"No, there's nothing strange about it." Yuan Jing withdrew his gaze, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Mai Sakurajima is the heroine from an anime called "Youth Pig Head Boys Series". Although this anime can generally be classified as a daily series, there is a rather unscientific setting in it, that is— —

puberty syndrome.

It's a disease-like phenomenon that only occurs in adolescent girls and boys and gives them a sort of superpower.

For example [can hear other people's voices], [see someone's future] or [make someone and someone's personality swap] and the like.

And as the heroine, Mai Sakurajima, the trait she acquired is——【Forgotten】.

If this incident involves this phenomenon, then this seemingly simple 'fraud case' will become many times more complicated in an instant.

Fortunately, both Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika still remember Mai Sakurajima.

Then naturally ruled out such a possibility.

In fact, the original game did not have such a setting as [Adolescent Syndrome], Yuan Jing just wanted to confirm it again.

The settings he knows can be used as a reference, but not as a golden rule.

This is the attitude Yuanjing has always held.

But these things are obviously not suitable for Qianhua to tell.

"I just want to see you, okay?"

"Huh?" Chika Fujiwara was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course, it's more welcome!" A big smile bloomed on her face, like a fawn frisky in the forest in spring, "Shall I sit there?"

"Cough cough cough!" Shimizu Kaguya coughed quite obviously.

If the only person who came this time was Concubine Zhen, that would be fine, but there was Bai Muzhu beside her.

And, shouldn't the priority now be commissioning?

"Kashiwagi-san, is it convenient to ask the amount of the loss?" Kaguya asked aloud.

"Of course no problem." Nagisa Kashiwagi nodded, "The total is 50 yen (about 24000 yuan)."

"50..." Such an amount is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for high school students, but none of you present is an ordinary high school student, so it didn't startle too much. big waves.

"With all due respect, Concubine Zhen and Kashiwagi-san, why didn't you go to the police?" After hesitating for a while, Kaguya Shimizu said, "50 yen is enough to file a case, right?"

"In fact, Nagisa and I have considered such a choice, but in the end we still think it would be better to find the lamb first." Shijo Zhenfei replied.

Of course, she did not deny that she wanted to find Yuan Jing, but this was not the whole reason.

"The students of St. Eden Academy maliciously defrauded money. Such things can easily cause a sensation and become news."

That's the downside of being famous.

It's the same as the graduates from Qingbei running to deliver food.

In the process of dissemination and fermentation of this inconspicuous fraud, it is hard to say what it will look like in the end, and what impact it will have on the relevant personnel and St. Eden Academy.

"We also don't want this to spread on campus." Nagisa Kashiwagi added, "To be honest, it's really embarrassing."

In this fraud case, although the Volunteer Department is the outright victim, it does not mean that they will gain widespread sympathy in St. Eden Academy.

The school spirit of St. Eden Academy is actually not tender, on the contrary it can be said to be quite cruel.

If it spreads, the Volunteer Department will be stained with a taint called 'Idiot'.

Once such a stain is stained, it is extremely difficult to clean it up, and it may also affect the various activities that the Volunteer Department will hold and the work of recruiting new ones.

"Besides, once the police intervene and start to go through the judicial process, it means that everything is irreparable, right?" Bai Muzhu said in a somewhat sad tone.

"I think that St. Eden's students are able to let go of their self-esteem and are willing to risk being kicked out of the campus to commit such a crime, so there must be some last resort."

"At least, at least there is such a possibility."

Although she comes from a wealthy family, Bai Muzhu is actually a good girl who is very enthusiastic and helpful. Otherwise, she would not join the volunteer department, and she is only a freshman in high school, so she can become the head of the volunteer department.

She doesn't want to think too badly of people.

"So, we want to entrust the Lamb Society to find out the truth." Bai Muzhu faced the Lamb Society people uprightly, no longer the weak look before, "If the other party has no last resort, it's just that kind of greed Money, bastard who wants something for nothing, then it’s not too late to hand her over to the police.”

"That's what Concubine Zhen and I think."

