But not Chika Fujiwara.

She is now dawdling in the courtyard with Yukino and Kaguya, and wants to create some solitary space between her aunt and Yuan Jing.

Fujiwara Chika naturally knew that her aunt had communication difficulties.

Yuan Jing is a person of special significance to my aunt.

It is precisely because she attaches too much importance to Yuan Jing, it might be even more difficult for her to open her mouth.

In this case, a suitable topic entry point is needed.

Like, uh...

An inadvertently growling stomach?


"No need, I'm not hungry." After casting a somewhat covert glance at Chao Yuanjing's bento box, and after his gaze hovered over the boy's chopsticks for a moment, Murasaki Shikibu showed a rather elegant smile.

Of course she didn't think Yuan Jing wanted to play feeding play with her.

Moreover, she would not do such a thing with Yuan Jing.

In fact, the reason why she subconsciously thought of "Ah~~" just now was also because she thought of an extremely common scene in "New Genji Tale".

In "The Tale of Genji", the "Guangyuanshi", who was resolute and resourceful on the outside, foiled countless conspiracies, is actually a "half useless person" who "opens his hands with clothes and mouth with food".

The 'virtuous helper' who manages the affairs of the mansion is naturally Ruozi who was brought to the mansion by her since she was 8 years old and raised as a 'child foster husband'.

For Guangyuan, enjoying Ruozi's "feeding" every day, while complaining about the people and things she saw today, while teasing her "little husband", can be said to be one of her most pleasant times.

However, when Ruozi grows up, she will be the one being molested...

In her book, 'Guangyuanshi' and 'Ruozi' are husband and wife, so naturally they can do whatever they want.In the end, these are just 'boudoir pleasures'.

But in the real world, she is Qianhua's aunt, and Yuanjing is Qianhua's husband. She is only Yuanjing's "aunt" at best.

All Murasaki Shikibu hoped was to get materials from Genkei.

She didn't want, nor was she prepared to develop a special relationship with Yuanjing with the feelings beyond that.

Otherwise, how would he face Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Chika?

'Although Mr. Yuan is the prototype of Ruozi, they are two different people, and they must not be confused! ' Zi Shibu warned himself in his heart.

But just at this time...


A rather slight, but real, slightly weird sound just hit the air in the Lamb's room, causing ripples in circles.

And the person who made this 'strange sound' couldn't be Yuan Jing who was having lunch.

This sound is actually very soft, and generally speaking, it is not likely to be heard by outsiders, but it is a pity——

Yuan Jing is no ordinary person.

And this, Zi Shibu naturally also knows.

Almost at the same time, the bright color dyed her fair cheeks, and the purple-red eyes even became a little crystal clear, with a little bit of water.

Reading and writing is actually a very brain-consuming thing. In order to ignite the spark of inspiration, it must be supplied with a lot of sugar as fuel.

Because of this reason, Murasaki Shikibu is actually quite fond of sweets, and is a [-]% dessert lover.

After more than ten years, eating desserts while reading and writing has become a subconscious habit for Murasaki Shikibu.

She did this all the time in her hometown in Kyoto.

But the problem is that this is not the Fujiwara ancestral house in Kyoto, but St. Eden Academy in Tokyo. There are no servants of the Fujiwara family who can offer her various desserts anytime and anywhere.

When she was reading and writing, she was immersed in the world of words; while waiting for Yuanjing to arrive, tension and anticipation occupied her mind...

Therefore, Murasaki Shikibu has not been aware of the fact that the sugar in his body has been exhausted this morning.

But after seeing Yuanjing's pretty colorful bento and smelling the fragrance of rice quietly wafting in the air, her body began to automatically make a sound of protest.

They need some kind of sweet treat right now!

That's where this little 'grunt' sound comes from.

'My image of a mature and reliable elder! ' Zi Shibu couldn't help crying in his heart.

Mature, reliable, calm, and elegant—this is actually the image Murasaki Shikibu wants to create in Yuan Jing's heart.

For this reason, she even specially set the alarm clock and made relevant psychological preparations.

In the end it turned out like this...

Ahhh, why is it so difficult!

Murasaki Shikibu felt a little discouraged.

She turned her head rather resignedly, and stopped looking at Yuanjing.

Anyway, it has become like this now, so you can laugh if you want to!

Sure enough, I shouldn't have left Kyoto in the first place...

Murasaki Shikibu's remorse did not last long.

Soon, a sweet, sweet smell that made people feel happy penetrated into her nose, stimulating her body fluid.

A slender hand appeared in front of her, and what was held on it——

“Matcha Daifuku!”

Murasaki Shikibu couldn't help blurting out.

"Aunt Xiangzi is from Kyoto, right?" Now there are only two people in the Lamb Club's room, so of course only Yuanjing can present this dessert to her.

"I heard that the matcha Daifuku in Kyoto is very famous. Can you try my work and see if there is room for improvement?"

Looking at Murasaki Shikibu with a childlike expression on his face, Yuan Jing said so in a slightly smiling tone.

Although he is physically mature, he still retains the innocence and purity of a young girl in spirit. Such a huge contrast makes Zishibu exude a kind of personality that is completely different from other girls, full of contradictions and temptations. Charm.

Although I have decided to keep a certain distance from Murasaki Shikibu, I just ignored the voice just now and just continued to make her hungry...

He can't do that either.

After all, the other party is Qianhua's aunt, her mother's former friend.

