"Ah, it's like this again..." After sighing softly in his heart, Zi Shibu, who regained his composure, looked at the trigger at the beginning, that is, Mai Sakurajima, a first-year student of Dagenjing .

As if asking her not to care, after patting Sakurajima Mai twice, Zishibu turned around, walked to the seat where he had been sitting before, and lowered his head slightly.

The atmosphere in the Lamb Club room became a bit delicate, the girls looked at me and I looked at you, and didn't know what to say next, and it was Yuanjing who broke the awkward atmosphere in the end——

"Sister Sakurajima, Mr. Kashiwagi and Concubine Zhen are coming soon, do you want to meet them?"

Mai Sakurajima shook her head.

She took a deep look at Murasaki Shikibu who was writing something with his head down——

"No, I don't seem to be suitable to stay here now." With a slightly bitter smile on his face, Mai Sakurajima bowed slightly to the members of the Lamb Club, "Please take me to say hello to them, and convey my My apologies, if the Volunteer Department has any other requests, as the next head of the Performing Arts Club, I will try my best to meet..."

After saying these words, Mai Sakurajima straightened her body, then turned and walked out of the Lamb Club's room.

However, after she walked out of the club building, Mai Sakurajima put one hand into the pocket of her jacket and took out a note from it.

There are no words on it, only a series of numbers.

"Is this... a phone number?" Thinking of what Yuan Jing had done in the performing arts club, Sakurajima Mai was not surprised.

However, the giver of this note was not Yuanjing.

Looking back, looking at the second floor of the club building, which is in the direction of the lamb clubhouse, Mai Sakurajima's eyes flickered.

'My promise is still valid...does she mean it? '

Chapter 54 Hiratsuka Shizuka, danger?

"Qianhua's aunt always has a feeling that she doesn't come from the Fujiwara family at all," retracting her eyes from Sakurajima Mai's back, Shimizu Kaguya cast a somewhat subtle look at Murasaki Shikibu, who was buried in writing. a glance.

If there is anyone in the Lamb Club who has dealt with the Fujiwara family the most, then it is naturally Kaguya Shimizu who was born in the Shinomiya family.

She and Qianhua were close friends when they were in junior high school, and when they were isolated and helpless, they actually thought about using the power of the Fujiwara family to escape from the devil's den, so they specially collected relevant information about the Fujiwara clan.

If she were to label these members of the Fujiwara family, it would be... [Yangjiao], in layman's terms, it's the so-called [Social Bull B Syndrome].

How should I put it, all members of the Fujiwara family are actually quite good at communicating with others. Even people they just met can quickly draw closer and become friends with just a few words.

Chika Fujiwara is a fairly typical member of the Fujiwara family.

And her little aunt seems to be a little... well, can't speak?

Shimizu Kaguya thought of what Murasaki Shikibu said and did before.

If it was a real member of the Fujiwara family, even if they were curious about Mai Sakurajima's mood, they would not adopt such a blunt response.

It should be a softer, more moist and silent way to get the information you want.

Of course, everyone has their own personality, even if they come from the same family, it doesn't mean that everyone needs to be in the same shape as if they were carved out of the same mold.

Occasionally there is a strange person in the Fujiwara family, which is actually a very normal thing, and there is no need to pay too much attention to it.


When dealing with her in the future, you may have to be more cautious.

Hmm, it's embarrassing to ask me such a question out of the blue, right?

Until now, the blush on Shimizu Kaguya's cheeks has not dissipated.

This question from Murasaki Shikibu brought back her memories, and it directly reminded her of that day, the scene of "serving" Yuanjing with Kasha and Yangno.

This memory full of sweetness and a little bit of pain, she will never forget it for the rest of her life.

In other words, it is really unexpected that Mr. Shikibe is so enthusiastic about collecting materials. '

"However, sister role..." Shimizu Kaguya remembered what Murasaki Shikibu said just now, "This kind of role around Ah Jing is indeed very scarce. '

When it comes to sister roles, the most important attributes should be [care] and [tolerance], which are the basics of [sister attributes].

But the problem is, with Yuanjing's character and ability, he doesn't need other people's "care" at all.