"Understood." Hui Ye nodded. "However, I have to say first, even if the prisoner is found, the probability that all the 50 yen will be returned is not high."

The fraud case happened yesterday afternoon, and it has been almost a day now.

Regardless of whether the other party really needs the money urgently, or is a habitual fraudster, she has most likely already spent the money and is unable to repay the stolen money at all.

"Ah, that doesn't really matter." Bai Muzhu shook his head, "This matter is my negligence from the beginning to the end, so I naturally need to take responsibility."

"Regardless of whether it can be recovered, and how much can be recovered in the end, I will use the pocket money I saved to make up the remaining loopholes."

"At this point, there is absolutely no need to have psychological pressure."

When talking about 50 yen, Nagisa Kashiwagi didn't even blink her eyes, obviously she didn't think it was a huge sum.

This may be one of the reasons why she would trust others and hand it over to them.

"That is to say," as the president of the Lamb Club, Xue Nai made the final conclusion——

"The entrustment of the Volunteer Department is to hope that the Lamb will find out the truth and find out the culprit without alarming other personnel as much as possible."

"Is that right?" She looked at Shijo Zhenfei and Bai Muzhu, and confirmed to them.



The two nodded together.


"In short, the first thing to do is to adjust the monitoring, right?" Chika Fujiwara suggested, "The monitoring equipment of St. Eden Academy is very complete."

"Student Kashiwagi still remembers the time and place where the incident happened. In this case, as long as the corresponding monitoring can be called up, can't you easily determine the appearance and identity of the person who defrauded Mr. Kashiwagi's funds?"

The venue specially vacated by the school for the [Great Market] event will definitely not be in a particularly remote place, which means that it will definitely not be able to escape the surveillance cameras of St. Eden Academy.

The IT department in charge of monitoring is an old friend of the Lamb Society. It had dealt with the Lamb Society as early as the swimming pool strange case, and Qianhua and the others also borrowed their monitoring equipment during the cultural festival.

Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi didn't know Ryunosuke Akasaka, so naturally they couldn't mobilize this resource, but for the Lamb Club, it was just a matter of saying hello.

"Ah Jing, can you ask classmate Akasaka, is it convenient for him to send related videos to your phone now?" Chika Fujiwara said to Yuanjing.

Ryunosuke Akasaka suffers from severe misophobia. When in close contact with women, he will even shiver, have hives, and even pass out when he encounters women.

Therefore, in the Lamb Club, Yuanjing has the best relationship with him, and they regard each other as their relatives and friends.

If you want to ask him to do something, Yuan Jing is actually the most suitable to come forward.

"Although you can give it a try, it's best not to have too much hope for monitoring." Yuanjing took out his phone and said so while typing on the keyboard.

"Huh, why? I still think this is a pretty good idea." Chika Fujiwara looked a little disappointed.

"Judging from the fact that she prepared samples in advance, the probability that this fraud was not a temporary one can be said to be quite high, and it can basically be said to be a deliberate crime."

"In this case, it is naturally impossible for her not to consider the monitoring issue of St. Eden Academy."

"Moreover, she can accurately find Kashiwagi-san when Kashiwagi-san placed orders after the president of the performing arts club rejected Kashiwagi-san and Concubine Ma, and even took out Sakurajima-senpai's old books... ..”

"The people who can do this kind of thing are people related to the performing arts club, or simply members of the performing arts club. The probability is quite high." The process of Yuanjing telling these things is actually the process of him gradually clarifying his thoughts.

"Question, what are the members of the performing arts club best at?"

"I see." Xue Nai nodded thoughtfully, apparently having understood Yuan Jing's meaning, "You mean, before she appeared in classmate Kashiwagi, did she put on makeup on purpose?"

"Yes, that's right." Yuanjing affirmed, "Although St. Eden's monitoring equipment is well developed, this is a campus after all, not a special shooting location, and it is impossible to shoot with a face."

"Especially when the other party is consciously avoiding the camera, they should only be able to capture some general characteristics, such as hairstyle, hair color, what grade is the school uniform they are wearing, etc."

"These things are actually pretty easy to fake."

