"Well, I'm the one involved, right?" Facing the eyes of everyone, he showed a curious look, "Can you tell me what's going on now?"


"I originally wanted you to watch a wonderful performance, but I didn't expect it to end up like this." Mizuki Sarin, who had already changed back to her school uniform, smiled at Yuan Jing very reluctantly, with a rather sad expression on her face.

She was sitting on the iron chair in the conference room, beside Mai Sakurajima who had also changed back into her school uniform.

Besides her, Mai Sakurajima and Genkei, Ai Hayasaka, Ibuki Ishibashi and Yayoi Mizono are also here.

Because of this unexpected situation, the performing arts club's club activities ended early this afternoon, and other club members have left at the request of Shalin Meiyue.

Only these six 'parties' remain.

Ibuki-senpai's left hand and Mizono-senpai's right hand were tightly held together.After the accident just now, the relationship between the two obviously deepened a step further.

Slightly skipping the clenched hands, Yuanjing looked at Shalin Miyue.

After being appraised by relevant personnel and Yuanjing himself, the collapse of the set terrace was a pure accident.

It is just the aging and damage of wood caused by improper maintenance, and does not contain any artificial factors.

If so—

"So, why did everyone blame Senior Shiqiao just now?" He asked curiously.

"Ah, this..." Shalin Meiyue showed a little embarrassment on her delicate face, "Maybe you also know that the Performing Arts Club was not like this before, it was actually a club with only women, and there were boys here."

"In the original performing arts club, the girls were basically responsible for makeup and costumes; while the props and scenery were generally in charge of the boys."

After all, boys have an advantage over girls in terms of physical strength.

"Then, from this semester onwards, there are no male members in our club, so work such as setting decorations can only be undertaken by female members. Naturally, they are not as professional as the boys."

"If you want to hire a professional team outside the school for this matter, it would be too expensive; but if it is a club at the same school, the price will be much cheaper."

"So everyone has tentatively asked Ibuki-san to establish a new club, hoping that he can come and help."

"As a result..." Shalin Miyue shook her head with a wry smile.

Of course it was rejected.

The reason why Ibuki-senpai established the current club was because he couldn’t stay in the performing arts club anymore. Whether he or his club members, naturally he would not have any good looks towards the people in the performing arts club. Rejection is an inevitable result .

That's why, out of anger, the members of the Performing Arts Club pointed their finger at Ibuki Ishibashi.

"It wasn't Shiqiao's fault in the first place!" Until now, Meiyuan-senpai is still a little bit aggrieved, "Shiqiao and the others have no obligation to help this kind of favor at all, but they forced Shiqiao back then..."

"Yayoi." Ibuki Ishibashi stopped his girlfriend's name and shook his head towards her, "Stop saying such things."

Obviously, although they did not have such an obligation, if it really caused serious consequences, he and his members should feel guilty, right?

After casting a grateful glance at Yuan Jing, he turned his head to Mizuki Sarin, "After what happened, I won't come to the performing arts club again."

Before the incident happened, he and the people from the performing arts club just hated each other.

But after today's incident, not only did he completely lose trust in the members of the performing arts club, but the performing arts club should also regard him as a dead star, right?

"However, I hope Mitsuki you can pay attention to Yayoi, she recently..."

The main reason why he came was to support Yayoi Mizono, and after he stopped coming, even if he was unwilling, he could only ask Mitsuki Sarin.

"It's not necessary!" Yayoi Mizono said decisively, and she also looked at Mizuki Sarin, and said quite simply, "Mizuki, I want to quit the company."

The unwarranted responsibilities of the performing arts club members towards her boyfriend had obviously made her completely disappointed in the performing arts club.

Instead of continuing to stay in such a society, it is better to quit the society directly.

"But, Yayoi, if you quit the company, then the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music..." looked at Mizono Yayoi in surprise, and Ibuki Ishibashi's face was both surprised and moved.

"It doesn't mean that if I leave the performing arts club, I will definitely fail?" Mizono Yayoi said lightly, "And, to me, it's actually not as important as you."

"No, it should be said that it is far worse than you."

"Yayoi..." He held his girlfriend's little hand tightly, and Ibuki-senpai was even a little speechless.

"In this case, if I still hold onto it, it's obviously inappropriate, right?" Shalin Meiyue sighed.

She glanced at Yu Yuanjing, showing a somewhat relieved expression.

"In that case, Mizono Yayoi, your application for resignation..."

I approve.

Just when she was about to say these words, it seemed to be a pretty good end to this afternoon's accident.

"Sorry, maybe it's a little out of place, but I might have to spoil this somewhat touching atmosphere."

The person who said this was naturally Yuanjing.

"Senior Ibuki." He said to Ibuki Ishibashi with a surprised expression, "Can I ask you to do something?"

"Huh? Well, of course." Yuanjing's existence prevented the tragedy from happening, so Ibuki Ishibashi is actually grateful to him, "Although I don't have as much energy as the performing arts club, but my influence There are still some, if there is anything I can help with, please just ask."

