Chapter 44 Specially Eating Straight Men, Naturally

"Pao, Pao, Pao, Pao... Pao [哗——]?!" Bai Muzhu's words were a little awkward.

The deep black eyes suddenly widened, and the thin lips trembled slightly...

Obviously, what Concubine Shijo said just now had a great blow to her, and she was extremely shocked.

However, on the contrary, Zi Shibu, who had been following behind the three of them, really shined. Not only did he get closer to them, but he also spread out the notebook he was carrying.

However, the eyes of a certain short-haired girl could no longer tolerate anyone other than Shijo Zhenfei and Yuanjing.

"No, it's impossible!" Nagisa Kashiwagi obviously didn't want to accept this reality.

She has always regarded herself as the best friend of Concubine Shijo (and she is), but she has been kept in the dark about such an important matter?

"Ah, I see." Just when Concubine Shijo was about to continue to say something, Bai Muzhu suddenly clenched his right hand into a fist and smashed it on the palm of his left hand, and said in a tone of sudden realization——

"I absolutely misheard just now," she said quite firmly, "Zhenfei, what you just said was not Cannon [哗——] (Se-fure), but Sea-fure (Sea-fure), right?"

"That is to say, Yuan is a friend Zhenfei met at the seaside, um, that's definitely true!"

Just as there are imported words such as 'sandwich' and 'chocolate' in modern Chinese, this phenomenon naturally exists in modern Sakurajima language.

The word that just popped out of Concubine Zhen's mouth is actually [セフレ], which is an imported word evolved from English [sex friend].

Its meaning is naturally understood by everyone.

As for Sea-fure——

"Don't create words that don't exist at all, Nagisa!" Concubine Shijo complained helplessly, "Is the fact that I have a cannon [哗——] so unacceptable to you?"

Even though they are already high school students, they are already adults.

In fact, even if this fraud case hadn't happened, Concubine Shijo didn't think about hiding Kashiwagi Zhu for too long.

She couldn't hide it for too long.

Kashiwagi Nagisa is her childhood sweetheart, her best friend, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is the person who understands her best in this world.

As long as he meets Yuanjing, Bai Muzhu will definitely be able to see something strange from her eyes and expression.

If you want not to be exposed, you have to secretly meet Yuan Jing without telling Bai Muzhu.

Concubine Shijo is not willing to let things develop like that.

She didn't have many chances to get along with Yuanjing, if she had to keep it from Bai Muzhu, it would be too tiring!

However, compared to the serious "boyfriend and girlfriend" relationship, Shijo Zhenfei is actually more inclined to make Kashiwagi Nagisa think that the relationship between her and Yuanjing is the kind of relationship that comforts each other.

This is also the relationship between Shijo Zhenfei and her father who wants her father to think.

If it was a boyfriend and girlfriend, her father Shijo Zongren would definitely 'invite' Yuanjing to come to talk in detail' with great fanfare, and maybe even make Yuanjing cut off relations with other girls...

But if Yuanjing was just something she used to distract her from the loneliness at night, Zongren Shijo would just look at her with a complicated expression, and after hesitating to speak, he told her to 'pay attention to your body'.

This is the 'expedient measure' that Shijo Zhenfei came up with.

On their own issues, Yuan Jing and the Shijo family will definitely have conflicts, and this is something that cannot be avoided.


Concubine Shijo doesn't want this conflict to happen too early.

After all, on one side is the family that raised her, and on the other side is the person she loves in her heart.

Concubine Sijo is different from Kaguya, she grew up in the love of her clan.

"But, but!" In'I heard it wrong! 'After this possibility was rejected by Concubine Shijo, Bai Muzhu still had an unacceptable expression on his face, "There will be guns [wow——] or something, Concubine Zhen, you don't have this personality at all, do you?"

She actually wanted to add one more sentence——

"And, the object is still such a boy!"

But after inspecting Yuanjing from top to bottom, she couldn't say those words at all.

'Damn it, what are you doing so handsome? "Bai Muzhu said with some indignation in his heart, "It must be this face that fascinates the real concubine!" '

Of course she knew it wasn't the case.

Concubine Sijo is not the kind of vulgar person who only looks at her face.

But how to put it, when he learned that the real concubine had developed such a relationship with other men before he knew it, Bai Muzhu felt quite uncomfortable.

With such a mentality, she naturally disliked Yuanjing, so it was difficult for her to maintain the objective and fair evaluation before.

"So, from Nagisa's point of view, what kind of personality do I have?" Shijo Zhenfei asked curiously.

'Of course Tsundere! '

This was Kashiwagi Nagisa's first reaction.

But obviously, it's not appropriate to say it here.

"That's right, uh..." Nagisa Kashiwagi swallowed the words that almost blurted out, "Focus on integrity, innocent..."

"Only eating straight men, naturally lewd?" Si Tiao Zhen Fei tilted her head.

"I didn't say that just now," Bai Muzhu protested, "Isn't it true to be stubborn!"

"But that's what you were doing just now, Nagisa." Shijo Makoto replied calmly, but a little shy blush appeared on her fair cheeks, obviously she also felt that the speech just now was a bit too bold, "I This side is just returning it as it is.”

Up to now, Shijo Zhenfei is actually a little angry about Bai Muzhu's so brooding attitude.

Rather than questioning, Concubine Shijo obviously hopes that her best friend can support her.

To be honest, she was not quite sure why Bai Muzhu's reaction was so big.

If she was in a different place, she would respect and support Nagisa Kashiwagi, wouldn't she?

Obviously, as a "straight daughter" who is straight and can't be straighter, Concubine Shijo obviously cannot empathize with Nagisa Kashiwagi who is already a little bit curvy.

