After her boyfriend quit the company, it was actually quite natural for her to take on such a position after imitating what her boyfriend had been like before.

"However, I don't think Meiyuan-senpai is that bad. She just didn't expect the consequences to be so serious."

"Sister Meiyuan is not a professional set designer after all. Because of her boyfriend's competence, she has never seen the serious consequences of such a safety hazard."

"From her point of view, it was nothing more than a small accident where Sakurajima-senpai stepped on the floor, which was nothing more than a false alarm. She didn't expect that the whole set stage would collapse..."

She can take the lead in rushing out from the backstage to save people, which is proof of that.

After the matter has progressed to this point, the context of the whole incident is quite clear.

Obviously, the black hand behind all these things is this weak-looking Yayoi Mizono.

And all of this stems from a little lie she told in order to gain her boyfriend's sympathy...

But obviously, one of the six people present still couldn't accept the truth.

This person is neither Mizono Yayoi nor her boyfriend Ibuki Ishibashi.


As one of the 'victims', Mizuki Sarin was almost sent to the hospital.

"Well, um..." She was looking down and thinking hard, obviously still looking for other possibilities.

At this moment, Yayoi Mizono, who had been acting extremely quietly, finally moved.

She looked at this 'her best friend' who didn't give up trying to excuse her—

"Put away your hypocrisy, I don't need it."

All the masks were shattered, and Mizono Yayoi's true appearance was finally revealed to everyone.

It was a face distorted with rage.

Chapter 51 Yuanjing, you are too fast! (angry)

"Hypocritical..." Shalin Mizuki heard Mizono Yayoi accusing herself of this, in addition to being shocked, she couldn't help showing a little grievance on her face, "Yayoi, you are my best friend, why do you say such things on purpose , to break my heart?"

"Best friend?" As if hearing something extremely funny, Mizono Yayoi showed an extremely mean sneer. "Sure enough, Mizuki, you still like to pretend to be good."

"You are obviously laughing to yourself in your heart, but you still have to hold it back and try your best to pretend that you care about me very much. This is really hard work for you."

At this time, she no longer has the gentle and generous senior sister appearance in front of the members, Yuan Jing and others.

Obviously, after what she did was mercilessly exposed by others, her psychological defense has completely collapsed.

In front of everyone, she is nothing more than a 'crazy woman' who is 'broken and broken'.

Yayoi Mizono took a look at Yuan Jing who was still looking at her quietly, "Brother Yuan, from the beginning, this was a game you and Mizuki set up together, right?"

"Oh?" Yuan Jing raised his sword eyebrows, showing a little surprise, "Why did Senior Mei Yuan say such a thing?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Mizono Yayoi shouted angrily, she was not afraid to say anything now.

"The layman Miyue randomly asked her to watch the performance turned out to be a member of the Lamb Club who just accepted the commission from the Volunteer Department. Don't tell me this is just a coincidence!"

"Anyway, you must have found Meiyue long ago. I hope she can cooperate with you in a play to find out who the real scammer is. I'm right!"

While talking, Mizono Yayoi looked at Shalin Mizuki with extremely resentful eyes, "You actually did such a thing secretly without telling me, Mizuki, you must be suspicious of me, right? You don't even have such trust. What a 'best friend'!"

"It's also my fault that I trust you too much, I didn't consider such a possibility at all, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he wouldn't have messed up his position first.

Her voice was filled with quite strong regret.

The most important part of Mizono Yayoi's plan is to have people from the Volunteer Department, such as Nagisa Kashiwagi and Concubine Shijo, come to ask for an explanation. This is the most reasonable and least noticeable by outsiders. , a way to achieve one's own purpose.

However, the staff from the Volunteer Department did not come to the door for a long time. This unexpected situation completely disrupted her plan.

Because she didn't think about really wanting to spend this money, she carried 50 yen with her, so that she could stuff it into her boyfriend's schoolbag when the volunteer department came to her door. among.

But after there was no movement from the volunteer department, the 50 yen in the schoolbag instantly became hot.

People in the volunteer department are just 'not coming yet', rather than 'absolutely not coming'.

If they came to the door while everyone was performing and broke into the locker room to rummage through their schoolbags...

What should I do?

She had heard that Nagisa Kashiwagi's family owned a large shipyard, and his grandfather was even a director of the Sakurajima Economic Organization Federation.There is nothing wrong with people with such a background being petty, self-willed and domineering.

