"Student Kashiwagi."


When the magnetic boy rang from his ear, Kashiwagi Nagisa couldn't help but trembled and let out a mournful cry.

After realizing that Yuan Jing was casting some strange gazes, she blushed slightly, and after coughing lightly, she pretended to be calm and asked, "Student Yuan, what's the matter?"

"Yes." Yuan Jing nodded, "I would like to ask, regarding yesterday's fraud incident, have you approached President Sha Lin, hoping that he can give you an explanation?"

Kashiwagi shook his head.

"No, I didn't tell anyone about it except the Lamb Society."

"That's good." Yuan Jing obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "If that's the case, Mr. Bai Mu and Concubine Zhen, you two should not contact President Sha Lin for the time being, let alone tell her about it."

"Okay." Shijo Zhenfei nodded quite simply.

In addition to trusting, she actually guessed the intention of Yuanjing's instructions.

"Ah Jing, you want to go to the performing arts club after school?" Si Tiao Zhenfei Liu frowned slightly, looking a little worried, "The atmosphere there should not be very friendly to boys, please be careful."

No matter what the reason is, the current performing arts club has become a club built entirely by women, and it is extremely common to reject men like Yuan Jing.

"Yes, and if the reason for the fraud case cannot be used, then the legitimacy of the door-to-door visit will be lost." Bai Muzhu interjected.

Between Sijo Zhenfei and Yuanjing, there was a rather harmonious atmosphere, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they both knew the intention of the other's actions.

His best friend has been getting farther and farther away from him, and Bai Muzhu realized this truth quite painfully.

But I also found that I seemed to have no way to change this fact.

After saying this, she found that Concubine Zhen was looking at herself with strange eyes.

Bai Muzhu's heart skipped a beat, "Why, did I say something wrong again?"

"No, it's just that I forgot to tell you." Sijo Zhenfei seemed to blame herself, but at the same time she was a little proud.

"The headquarters of Takarazuka Opera Troupe and Takarazuka Conservatory of Music is Hyogo Prefecture in Kansai."

"It can even be said to be Ah Jing's property."

The air froze for a moment, and then...


Kashiwagi Nagisa didn't know that this was the first time she had screamed today, but what was certain was——

This is definitely the loudest she's ever made.

At least for now it seems so.

Chapter 46 If there had to be a 'bad dog'...

In Sakurajima, various artists and idol groups rely on, generally speaking, various film and television companies.

But the Takarazuka Opera Troupe is different.

And the company it is backed by is the Ote Private Railway named Hankyu Electric Railway (literally translated as [large private railway operator]).

In other words, it is actually a railway company.

Takarazuka is actually the name of a city in the west of Sakurajima. It is a hot spring town with a long history.

In the early 20s, after Minoh Arima Electric Railway Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Hankyu Electric Railway, opened a railway near Takarazuka City, this company opened [Takarazuka New Onsen] out of consideration for attracting customers.

The first indoor swimming pool in Sakurajima attached to the new hot spring was closed due to poor management due to the prohibition of mixed swimming, so it was rebuilt into a theater with a stage and auditorium.

At that time, Tokyo Mitsukoshi Department Store created the [Mitsukoshi Boys Music Team], which was used to play at the opening or in the dining area, and it was very popular.

Inspired by this, the company established [Takarazuka Singing Troupe], which was also the predecessor of the Takarazuka Opera Company, and its role was to provide [side entertainment at hot springs].

That is to say, the original purpose of Takarazuka Opera Troupe was to attract tourists, which can be understood as a promotional advertisement for investing in the railway industry.Compared with its own profitability, it paid more attention to the quality of performances at the beginning. This may be one of the reasons why Takarazuka Opera Troupe finally stood out and became the most famous art group in Sakurajima.

[Saka] in Hankyu Electric Railway naturally refers to Osaka City in Kansai.

The Kansai region has always been the territory of the Minamoto family.

A large company related to railway operations, such as Hankyu Electric Railway, naturally has the shadow of Minamoto behind it.

This is also the reason why Makoto Shijo said that the Takarazuka Opera Troupe is "even Ajing's industry".

If the president Sha Lin really wanted to join the Takarazuka Opera Troupe, after knowing Yuan Jing's identity, he would definitely come to him on his own initiative.

If Yuanjing took the initiative to go to the performing arts club, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the prisoners.

He is a member of the Society of Lambs, which is the house of all affairs.

Other people in the Performing Arts Club may not know the purpose of Yuanjing's visit, but as a prisoner, she must know that he came to solve the fraud case, which aroused her vigilance.

But if Yuanjing was found by Shalin Meiyue on his own initiative, this problem would not exist.

Judging from the current situation, although the possibility that this 'prisoner' lurking in the performing arts club is only aimed at money still exists, it is actually not that big anymore.

She seems to have other plans, and she should be waiting for Shijo Zhenfei and Bai Muzhu to come to the performing arts club to make trouble.

But if they didn't come, but chose to suffer from this dumb loss, her purpose would be defeated instead.

This possibility actually exists.

Because Nagisa Kashiwagi and Concubine Shijo were both from wealthy families, a mere 50 yen was nothing to them.

I don't want to be stained with "stupidity" and choose to use my own personal money to make up for this hole, which actually makes sense.

The reason why Yuan Jing told Shijo Zhenfei and Bai Muzhu not to tell President Sha Lin about the fraud case was also to create such an atmosphere.

Since the original purpose was not achieved, the criminal is very likely to continue to commit crimes.

This is the 'opportunity' that Yuanjing wants to find.

So, now there is only one problem left——

How to let that Shalin Meiyue know Yuanjing's identity naturally?

For Yuanjing, this is actually not a particularly difficult task.