Seeing the escalation between the two, which gradually turned into a quarrel, Yuan Jing didn't continue to stay out of it.

The lunch break is not long, but there is no way to spend all the time on this kind of thing.

Unlike Concubine Shijo, Yuanjing knew the reason why Bai Muzhu reacted like this.

However, that doesn't mean he's going to help her...

After all, he is Kashiwagi Nagisa's "rival in love" in a certain sense.

Naturally inserted between Shijo Zhenfei and Bai Muzhu, separating the emotionally agitated pair of close friends, Yuan Jing first looked at Bai Muzhu, "Student Baimu, are you questioning my relationship with Zhenfei?"

"If that's the case, I'll prove it to you."

Anyway, it is estimated that it will become like this in the end, so just fast forward to the last step.

Bai Muzhu was a little puzzled at first, but after seeing the young man's next actions, these doubts immediately turned into shock.


This sentence has not been finished yet, it has become a somewhat futile murmur.

Because, it's too late.

Right in front of her, Yuan Jing raised the chin of the four concubines who were at a loss, met her expectant eyes, lowered his head, and kissed those charming red lips. .


Concubine Sijo only had time to let out a deep moan, and the rest of her words were blocked by her tongue.

Her hands first tapped Yuanjing's chest a few times.

Soft and weak, without strength.

This is just a subconscious move by the 'thin-skinned' Concubine Sijo, and does not contain the slightest hint of rejection.

Instead, it's more like flirting.

After Yuan Jing hugged her warm body vigorously, showing a bit of a tough posture.

Sijo Zhenfei obediently closed her eyes, wrapped her hands around his neck, and responded somewhat jerky to this aggressive kiss.

The sweet breath fell quietly like dust, and in Bai Muzhu's eyes, the kissing boy and girl were so well matched...

A long time later, at least Nagisa Kashiwagi's subjectively long time later.

The boy moved away from the still trembling lips of the girl in his arms, and looked at her.

With the help of the midday sun, Kashiwagi Nagisa could even clearly see some sparkling water on his lips.

'Is that all right? '

Yuan Jing didn't speak.

But such inquiries echoed in her ears.

Unwillingly biting his lower lip, Nagisa Kashiwagi numbly and with difficulty——


Such an expression was naturally noticed by Zi Shibu, who had been silent all the time.


Yuan Jing and others found Mai Sakurajima very smoothly.

Unlike Yuanjing and others, Sakurajima Mai belongs to the type who eats bento in the classroom.

When a group of people came to the door of her sophomore grass class, she had already finished her lunch, put away her lunch box, and was reading a thick book in her own seat.

It's not a textbook, but more like a play script.

Compared to finding her, the process of calling her out of the classroom was a bit tortuous.

Because of her status as a national-level idol, she will come to her in such spare time, and naturally there are quite a lot of students from different grades who hope to get in touch with her.

Mai Sakurajima already has two identities of [student] and [artist], which is already busy enough for her, so naturally she doesn't have time to meet these people one by one.

For this reason, the students in the sophomore grass class even set up a special "obstacle team" in order to keep Mai Sakurajima clean.

If there were only Shijo Zhenfei, Kashiwagi Nagisa, and Zi Shikibu, it might take a little more effort to cross this barrier.

Fortunately, Mai Sakurajima apparently hasn't forgotten about Genke.

Whether it's character or talent, this junior who is one grade below her has left a deep impression on her.

After hearing Yuan Jing's voice, she turned her attention away from the script in her hand and looked towards the door of the classroom.

The figure of the boy who was negotiating with her classmates came into view.

Putting the book in his hand on the table, Sakurajima got up and left the seat, and walked to the door of the classroom.

"Brother Yuan," dark blue eyes swept over Yuan Jing's body, and in the blink of an eye, Mai Sakurajima also saw that there were two girls behind him (Purora Shikibu was farther away, and they didn't have the same relationship with Caoban. classmate, so Mai Sakurajima did not notice her).

"What are you looking for me for?"


"Does it even have a private room?" Sijo Zhenfei looked around and said with a little surprise.

"This was originally the private office of a class teacher, but now the school has assigned it to me temporarily." Mai Sakurajima explained that Saint Eden Academy has always been extremely generous to gifted students, "Sometimes, if you want to see If I have too many people, or if I want to find a place to recite my lines quietly, I will come here to hide."

Naturally, the fraud case couldn't just be said at the door of the sophomore grass class.

So, when Yuanjing asked Mai Sakurajima if there was anything suitable for her to talk, she led a few people here.

He glanced at Murasaki Shikibu who was following him in surprise, but Sakurajima Mai didn't ask anything.

Judging by the reactions of Yuan Jing and the two girls behind him, this seemingly expensive person should also be together.

The line of sight stayed on the cherry blossom badge on Zi Shibu's chest for a moment, and then Mai Sakurajima looked at Yuan Jing, "At my request, this place has undergone special decoration, and the sound insulation effect is very good."

"So, can you tell me now, what do you want from me?" Mai Sakurajima's eyes were full of curiosity.

Based on what she knew about this junior, he was the kind of person who would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

This time I will find myself, and I specifically asked to 'talk privately'...

It seems that this time is quite important.

"It's like this," Yuan Jing took out a Chinese textbook for the second grade of high school, and handed it to Mai Sakurajima, "Senior Sakurajima, I want to confirm with you first, is this your textbook?"

This sample book, which was given to Nagisa Kashiwagi by the scammer to gain her trust, may not be the real thing, but a fake forged by himself.

And the only ones who can confirm this point are Mai Sakurajima and the scammer.

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