Could it be that Ibuki-senpai has done something to be so sorry to the performing arts club that the members of the club are so hostile to him?

But if this is the case, why would Meiyuan-senpai, who is a member of the performing arts club,...

"Strange, isn't it?" Seeing the doubts of the two, Senior Ibuki sighed, "You should know that the original performing arts club was not like this, but after Mizuki took over the position of president ..."

He shrugged helplessly.

The original performing arts club consisted of both men and women, but because of Mitsuki Sarin, the atmosphere in the club became weird, so that the male members couldn't bear it, so they voluntarily quit the club and started a new one.

Genke remembered what Mai Sakurajima had told him.

"Could it be that, senior, you are one of the male members who voluntarily quit the club?" Yuanjing asked tentatively.

Senior Ibuki nodded, "Not only that, I'm also the president of the newly established club."

He introduced himself.

Ah, in this case, this attitude of looking at each other and hating each other can be understood.

Since it can develop to the point of resignation, the contradiction between the two must have reached the point of irreconcilability.


"Since they are a couple, why didn't Meiyuan-senpai quit the club with the senior?" Ai Hayasaka asked curiously, "Could it be that, just like the current performing arts club that only accepts women, does the senior's club now only accept men? "

"Of course not. How can there be such a weird rule." Senior Ibuki showed a wry smile, "Yayoi wants to enter the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music, so the Performing Arts Club is naturally a more suitable club for her."

"Because the atmosphere here is exactly the same as that of Takarazuka. This is the effect that Mizuki wanted to achieve." When he said this, his tone was quite complicated.

'Are you thinking about the other party's future? '

Yuanjing thought clearly, and then said: "But if you know that the Performing Arts Club is so unfriendly to you, why do you still come?"

Since we have already turned against each other, shouldn't we simply keep out of sight and out of mind?

"Of course it's for Yayoi." Before saying these words, the Ibuki senior hesitated, as if he was considering whether to tell these words to the juniors who had just met, but these words had obviously been held back in his heart for a while Now, it's really a bit embarrassing--

"Because of Yayoi's relationship with me, her position in the performing arts club has always been a bit awkward. Those women seem to regard her as a traitor."

"There was nothing at first. After all, Yayoi is one of the oldest people in the performing arts club, but recently, this situation has intensified. Yayoi's qualifications are obviously not enough to suppress this group of people."

"Not long ago, Yayoi told me hesitantly that she was able to find some strange letters in the locker and shoe cabinet in the dressing room. The contents of the letters were such as [Go to hell, traitor! Why don’t you quit the company?] or something like that.”

Senior Ibuki showed indignation on his face, "They are not satisfied with this, and even started to take action."

"Yayoi was even locked into the toilet once, the kind where she was stuck with a mop outside the door."

"That's why I came here with her, just to give her courage and deter those crazy women."

'...Is the atmosphere of the performing arts club so bad? '

With such thoughts in mind, Yuan Jing asked sympathetically, "Since it's all like this, why do you still want to stay in this club?"

"Because it's not long before Takarazuka's selection exam," Ibuki-senpai replied, "and, if they just leave in such a disgruntled manner, doesn't that mean they won? Neither I nor Yayoi are angry at this .”

"Anyway, I'm here, and I'll see who dares to touch her again."

Ibuki-senpai said that quite forcefully.

It can be seen that he really likes that Mizono Yayoi-senpai very much.

At this moment, Shalin Meiyue, who had already changed into her costume, walked out of the dressing room. She was dressed in ancient European youth aristocratic costumes, and she was so handsome that the hairs stood on end.

Not surprisingly, she saw Ai Hayasaka, and smiled friendlyly at Senior Ibuki Ishibashi. When she found that he didn't respond, but turned his face away instead, a look of distress flashed across his handsome face.

Walking to the door with the [Practice Room] sign, she opened it with an exaggerated and elegant movement——

"Three guests," she bowed deeply to the three people in the room, "the stage has been set up, the actors are ready, and the music is ready, please come here and watch the special plays of our performing arts club -"

""Romeo and Juliet"."

