It seemed that Concubine Zhen was really hopeless.

"I think......"

Isn't this a bit too difficult for him, after all, there are so few clues.

If there is really no other way, will Concubine Zhen be very disappointed...

Bai Muzhu was a little hesitant to express his worries.

At this moment, her phone rang——

"What? Has everything been resolved?"

She looked at the watch on the wall in shock.

This is too fast!

Chapter 52 Do you like Jinger?

"I really didn't expect Mizono-senpai to be such a person." Mai Sakurajima sighed.

Her impression of Mizono Yayoi has always been quite good. As a senior senior to her, Mizono Yayoi has always taken good care of her and helped her many times.

Moreover, her enthusiasm for acting actually made her quite admirable.Mai Sakurajima could tell that Yayoi Mizono really loved acting.

However, driven by jealousy, she would actually do such a thing...

"This is the so-called 'knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart'." Ai Hayasaka, who was walking beside Yuanjing, echoed.

The three of them had already left the meeting room of the performing arts club and walked in the corridor of the club building.

After all the truth has been revealed, there is no need for Yuan Jing and Hayasaka Ai to stay in the performing arts club.And today's club activities of the Performing Arts Club have also ceased, coupled with the fact that the atmosphere between the three of them has become somewhat delicate, Mai Sakurajima also said goodbye to Sarin Mizuki, and walked out of the Performing Arts together with the two. The gate of the society.

So far, the volunteer department's 50 yen has been recovered, and the real culprit of the 'accident' this afternoon has also been found out, so whether it is Kashiwagi Nagisa or Sarin Mizuki, Lamb It can be said that it has handed in a fairly perfect answer sheet.

Of course, this does not mean that the incident is over.

Such a vicious event will definitely have a follow-up aftermath.

For example, after this incident, whether the love affair between Ibuki Ishibashi and Mizono Yayoi can continue, Kashiwagi Nagisa and Shijo Zhenfei from the Volunteer Department will know the whole picture of the incident, and will they really commit this crime? What did the "fraud" senior sister do, and where will the friendship between Salim Miyue and her "best friend" go...

These are all things that are still inconclusive.

However, one thing is absolutely certain, that is——

This Mizono Yayoi absolutely cannot continue to stay in St. Eden Academy.

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised." Mai Sakurajima who was walking in the front suddenly turned her head and looked at Yuan Jing, "Yuan-kun would say such a thing at the end."

Mizuki Sarin winked at Yuanjing to discourage him from doing this, but Mai Sakurajima who was sitting by the side could see it clearly, she couldn't believe that the student in front of her who could be described as unfathomable would not be able to understand Mizuki Sarin's words mean.

But he still said it without hesitation.

Obviously there is no need for this at all...

"So, Sakurajima-senpai also thinks I shouldn't say it?" Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.

What Sakurajima Mai said is undoubtedly what he told Mizono Yayoi at the end of the incident just now, that is, the reason why Sarin Mizuki groveled to find Minamoto, who was two grades below her, was actually because of For her future and future considerations.

For Mizono Yayoi, these words are without a doubt heartbreaking words.

If it is the protagonist with the character of "Asahi (gentle)", after seeing the dissuading eyes cast by Mizuki Sarin, he should just keep silent, which is the correct choice.

After all, whether you say it or not, the matter has already been settled. Apart from adding another huge scar to Mizono Yayoi's heart, these last words actually have no practical significance.

But the problem is...

Yuan Jing is not the kind of 'Asahi' boy.

At least, his "Asahi" will not be reflected in the tolerance of "criminals".

Even if the other party is a beautiful senior...

"I don't like to hide it," Yuan Jing shook his head, "Yayoi Mizono did something wrong, so naturally she needs to be punished. This is a matter of course."

This is also one of his life principles.

"Since you have committed a crime, you must bear the truth, no matter how difficult it is to accept. This is my idea." Yuan Jing glanced at Mai Sakurajima slightly, and found that she was carrying a somewhat familiar Smiling and looking at herself, "So, does Sakurajima-senpai think I did something wrong?"

"Of course not." Mai Sakurajima shook her head, "I can tell what is right and what is wrong. I haven't gotten to the point where I don't know what is good or bad."

"It's just that." Staring closely at Yuan Jing's cheeks, Mai Sakurajima's eyes flashed with a strange look, "I feel like I know Yuan-kun better..."

Mai Sakurajima has not had many interactions with Yuan Jing, and the few times they have had something to do with Touma Kazusa.

It was precisely because she saw Touma Kazusa's affection for Yuan Jing that she kept a respectful attitude towards this junior all the time.

After her mother found out that the song "Descent" was actually written by a senior student of St. Eden Academy, she was shocked, but she had been insinuating her and the student all the time. To build a good relationship, if possible, it is best to turn Yuanjing into her queen composer or something.

Being able to compose a song of the level of "Denglin" at the age of 18, Yuanjing's future is completely inestimable in her opinion.

After discovering such a brilliant diamond, how can you not hold it firmly in your palm?

However, Mai Sakurajima did not respond to her mother's thoughts.

She never even took the initiative to find Yuanjing.

She fully sees Dongma Hesa's attachment and admiration for Yuanjing, and she doesn't want to take the love away and intervene as a third party.

Even if the other party will be of great help to your career.

This is a matter of principle in life.

