"It shouldn't be said that it has become colder." Zi Shibu slightly lowered her head, and the sunlight slanted from the window made the shadow of her eyelashes fall on her cheek. If you look closely, you can see the black shadow trembling slightly on the fair skin. "It can only be said that it has returned to the normal distance."

After all, he is only Qianhua's husband, the future son-in-law of the Fujiwara family, not her "Ruozi".

Or rather, it never was.

'Shikibu, oh Shikibu, the characters in the book are completely different from real people, you must distinguish them. '

Zi Shibu said so in his heart.

'Isn't this just turning cold! 'Fujiwara Chika complained in her heart.

She didn't dare to say it, because the aunt was obviously not in a good mood.

'Well, did Ah Jing make my aunt angry?It seems that something is not quite like it. Chika Fujiwara obediently buried her head in cooking, while turning a thousand times in her heart. 'Or, what did Dad say to Ah Jing yesterday?I always feel that my father yesterday was a little weird...'

When my aunt handed over the "The Tale of Genji" she carried with her to Fujiwara Daichi yesterday, Chika Fujiwara was beside her.

At that time, the astonishment on Dad's face was only fleeting, but she could clearly see it in her eyes.

Is there anything special about that "The Tale of Genji"?Do you want to go back and act coquettishly and flatter your father?

Just when Chika Fujiwara was thinking about it, and her mind was complicated——

"By the way," Zi Shibu tapped on the table lightly with his finger to attract Chika Fujiwara's attention, "You Lamb Club, haven't you been entrusted for a long time?"

"I see that the last event recorded on it seems to have been quite a long time ago." She asked with considerable concern.

The activity records of the Lamb Club are one of the valuable sources of material for her new work, and Murasaki Shikibu is naturally very concerned.

The reason why she has been staying in the Lamb Club's department room is that besides the environment here is really quite comfortable for her, it is also very important to witness the actions of the Lamb Club to solve the entrustment in order to obtain first-hand information. reason.

After all, no matter how well written the "Book of Murder and Murder Incidents" is, it is only written information relayed by a third party. If possible, first-hand information is of course better.

"Ah, this..." Chika Fujiwara scratched her cheeks in embarrassment, "It's almost the end of the period, and everyone is preparing for exams, and even the club activities are not going on much."

"Under such circumstances, it is naturally more difficult to obtain a commission, right?"

To be honest, the last commission she remembers was the tracing commission of Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina. Their commissions were not accepted by the Lamb Society, and naturally they were not recorded in the "Murder Case Book". .

"The real entrustment blowout period should wait until the new semester." Fujiwara Chika speculated.

In fact, after this semester, especially after the cracking of the "Seven Wonders" of the Cultural Festival, the reputation of the Lamb Society as a house of everything has actually started.

The next semester will be the time when they will really blossom and bear fruit, and their first student council election will be held around March of the next semester...

Whether Xiao Xue Nai can be elected as the student council president, in fact, will be decided at about that time.

"I heard from Dad, isn't your badge indefinite?" Fujiwara Chika looked at Zi Shibu's chest, where a plum blossom-shaped medal was shining brightly, "Just wait for about a month, actually it doesn't matter. Not that long."

"That's right..." Murasaki Shikibu sighed in disappointment.

But to be honest, she couldn't wait a little bit.

'Well, is there any way...' While these things were going around in her mind--

There was a knock on the door of the Lamb Club's house.

"Excuse me, can we go in?" In addition, such words came from outside the door.

It's a girl's voice.

Apart from Murasaki Shikibu, Genkei, Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Shimizu Kaguya are all quite familiar with this voice.

"Please come in." The person who said this was naturally Yukino Yukino, the president of the Lamb Club.

Because of her small appetite, she had already finished her lunch at this time and had already packed the tableware.

"I'm sorry." After getting permission, the door of the Lamb Club's house was pushed open.

A beautiful girl with short ponytails and deep purple eyes walked in.

But her gaze didn't look at Yukinoshita Yukino, but slipped to Yuan Jing's body immediately.

At the moment when she saw him, a quite obvious bright color appeared on her pretty face, she seemed extremely happy.

"True concubine?" The short-haired girl who was following her tugged at the hem of her clothes, which brought her back to her senses.