Chapter 48 A 'scene' destined not to end well

The practice room of the performing arts club is preset as a miniature auditorium. In order to fit the situation of the performance as much as possible, the stage, curtain, backstage... All these facilities are not lacking. It can be said that the sparrow is small , with all internal organs.

When Yuanjing, Hayasaka Ai and Ibuki Ishibashi-senpai walked into the practice room, almost half of the auditorium in only three rows was filled by performing arts club members, among which the lower grades accounted for the vast majority.

They are also quietly waiting to enjoy the opera.

The Performing Arts Club is a big club with a large number of people, so it is naturally impossible for everyone to participate in the performance of "Romeo and Juliet", especially those members of the lower grades.

They are basically just spectators.

In addition to appreciation, this is also a learning process.

Minato and Hayasaka love it, but when Ibuki-senpai walked into the practice room, the members in the auditorium also had a little commotion.

But it was just a little commotion.

Members who can join the performing arts club, besides wanting to become stars and become the focus of everyone, still have longings and longings for art.

The dislike for Ibuki-senpai obviously cannot overwhelm this emotion.

This is the same for Ibuki-senpai.

Otherwise, how could he have walked into the practice room to watch the performing arts club's performance when he knew he would be stared at?

Ibuki-senpai sat down in a corner of the auditorium.

While Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai were invited by Mizuki Sarin to the center of the auditorium, seats specially prepared for the two of them.

If you judge the level of seats like the concert in Chiba, this is the S seat without a doubt.

In the process of walking towards action, Genke caught a glimpse of Mai Sakurajima who was talking to another member.

She was dressed in pure white European classic clothes, dressed like a real medieval princess.

Noticing Yuan Jing's gaze, she turned her head slightly and winked at him playfully.

Undoubtedly, if the role played by Mitsuki Sarin is Romeo, then Mai Sakurajima is the one who can play Juliet in the performing arts club.

After everyone sat down, the door of the practice room was closed by the members who sat close together.

All the lights on the ceiling were extinguished, the curtain on the stage was gradually pulled down, and the audience was gradually surrounded by darkness.

Coughs, rustles and floor creaks filled the silence before the show, and after that...

The sobbing sound of string music symbolizing grief and love sounded in the practice room.

With such a mournful voice, the curtain slowly rises.

Gunshots, flashes of swords and swords; several young people danced in the darkness and wrestled, separated, and fell.Romeo, played by Shalin-senpai, holds a long sword and knocks down the Capulet family one by one.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated on watching the impactful first scene of the first act.

"Romeo and Juliet" performed by the Performing Arts Club is obviously not completely in accordance with Shakespeare's original.

In this first act, the lines written by Shakespeare were greatly reduced, and the fierce and breathless fighting was presented to the audience.

The actors are all women, but they can perfectly grasp the balance of the scene.Make it stay at the dividing point between beauty and violence.

And after presenting such a wonderful fight scene, what connects with it is the scene of the dance party, which is also the part where Mai Sakurajima, who plays the role of Juliet, appears on the stage.

And in the chaotic ball, the fateful lovers were separated by the two families, but they still stretched out their hands and longed for each other.The delicate girl in white was devoured among countless silhouettes, flashed past, and emerged from the gap cut by the spotlight.

At this time, Mai Sakurajima seems to have merged with Juliet, it can be said to be thrillingly beautiful...


During the break between scenes, Hayasaka Ai who was beside Yuanjing couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Yuan Jing also nodded, showing quite agreement.

St. Eden Academy is indeed a concentration camp for Sakurajima's geniuses, and the person who can become the president here is definitely not a simple person.

Whether it is Mizuki Sarin or Mai Sakurajima, they are definitely not empty vases with beauty, but first-class actors who can become the focus of people's attention.

The two of them are definitely capable of becoming treasures.

