Somewhat surprised, Mai Sakurajima took the book, and after flipping through it a little, she nodded and said, "Yes, this is my textbook."

'It turned out to be genuine? '

Yuanjing frowned slightly, thinking so in surprise.

If he's the scammer, he should use a fake.

'Is this to increase the probability of being deceived by the other party, there any other reason? '

With such thoughts in mind, Yuan Jing began to tell Mai Sakurajima the ins and outs of the matter.

"Actually, yesterday afternoon..."


"Such a thing happened." Mai Sakurajima looked at Nagisa Kashiwagi with a slightly apologetic expression, "No wonder you look so depressed..."

Of course, she still doesn't know the real reason why Nagisa Kashiwagi is still in such a low mood, and it can even be said to have 'faded'.

"However, I may not be able to provide too many clues."

"Because..." Rubbing the lost and recovered textbook with pale and delicate fingers, Mai Sakurajima felt a little emotional——

"My textbook was lost last Friday."

"It was stolen."

Chapter 45 The first girl in the true sense of the book? (4.5k))

"It was stolen last Friday?" Shijo Zhenfei showed a thoughtful look. Unlike the depressed Kashiwagi Nagisa, after being 'charged' by Yuanjing, she is now full of energy.

"But Sakurajima-senpai doesn't actually know who stole it, right?"

Otherwise, Mai Sakurajima would not say something like "Maybe there is no way to provide too many clues" with a little apology.

"That's right." Mai Sakurajima nodded, "[Big Sale] is actually very important to the Performing Arts Club, and it is one of the most important sources of funding for the club."

The Performing Arts Club is one of the most famous clubs in St. Eden Academy, and naturally received preferential treatment from the Student Union in terms of budget.

However, it is also one of the most expensive societies.

Invite actors to give lessons to members, let writers write scripts, rent the stage, prepare various costumes and props...

The daily expenses of the performing arts club can be said to be a big hole that cannot be filled no matter what.

Therefore, the Performing Arts Club will naturally not let go of activities like [Great Market] that can dispose of unused items and fill up the funds of the club.

“Didn’t [Big Sale] start this week? So last week, the president notified all the club members, asking those who are willing to support the club to put away the old ones that they don’t plan to keep on Friday afternoon. Take things like textbooks to the performing arts club."

"I don't have any pity for the used textbooks, so as in previous years, I planned to donate all the textbooks I used, so I stuffed them into my schoolbag after school and took them to the performing arts club .”

"And when the club activities were over, I opened my schoolbag and was about to hand over the textbooks I had brought to the minister, only to find that the Chinese textbooks in it had disappeared."

"Wait a minute." Yuan Jing, who had been listening quietly, suddenly interrupted Mai Sakurajima at this moment, "If I understand correctly, there should be more than Chinese textbooks in Sakurajima-senpai's schoolbag, right? "

"Of course." Sakurajima Mai affirmed Yuan Jing's statement, "I actually brought all the textbooks I used this semester with me."

She is the 'trump card' of the performing arts club, and she is also the candidate for the next president, so she naturally has to play the role of a role model.

"But the only thing lost is the Chinese textbook, isn't that right?" Yuan Jing reconfirmed.

"Yes, that's right."

...that's where it gets interesting.

"Sister Sakurajima, let me ask, is this the first time you lost something in the performing arts club?"

"No." Mai Sakurajima shook her head, "Actually, it happened many times before, but they were all small things that were not very valuable, such as issuing cards, hair ties and the like."

Of course it's not about money.

"You should also know that the people who can join the performing arts club are basically those who have a certain interest in becoming a star."

"And I'm different from them, because I'm already a big star."

If you use a flower as a metaphor, Mai Sakurajima is already a flower in full bloom when everyone else in the performing arts club is just a flower bud.

"So, everyone thinks that there must be some kind of luck favoring me, so they hope to get some bits and pieces from me and make them into amulets to protect their future."

Mai Sakurajima said with a wry smile, "However, everyone has a tacit understanding and won't go too far, so I just turned a blind eye."

