"[Wife Visiting Marriage] is actually a rather ancient form of marriage, with extremely strong maternal social characteristics." Murasaki Shikibu spoke eloquently about this, obviously having done a lot of related research.

"At the beginning of this marriage system, the constraints on both parties were actually very loose. The man can have multiple visits, and the woman can also have multiple visits, so it is difficult to attribute it to 'monogamy. "Polyandry" or "polygamy" is actually a variant of group marriage in primitive society."

"Under this system, children have to live with the woman, and it is often easy to 'know only the mother but not the father'. In this way, a family model in which the mother is the 'head of the family' is formed, which is also a The embodiment of its maternal social characteristics."

"But as we all know, almost all systems, when they are decaying, will be very different from the purpose they were established at the beginning." Zi Shibu said with some emotion, "And the Heian era where the song fairy lived was [Visiting Wife and Marriage] The end of the system."

"At that time, this system of [Wife-Visiting Marriage] with a strong maternity social color had broken away from the original form in which both men and women could not be bound by marriage, and had become a unilateral requirement for women to be monogamous, but for women A marriage institution that covers the chaotic private lives of men, which is the background of the society in which it operates.”

"Writing this kind of article mainly describes the relationship between men and women under such a general background, naturally there is no way to expect any good ending for the women in it, there is no doubt about it."

Just like "Dream of Red Mansions", the women in "The Tale of Genji" basically ended up with a bad end, and it can be said that there are very few people who can achieve a good ending in the general sense.

Murasaki Shikibu actually understands Yuanjing's mood quite well, and will feel sorry for other people's tragedies, which is a very important quality.

"However, if that's the case, there's absolutely no need to avoid Qianhua and the others, right?" Looking at Yuanjing who was keeping silent, Zi Shikibu tapped his cheek with his finger, and said in a playful tone:

"Let me see, if I'm not wrong..."

"Jing'er, you should have seen your own shadow on the Guangyuanshi, right?"

After saying this, Zi Shibu's extremely clear purple eyes stared closely at the boy's handsome face, not letting go of any detail of expression on his face.

She saw a little melancholy on the boy's face, and finally...

He nodded.

This is why Murasaki Shikibu will give "The Tale of Genji" to Yuan Jing, let him read it, and write down his impressions.

It's not because "The Tale of Genji" is her favorite book that is also of great significance to her, but she feels that this book can bring some inspiration to Yuanjing.

"There are still disputes among scholars about the historical song fairy's views on the [Guangyuanshi] in his works, and the emotions she placed on this protagonist, so I will just talk about my views here. "

The topic went quite smoothly, which made Zi Shibu feel a little relieved in his heart.

To be honest, after these two days of contact, she is actually very worried about her unreliable performance in front of Yuanjing, showing her "useless adult" side.

Fortunately, this kind of "unreliable" will only be manifested in small things, such as the current "first-class one" big things, and there are no unexpected circumstances to add to her troubles.

"I personally think that Guangyuanshi is a "perfect male" created by the song fairy under the social environment and conditions she was in at that time, integrating the literary works she had read and the men she had come into contact with. image."

Murasaki Shikibu began to talk about the words that had been smoldering in her heart for quite a long time.

This is the first time she has shared her inner thoughts with others.

Her brothers are not interested in "The Tale of Genji", and she doesn't want to listen to the knowledge and feelings that are just hearsay.

As for Minamoto Yorimitsu...

She has no interest in such classical literature.

Of course, because of the "New Tale of Genji" written by her, many people in the literary world, especially those who study "The Tale of Genji", have said some sour and eccentric words. I don't understand this great book.

At least not without them.

They hope that Murasaki Shikibu can respond to these words, and hope that his super popularity can bring them a prominent reputation.

It's a pity that Zi Shibu didn't bother to pay attention to them.

She is used to being rejected by others, and she doesn't long for the affirmation and approval of these people.

'What are you, why do I have to be recognized by you? '

'Sakurajima's literary world has no right to honor me! '

This is what Murasaki Shikibu thinks in his heart.

But if it was Yuanjing, Murasaki Shikibu's attitude would naturally be quite different.

Because he is one of the few people she cares about the most...

"He is naturally handsome, and it can even be said that he has reached the category of [Monstrous Omen]. Even the maid of the Honghui Palace who killed his biological mother and is at odds with him will be in a daze when seeing his appearance."