In the interaction with the opposite sex, he is the one who plays the role of "care", playing a role similar to "brother".

In this regard, Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro should have the most experience.

"Sister attribute, older sister attribute, older sister attribute..." Shimizu Kaguya subconsciously filtered the opposite sex who had dealt with Yuanjing in his heart, and then——

'what! '

In her heart, the figure of a beautiful woman in a suit suddenly flashed.

"The sister role that best meets the requirements of Shikibu teacher seems to be..."

'Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka? '

Hiratsuka Shizuka is Yuan Jing's class teacher, and they can have such a relationship with Yuan Jing. As the instigator, Hiratsuka Shizumi can be said to have contributed a lot to Yuan Jing's "care".

'No, no, no, no matter how you say it, it won't work for teachers and students. 'Shimizu Kaguya was about to deny such an idea, but immediately changed his mind——

'No, no, Shikibe-sensei is a writer, the more taboo the relationship is, the more valuable it may be to her. '

"Also, Hiratsuka-sensei will be going to Vienna with us soon..."

This trip to Vienna in the first year of St. Eden Academy can even be equated to a 'honeymoon' exercise for Yuan Jing and his future wives.

She, Shijo Makoto, Touma Kazusa, Sawamura Eriri, and Shiina Mashiro, who have been confirmed, are already the 'meat' that Yuanjing eats.

Ai Hayasaka, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Chika Fujiwara, who are very likely, should not reject Yuan Jing, and it can even be said that they hope to have something to happen with him during this period of time.

And the only person who is a bit out of place among them is the teacher...

Hiratsuka Shizuo?

Shimizu Kaguya glanced in the direction of Murasaki Shikibu with some concern.

Judging from Murasaki Shikibu's current obsession with his new work, it is undoubtedly not a good thing for her to know that the relationship between Shizuka Hiratsuka and Genke is closer than that of ordinary teachers and students.

Judging from her fanatical attitude just now, the possibility of Zi Shibu doing something to match the two of them can be said to be quite high.

Shimizu Kaguya was not jealous of Shizuka Hiratsuka, or was jealous or something.

The teacher-student relationship in Sakurajima, or in other words, is a very sensitive topic in the whole world. Once it is exposed, the person concerned will definitely stand on the cusp of the limelight.

Moreover, people will basically condemn the teacher with a fairly consistent caliber, after all, the other party is a 'mature adult'.

Even with the protection of Yuan Jing and them, teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka's spiritual trauma is definitely unavoidable, and maybe there is no way to pick up the pointer again in the future.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is a very responsible and good teacher, Shimizu Kaguya can tell that she is sincerely loving education and regards it as her lifelong pursuit.

The fact that there is no way to continue to be a teacher is definitely a very big blow to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

This teacher who has the temperament of a "heroine in high school" may be ruined because of this.

Kaguya Shimizu had a very good impression of Shizuka Hiratsuka, after all, she could be said to be their 'benefactor'.

She didn't want Shizuka Hiratsuka to turn into a sullen 'lady' if she could.

Can Shizuka Hiratsuka fall in love with Yuan Jing?of course can.

But at least wait until Yuanjing graduates and goes to university, right?

And looking at Zi Shibu's appearance just now, it obviously doesn't look like he can wait that long...

'Well, when you go back, tell Ah Jing about this problem. "Kaguya Shimizu said in his heart, "Moreover, I have to tell everyone, try not to mention the name [Shizuka Hiratsuka] in front of Shikibe-sensei..."

Just as Qingshui Huiye was thinking this way in his mind, the door of Lamb Club's house was pushed open again, Bai Muzhu was in front, Sijo Zhenfei was behind, and just walked in.

They are the clients of this incident. After the whole case came to light, they naturally wanted to come to the Lamb Club to get the truth and get back the 50 yen that was "cheated".

However, these two girls were not the only ones who walked in.

Following behind the real concubine Sijo, there is also a beautiful woman in a suit who is chatting and laughing with her...

"Mr. Hiratsuka, why did you come here?!"

These words did not only come from Qing Shui Hui Ye's mouth.

Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai...

It can be said that the four girls in the room made such surprised voices together.

None of them are stupid.

