Yuan Jing breathed a sigh of relief, probably because he had dragged the topic too far before, he asked Mizono Yayoi, whose face was getting uglier, "Mizono-senpai, by the way, what did I just say? "

"Ah." Yayoi Mizono seemed taken aback by such a question, with a forced smile on her face, she said, "It's about the fact that the book is genuine."

"Thank you, senior." Yuan Jing nodded politely at her, "Okay, from Sakurajima senior, we not only know that this sample is genuine, but also locked the suspect in the performing arts club."

"Obviously a fake can be used, but the real one is deliberately used... In this case, there are two possibilities."

Yuan Jing stretched out two fingers.

"First, the prisoner's conscience is not lost. She really needs money, and she only made such a move when she had to."

That's why I used the real product, thinking that I could recover some of the losses on Baimuzhu's side.

"Secondly, the purpose of the prisoner is not actually money. This genuine book is just a clue she left on purpose."

"Sister Shalin, can you imagine, if Kashiwagi finds Sakurajima-senpai with a book and tells her about it, what will happen next in the story?"

"Well," Shalin Meiyue bit her lower lip and groaned in distress. Obviously, she is not very good at brainstorming. "I should investigate this matter thoroughly and give an explanation to the volunteer department."

"Yes, this is the most likely development." Yuan Jing nodded, "But if, I mean if, at this moment, the 50 yen was not found in any member's wardrobe or schoolbag, but Appeared in the schoolbag of Ibuki-senpai, who has always been at odds with the entertainment club..."

Yuan Jing stretched his chin towards the direction of the Ibuki stone bridge, and the expressions of the others, especially the senior Ibuki, suddenly became extremely ugly. "How will things turn out?"

"The members of the performing arts club will suspect that I did this to pour dirty water on the performing arts club?" Ibuki Shiqiao muttered to himself.

"Bingo!" Yuan Jing just snapped his fingers.

"Senior used to be a member of the performing arts club, and the matter of dressing up as a woman shouldn't be a problem for you; as for the fact that the senior was not in the club when you lost the book, that's easy to explain, after all, Meiyuan-senpai is yours." Girlfriend, just ask her."

"Anyway, Sakurajima-senpai often throws things away, and Meiyuan-senpai probably doesn't think that the senior is going to do something bad, so she was careless for a while and was used by the senior, or she would be an accomplice."

"But, but!" Ibuki Ishibashi argued rationally, "When I went to the opera, my schoolbag was kept here. The backstage of the practice room is connected to the dressing room, as long as you are a member of the performing arts club, you can do it When I was watching the opera, I came here from the backstage of the practice room through the locker room, and put this stolen money in my schoolbag, it doesn't mean anything at all!"

"Of course, this is also a possibility." Yuan Jing agreed, "Because there is really a lack of evidence, this possibility naturally exists. But Senior Ibuki," his bright eyes narrowed slightly, Looking at Ibuki Ishibashi, whose face was a little pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead——

"Which statement do you think the members of the Performing Arts Club will be more inclined to?"

On the one hand, there is a dear and beloved female companion in the same club as myself, and on the other side is an annoying male ex-member who has quit the club.

It is self-evident which side the trend in the performing arts club will lean towards.

"But, if it's not money, what is the criminal's purpose?" As the clues were gradually clarified, Mai Sakurajima became more and more confused.

"For the Volunteer Department, if 50 yuan is lost and recovered, we shouldn't go into it too deeply. In the end, isn't it just that the relationship between the new club established by Senior Ibuki and the performing arts club is completely irreparable?"

The members of the performing arts club think that Ibuki Ishihashi is pouring dirty water on the performing arts club, while Ibuki Ishihashi thinks that the performing arts club is wronging himself and deliberately finding fault...

Because there is really no reliable evidence, this case is nothing more than a muddled case after all.

"I remember Sakurajima-senpai told me that after you take over as the president, you will also open the door for male members again, so these male members, including those who have voluntarily quit the company?" Yuanjing asked suddenly road.