"In addition to this amazing beauty, he is also knowledgeable and versatile." Speaking of this, Zi Shibu took a look at Yuan Jing, with a smile on his face, "Is he very similar to someone?"

"You think so, Jing'er?"

After teasing Yuanjing a little, and avenging his boss for seeing his embarrassment, Zi Shibu's face became slightly solemn.

What she has to say next is the highlight.

"After all, the focus of "The Tale of Genji" is still on the relationship between men and women. In addition to these external conditions, the song fairy also endowed Guangyuan with a very important quality, that is——"


The extremely pleasant voice of Zi Shibu echoed leisurely in the room of the Lamb Club, spreading out circles of ripples.

In this small room where only she and Yuanjing existed, she spoke words that sounded absurd with a very serious expression.

"The meaning of [lust] here is actually quite different from what I said now." Zi Shibu explained, "Specifically speaking, it means [don't distinguish between many women based on your own likes and dislikes, Instead, treat them kindly based on their strengths.”

"I've said it before, what kind of era did the song fairy live in? After all, she lived in the Heian period, and it is impossible for her to surpass the gender concept of her era."

"The [virtue] she can give Genji can only be Genji's unwavering patience with women from different backgrounds and women of different status, and this [virtue] is the last period of 'wife visitation and marriage'. A hope for restless women to find stability in their love affairs."

"Or, extravagant hope." Zi Shibu sighed softly, "In that era, they no longer expected too much."

"In the world of "The Tale of Genji", or in the polygamous society of the nobles of the Heian Dynasty, the sincerity of a man is not reflected in his loyalty to his wife, and they cannot be loyal to his wife."

"Their sincerity is reflected in their [honesty] to their wives."

"To wives, especially cohabiting wives, to disclose their relationship with other women, so as to show that they have nothing to hide. This is enough to call it a [virtue]."

"On the female side, [jealousy] should be moderately expressed in the relationship between men and other women."

Put your elbows on the table, and prop up your head with both hands, so as to smooth out the difference in height between the two as much as possible, so as to achieve a certain level of eye-level effect.

Murasaki Shikibu's purple eyes that seemed to be shining were intertwined with the boy's dark eyes like this:

"This way of getting along..."

"Jing'er, you should be familiar with it, right?"

"...Of course." Yuan Jing's voice was a little hoarse.

How could he be a stranger?

After all, that's how he gets along with girls.

What he said before, being able to see his own shadow in the body of 'Guangyuanshi', its root lies here.

"So, the reason why sister Zi asked me to go back to read "The Tale of Genji", is she actually using this to condemn me?"

Zi Shibu is Fujiwara Chika's aunt, so he naturally has such a position.

By asking her to read related books and using the stories in the book to covertly express her dissatisfaction and beat her up, this is also quite in line with her status as a 'literary girl'.

"Of course, I'm quite dissatisfied with your Huaxin. If you don't want your future to be the same as that of Guangyuan in the book, then quickly cut off contact with other women and have a good time with Qianhua for a lifetime... ..”

"If I were just Qianhua's aunt, I should say that."

"But I'm not."

"I'm [Purora Shikibu]." She declared so dignifiedly in front of Yuan Jing.

This is also the first time she said this name today.

"Jing'er, let me ask you, did Zi Shibu want to criticize him when he worked so hard to create the 'Guangyuan' in his pen, creating the perfect image of a man in her mind?" Zi Shibu asked rhetorically.

"I don't think so."

"What she entrusts to Guangyuanshi is actually her expectation for a man, or for a husband that she can no longer obtain."

"'What kind of image will my husband look like?' With this in mind, she can be said to have tried her best to create the image of 'Guangyuan' and wrote about his joys and sorrows. "

"That's how I see it."

"Murashi Shikibu didn't condemn 'Light Source', so I won't condemn you either."

This is her answer as the 'Purple Shikibu'.

"However, 1000 years have passed, and it is no longer the Heian period." Yuan Jing was not relieved by Murasaki Shikibu's statement, he looked at the peerless beauty in front of him, "At that time, Murasaki Shikibu would not condemn 'Light source', but what about the modern Murasaki Shikibu?"