She has such qualifications.

As for the true concubine Sijo, it goes without saying that she is the daughter of the Sijo family, one of the four major families...

In short, if they really feel that this incident has lost their face and want to find out the truth unreasonably, the performing arts club will definitely not be able to stop them.

If they really got the money out of their schoolbags, one can imagine what would happen to her.

Therefore, she had no choice but to change her plan. Taking advantage of the performance of the play, she quietly left the backstage of the practice room. After passing through the dressing room, she secretly put the money into Ibuki Ishibashi's schoolbag.

What she thought was, if Nagisa Kashiwagi and Concubine Shijo came, then it would be the best, and things would go according to plan.

Then when Ibuki-senpai discovered the money and was puzzled, he said it was a prank by members of the performing arts club.

They see Senior Ibuki as a thorn in their side, so in order to kick him out of the performing arts club, they deliberately put a large sum of money in his schoolbag, and then "cry and catch the thief" and slander him as a "thief".

Such a reason is a bit far-fetched to be honest, but Mizono Yayoi has no other choice.

Since you have done something bad, you have to worry about ghosts knocking on the door.

It was because she couldn't bear such torture that she hastily planned this afternoon's accident.

And after Yuanjing said what she did with no doubts, from Mizono Yayoi's point of view, the whole thing this afternoon was just arranged by Mizuki Sarin long ago, in order to lure the snake out of the hole and catch the real "prisoner" It's just a preset game.

She didn't have a breath with herself beforehand, which proved that she was also doubting herself.

How can such a person have the face to say that he is his 'best friend'?

"So, from Mizono-senpai's point of view, Sharin-senpai, who suspected that she was a criminal and lied to her, didn't regard herself as her best friend." Yuan Jingjing nodded, expressing that she understood Mizono Yayoi's logic, and then he Then his face became serious, and he looked at the 'prisoner' of this incident——

"But I would like to ask Miss Meiyuan, when you deliberately used the set stage that is obviously a safety hazard, have you considered that your 'best friend' may be injured because of this, and you may even be unable to realize your dream again , have you stepped onto the screen?"

"What scars mean to artists, especially female artists, you who have the same dream can't help but know."

"I think you should know exactly who is fouling the word 'best friend'."

"..." Yayoi Mizono was speechless at Yuan Jing's words.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word at all.

It was like a swimming fish thrown to the shore, opening and closing its mouth in vain, waiting for death in despair.

"Yayoi..." Seeing Mizono-senpai's pitiful appearance now, although I already know that she has done a very serious wrong, it is only her own fault, but Ibuki-senpai is her boyfriend after all , he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to her, as if he wanted to say something.

However, this hand was knocked off by Mizono Yayoi at once.

"Don't touch me!" After screaming like this, Mizono Yayoi couldn't help covering her cheeks, and sobbed softly, "Please, please don't continue to be so nice to me."

"For you, am I not a substitute for Meiyue? If Meiyue didn't reject your confession, why would you look at me who is beside her, who is not at all eye-catching?"

Ai Hayasaka and Mai Sakurajima exchanged a look in surprise, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

It's no wonder that Mizono Yayoi would panic like that to her boyfriend.

In her view, she is just a substitute for Ibuki Ishihashi to pursue Mizuki, so naturally she feels quite insecure.

However, a fault is a fault, and it will not become minor because of difficulties and reasons, let alone become correct because of it.

"I... have always been quite jealous of Mitsuki." Covering her cheeks, Mizono Yayoi said these words intermittently through her fingers, accompanied by sobs, "As long as she is by her side, no matter how hard I try, The light that emanates will be easily covered by her, and everyone's eyes are only chasing after her, and they will not cast even a mean glance on me..."

"Even the boys I like..."

"God, why is the gap between geniuses and mortals so large? Why do you make me endure such pain?"

Between the fingers, there are large drops of crystal teardrops falling continuously. They dripped on the table and rolled on it with difficulty, reflecting a distorted reflection...

"When the second act opened and I saw Mizuki walking off the stage, apart from nervousness and panic, I even felt a little joy."

"If Meiyue was really injured because of this, wouldn't the gap between me and her be so big?"

"I'm such a terrible, hopeless person to have such a thought..."

"sorry Sorry sorry......"