It's no wonder that the Performing Arts Club can become a first-class club in St. Eden Academy, they have such value.

The second act unfolded slowly, and the story progressed slowly amid the wonderful performances of everyone, and soon came to the second scene, which is the extremely famous night party by the window.

Romeo sneaks into the courtyard of Capulet's house and sees Juliet by the window on the second floor.

As soon as the atmosphere changed, the turmoil in the first act was like a dream, and Romeo's words faithfully presented Shakespeare's beautiful writing.

Finally, Juliet leaned out over the railing.lamented:

"Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Why are you Romeo!"

At this moment, Yuanjing's ears moved slightly.

In addition to the voices of the actors and the accompanying music, he heard extremely small, 'crunching' sounds.

Is this... the sound of wood breaking?

Sure enough, the second after Mai Sakurajima finished speaking this line, the railing she was holding on to suddenly tilted.

The astonished expression smashed the mask named 'Juliet' it was wearing from the inside.Mai Sakurajima's body fell down from a height of several meters along with the wreckage of the railing that had been loosened.

At this moment, Sharin-senpai, who played Romeo, was kneeling on one knee. There was no time to react, and she could only watch Mai Sakurajima smash down on her with the railing.And at this critical moment——

A figure rushed onto the stage as if teleporting.


After making such a loud noise, the set shook from side to side, and finally fell on top of the three people under the chain reaction.

Everyone in the practice room was stunned by this momentary shock.

After a while, there were quite sharp exclamations from the backstage and the audience, and the situation began to become a little chaotic.

Hayasaka Ai reacted quite quickly, she rushed to the stage directly, ready to remove all the heavy objects that were holding down the three of them.

Her actions also awakened others. The tall and burly senior Ibuki stepped onto the stage first with the advantage of his long legs, followed by the audience; Meiyuan-senpai also rushed over from the backstage, and With other members still in costumes...

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the set was moved to one side, and the figures of the three were finally revealed.

Yuan Jing lowered his head, propped up a small space with his shoulders, and protected Mizuki Sarin and Mai Sakurajima under his body.

Those who just rushed onto the stage were naturally the first to notice the strange scene.

Fortunately, he was sitting in the S seat closest to the stage, otherwise, he might not be able to catch up.

Ai Hayasaka rushed to Yuan Jing's side in some panic, her small hands touched his back, her blue eyes scanned his body up and down, and she relaxed after finding no obvious scars or indentations. Take a breath.

Mizuki Sarin and Mai Sakurajima, who still had some lingering fears, reached out to stop the members who wanted to come forward.

""I'm fine. "" Two pairs of eyes, one blue and one black, looked at Yuanjing gratefully, and they said this to the members in unison.

For those who will be on the screen in the future, even a small scar can easily affect their future.

Without Yuanjing, today's accident would definitely become a nightmare for the two of them, and it might even ruin their extremely bright future.

After finding out that the three of them were all fine, the members who gathered around couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But what happened next was completely beyond the expectations of Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai.

I saw that the members of the Performing Arts Club actually surrounded Senior Ibuki and began to accuse him——

"It's all your fault!"

"Fortunately, Mizuki-senpai and Mai-senpai are fine, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

"Is it as you like now? No, you should be very disappointed to see that both of them are fine?"

"Get out of the show club!"

The voices of condemnation began to surround Senior Ibuki, and he also showed a little guilt on his face, and he didn't speak back, just letting the members of the club abuse him.

But one person couldn't help it——


Wearing a costume, Mizono-senpai stood in front of her boyfriend, her brows were full of indignation, and she sternly shouted at the club members who accused Ibuki-senpai——

"It's not Shiqiao's fault. He is no longer a member of this club, and he has no such obligation at all!"

"Before accusing him, shouldn't you first consider your own reasons?"

That awe-inspiring gesture obviously shocked all the members, they looked at each other, and the original turbulent accusations could not help but stop abruptly.

In this awkward silence, a male voice suddenly sounded.

This is Yuanjing's voice.

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