"Interesting." The corner of Murasaki Shikibu's mouth showed a sarcasm smile, "In your opinion, today, thousands of years later, the upper class of Sakurajima is much better than the Heian era?"

"How is this possible?"

No matter how decadent the "wife-visiting marriage" popular in the Heian period was, the characteristics of a maternity society still cannot be erased.

However, the modern Sakurajima has become a completely patriarchal society.

On the one hand, it is 'acting in a symbolic way', and on the other hand, it is 'not acting at all'.

It is self-evident which side is more severe.

"The story between you and them is quite special in my opinion." Zi Shibu's eyes flashed with longing, "Whether it is you or the girls who are in love with you, they are actually trying to keep this relationship pure and flawless ..."

"In my opinion, this is an extremely rare case, and it is also the fundamental reason why I left my hometown and came here."

"I have developed a strong interest in the stories between you and them. I am eager to witness your stories with these eyes. Based on this, I can write "Genji" that is not the song fairy, but truly belongs to me. Story."


Murasaki Shikibu smiled at Genke.

This is a very bright smile full of expectation and kindness.

It seems that the wife is nagging her husband, and it seems that the mother is telling her children——

"Life is short, let's fall in love!"

Chapter 41 This is actually a novel with a single heroine (confirmed)!

"...If it could be that simple, it would be great." After hearing Murasaki Shikibu's suggestion, Yuan Jing sighed softly.

"Eh, really?" Zi Shibu looked a little surprised, she thought for a while, and then said, "Are you referring to the Fujiwara family and the Shijo family? I may not be able to help you with the Shijo family." I'm busy, but if it's the Fujiwara family..."

"It's not them." Yuan Jing shook his head.

"The Shijo family, the Fujiwara family, the shackles of the law, the opinions of the world...all of these, I actually have the confidence to solve them." Yuan Jing was sure of this.

In the final analysis, what he was worried about had never been external resistance.


"However, I did not give them the certainty of happiness."

This is what worries Yuanjing the most.

It was also something he didn't want Qianhua and the others to know.

"Sister Zi, Qianhua should have told you about the past, and you have already read the "Murder Case Book"," Yuan Jing glanced to the side, the notebook written by Yukino was quietly Lying down on the right side of Murasaki Shikibu, "Then, you should know what I looked like before."

"Ah, of course I know." Murasaki Shikibu narrowed his eyes, and she seemed a little happy that Yuan Jing was able to open up and talk to her, "'A lone ranger who doesn't want to get involved with anyone', right?"

"It's almost like this." Yuan Jing nodded, "So, for a long time, I was actually the one who was passively pursued."

"I understand." Murasaki Shikibu said clearly, "That is to say, the role you played before is actually more like [Kaguya Hime] than [Guangyuanji]. Am I right?"

"...If possible, I still hope to use a more masculine character. However, thinking about it now, I seem to be like this at the time." Yuan Jing hesitated to speak, and finally admitted——

"Yes, that's right, I was 【Kaguya Hime】at that time."

"Kaguya Ji is the princess on the moon. She doesn't want to marry a mortal at all, so she sincerely made things difficult for the people who came to ask for marriage, and set five problems for the five suitors."

"The stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the jade branch from Penglai, the fur of the fire mouse, the beads on the dragon's head, and the swallow's son Amber... These five treasures are rare in the world, and none of her suitors can solve the problem she set up. Therefore, Kaguya Hime was able to reject their marriage proposal, in order to preserve her purity."

"But..." Yuan Jing took a look at Murasaki Shikibu who was listening patiently, "But in my place, things didn't develop according to the story of "Bamboo Tori Monogatari"."

"Sister Zi, I want to ask you, if the suitors of Kaguya Ji are not coveting her beauty and reputation, but really fall in love with her; If it's solved..."

"What is Kaguya Hime going to do? She has to keep her promise and just marry those five people at the same time?"

This is what Yuanjing encountered before.

Qianhua, Yukino, Hesha, Ai... They solved the difficult problem deliberately set by Yuanjing, melted the thick ice in his heart, and broke into his heart just like that.

"I actually thought about it in my heart for a very, very long time, and finally decided to bear the burden of everyone's future." Yuan Jing didn't wait for Murasaki Shikibu's answer, so he replied by himself.

This is something only he can decide.

This is something he has already decided on.

He does not need the advice or support of others in such matters.

no way.

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