Last class on Tuesday afternoon.

When the teacher on the podium announced that the get out of class was over, the classroom door of Class A of Senior One was suddenly pushed open, and a girl walked in at once.

The short hair dyed maroon showed small and exquisite ears, even in St. Eden Academy where there are many beautiful girls, it can definitely be called the first-class beautiful face.

However, what impresses people the most is her pair of bright black and white pupils. There seems to be countless deep feelings in the eyes.

From the style of the school uniform on her body, it can be seen that she should be a third-year senior at St. Eden Academy.

Although she is a girl and she is also wearing a women's school uniform, but after seeing her, the first word that came to mind was [Prince].

The classroom that was about to become noisy seemed to have been pressed the mute button. Everyone, including the teacher, looked at the girl who broke into the classroom without authorization.

Many students had clearly recognized her identity, and several girls even covered their mouths, showing expressions of excitement and disbelief.

But she turned a blind eye to everyone's gaze, obviously quite used to being watched.

She walked straight towards Yuan Jing who was packing up, and stopped directly in front of his desk.

After realizing that the other party's target was him, Yuan Jing raised his head to look at this 'unknown' senior, and his two saber eyebrows frowned all of a sudden.

"My name is Shalin Miyue, and I'm currently the president of the performing arts club." Before Yuan Jing could ask, the senior sister introduced herself,

"Brother Yuan, can I take up a little bit of your time and talk to you?" She bent slightly to look into Yuan Jing's eyes, and said so in a rather earnest tone.

"real or fake?"

"Is that Mizuki Sarin? I almost didn't recognize her in school uniform."

"Why did she find classmate Yuan? Could it be... a confession?"

"Impossible. In that case, the foundation of the Performing Arts Club will be shaken."

"Love is unreasonable. And if you quit the company and get a boyfriend like Yuan, I think it might be a big profit..."

The students in class A began to whisper, and everyone's eyes began to be firmly locked on Yuanjing and Shalin Meiyue.

As if she didn't hear such whispers, Shalin Meiyue fixed her gaze firmly on Yuanjing's cheek, waiting patiently for his reply.

"I'm sorry, Sha Lin-senpai." Yuan Jing shook his head bluntly, and zipped up the packed schoolbag, "I have my own things to do, and I may not be able to talk to you..."

"Don't rush to refuse," Shalin Meiyue seemed to have expected Yuan Jing's answer, and said calmly, "What if I say, this is a commission from the performing arts club?"

"The Lamb Club that Junior Yuan belongs to, if I remember correctly, it should be a kind of club that handles student entrustments, right?"

Senior Sister Sharin's voice was slightly lower, and extremely magnetic.

It's that very nice neutral tone.

"Since you know the Lamb Club, you should understand that our help is not free." Now that the other party mentioned the Lamb Club, Yuan Jing's tone was not as hard as before, but slightly relaxed.

"Of course I know that after today, the ballots from the Performing Arts Club will be offered with both hands." Senior Sister Sha Lin saw the dawn of success, "This is not a transaction, but just a request."

"I just hope that my junior can give me a chance."

"A chance to prove us."


Yuan Jing stared at Shalin Meiyue's eyes, and couldn't help showing a little surprise in his expression.

However, in Salim Miyue's big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, the pleading was more and more obvious.

After hesitating for a moment, Yuan Jing stood up and picked up the study that had been packed——

"Yes." He nodded, "but only this afternoon, and I won't promise anything, is that okay?"

"Of course no problem." Shalin Miyue showed a bright smile, looking really happy, "Please come with me."


After Shalin Meiyue and Yuanjing walked out of the classroom one after the other, the classroom of Class A suddenly became noisy.

"Senior Shalin seems to be very serious, it doesn't seem like a topic related to love."

"Judging from the self-introduction, Shalin-senpai and Yuan-san seem to be meeting each other for the first time?"

"The Performing Arts Club has encountered something that can't be solved. Do you have to ask the Lamb Club for help?"

"Then you should go to the next door to find Yukinoshita-san, right? But she came straight to find Minamoto-san?"

"That is to say, it is not the Lamb Club, but the problem that Yuan can solve?"

Twittering, whispering.

In such a depressing atmosphere as the exam is approaching, everyone is curious and excited that such a gossip incident can occur.

However, the students in Class A also know that if they just discuss and discuss, they will never be able to discuss why. If you want to satisfy everyone's curiosity, you must have a well-informed person to inquire about it. .

In class A, the best candidate for such a candidate is...

All eyes focused on a girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

If you say 'jack of all trades', she deserves it.

Noticing everyone's gaze, Ai Hayasaka stood up lightly, "It's naturally possible to inquire about the news, but I don't guarantee whether what I inquire is the truth."

Sister Sha Lin would come directly to the classroom to find Yuanjing, which was originally one of the possibilities he had envisioned.

If they don't get the truth, the students in class A will inevitably think about it.

In order to prevent the possibility of the turmoil getting worse, it is natural to give everyone a plausible 'truth'.

And the best person to tell everyone about it is naturally Ai Hayasaka who is known for being 'well-informed'.

By the way, Sarin Mizuki will know the identity of Yuan Jing, and it is actually written by Hayasaka Ai.

For Ai Hayasaka, who has already established a news network in St. Eden Academy, these operations could not be easier.

While investigating the truth and uncovering the culprit, the Lamb Club can also get votes from the performing arts club, and Ai Hayasaka also gained the favor of Mizuki Sarin and classmates from Class A...

This is really a 'win-win'.


Senior sister Sha Lin brought Yuanjing to the performing arts club located on the fourth floor of the club building.

"Before I say anything specifically, I hope that my junior can take a look at our performance."

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