Looking at Yuan Jing in surprise, Mai Sakurajima nodded without hesitation, "Of course, it's better to say that they are the ones I want to focus on, after all, you have also seen what happened just now... Wait a minute, are you saying that someone doesn't want to see something like this happen?"

Mai Sakurajima opened her eyes wide.

"If it really develops according to the prisoner's expectation, this gap that could have been repaired will no longer be possible to bridge. This is the prisoner's purpose."

"And, don't you think, this result is very similar to the situation just now?"

After the accident, everyone in the performing arts club also blamed Senior Izu with one voice, and the latter was also completely disappointed and said that he would no longer come to the performing arts club......

"You mean, the accident just now wasn't actually an accident?" Shalin Meiyue showed a rather angry expression. Something scarier than death.

"It was an accident, but it wasn't an accident." Yuan Jing said ambiguously, looking at Mizuki Sarin and Mai Sakurajima, he suddenly asked a question that seemed somewhat irrelevant——

"Sister Sarin, Sister Sakurajima, I heard people say that because of her relationship with Ibuki-senpai, Mizono-senpai has been being bullied by members recently."

"Senior Meiyuan was able to find some strange letters in the locker and shoe cabinets in the locker room that read [Go to hell, traitor!], and when going to the toilet, someone would even block the door with a mop outside.. ...."

"Are these things true?"

Chapter 50 I don't need your hypocrisy!

"Yayoi, is she being bullied by members recently?" Mizuki Sharin showed an extremely surprised expression, "How is this possible?"

"Yayoi is the oldest member of the performing arts club, and also the vice president, and my right-hand man."

"It's too late for everyone to respect her, how could they bully her?"

"Really?" Yuan Jing tilted his head slightly, showing an unconvinced expression, "Is it possible that everyone is just pretending to be good in front of you, but in fact they are secretly doing such things without telling you?"

"There is absolutely no such possibility." Sarin Mizuki said in a quite decisive tone, "I myself learned acting, whether they are really respecting Yayoi, or whether they are just superficially doing something secretly, I still have to see. Clear."

"Besides, things like posting strange letters are fine, I think it's really possible to be negligent for a while."

"If something as big as being locked in the toilet really happened to Yayoi, how could I not know about it?"

"Yayoi Mizono is a very busy person in the performing arts club. Makeup, costume preparation, scenery, lighting... How can these tasks be separated from her?"

"If she never comes back during the club activities, I will dig deep and definitely find her."

When she said this, Sharin Mizuki even made a gesture of hoeing the ground with both hands, as if she wanted to use such funny movements to slightly ease the tense atmosphere in the meeting room.

But apparently, her efforts seem to have failed.

At this moment, the paleness on Mizono Yayoi's face could no longer be concealed. She lowered her head and stared straight at the table, while the senior Ibuki beside her expressed a kind of expression mixed with astonishment and embarrassment. Looking at her with a disappointed expression——

"Yayoi, is what Mizuki said true? Are you lying to me about what you told me before?"

"..." Yayoi Mizono still maintained her original movements without saying a word.

What such behavior represents is naturally 'default'.

The atmosphere in the conference room not only did not become more relaxed, but became more and more dignified. Mitsuki Sarin and Mai Sakurajima looked at Yayoi Mizono, with expressions of shock and bewilderment.

"Mizono-senpai, why are you making such a fuss?" Mai Sakurajima couldn't help asking.

"Isn't this obvious." The person who said this was not Yuanjing, but Ai Hayasaka who was beside him.

"I would say such things to my boyfriend, of course I want to get his boyfriend's love and attention."

"Senior Sharin and Sakurajima have never been in a relationship, so naturally they don't know about such tricks in love." Ai Hayasaka acted like a master of love.

No, she is actually a master of love now.

In order to study how to attack Yuanjing before, she checked a lot, a lot of information, all kinds of theoretical knowledge can be said to be a set.