Coughed a few times to hide the joy, and the four real concubines looked around (the eyes stayed on Zi Shibu for a moment, as if a little surprised), and said in a serious tone——

"Everyone of the Lamb Society, we hope that you can help me solve a fraud case."

The air was silent for a moment, after that——


Everyone in the Lamb Club let out some shocked voices in unison.

Of course, in one of the voices, there seems to be more joy than shock in the voice of one of them......

"Please use." Shimizu Kaguya offered coffee to Concubine Shijo and the short-haired girl behind her.

Because Yuanjing once used this place as its second stronghold, there is no shortage of relevant facilities here.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be... Kashiwagi-san?"

As the old enemy of Concubine Shijo for quite a long time, Kaguya Shimizu actually knew her interpersonal relationship quite well, so he naturally recognized Concubine Zhen's good friend.

"Four...Student Shimizu knows my name." Bai Muzhu seemed a little surprised, "It's really an honor."

"It's just..." Holding the hot coffee served by her, the girl with short black hair and bangs pinned up with a beautiful red hairpin showed a bitter smile, "If If possible, I actually don't really want such a thing to become an opportunity for us to meet..."

"You mean the fraud case?" Shimizu Kaguya thought of Shijo Zhenfei's previous speech.

Kashiwagi Nagisa nodded sadly, showing a rather remorseful expression.

"Okay, it's useless to blame yourself now, the most important thing is to find the criminal, isn't it?" Shijo Zhenfei patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

"That's right, that's what I mean too." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, "The time for lunch break is actually quite limited, don't waste it on unnecessary courtesies."

After all, this is Lamb Club's long-lost opening, and it's not a trivial matter, so Xue Nao is naturally quite curious.

"Can you please explain what the so-called fraud case is all about?"

Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi exchanged a look, after that——

"Let me come." Sijo Zhenfei said.

After taking a sip of coffee and clearing her mind slightly, she said to the members of the Lamb Club:

"I don't know, everyone in the Lamb Club, do you know the so-called 'Big Sale'?"

Big sale?

Murasaki Shikibu and Yukinoshita Yukino showed some puzzled expressions on their faces, but on the contrary, Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika showed a little understanding on their faces.

"The so-called [big sale] is an event that St. Eden Academy only appears in the last week of each semester." Seemingly seeing the confusion of the two, Yuanjing said, "St. Eden Academy It is the best high school in Sakurajima, and even old textbooks used by students can be sold for a good price outside."

"This kind of [Big Sale] was initially held by the students themselves, and they wanted to use this method to make up for the shortfall in the club's funds."

"Over time, it became a routine."

Simply put, it is the so-called flea market that specializes in second-hand goods.

"The school obviously believes that this is conducive to cultivating students' money management skills, so instead of prohibiting it, it will also prepare a special venue for it during this period."

"There should be some after school today, if you are interested, you can also go and have a look."

He said this to Yukinoshita Yukino and Murasaki Shikibu.

"Yes, this is [Big Sale Market]." Shitiao Zhenfei glanced at Yuanjing, as if expressing her gratitude with this, and then said seriously:

"The club that Nagisa and I belong to is the volunteer department." She shrugged, "As the name suggests, it's the kind of club that specializes in public welfare."

"For such an association, naturally we can't expect the students to allocate much money to us, but fortunately, everyone's ideological awareness is very high. At the end of the semester, they are willing to donate their old books that they have no longer used as a foundation for the association. Funding for activities. There will even be people who will come to our door and hand over these things to us.”

"Because of this, the [big sale] at the end of each semester is also a very important source of income for our club."

"Not only that, the so-called [Great Market], in fact, not only has the on-campus part, but the most important thing is to sell these things to outside merchants."

"You should all know my identity; as for Nagisa, the head of the Volunteer Department," Makoto Shijo glanced at Nagisa Kashiwagi, "Nagi's father is the president of a large shipbuilding company, and his grandfather is the [Sakurajima Economic Organization Federation] ]’s director.”

"Because of this relationship, outside merchants will give us quite a lot of preferential treatment in terms of price."

"So, not only relying on donations from members and well-wishers, we will also take the initiative to buy all kinds of used books on the [Big Sale], relying on the price difference to earn funds for club activities."

"After all, public welfare undertakings actually cost a lot of money." Zhenfei Shijo said with deep emotion.