After marrying Qianhua, according to seniority, he should still call her 'aunt'.

As for where the 'Matcha Daifuku' in Yuanjing's hand came from...

In this regard, Murasaki Shikibu should also thank Artoria.

The current Artoria did not move into Yuanjing's house.

She said before that she will not become Yuan Jing's wife until Yuan Jing has settled down with Shijo Ma, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai and others.

Moreover, if Yuanjing took Artoria to his home so soon, the Shijo family might suspect that the previous incident was directed and acted by Yuanjing himself, and some unnecessary twists and turns would arise.

Therefore, after leaving the house of the Shijo family, Arturia directly moved into the villa of the Sawamura family, and temporarily lived with Sayuri, Eiriri, and Mashiro.

In order to satisfy the appetite of this 'foodie girlfriend', Yuanjing began to get used to carrying some homemade snacks with him, which was convenient for 'feeding'.

Because of this, he was able to take out the matcha Daifuku in front of Zi Shibu.

When he asked Zi Shibu if he was hungry before, he actually planned to use these snacks to temporarily fill her stomach.

"If that's the case, then I'll taste it for now." Saying this, Zi Shibu's right hand grabbed the matcha Daifuku very quickly, and put it into the cup without hesitation. in the mouth.

Now that Yuan Jing has already found an excuse for her, then she will not recklessly disappoint the other party's good intentions.

"(〃'▽'〃)~" Soon, a melting expression appeared on Murasaki Shikibu's face.

It seems that this matcha daifu is quite to her liking.

"By the way, there is this one, can you please taste it as well?" Yuan Jing carried with him, of course, it is impossible to only have a matcha Daifuku, which cannot satisfy Artoria, a big eater.

"Wow, Baumkuchen!"

"and this......"

"You also have yuzu yokan?"


With an extremely happy smile on his face, Zi Shibu stuck out a small lilac tongue, and licked his palm regretfully.

The bright red tip of the tongue slid across the white palm, leaving behind sparkling traces...

Yuan Jing quietly looked away.

What happened in the shrine that Sunday, while giving him great benefits, also opened the floodgate in his heart called 'desire'.

After realizing how wonderful the relationship between men and women is, it is difficult for Yuan Jing to maintain the mentality of having no desires and no desires like a fairy.

This of course does not mean that he has become a satyr.

It can only be said that Yuan Jing has become a 'normal adult male'.

The corners of Murasaki Shikibu's mouth curled up, a little smugness flashed past.

This can be regarded as a slight recovery... right?

After what happened just now, the tension in her heart had disappeared without a trace, and she finally became natural.

"I haven't seen you for 10 years, Yuan-kun." Zi Shibu smiled generously at Yuan Jing, it wasn't the 'elegant and noble' smile that she pretended to be before, her expression was much more natural now.

"I'm glad you recognized me, but right now I prefer the name 'Murashi Shikibu' to Aunt Koko."

"This is my pseudonym."

"If you can, I hope you can call me 'Shikibu-sensei'." Murasaki Shikibu blinked at Yuanjing, "Of course, if you want to, it's actually fine to call me 'Zibu-sister'. It's my privilege for you."

"Sister Zi." Yuan Jing shouted so simply.

"Eh." Murasaki Shikibu responded.

Her eyes turned into two curved crescent moons, and she appeared to be in a very good mood.

"The reason why I came to Tokyo is actually because of Chika." Zi Shibu said without any concealment. She needs to let Yuanjing clearly understand the contribution of Fujiwara Chika, "She hopes that I can come forward to reduce your presence The pressure on the Fujiwara family."

"Of course I can do this, but all of this is conditional." She stroked the glasses on the bridge of her nose with her little finger, and her deep purple eyes looked sharply at Yuanjing, "Qianhua can do it." If something like this happens, then it proves that you really love each other."

"The giving of love is a two-way street. It's impossible to let only her give, right?"

Yuan Jing nodded, "What do I need to do?"

He was obviously mentally prepared for this, so he asked Zi Shibu.

"Well," Murasaki Shikibu rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and then asked, "Gen-kun, have you read "The Tale of Genji"? It's not the new work I wrote, but the original work written in the Heian era .”

"Have you seen it?"

Yuan Jing shook his head.

He didn't have much interest in Sakurajima's classical literature, and naturally he hadn't read "The Tale of Genji".

"Okay, then I will give you a homework first." Murasaki Shikibu said, "After school today, I will send the full set of "The Tale of Genji" to your home."

"You need to read them all and write me a review."

"I won't ask for the number of words, but it must contain true feelings, and don't fool me with empty words."

"Well, this is a very simple task, right?"

Chapter 35 'Me' as a Freak (4.5k)

"Mr. Dadi, I never expected that you would personally deliver the books." Standing in front of the gate of his own villa, Yuan Jing said so in surprise.

Fujiwara Daichi holds a high position in the Sakurajima government and has countless things to do every day. He is a very busy person.

It's just a trivial matter like sending books. Logically speaking, the Fujiwara family only needs to send a few servants. There is no reason for him to condescend?

"It's okay." Fujiwara Daichi shook his head.

At this moment, the tall arches of the villa and the ginkgo trees on both sides of the road have been stained with the glory of the setting sun.

In this vermilion and golden light overflowing like waves, Fujiwara Daichi solemnly handed over a slightly old wooden box in his arms to Yuanjing.

His side face dyed with the afterglow of the evening sun looked a little dignified, as if with a hint of melancholy.

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