Obviously, Kaguya Shimizu was not the only one who thought of this question.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was taken aback by the unanimous voice of the girls, her brows were obviously frowned, and she glanced at the four girls in the room, "If it's the troubles or sorrows of puberty before, that's all. Why didn't I come after such a vicious thing?"

"I'm the consultant teacher of the Lamb Club, you won't forget, right?" Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help asking.

In St. Eden Academy, a club must have a teacher as an advisor to be established, and a teacher can only act as an advisor to one club.

In other words, the two are actually bound to each other.

And the classroom bound to the Lamb Society is naturally the class teacher of Yuan Jing, Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai, Yukinoshita Yukino's "fellow townsman", an older leftover girl who can't get married—

The · Hiratsuka static.

At this time, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't know about the accident that happened in the performing arts club, but even if she only knew about the "fraud case" at the beginning, it was enough to attract Shizuka Hiratsuka's attention.

And the person who notified her...

"I called Teacher Hiratsuka." Nagisa Kashiwagi raised her hand, and she tilted her head slightly, obviously a little puzzled by the girls' reaction, "I think it is absolutely necessary for this incident to A teacher is on the sidelines to testify, after all, there must be an explanation to the school when the time comes."

In this case, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who is a consultant teacher of the Lamb Club, has a close relationship with the members of the Lamb Club, and is also known for being serious and responsible, and has an excellent reputation in front of the students, is the best candidate.

Her eyes turned curiously on several people's faces, "Mr. Hiratsuka, don't you basically ignore the Lamb Club, so everyone is so surprised by your arrival?"

Obviously, Kashiwagi Nagisa, who didn't know the cause and effect, completely misunderstood the reason why the girls were surprised.

And this, it can be said that it just hit Hiratsuka Shizuka's sore spot.

After all, she can be said to have played almost no role in all the commissions resolved by the Lamb Club.

There is no way, the students are too capable, especially that kid named Yuanjing!

There's no chance for her to act like this.

It can even be said that there are very few things that she can do to play her role as a teacher, which is to enlighten students and let them get out of their knots...

Hiratsuka glanced at Yuanjing quietly, a little resentment flashed in his black and white eyes.

But then she straightened her chest and showed a somewhat smug smile, "Although I haven't played a big role in solving the incident."

"However, if I didn't take the initiative to find it at the beginning..."

If I hadn't taken the initiative to find Yuanjing at the beginning, the Lamb Club would not have been established at all.Therefore, she is a well-deserved consultant, not some dispensable mascot.

Just when Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to say that——

"Ms. Hiratsuka!" Fujiwara Chika squeezed in front of her, "Are you thirsty? Shall we make you a cup of coffee?"

She abruptly stopped what Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to say.

"Ah? It sounds like I'm really thirsty..." Hiratsuka Shizuka hadn't finished speaking when a pair of slender white hands held a cup of black liquid in front of her.

The only person who is so fast is Ai Hayasaka, who used to be a perfect maid.

Not only Shizuka Hiratsuka, but also this blond-haired blue-eyed mixed-race girl showed a perfect smile to Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi——

"Where are you two? Coffee, black tea, clear tea, scented tea, lemonade..."

"We can provide it here."

Concubine Shijo and Nagisa Kashiwagi looked at each other——

"Please give me a cup of black tea." This was Nagisa Kashiwagi's request.

"For me, I want to drink a cup of scented tea." Shijo Zhenfei responded.

"Okay, ladies, please wait a moment." Hayasaka Ai responded politely.

With Chika Fujiwara's emergency insertion and Ai Hayasaka's steady takeover, this possible "crisis" disappeared into nothingness.

At least it seems so...

Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya glanced at Zi Shibu at the same time, and found that she was still concentrating on writing at her desk, as if she didn't notice the arrival of Shijo Makoto and the other three, and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart .

However, what the girls don't know is that a name is flowing extremely smoothly under Murasaki Shikibu's pen at this time.

That is 【Hiratsuka Shizu】.

The black pen paused slightly after the name, and then drew an arrow, pointing to the name that was in the middle of the entire page and surrounded by more than a dozen names like stars arching the moon, that is——

【Source scene】.

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