Before today, Mai Sakurajima thought so.

If today's incident hadn't happened, she and Yuan Jing would have maintained a cooperative attitude of neither far nor near, and it might not even be possible to alienate again later.


It is not Touma Kazusa who is by Yuanjing's side today.

It was a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes——

Hayasaka love.

The attitude between the two is quite intimate, simply, no, they should be a couple.

Mai Sakurajima didn't feel that Yuan Jing was 'stealing'.

Of course, Yuanjing is very clear about the fact that he knows Touma and Sa.

Well, since he can openly show this intimate attitude with Hayasaka Ai in front of him, it means that he is not afraid to tell Touma Kazusa about it.

In other words, Dongma Hesha definitely knew about it.

In other words, not only knew, but also agreed.

If that's the case——

Do I still have to continue to worry about Touma and Sa's thoughts?

Mai Sakurajima hesitated to think about it in her heart.

However, when she was acting, such thoughts were completely left behind by her.


When the railing broke, she fell off the stage with an unstable center of gravity.

The time of the fall was too short, coupled with the restraint of the medieval noble lady's costume on her body, so that she had no time to react, and could only look desperately at the approaching stage floor.

But in the end, what greeted her was not the cold ground, but an embrace.

A rather warm embrace.

Yuan Jing not only caught her, but also propped up a safe space for her and Shalin Meiyue with his own body after the whole set collapsed.

"It's okay, I'm here."

In that darkness, when she was terrified, such words seemed to possess magical power, calming her frightened and restless heart...

In that small and dark space, Mai Sakurajima hugged Yuanjing tightly, her heart was peaceful.

'Since Kasa-senpai can accept Hayasaka Ai, there shouldn't be any problem with me, right? '

she thought so.

An airtight pocket, if there is no damage on it, no matter how many things are contained in it, it will not leak out.

But there is a hole in it, even if it is very small at first, it will inevitably be stretched.

The same is true in the relationship between men and women.

If Yuanjing had made up his mind from the very beginning and no one was ready to accept it, then no matter how many people liked him, he could live in peace.

However, if he changed his mind and started to open his heart, it would actually be impossible to stop the car again.

Shimizu Kaguya is like this, Miura Yumiko and Yuigahama Yui are like this.

And today's things are the same.

By the way, Mai Sakurajima's feeling is not wrong, Yuan Jing said [It's okay, I'm here. ] When he said this sentence, he was not speaking like an ordinary person, but was using a technique called 'hudang' that hadn't appeared for a long time.

In a buried situation like this, if you panic and move around, it is easy to have an accident and injure yourself, so you must keep calm and wait for the people outside to remove the buried object.

That's why he used this technique that was originally developed to make the opposite sex 'obedient'.

He can be said to be well versed in this, after all, he grew up under Minamoto's 'care'.

If he wanted to grab some freedom in that life like a spider's web, 'Hudang' could be said to be one of his most effective weapons.

Sure enough, this time the effect was outstanding.

It's just that it seems to be too outstanding...

"By the way, Yuan-senpai, recently..." Sakurajima Mai was about to continue to say something, but was interrupted lightly by Hayasaka Ai.

When this national idol faced Yuan Jing, this change in attitude naturally couldn't be hidden from this delicate maid.

He was clearly beside him, but in Mai Sakurajima's eyes, there was always only Ah Jing alone...

What this means, Hayasaka Ai can be said to be very clear.

That Sister Shalin Meiyue is alright, today's incident hit her too hard, even if it was only a slightly ignited flame, it has been blown out by the strong wind for the time being.

However, as the "involved" and "rescued", Mai Sakurajima does not have such a problem.

"Evidently I'm watching, but such a thing can happen..." Ai Hayasaka thought in frustration.

However, she couldn't stop Yuanjing from saving people.

Hayasaka Ai couldn't do such a thing as ruining the future of the two girls because of jealousy.

However, it would be impossible for her to just watch from the sidelines like this.

After all, there is always a first come first served in everything, right?

Cleverly interrupting Mai Sakurajima's words, as if she suddenly remembered something, she said to the senior who is a year older than herself and Yuan Jing: "By the way, Senior Sakurajima, as the party involved in the incident, do you want to Come back to the Society of Lambs with us?"

The destination of Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai is actually Lamb Club.

The 50 yen collected from Ibuki Ishibashi's schoolbag is now quietly lying in Yuanjing's schoolbag.

He has already contacted Bai Muzhu and Shijo Zhenfei, and is going to return it to the original owner in the lamb club's house, and then tell the other party the truth of the whole matter.

"Sister Sakurajima, please join me. After all, someone might want to ask you some questions." When Ai Hayasaka said 'someone', he was referring to Murasaki Shikibu.

For her who needs to collect materials, Mai Sakurajima's remarks should be quite valuable to her.

Moreover, she is Chika Fujiwara's aunt after all, and after realizing Mai Sakurajima's thoughts, she will definitely take a certain approach.

According to common sense, it should be so, right?

After Mai Sakurajima was interrupted, there was no angry expression on her face.

This was exactly what she expected to happen.

If she was Ai Hayasaka, she would have adopted the same method, right?


With a warm smile, Sakurajima Mai nodded very simply.


"So that's why this happened, is it because of the pathetic jealousy?" Yukinoshita Yukino sighed and said with some emotion.

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