"It's not that big of a deal," Yuan Jing shook his head, "Senior Ibuki, can you please open the schoolbag you're carrying and pour out the contents?"

And, after this, you may not be grateful to me.

"???" Ibuki Shiqiao was confused, showing a rather confused expression.

But the words have been said, so naturally they can only obey obediently.

So, he took the schoolbag next to him, unzipped it, and dumped all the contents on the table in front of the six of them.


Except for Yuan Jing and Hayasaka Ai who had already expected it, everyone showed a rather shocked expression.

I saw that dumped out of the schoolbag, besides the textbooks, stationery and exercise books, there was also a neatly tied bundle of 【Fukuzawa Yukichi】.

Fukuzawa Yukichi is a character printed on Sakurajima ten thousand yuan paper and pen.

In other words, this bundle of banknotes is all ten thousand yuan bills.

Yuan Jing showed such an expression as expected.

He said to the dazed Ibuki Ishibashi, "Senior Ibuki, you seem to be very surprised by the appearance of this bundle of banknotes."

"Of course! Why is there such a large amount of money in my schoolbag?" Senior Ibuki said in surprise, "Who put it in my schoolbag by mistake?"

"Whether it's misplaced or not." Yuan Jing glanced at Mizono Yayoi. In addition to shock, her face also showed an extremely imperceptible paleness and fear, "Then, can I ask you to click your button?" How many banknotes are there in the bundle in front of you?"

Although Ibuki Ishibashi's hands trembled a little, he still completed the work.

"A total of... fifty," he murmured.

In other words, the total amount is - 50 yen.

"50?" Mai Sakurajima obviously reacted to this number, she glanced at Yuan Jing, "Could it be..."

"So, what's going on?" Shalin Meiyue was obviously confused, she was the one who was kept in the dark, "Can someone explain to me?"

"Of course." Yuan Jing looked at the [Prince] of the Performing Arts Club, and sighed slightly, "Actually, yesterday afternoon, the Volunteer Department was defrauded of a rather large amount of funds."

"The number is—"

"One million yen."

Chapter 49 Is it a scam to defraud a scammer? (4.5k)

"Volunteer Department?" Shalin Meiyue heard the words, a little reminiscence appeared on her face, "Is it the club that I rejected yesterday? I remember, their head seems to be called Kashiwagi Nagisa?"

Obviously, Senior Sister Sha Lin still has an impression of what happened yesterday afternoon. After all, there are not many people who come to the performing arts club and hope to reach a cooperation with it when the performing arts club already has a fixed sales channel. ,

"You said they were cheated out of 50 yen?" Mizuki Sarin looked at Yuan Jing with her big bright eyes, obviously taking this matter very seriously, "What's going on here?"

"Senior Sha Lin, after you rejected Kashiwagi-san's request, a mysterious person came to her and said that she had a batch of old books that the members of the performing arts club had no longer used, and they could hand them over to Kashiwagi-san for disposal." Jing glanced at Yayoi Mizono, whose face was slightly pale, "For this reason, she even handed Kashiwagi a sample—that is, a Chinese textbook with [Mai Sakurajima]'s name written on it."

"Because the other party is a senior student and has already shown her sincerity, Kashiwagi-san didn't doubt it too much, but handed over the club's funds to the other party very readily, who would have expected... .. After the other party took the money, they just disappeared forever."

"So, at noon today, Minister Kashiwagi came to the Lamb Club, hoping that we could find the fraudster and recover the defrauded 50 yen."

"And such a commission has naturally been accepted by the Lamb Society."

"After all, this is quite a bad incident."

"Such a thing happened..." Shalin Meiyue's eyes widened and she showed an extremely stunned expression, "Wait a minute, this mysterious person actually knows about Kashiwagi-senior being rejected by me, doesn't that mean Was she there?"

Putting her fist against Xiao Qiao's chin, she racked her brains to recall, "Yayoi, do you still remember when I rejected that Kashiwagi Nagisa, was there anyone around?"

"Sorry, I forgot." Mizono Yayoi showed a slightly apologetic smile, "[Great Market] is a big event that almost all clubs will participate in. Maybe someone passed by and accidentally heard about it. That's why I've got a bad heart."

"Of course, this possibility naturally exists." Yuan Jingjing nodded, and a color of approval appeared on his face, "When that mysterious person approached Kashiwagi-san, he went through a disguise and wanted to rely on his appearance. Finding her is almost impossible."

"But fortunately, we still have a clue in our hands, that is the old textbook with [Sakurajima Mai]'s name written on it that the prisoner handed to Kashiwagi Nagisa."

"I have a little friendship with Sakurajima-senpai, so I went to her at noon to confirm whether this textbook is an old book used by Sakurajima-senpai." Yuan Jing looked at Sakurajima Mai, and Mai Sakurajima nodded to Mitsuki Sarin, indicating that what Yuan Jing said was indeed the truth.

