Shikibu-sensei, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will step on thunder?"

"Ah, there is no problem with Ajing." Fujiwara Chika shook her head, and repeated again with great certainty, "If it is Ajing, even if she is called 'Aunt Xiangzi', she will never be angry because of it."

"It's better to say that my aunt is actually expecting him to call her by her name. If Ah Jing really calls her by that name, she will be quite happy instead."

"After all, this is the first reunion after 10 years."

""10 years? "" Yukino and Kaguya exclaimed in unison.

"That's right, 10 years." Chika Fujiwara affirmed, "That's why I hope to give the two of them more time alone."

Looking at the two people who showed increasingly puzzled expressions, Chika Fujiwara smiled, "Don't worry, I'll tell you what happened right now."


The girl is telling...

"So, Shikibu-sensei and Ajing's step-mother is Fa Xiao, and the reason why she used the name 'Murasaki Shikibu' is because she hopes to be equal to 'Minami Raimitsu'?" Yukinoshita Yukino showed a little stupefied expression.

"The reason why she broke up with Ah Jing's mother is also because of your marriage contract with Ah Jing and her inappropriate joke..."

Yukinoshita Yukino has met Minamoto Larimitsu and knows her attitude towards Yuanjing.

She didn't doubt the authenticity of this matter at all, because Minamoto Raimiko was so persistent to Yuanjing.

"Since they are two people of equal status, they should naturally be addressed as 'equal'," Xue Nai nodded, expressing her understanding.


"But it only explains why Shikibe-sensei used the pen name [Murica Shikibu], but it doesn't explain why she hates the name [Fujiwara Koko]." Kaguya expressed the doubts in Yukino's heart.

As someone who had abandoned the surname 'Sinomiya', Kaguya Shimizu knew quite well how much he had to hate his own name to make such a name a taboo.

Unlike the Shinomiya family, although the Fujiwara family is definitely not that kind of paradise on earth, the atmosphere of the family is not bad at all.

To make Murasaki Shikibu feel so disgusted with his real name...

"Did something happen?" She looked at Qianhua curiously.

"Ah, on this point," Fujiwara Chika crossed her two index fingers together, made a "?" gesture, and put it on her mouth, "This involves my aunt's privacy, so... ..."

"I can't say it," she said in an apologetic voice.

In fact, she doesn't know much, it is after all the things of her previous generation.

However, from her father Fujiwara Daichi and uncle Fujiwara Asuka, she heard some things sporadically, and had some vague guesses.

The reason why Fujiwara Chika contacted her aunt was actually to get help from her loving aunt, so as to reduce the resistance that Yuan Jing encountered when facing the Fujiwara family.

At that time, she actually didn't know the entanglement between her aunt, Yuan Jing and Yuan Laiguang.

This is what Murasaki Shikibu told her later.

After that, Chika Fujiwara had a new idea.

Especially after discovering that her aunt's doll resembles Yuan Jing...

My aunt has a heart knot, which is why she hates her name so much.

Fujiwara Chika is quite aware that her aunt is different from the rest of the Fujiwara family, and is actually a rather indifferent person.

There are very few characters who can touch her heart.

Besides the Fujiwara family, there may be only Minamoto Yorimitsu and Minamoto.

Zi Shibu loved Qianhua, his niece, very much, and treated her like his own daughter.

Although there are not many opportunities to meet each other, Fujiwara Chika also likes her aunt very much, she is a very 'fraternity' kind of person.

Of course, she didn't want Zi Shibu to be bound by the shadow of the past like this, and hoped that she could untie the knot that had been stuck in her heart for quite a long time.

She hopes Yuanjing can do this.

In this way, not only can he help his aunt, but it can also be said to be a great achievement for the Fujiwara family. He's over there.

Isn't everyone happy?

Fujiwara Chika didn't doubt Yuanjing's ability to do this.

So far, her sweetheart has not let her down.

The only problem that could happen is-

In the process of Yuan Jing helping Zi Shibu to untie his heart knot, will his aunt feel affection for him and produce some bad emotions...

Fujiwara Chika knows exactly how attractive Yuanjing is to the opposite sex.

Moreover, this kind of situation of extending a helping hand to the opposite sex is the easiest to touch people's hearts and make women emotional.

She herself fell into the trap because of this method, so she naturally knew it quite clearly.

But even with such worries, Fujiwara Chika is not prepared to hinder this process, or to warn her aunt or something.


She didn't want Zi Shibu to continue suffering like this.

Care more about the happiness of others than your own.

This is Chika Fujiwara.


Meanwhile, in the chambers of the Lamb Society,

Looking at Minamoto who was enjoying his lunch in an orderly manner, Murasaki Shikibu was a little uneasy.

Although she has already made up her mind to find out the reason for Yuanjing's abnormal behavior, but she is still a little confused about how to do it.

In short, there must be dialogue.

But Murasaki Shikibu's conversation ability can only be described as tragedy.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out at all, and she didn't know what to say.

Just when she was a little impatient——

"Aunt Xiangzi, have you had lunch?" Yuan Jing seemed to have misunderstood Zi Shibu's gaze, and he said, "If not, would you like me to give you some?"

Murasaki Shikibu couldn't help but glance at Yuan Jing's chopsticks.

Because it is being used by a teenager, its tip is slightly crystal clear.

Is this going to be used to play "ah~~"?

Chapter 34 Let's call it 'everything goes well'?

Murasaki Shikibu, of course, hadn't had lunch yet.

This morning, except for a little time to draw in the student union office, she has been staying in the room of the Lamb Club.

In the process of reading the "Murder Case Book" basically written by Yukino, she will also write some small essays inspired by the incidents in the notebook she carries with her.

The whole morning passed quietly in this process of reading, writing, and writing. If she hadn't set the alarm clock on her mobile phone in advance, she might still be immersed in her own world when Yuanjing pushed the door open. .

In that case, isn't there no way to arrange the pose in advance?

For Murasaki Shikibu, this farewell is extremely important, and she naturally wants it to be perfect.

It's a pity that things didn't seem to go as she wished...

Of course, this does not mean that Murasaki Shikibu has no lunch this afternoon.

The high-ranking Fujiwara Daichi is actually a very thoughtful person. Naturally, it is impossible for him to commit such a thing as forgetting to prepare lunch for his sister and starving her.

This was the first time that Zi Shibu had voluntarily left Kyoto after many years, even when they had given up hope, although it was not clear what made her make such a decision.but......

If there is a change, that is the greatest good thing.

This is the 'miracle' they have been hoping to happen to Murasaki Shikibu.

Things couldn't get any worse anyway, could they?

But the problem is, Murasaki Shikibu's lunch is at Chika's.

During the lunch break, Fujiwara Chika will bring her and Murasaki Shikibu's bento to the Lamb Club's activity room. As for whether Murasaki Shikibu will eat with the members of the Lamb Club or eat alone after the lunch break, that's all See what she means.

This is what Fujiwara Daichi thought.

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