Now, the three of them have returned to the Lamb Club's room, and Yuan Jing also explained the truth to the three people in the room and Zi Shibu.

"So, I won." Shimizu Kaguya suddenly said something quite thoughtless.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the three of Yuan Jing, Chika Fujiwara handed the two manuscripts to the three of them, "Actually, my aunt had already finished writing this story in the afternoon, and this is the difference between the two. version of."

Yuan Jing flipped through it in surprise, and found that it was indeed two different stories.

In one version, the prisoner is a special student of the performing arts club (that is, the kind of student who receives full or partial tuition subsidies due to his excellent grades in school or entrance exams).

She loves acting, but her family doesn't support her ideal at all, so she can only pay for it out of pocket.

Because I was really cash-strapped and couldn't even pay the fees for the practice courses, I had no choice but to make a bad move.

As for the second version, it is surprisingly similar to what Yuan Jing said just now.

It was also out of jealousy, she also had a boyfriend, she also had an accident today and was rescued by Yuan Jing.

"Me and Yukino think the truth should be similar to the first version, but Kaguya thinks it should be the second..."

Fujiwara Chika said this with some regret.

She and Yukino belong to the school of 'human beings are kind', while Kaguya is the opposite.

Is this a work of art, or...

Yuan Jing glanced at Murasaki Shikibu.

But at this moment, she had already arrived in front of Mai Sakurajima, and those eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts narrowed all of a sudden——

"Miss Sakurajima Mai, I want to ask—"

"Do you like Jinger?"

Chapter 53 Murasaki Shikibu, Unknown Intent?

"Miss Sakurajima Mai, I want to ask—"

"Do you like Jinger?"

As soon as Zi Shibu's question came out, the air in the Lamb Club became quiet for a moment. Obviously, no one thought that Zi Shibu would suddenly come to Mai Sakurajima and say such a thing.

"What——" Mai Sakurajima was also stunned by the sudden question, her originally dexterous lips and tongue seemed to be knotted at the moment, her blue-black eyes suddenly opened wide, and she stared blankly. He stared at the peerless beauty in dark black clothes.

If you want to ask her if she has any thoughts about Yuanjing, then of course it is affirmative.


You have to ask her if she is willing to speak out at this juncture?

Then naturally it is negative.

Ai Hayasaka can see her little thoughts, so it shouldn't be a secret to Yuan Jing.

But how to put it, there is an essential difference between being seen through and expressing one's own thoughts clearly.

Just like the Russian turntable, even if everyone knows that there are bullets in the revolver, only after pulling the trigger can we know whether there will be bullets or not.

But for Mai Sakurajima now, it's obviously not the time to 'pull the trigger'.

At present, it is obvious that she only has a good impression of Yuanjing unilaterally. If she speaks out now...

This bullet will never hit.

The relationship between himself and Yuanjing will also come to an end.

But if you deny it here, or say it vaguely...

Then it can be said that he has denied the possibility of continuing to develop with Yuanjing, and he has broken his own hands.

Mai Sakurajima took a deep look at the peerless beauty with long hair reaching her ankles and wearing black glasses.

'Just now, Fujiwara-sister called her [little aunt]?So, is this beating me for my niece? '

'No matter what I do, I can only get results that I don't want at all... This aunt of Fujiwara-senpai is really not easy. '

She secretly raised her vigilance in her heart.

But in any case, such questions still need to be answered, but just when she was in a dilemma——

Unexpected 'rescue soldiers' appeared.

"Auntie, what are you asking Sakurajima-senpai!" The person who rushed between Mai Sakurajima and Murasaki Shikibu and separated them was Chika Fujiwara.

Standing in front of Mai Sakurajima, Chika Fujiwara looked at her aunt angrily, "Didn't you see that Sakurajima-senpai was shocked, don't you know how to answer?"