...Although in the end, it is basically not used much.

Yuan Jing is too smart.

Instead of using tricks and tricks, the stupid method of directly showing the truth is the most effective.

"Pretending to be pitiful to win her boyfriend's sympathy is a common method used by girls." Ai Hayasaka stretched out a finger and said plausibly, "Senior Ibuki, think about it. Did you value her more, and act like you loved her more than you did before, both in your actions and in your words after what I said to you?"

"Just for such a reason?" Sakurajima Mai opened her eyes wide, looking extremely unbelievable.

"It's not [such a reason]!" Ai Hayasaka shook her head, "Sister Sakurajima, that's how people fall in love."

"As long as people talk about love, they will involuntarily weave various stories in their minds, and their mood will fluctuate for the one they love."

"Sometimes I lose confidence, fall into depression, and sometimes get angry for no reason like a child. But if you confirm that the person you like the most likes you, you will immediately feel that you can become a better person, as if you can dominate the world .”

"Sometimes I'm full of blissful happiness, and sometimes I feel anxious and want to cry. The so-called love is to be able to pluck the heartstrings so easily."

"Sister Sarin, Sister Sakurajima, when you also fall in love, you will naturally understand." Ai Hayasaka expressed her affirmation.

"I see..." After hearing Ai Hayasaka's words, Mizuki Sarin and Mai Sakurajima nodded with a vague understanding.

At this moment, both of them couldn't help subconsciously looking at Yuan Jing.

This kind of action was naturally discovered by Hayasaka Ai who had been paying attention to the two of them.

She hugged Yuan Jing's arms in her arms, and then showed a smile full of comfort and full of guard at the two most dazzling pearls of the Performing Arts Club.

Yuanjing's charm is like poison, if no one is watching, how many girls will be "poisoned" by him.

Hayasaka Ai heard from Yukinoshita Yukino that she just let Yuan Jing out of sight for a day, and two girls 'accidentally' took the bait......

Of course they knew that Yuan Jing hadn't thought about doing anything to other people.

But it is this kind of charm without the slightest desire that is the most terrifying!

No one knows this better than they, captives of their charms.

Yuan Jing naturally noticed this small interaction between the girls.

Gently patted Ai Hayasaka's smooth and tender back to reassure her, Yuan Jing brought the slightly off-track theme back on track.

"In short, because I want to get more love from Ibuki-senpai, the sister from the Academy of Fine Arts told him a lie like 'I am suffering from bullying'."

"The reason why she was bullied was because she was the girlfriend of Ibuki Ishibashi who had quit the company, so the members regarded her as a 'traitor' of the performing arts club. After knowing such things, Ibuki-senpai naturally more guilty."

"However, the next thing is a little bit out of Meiyuan-senpai's control." Yuan Jing looked at Ibuki Shiqiao with an extremely ugly face, "Ibuki-senior, if I guess correctly, I will accompany Meiyuan Senior sister came to the Performing Arts Club and used such behavior to frighten Xiaoxiao, you should have brought it up, right?"


"Then I guess, at the beginning, Meiyuan-senpai should have declined with words like 'there is no need to mobilize the teachers like this', and after seeing the senior's attitude is quite firm, did you agree?"

"...Yes." Ibuki Shiqiao looked at his lover who was lowering his face and no longer looking at him, his eyes were full of sadness, "After hearing what she said, I was actually very worried How could you not be worried if something like that happened to your lover!"

"So I said, 'I'll go to the performing arts club with you, if those people see me, they will all be angry at me, and they won't dare touch you'."

"At that time, Yayoi showed a surprised and moved expression, 'Shiqiao, you still have to be busy with your own club activities. You are the president. I don't want to let the club you have established with great difficulty collapse again because of me. Lose.'"

"So, at that time, you were not really thinking about me, but were you afraid that I would expose your lies?!" Senior Shiqiao's voice gradually became louder. It was obvious that he had some difficulty accepting this truth.