"Student Kashiwagi, if I guessed correctly, the person who came to see you that day should have long hair, right?" Yuan Jing asked the person concerned.

Because long hair can not only cover up your original hairstyle, but also play a little shielding role in front of the camera.

"Huh? Yes, that's right!" Nagisa Kashiwagi nodded in admiration.

"She has long, thick chestnut hair, but it's not straight like Yukinoshita, but slightly curly, as if it had been permed." Nagisa Kashiwagi recalled.

"I'm wearing the uniform of a third-year senior in high school. She has pretty emerald green eyes and perfume on her body. She's a big beauty."

"But now it seems...the information doesn't seem to have much reference value."

Long hair can be a wig, a uniform can be borrowed, and there are special cosmetic contact lenses for eye color...

If the other party is a member of the Performing Arts Club, these things can be obtained quite easily from the Performing Arts Club's warehouse.As long as she returned it afterwards, she would naturally be able to hide it without anyone noticing it.

"But, in this case, wouldn't the members of the Performing Arts Club be suspected?" Fujiwara Chika frowned, looking quite embarrassed, "The Performing Arts Club is different from the Lamb Club, but St. Eden Academy has numerous large clubs, even if only Counting women, there are almost a hundred of them.”

"Do you want to investigate one by one like this?"

The trouble was second to none.

But if this is really done, the movement will be too loud, and it does not meet the needs of Shijo Zhenfei and Kashiwagi Nagisa's wish of 'not disturbing too many people as much as possible'.

"It doesn't have to go downhill all of a sudden." Yuan Jing shook his head.

He put away his mobile phone, and stood up holding the old book signed with 【Sakurajima Mai】, "Don't we still have a clue?"

"For now, let's return this book to its original owner."

"I hope this is indeed Sakurajima-senpai's textbook, and not a counterfeit deliberately forged by the criminal..."


"Ah Jing, Ah Jing," Sijo Zhenfei approached Yuanjing, her dark purple eyes drifted back slightly, paying attention to the dark purple figure behind her, "I have always wanted to ask—"

"Who is she?"

Because of the need to "try not to disturb too many people", the Lamb Club finally only sent Yuanjing who had the most dealings with Mai Sakurajima and was most familiar with her.

He, Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi were leaving the club building at this time and walking towards the teaching building.

In addition, there was another person who was hanging behind the three of them while maintaining a certain distance.

"She is Qianhua's aunt." Yuan Jing didn't hide anything from Concubine Shijo, "She is a novelist, and she has been short of inspiration recently, and she wants to find some material from daily life."

"Of course, I can assure you that she will not abuse these materials, and will definitely not damage your reputation."

"Well, I believe you." Shijo Zhenfei naturally believed in Yuanjing.

However, Qianhua actually has an aunt?

This was the first time she had heard of such a thing.

"Okay, excuse me!"

Some abrupt voices sounded suddenly, and Bai Muzhu inserted between the two of them, separating Yuanjing and Shijo Zhenfei with his own body.

Protecting his best friend behind his back, Bai Muzhu looked at Yuanjing with a somewhat wary expression——

"True Concubine? A Jing?" She repeated what they called each other.

At this time, she no longer had the gentleness and stability that she had in the Lamb Club's room before, and she exuded a slightly depressing atmosphere all over her body.

"As Concubine Zhen's best friend, I just found out today that she already has friends of the opposite sex who can call each other by name."

"Student Yuan, what is the relationship between you and Concubine Zhen?"

In fact, Bai Muzhu had already seen a little bit of clues, after all, Si Tiao Zhenfei's affection for Yuan Jing can be seen even by a blind person.

However, she still wanted to hear a definite answer.

Yuan Jing stared at Bai Muzhu. If he remembered correctly, the girl named Bai Muzhu in the original book actually had a strong longing and desire for concubine Shijo.

If so, it needs to be clarified.

"The real concubine is mine..."

is my girlfriend.

However, someone is faster than Yuanjing.

"Ah Jing is my cannon [wow——]!"

The person who said that--

Naturally, it is the four real concubines.

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