"Because, I'm really curious." When Zi Shibu faced his niece's trouble, he didn't show any anger or surprise, obviously he had expected such a situation long ago.

"Among all kinds of works, the so-called hero saving the beauty can be said to be the most old-fashioned plot to win the hearts of the opposite sex." Zi Shibu talked eloquently, "And [old-fashioned] is actually [classic] and A synonym for [effective], since so many people write this, it means that it is indeed quite useful."

Murasaki Shikibu was tall, about a head taller than Chika Fujiwara.

Overlooking his niece, he cast his eyes on Mai Sakurajima, and her deep purple eyes flashed a frenzy that was so thick that it almost turned into reality——

"What happened in the performing arts club just now is not a very classic hero saving the beauty, so I want to know the emotional changes of Miss Sakurajima at that time and after that."

"Of course, I won't let you do this for nothing." Zi Shibu slowly extended a finger.

"One thing." She said in a rather decisive tone, "As long as you can tell me exactly how you felt at the time, you have the right to ask me to do anything."

"That's my promise."

Any... one thing?

Mai Sakurajima opened her eyes slightly, looking a little astonished.

"Arbitrary... how 'arbitrary' is it?" With a little curiosity, she asked tentatively.

At the beginning, she thought that Murasaki Shikibu was beating herself for Fujiwara Chika, but now it seems...

Doesn't seem like that at all?

"Well, of course I will try my best to be 'arbitrary'." Zi Shibu said generously, "No matter what your request is, I will do my best. Of course, if it is too illusory If so, I may have to follow my understanding."

"So, if possible, try not to make vague requests such as 'Let Gen-senpai fall in love with me!'," said Zishibu, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"It's a more explicit request like 'Please turn Junior Yuan up and carry him to my bed!' Is it understandable now?"

"Why do you take it for granted that Sakurajima-senpai is a carnivorous slut!" Fujiwara Chika complained quite fiercely, "The thing just now is just an example, but it will never happen, that's it. right?"

To be honest, even Chika Fujiwara didn't know if her aunt was serious or just teasing herself.

Her thoughts were hidden too deeply, even Qian Hua couldn't see through them at all.

Qianhua's great-grandfather, also known as Zi Shibu's grandfather, did not love her for no reason.

She totally deserves to be treated like this.

In the Fujiwara family, there is actually a habit that is unknown to foreigners, that is, if you encounter something that is not clear what to do, or difficult to make a decision, you can naturally get absolutely correct advice just by asking the Murasaki Shikibu who lives in the library .

However, she only accepts three inquiries a month.

In the 16 years from the age of 28 to the age of 13, Murasaki Shikibu has made hundreds of decisions.

Among them, the number of decisions that were later verified as wrong was——


This kind of terrifying determination that seems to be able to predict the future is the most important reason why she can occupy a high position in the Fujiwara family.

If Minamoto Yorimitsu is a "monster" that only appeared in the Minamoto family for thousands of years, Murasaki Shikibu's status in the Fujiwara family can be said to be exactly the same.

Even if it is a member of the Fujiwara family, not any cat or dog can occupy the name 'Purple Shikibu'.

"Please wait a moment." A cold-sounding and dignified voice came in, this was the voice of Yukinoshita Yukino that Chika Fujiwara was quite familiar with, "Mr. Shikibe, if I heard correctly... ..”

"You seem to really hope for something between Sakurajima-senpai and A Jing?"

Yukinoshita Yukino is a fan of Murasaki Shikibu's books, and with her status as Fujiwara Chika's aunt, she naturally respects her very much.

But in the end, it's nothing more than respect.

If Murasaki Shikibu wants to do something to Yuan Jing, these respects will not become a rope that binds her hands and feet.

"Have you been spotted?" Murasaki Shikibu shrugged exaggeratedly, "There is no way to do this. After all, Ms. Mai Sakurajima can be said to be a very rare sister role."

"Sister role?" Yukinoshita Yukino repeated what Murasaki Shikibu had just said in a daze.