"It's not necessary to completely deny it like this." Yuan Jing shook his head, "It is of course impossible to say that Mizono-senpai didn't consider Yayoi-senpai at all...Forget it, now There's no point in talking about these things."

"In short, the boyfriend's intention is so firm, and he even sacrificed his time in club activities, just to make himself feel at ease. While being moved, Meiyuan-senpai also had to face a problem, that is—— "

"What if the lie I told was exposed?"


"Wait a minute, wait a moment, wait a moment!" Sha Lin Meiyue stopped Yuan Jing with some anxiety, her deep black eyes revealing an unbelievable look, "Junior Yuan, do you mean to say that the defrauding volunteer department and Are the people who caused the accident just now actually Yayoi?"

"I can only say that Meiyuan-senpai is the person who is most motivated and able to carry out this plan." Contrary to the content, Yuanjing's tone is actually quite firm.

"Whether it is a fraud case or the accident just now, there is always only one purpose, and that is to make Ibuki-senpai and the performing arts club completely break up, and she can also be a 'person who loves her boyfriend' rather than a 'liar'. Performing Arts Club."

"But she obviously doesn't need to engage in such a small trick at all!" Shalin Meiyue obviously still couldn't accept this reality, "As long as she applies to me, she can completely quit the company directly?"

"Really?" Yuan Jing glanced at Mizono Yayoi, "If that's the case, in Ibuki-senpai's opinion, wouldn't it be my girlfriend who couldn't bear the bullying, so she left the company with hatred? Although I only contacted her today It's been a short period of time, but I don't think the senior seems to be the kind of person who swallows his anger."

"If that really happens, I even doubt that Izu-senpai will bring someone to kill you directly, and you must find out the non-existent 'bully' and make them apologize to their girlfriends .”

"If it's like this, things will get bigger and become even more unmanageable."

A lie needs a hundred lies.

After the matter developed to this point, Mizono Yayoi had actually involved herself in it.

But Yuan Jing will not sympathize with her, because this is just her own doing.

"Also," Yuan Jing turned his gaze to Mai Sakurajima, "After Sakurajima-senpai takes over the position of president, she will extend an olive branch to these members who have quit the club, hoping that they will return to the performing arts club."

"Such a result is unacceptable to Meiyuan-senpai."

"Obviously the president, but I have to accompany my girlfriend to other clubs during club activities. If I don't want the cohesion of the new club to collapse, I have to explain the reason to the members."

Yayoi-senpai doesn't seem like someone who can hide this matter, Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai met him for the first time today, and he told him about it...

It is conceivable that the members of his club should all know about this.

"If the clubs are re-merged, the lies that Meiyuan-senpai told will be exposed after the male and female members communicate with each other."

"Although she and Ibuki-senpai should have graduated at that time, it doesn't mean that they will lose contact with the people from the previous club, right?"

"Maybe some members of the club will feel disdainful about her behavior and tell Senior Ibuki about it, which will cause the relationship between the two to come to an end."

"Therefore, the performing arts club and Ibuki-senpai's new club must be completely broken, and a huge rift must be created that cannot be bridged, at least until 'she was bullied' is forgotten."

With Yuanjing's explanation, Shalin Meiyue couldn't find anything wrong with it.

But no matter what, she didn't want to believe that her best friend turned out to be such a person. After all, the set collapse accident just now might really ruin her future with Mai Sakurajima.

If this accident was really designed by Mizono Yayoi, she would be too femme fatale!

"But didn't you say that the accident just now was an accident, just because of the simple aging of the wood."

"The cause of the accident is indeed the aging of the wood." Yuan Jing nodded, "However, who in the performing arts club usually maintains the sets? No matter how unprofessional, such an obvious safety hazard should be found out, right?"

The main person in charge of this work is naturally Yayoi Mizono.

Obviously, before Ibuki Ishibashi quit the company, he was already a couple with Mizono Yayoi.

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