"It was also at this moment that I was no longer 'Kaguya Hime'." Looking directly into Zi Shibu's eyes, Yuan Jing said firmly.

"Papa papa." Zi Shibu raised his hands and applauded softly.

"Determination is good." Her deep purple eyes narrowed slightly, and she praised so much, "If you need to rely on others to make such a decision, I will be very disappointed."


"Only these are not enough." Zi Shibu had a thorough understanding of Yuanjing's current psychology.

She is quite good at seeing through the hearts of others, but she just can't empathize with her.

"Happiness is actually a very broad concept. Although it has a certain relationship with material and external conditions, the most important thing is actually the inner emotions." She said with a smile——

"am I right?"

"Of course." Yuan Jing nodded frankly.

"If my identity is still 'Kaguya Princess', if I am someone who will leave eventually, then that's fine."

"Anyway, I won't accept the last one, so naturally there is no way for them to have disputes with each other. Maybe because of the same goal, they will become very good friends instead."

This is also an important reason why Yuanjing's harem group lived in harmony with each other and enjoyed themselves before this.

"But after I gave up the identity of 'Kaguya', everything changed."

"Now that the worry of not being able to be with me is gone, everyone naturally starts to care about my place in my heart."

"Especially..." Yuan Jing hesitated a little, "Especially after what happened at the shrine."

"About the shrine..." Yuan Jing would take the initiative to bring up the shrine, which surprised Murasaki Shikibu, "What happened to the shrine?"

"That's something that almost all men yearn for. Seeing what you mean, it seems that you feel a little regretful?"

"Regret...that's not true." Yuan Jing denied, "I almost never regret it, because the emotion of regret is useless at all."

"What happened in the shrine is naturally quite refreshing for men, but..."

"But for Qianhua, Yukino and Ai, this is not the case."

A wry smile appeared on the boy's face.

"It's hard to make the other party fall in love with their lover, but when they don't know it, they are snatched up by a few people who didn't expect it at all..."

"For them, this is simply a nightmare..."

What happened in the shrine was a mistake.

Not that it shouldn't happen.

Between a man and a woman, in addition to the spiritual mutual understanding and love, the physical mutual desire and lust are actually an extremely important part. Only the combination of the two is the so-called "love".

The reason why it is said to be a mistake can be summed up in a sentence by Chika Fujiwara, which is——

Why don't you invite them if you want to have a silver party?

"There is no doubt that for Qianhua, Yukino and Ai, the shrine's affairs are unfair, and it can definitely be called a kind of injury."

"Even the most magnanimous Qianhua expressed her dissatisfaction afterwards."

This refers, of course, to her 'troubleshooting' that lasted all day on Tuesday.

"Their dissatisfaction only lasted for one day. Before I made a move, they adjusted their mentality. When facing me, they became the same as before."

"It's as if nothing happened before..."

"Obviously, such a situation is anomalous."

Yuan Jing's brows were wrinkled, obviously, this was what he was most worried about.

"Everyone is too [sensible], [sensible] to the extent that I am a little surprised."

"You don't need to bother coaxing me, I can adjust it myself, so—"

"Please don't get bored with me by this, please don't leave me by this."

"Although they didn't say it, there is no doubt that they are thinking so in their hearts."

"I already understand what you mean." The topic has reached this point. If you still don't understand what is most worrying in the boy's heart and also troubles him the most, how can Zi Shibu not understand?

"Simply put, are you afraid that everyone will wrong you?"

"Obviously my heart is very hurt, but in order not to make you feel bored, in order not to lose your love, I have to force myself by acting like I'm fine..."

"Is that what you're worried about?"

This is also impossible, because...

The status of the girls and Yuan Jing has always been extremely unequal.

For a long time, between the two sexes, Yuan Jing played the role of "Kaguya Hime", the so-called "pursuant", more like the "woman" in the relationship between the sexes.

And Qianhua and the others are the so-called 'suitors', and they are playing [the man].

This gender inversion has been going on for too long, so that everyone has already had such a relationship.


After all, Yuanjing is not the [woman].

After he decided not to be 【Kaguya Hime】, but to seriously take on the future of everyone, such a relationship should be changed and return to a normal relationship.

Both Yuanjing and the girls actually need time to explore the way of getting along with each other under this new relationship, so that they can both feel as comfortable as possible.

However, during this time, something unexpected happened.

That is-

The appearance of Arturia.

The appearance of this King Arthur undoubtedly greatly accelerated the transformation of this relationship.Like a catalyst, she made Yuanjing's psychological growth that should take a long time to happen, and completed all the changes at a jaw-dropping speed.

But the problem is...