"That's right!" Although Zi Shibu has been showing a little shyness in daily communication and greetings, when it comes to creation, she seems to be a completely different person, "It's a sister role!"

"You also know that the new work I'm raising is actually a modern harem story based on Jinger, right?" Zi Shibu said with great interest, "Then, since it is a one-to-many harem, one condition must be met. ,That is--"

"The elements must be complete!"

She said so sternly.

"However, as far as the current situation is concerned, among Jing'er's future wives, there is no one who is like a gentle sister like water, so it is very important to use materials in this regard!"

"But, my sister Yango..." Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned by Murasaki Shikibu's extremely serious expression, but she was not an ordinary girl after all, so naturally she was not so easy to convince.

"You can't do it!" Zi Shibu resolutely denied Yukino's words, "I don't admit that such a 'destroyer' would be a so-called 'sister'!"

Isn't Yang Nai's older sister attribute completely absent in her relationship with Yuan Jing?

If she really had to be classified, she should be the kind of antagonist character who is 'overwhelmed'.

"Kaguya!" Murasaki Shikibu suddenly called out the name of Shimizu Kaguya, who had been watching the situation quietly and did not speak out in support of any party. The latter blinked his eyes for some reason, and cast a somewhat puzzled look at Murasaki Shikibu.

"You are the only girl here who participated in the 'party' on Sunday, so this kind of thing can only be asked of you." When Zi Shibu said these words, he did not show any embarrassment at all. Obviously, Now she is in a state of excitement, and she has no time to be shy.

"Let me ask you, what did that girl named Yang Nai call Jing Er at that time? Surely it wasn't something like 'Little Brother Jun'?"

Ah, this...

Rao Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help being a little stunned at this moment, not knowing what to say.

It would be fine if there were only Chika Fujiwara, Yukino Yukinoshita and Ai Hayasaka, everyone was already destined to be good sisters, and it would be fine to talk about these private boudoir joys.

But the problem is...

Mai Sakurajima is here too.

Moreover, even if you are Fujiwara Chika's aunt, isn't it inappropriate to ask these?

"You see, hesitation means no. According to my inference, it should be 'brother' or..." Although Shimizu Kaguya did not answer, Zishibu has already deduced from this hesitation Come to a conclusion.

Just at this time......

"That's enough, Sister Zi."

After hearing such words, Zi Shibu's original pouring words stopped suddenly, as if the floodgate was suddenly closed.

And there is only one person in this world who she allowed to use the title 'Sister Purple'.

Only he and Minamoto Laimitsu could drag her back from this state.

Meeting Yuan Jing's gaze, Zi Shibu could feel a bit of condemnation mixed in that gaze.

Obviously, what Murasaki Shikibu said earlier made Yuan Jing a little unacceptable.

After all, both Yangno and Kaguya are very important to him.

And I am just Qianhua's aunt, and Laiguang's former friend.

The reason why he is willing to save some face for me is probably for their sake...

Murasaki Shikibu is actually not a person who gets depressed easily.

Otherwise, those literati in the literary world who blamed her might have been approached by the enraged Fujiwara family to 'drink tea' long ago.

It was Murasaki Shikibu who stopped them——

'It's actually quite interesting to see the monkeys jumping up and down with envy and scratching their ears and cheeks anxiously. '

That's what she said at the time.

Because these are things she doesn't care about at all, they are like weeds, no, it should be said that they are like insects, that's why she behaves so calmly.

However, if it is someone she really cares about, she can easily 'break the defense'.

For example, Minamoto Raimitsu.

Another example... Yuanjing.

The mouth that had been eloquent closed suddenly, and Zishibu looked at Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai who were looking at him with somewhat unbelievable eyes, and then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who was looking at him in shock, And Chika Fujiwara who stretched out her hand as if to stop her from continuing.

She opened her mouth as if to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

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