Because of this, Mai Sakurajima was not very surprised after discovering that her Chinese textbook was lost.

"How can this be done? If you want to use the belongings as amulets, you must obtain the consent of the original owner. What's the matter with stealing directly?" Shitiao Zhenfei seemed a little indignant, "Even if there is really luck in favor of Sakurajima-senpai, He will definitely not bless these thieves, will he?"

Obviously, the decent Concubine Shijo couldn't understand such behavior.

But Mai Sakurajima just shook her head, she didn't argue meaninglessly, but just looked at Yuan Jing like that, "Let's end this matter, anyway, it has nothing to do with this fraud case."

"Student Yuan, is there any other question you want to ask?"

"Is it really okay..." The thought flashed in Yuanjing's mind.

To be honest, because of more and more suspicious reasons, he no longer regards this incident as an ordinary fraud case.

"Sister Sakurajima, I want to ask, where do you put your schoolbag during club activities?"

"There is a special place for these things in the locker room of the club, and we usually put the sundries we carry with us there temporarily."

"Then during club activities, will the door of the locker room be closed?"

"No, because during club activities, everyone will frequently go in and out of the locker room. If it is locked, it will be very troublesome."

Everyone's belongings are put together, and the locker room door will not close. …

"In this case, if you really want to steal something, can't all the female members of the performing arts club easily do it?" Shijo Zhenfei frowned.

"Moreover, a place like the locker room will definitely not install a camera. If she secretly opened the schoolbag of the senior sister while there was no one else, and took out the old books from it and put it in her schoolbag, she would be completely invisible. what."

Yuan Jing and Sakurajima Mai answered the question, although they got a lot of details, but it didn't seem to be of much help to find out the facts of the case.

"At least we can now be sure that the person who stole Sakurajima-senpai's Chinese textbook must be a female member of the performing arts club, isn't it?" Nagisa Kashiwagi said as if he was comforting Concubine Shijo, and also as if he was comforting himself. But she immediately thought of something, and looked at Mai Sakurajima curiously——

"By the way, Sakurajima-senpai, if you don't close the door to the locker room, you won't be afraid of male members sneaking in?"

It's not that Nagisa Kashiwagi is sexist, but Sakurajima has a lot more perverted behavior than you think.

She herself had her house shoes stolen and her recorder...  

She doesn't care about the loss of property, the key is that Bai Muzhu feels chills all over his body when he thinks what the other party will do to her worn indoor shoes or the clarinet he has played.

In a performing arts club where there are many beautiful girls, future stars and models, this situation should be considered, right?

"Ah, this..." Mai Sakurajima showed a little embarrassment on her face, "There is no need to worry, because..."

"There are currently no male members in the performing arts club."

Looking at the few people who showed surprise, Mai Sakurajima sighed a little tiredly.

"In fact, they have all voluntarily quit the company."


"Resign from the club on your own initiative?" Bai Muzhu stared wide-eyed, looking extremely surprised, "No wonder, when Concubine Zhen and I went to the performing arts club to discuss matters, the people who received us were all women..."

"But why would they do this?" She seemed extremely puzzled.

If it's a small club like the Lamb Club or their volunteer department, it's fine. A super-large club like the Performing Arts Club, which ranks first among the St. Eden Academy clubs, will be a complete 'daughter' country'......

This is absolutely not normal.

There are definitely not only women who have the dream of becoming a star, and those who aspire to embark on this path, even in the St. Eden Academy where the young masters gather.

"If you want to talk about the reason, it's actually quite complicated." Mai Sakurajima hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider the words in her mind.

"I don't know, do you know the so-called [Takarazuka Opera Troupe]?" Blinking his big dark blue eyes, the national-level star said a word that was not unfamiliar to everyone present.

"Is that the all-female opera troupe?" Nagisa Kashiwagi asked with blinking eyes.

"Yes, that's it." Sakurajima Mai confirmed.