All the pain, resentment, jealousy, doubts, the end, they just turned into these guilty whispers...

Yuan Jing didn't know who Mizono Yayoi said "I'm sorry" to. Maybe it was Mizuki Sarin who she had always hated and couldn't help being close to, or maybe it was because she was always thinking of her but was deceived by her Ibuki Ishibashi, who was innocently involved, may be Mai Sakurajima who was almost injured, or Nagisa Kashiwagi who became the target of his use...

There are too many people she is sorry for.

However, at the end of this story, Yuanjing still has one thing that must be told to Meiyuan-senpai, and that is——

"Senior Sarin wasn't acting just now." Still in that iconic calm tone, ignoring Mizuki Sarin who was furiously winking at him, Yuan Jing said to Mizono Yayoi who was already in tears, "She really doesn't know about it."

"Eh?" The apology and sobbing stopped suddenly, Mizono Yayoi made a confused voice, "Then she will invite you... Could it be that I thought the same at first, is it just a pure coincidence? "

"No, it's not a coincidence." Yuan Jing shook his head, "She was just designed by me and Ai."

"The reason why she invited me to watch the performance of the Performing Arts Club is probably because she wants to get this thing from me."

He took out a piece of paper that he had written long ago from his pocket, and Yuan Jing handed it to Yayoi Mizono through Ai Hayasaka.

Mizono Yayoi wanted to take this note, but found that her hands were not only soaked in tears, but also trembling slightly, a little disobedient.

In the end, Ibuki Ishibashi with a complicated expression took it over.

On the paper that was obviously torn from a notebook, there was a series of numbers written in elegant handwriting, and on the left side was a person's name.

Obviously, it's someone's phone number.

As for who exactly 'someone' is here...

"Xiaolin Sansi?" Senior Ibuki's expression became extremely astonished after reading the name written on the note.

His eyes moved between Yuanjing and the note in his hand, looking a little unbelievable, "Could this be the phone number of that Principal Xiao Lin?"

The founder of the Takarazuka Opera Troupe is Kazan Kobayashi, who was also the first principal of the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music (then it was called [Takarazuka Music and Opera School]).

And this [Kobayashi Sansi] is a direct descendant of Sanbayashi Kazuzo and the current principal of Takarazuka Music Academy.

When Shalin Meiyue came to find Yuanjing, she wanted to get this thing from him.


She is not for herself.

At least, not just for herself.

"Senior Shalin learned from Ai that I actually have a little friendship with Principal Xiaolin, so she came to me."

Although it was said to be 'a little friendship', Yuan Jing had never dealt with this Xiaolin Sansi, and he had obtained this number from a member of the Yuan family by calling.

"When she approached me, Senior Sister Sharin said—【I hope you can give us a chance】."

"...We...we?" Yayoi Mizono looked at Mizuki Sarin, at first she didn't seem to understand what this meant, but she was not an idiot after all, she was filled with pain and regret And the brain that was a little paralyzed finally gradually understood what Yuan Jing said.

Not 'I' but 'we'?

The other party is the principal of the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music, and in the Performing Arts Club, who will graduate this year, and the goal is to enter the Takarazuka Conservatory of Music, and join the Takarazuka Opera Troupe after graduation, only...

"You and me..." A slightly hoarse voice escaped from her mouth, and the painful expression of Meiyuan-senpai became even more distorted at this moment.

"I think the purpose of Sister Sharin is mainly for Sister Meiyuan. After all, although I haven't finished watching it yet, with her appearance and acting skills, it should be a very important thing to enter Takarazuka Conservatory of Music. Simple things."

"So, she hopes to get in touch with Sansi Xiaolin to see if she can negotiate some favorable conditions for Senior Meiyuan."

"Of course, judging from the current situation, there is obviously no need for this." Yuan Jing sighed softly.

It was Mizono-senpai herself who wiped out such a future.


"Zhu, what are you doing? Are you still brooding over what happened yesterday?"

In the room of the Volunteer Department, looking at Nagisa Kashiwagi, who was clearly out of his mind, Makoto Shijo asked curiously.

"Since it has been entrusted to Yuanjing, there is no need to worry at all, just wait quietly for the good news."

The four real concubines seemed full of confidence.

Bai Muzhu looked at his best friend speechlessly.

What we entrust is Lambhui, not Yuanjing......

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