"There are actually differences between old books and old books." She went on to say, "In addition to completeness, whether there are graffiti, and related notes and annotations, the most important criterion that affects the value of an old book is actually the original owner. who is it."

"This is actually similar to investment. For example, the textbooks used by Ms. Touma Yoko are obviously worth many times more than ordinary people. If there is her autograph on it, the value will be doubled." Turn up."

Hearing what Shijo Zhenfei said, Yuan Jing couldn't help but glanced at Zi Shibu, and found that she was staring at him intently, even unwilling to blink her eyes.

According to this standard, the "The Tale of Genji" that she asked Mr. Fujiwara Daichi to hand over to him yesterday is naturally a priceless treasure.

"So, among all clubs, the most in-demand old books naturally come from performing arts clubs."

After all, compared with other students of St. Eden Academy, members of the performing arts club are naturally more likely to appear on the screen in the future, and the probability of appreciation of old books is naturally higher.

"Zhu and I just entered the high school this year, and it took less than a semester for Nagisa to take over as minister. Therefore, this is the first time we have tried to use the 'price difference' method to earn funds."

"If you want to do it, you must do your best. This is the family motto of the Shitiao family. So we took the initiative to find the performing arts club, hoping to win this business."


"It was rejected without mercy."

"The Performing Arts Club has always been the star club of [Daisai], and has actually established a very solid supply relationship."

"The president told me that the price we offered is attractive, but after all, Nagisa and I can only stay in St. Eden for three years. Whether the new president can take over from us after three years is still a question. Big question mark."

"Compared with immediate interests, they obviously value a stable future more, so..." Shijo Zhenfei spread her hands and made a somewhat regretful expression.

The reasons given by the president of the performing arts club are quite good. If they continue to entangle, it will appear that they are narrow-minded and do not know what to do.

Although they are the ministers and vice ministers of the Volunteer Department, they don't feel that they have the righteousness to force others to show their love.

Never abuse the goodwill of others.

This is the motto of the Volunteer Department that has been passed down to this day.

"However, after that, when I went to discuss business with other clubs, someone approached Nagisa."

"She said that she is a member of the performing arts department, and she has a batch of old books of the performing arts department members, and she wants to resell them to us."

"But because there are so many books, she didn't bring them with her, only a sample."

"If Nagisa wants it, give her the money, and she'll go and give it to the members of the acting club so they can bring the books over."

"After all, this is the first time we have done such a thing, and the other party is still wearing a St. Eden school uniform, and it looks like a student here, so Nagisa didn't think so much, but chose to believe the other party's words, just So hand over the money to the other party."

"After that, of course she was gone forever."

The general context of things is like this.

Seeing that Concubine Sijo had finished speaking, Kashiwagi Zhu with a face of shame took out an old book and handed it to everyone in the Lamb Club.

This is obviously the sample that the person gave her to gain her trust.

This is a national document for the second grade of high school.

Open the cover, and on the title page of this national document, there is a name written in delicate strokes, which is——

Mai Sakurajima.

Chapter 43 Ah Jing is my cannon [Wow——]! (4.5k)

"Will Sakurajima-senpai be involved in this matter?" Yukinoshita Yukino showed a somewhat shocked expression.

Although she is not someone who likes to watch TV, Yukino has heard of national idols like Mai Sakurajima.

Moreover, Mai Sakurajima is also the singer of "Descent". Yukino, as the lyricist of this song, naturally knows this senior who is a year older than her.

"Well, if the sample is an old book used by Mai Sakurajima, then Kashiwagi-san will take it lightly, there is no reason..." Chika Fujiwara nodded in agreement.

Mai Sakurajima, a sophomore in high school, is the ace of the aces of the performing arts club of St. Eden Academy. The books she has used can be said to be the treasures of the treasures, and they can command sky-high prices among her fanatical fans.

Being able to use such a thing at the bottom of the box as a sample is enough to see the sincerity of the other party.

At least Kashiwagi Nagisa thought so at the time.

At this moment, Fujiwara Chika felt the gaze from Yuanjing.

"??? Ah Jing, was there something wrong with what I just said?" She tilted her head strangely and asked.

Because there is no reason for Yuanjing, Yukino, and Kaguya's aura in her head, when solving the incident, Fujiwara Chika played more of the role of the mascot, so after discovering the strangeness of Yuanjing, the first reaction was Did I say something stupid again?

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