The so-called Takarazuka Opera Troupe is a large singing and dancing troupe founded in 1914.

No matter in Sakurajima or in the world, the Takarazuka Opera Troupe enjoys a high reputation, and it is the song and dance troupe with the most performances in the world.

And its most prominent feature, just like what Nagisa Kashiwagi said, is that it is composed entirely of women.

It is said that this was because the founder wanted to compete with the music team (all men) of Mitsukoshi Department Store at that time, so he chose the women's team.

"The Takarazuka Opera Troupe has a unique mechanism. If you want to become a member of it, you must be admitted to the Takarazuka Music Academy."

In Sakurajima, there has always been a saying that "there is Dongda University in the east, and Takarazuka in the west".

Unlike the large-scale St. Eden Academy, Takarazuka Conservatory of Music only admits 40 students each year, so the competition is naturally quite fierce.

"The current president of the Performing Arts Club is named Shalin Meiyue. She has served as the president for three years and is a senior in high school."

"Her wish since she was a child is to enter the Takarazuka Opera Troupe and become one of the [male characters]."

The Takarazuka Opera Troupe is an opera troupe with only women, so the male roles in the repertoire will naturally be played by women, and these girls who play male roles are the so-called "men's role".

"President very good at flirting with women." Mai Sakurajima said hesitantly, "She is a woman herself, so she naturally understands what kind of man she needs."

"And because the volunteer is [male role], so I have been researching and playing men."

"As a result, when the two are combined, President Sharin becomes that kind of [a woman who is more handsome than a man]."

"A woman who is more handsome than a man" is the praise from the people of Sakurajima to the Takarazuka Opera Troupe's "Male Role".

"As a result, over the past few years, the atmosphere of the performing arts club has become more and more, um, strange?" Mai Sakurajima couldn't find a more suitable word.

"By the end of this semester, all the male members and some female members who couldn't accept this kind of atmosphere quit the club on their own initiative."

"They opened other clubs, and that's why the present situation that the performing arts clubs are all women."

Mai Sakurajima's private room became a little quiet for an instant, because the things she just said were's hard to describe.

Concubine Shijo and Bai Muzhu looked at each other in blank dismay. They thought it was because of some bad incident, but it turned out to be because of this reason.

"Is that President Sha Lin a real girl?" Bai Muzhu asked cautiously.

"I, it's hard to say." Mai Sakurajima lowered her eyelids, showing a distressed expression, "This is also a big unsolved mystery of the performing arts club."

"Okay, thank you for your explanation, Sakurajima-senpai." Yuan Jing didn't show any sign of wavering.

Now, he has completely entered the mode of solving the incident, and he only wants to solve this puzzle that is gradually becoming more interesting.

Moreover, it was nothing more than a 'suspected girl', Yuan Jing was no longer surprised by this.

"President Sharin, will he be graduating soon? Will Sakurajima-senpai be the next president of the performing arts club?" Yuanjing asked.

Mai Sakurajima nodded.

"Then I would like to ask Sakurajima-senpai, after you take over as the president, will you still maintain the style of the former president, continue to maintain the status quo of all women, or prepare to treat male and female members equally and accept new male members? ?”

"Of course the latter." Mai Sakurajima answered without hesitation.

Her goal is not the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music, and she has no idea of ​​becoming a [male role].

the most important is--

She's a straight girl who couldn't be more straight.

"I have no problem." Yuan Jing shook his head.

He looked at Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi, as if asking if they had anything else to ask.

After receiving negative replies from the two, this kind of consultation came to an end.


"As a result, apart from confirming that the insider of the Performing Arts Club committed the crime, there was no real progress in the case." Bai Muzhu sighed in frustration.

Completely unexpected things, on the contrary, I heard a lot at once.



She glanced at Sijo Zhenfei, and found that she was frowning, obviously thinking about something.

'Concubine Zhen is much smarter than me, so she must have discovered something that I haven't discovered, right? '

Bai Muzhu thought so in his heart.

"Sure enough, Concubine Zhen is..."

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