"Then I was extremely surprised that this old textbook was actually genuine."

Shalin Meiyue blinked her big eyes a few times, showing a somewhat confused expression, "What's so surprising about this, shouldn't it be genuine?"

"Of course not." Yuan Jing shook his head, "Senior Sha Lin, you can think about it, what kind of risk is that mysterious person taking to do this? The students of St. Eden made such a If things are discovered, they will definitely be fired."

"Since she has already carefully disguised herself, it shows that this is obviously not a hot-headed crime. In this case, leaving a fake is the most foolproof option."

"As you can imagine, if what we get is a fake, then the clues on Sakurajima-senpai's side can be said to be completely broken. Even I will probably have to adopt some methods with a lower success rate." unconventional means."

"Is there still a way? Junior Yuan, you are so scary!" Shalin Meiyue complained, and then she asked curiously, "By the way, can I ask, if that book is really a fake, how can you find it?" Find the culprit?"

Not only Sarin Mizuki, but also Sakurajima Mai, Hayasaka Ai, Mizono Yayoi and Ibuki Ishibashi all cast curious eyes, obviously wanting to know the answer to this question.

Well, if you guys really want to know...

Yuan Jing shrugged his shoulders, "In any case, the event venue of [Big Market] is equipped with the school's monitoring equipment, although that person has been disguised, and deliberately avoided the camera, so as not to expose his face Under the surveillance equipment, other information will be faithfully recorded by the camera."

"I have dealt with the IT department responsible for maintaining the monitoring equipment. The head of the IT department, Akasaka Ryunosuke, is my friend. Just tell him and give him the information that Kashiwagi-san told me, and he will be able to quickly Quickly lock this person and send me related images."

"But, didn't it mean that she was dressed by Qiao Zhuang and had no face?" Shalin Meiyue couldn't help asking.

"Who says you can't find someone without a positive face?" Yuan Jing glanced at her, "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

"I don't know if you have heard of 'Shiina Mashiro'?"

"Ah, that great painter." Shalin Meiyue slapped her palm, and then looked at Yuan Jing with a strange expression, "Junior Yuan, you don't mean that you also have friendship with her?"

Having said that, apart from being shocked by Yuanjing's intelligence, Shalin Meiyue was also astonished by his wide network.

It always feels like he is friends everywhere... Is this her illusion?

Of course there is, and it is still Guan Bao's acquaintance.

Of course, Yuan Jing knew what Shalin Miyue was surprised about, but with the increase in the resolution of incidents, this was bound to happen.

And just after this incident was resolved, whether it was Nagisa Kashiwagi or Mizuki Sharin, it could be said that they had friendship with him...

"Yes." Yuanjing nodded, then skipped the question, and continued, "Although the face was not photographed, there was actually a scene where she was negotiating with Kashiwagi."

"Then, as long as Kashiwagi-san is found again, and another person who is about the same height as that person is found to pretend to be that person, and using these two as models, Mashiro can reproduce the scene at that time with a brush."

For a painting master like Mashiro Shiina, her oil paintings can be faked.

"Zhenbai forged it. It happened to take a clear photo of Kashiwagi's face from behind him." Yuan Jing said the method he envisioned, "After converting it into data, I will deliberately print the front face Mosaic, and then distributed to all the girls who participated in the [Big Sale] yesterday afternoon."

This is not very difficult for the IT department, which has the information of teachers and students of the whole school.

“[The person in this photo is Mizuki Sarin, right? I never thought that you, the president of the performing arts club, would do such a thing. If you want to get this photo back, you have to give me 70 Yen, otherwise, I will ask you to drop out of school!]”

"If it was Shalin-senpai, the forged photo would have been attached to this text message." Yuan Jing said to the wide-eyed Shalin Mizuki, "Of course, for different people's characteristics, there are differences in wording. There will be a difference.”

For the "Miss Maid" written by Ryunosuke Akasaka, it can be said to be a simple matter.

I took a picture of your face, but it was intentionally mosaiced to prevent others from seeing it and causing things to leak and blackmail to fail.

This is what Yuanjing wants to create.

"Isn't this just communication fraud?" Mai Sakurajima couldn't help complaining.

"The matter of defrauding the swindler, how can I call it a deception? My purpose is not to really ask for 70 yen, but to find out who she is." Yuan Jing's tone was still very calm, as if he was saying something Pretty commonplace.

What Mai Sakurajima said is right, this is indeed the basis of communication fraud.

Scammers spread the same content of "I'm only sending you this letter" to an unspecified majority of people. As long as one person takes the bait, it's worth the fare.

On the other hand, Yuanjing did the opposite. If a normal person received this suspicious email, they would think it was spam or a fraudulent text message. After reading it, they would immediately delete it. Only one person could not forget it. That's the real scammer.

"However, such a method is too complicated, and there is still the possibility that the scammer himself will not believe in evil, so it's great to be able to use it."

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