It all happened so fast that the teenage girls couldn't keep up.

All of this has resulted in a consequence, that is——

They began to become humbled.

Obviously jealous, obviously wronged, obviously jealous, but because of fear of being hated by Yuan Jing, afraid of being abandoned by him, so he dare not show it at all...

How can such a state be called happiness?

"But I have no way to make them not do this..." Yuan Jing's face showed a little bitterness, "In the end, it's because they care too much about me, from this point of view If so, I should feel happy and grateful instead.”

"However, when I think of this, I can't be happy..."

In the final analysis, although he has been a human being in two lifetimes, Yuan Jing is not a master of emotions.

He is quite good at solving various problems, but in terms of emotions, he still seems a little clumsy, especially not good at dealing with all kinds of good feelings, otherwise, he would not be able to provoke so many girls.


'Ahhhhh, that's great, Jing'er, that's the expression! '

'It is this kind of tangled place that has the value of writing! '

Looking at Yuanjing with eyes that could be said to be greedy, Zi Shibu will forcefully suppress the excitement in his heart.

Undoubtedly, in her opinion, the teenager's worries and entanglements at this time are the most precious treasures.

The story of a simple harem man cannot excite her.

For her who was born in the Fujiwara family, she has seen too many men like this, and it is not worth writing about.

However, Yuan Jing is not the kind of bastard who wants to make himself happy even if he hurts others, and turns a blind eye to the tears of girls.

Not only caring about my own happiness, but also empathizing with the girls, I hope everyone can be happy too...

This is the truest thought in Yuanjing's heart, and it is also the reason why he shows a bitter expression.

As a 'lonely person', Yuanjing is naturally invincible.

However, as the 'husband', Yuan Jing was not like this.

This is really...


Vigorous creative desire and inspiration surged in Zi Shibu's heart. At this moment, she can't wait to write quickly.

But before that, she had other things to do.

Stretching out both hands, Murasaki Shikibu wanted to hold the boy's hand on the table.

After all, she is not only an author, but also the elder of the teenager.

Then, naturally, she wanted to use this method to comfort him.


Her hands grabbed an empty space.

"Sister Zi, the reason why I told you these things is not to ask for your help." Yuanjing stood up, avoiding Zi Shibu's hands calmly.

"Thank you for listening to me, then, goodbye."

After slightly lowering his head and bowing to Zi Shibu, he turned around without any hesitation, and left straight away.

Only Zi Shibu, who was astonished, was left in the room of the Lamb Club.

After a moment of shock, Murasaki Shikibu finally came to his senses——

"Is this...rejecting me?" she murmured.

Since she doesn't need her help, then the reason why Yuan Jing would confide in her heart, naturally cannot be hidden from the clever Zi Shibu.

He was hoping that he would not get too close to him.

In other words, this is actually a kind of euphemistic exhortation.

"Is that why he was so cold when we first met?" Zi Shibu obviously had figured out all the reasons.

She can't say that this is Yuanjing's self-indulgence, because he has tasted too many similar things.

"Hmm..." Murasaki Shikibu puffed up his mouth slightly.

Although she didn't have such an idea at the beginning, after seeing what Yuanjing did, what should I say.

There is always a subtle...


Chapter 42 The Lamb Club, reopening! (4.5k)

"Auntie, what happened between you and Ah Jing?"

Fujiwara Chika came to Zi Shibu's side and asked her in a low voice.

It was already lunch break time, and everyone from the Lamb Club gathered in the hall for lunch as usual.

This is also where Murasaki Shikibu eats lunch, after all, her lunch is still at Chika's.

Neither Yukino nor Kaguya had any objection to this.

Not to mention that they all like Murasaki Shikibu's novels very much, just because she is Aunt Qianhua, it is impossible for them to drive Murasaki Shikibu out.

The above conversations took place between meals.

Zi Shibu glanced at Chika Fujiwara, his snow-white throat moved slightly, and after swallowing the food slowly, "Why, is there something wrong between us?"

She said so calmly.

"Well, how should I put it?" Fujiwara Chika tilted her head slightly, showing a slightly troubled look, "I always feel that there is a lot of indifference between each other?"

During the first class this morning, Yuanjing asked the math teacher for leave because he was 'not feeling well', and then walked out of the classroom.

Although he said that he [maybe won't be able to come back all morning], in fact, it didn't take that long.

Before the second class started, he walked back to the classroom with a normal expression and returned to his seat.

'Not feeling well' is of course a lie, Chika Fujiwara was curious about what he was doing when he went out this time.

Look at the change in the atmosphere between him and his aunt at noon today...

Ah Jing, he must have come to see his aunt, right?

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