Such a reason can be said to be completely beyond Shimizu Kaguya's expectations.After all, in her opinion, Keqing is Ningguang's deputy and best friend. The most likely reason why she will take part in this trip is that she can't resist Ningguang's request and agrees to be her assistant and wingman.

If only Ningguang participated, then this trip to Vienna could be said to be the enemy of everyone.

Even if it is Ningguang, there will be nothing to do in this situation, right?

Because of this, she turned to her friend Ke Qing for help, hoping that she could help her at this time and create some opportunities for her.

It's the same as before when she lied to Concubine Sijo that she was Yuanjing's girlfriend and hoped that she would create opportunities for herself.

However, Ke Qing's answer was completely opposite to what she thought?

No, it is too early to deny my previous thoughts. After all, what Keqing said before may not be the truth, but a cover-up to deceive us and make us relax our vigilance...

Shimizu Kaguya looked at Shijo Makoto next to her from the corner of his eyes, and found that she was staring at Keqing with a serious and dignified expression on her face.

Noticing Kaguya's gaze, Concubine Shijo shook her head imperceptibly towards her.

Does it mean 'not sure' or 'not lying'?

"Is this a surprise? You must think that I am helping Ningguang on this trip, right?" Ke Qing raised her eyebrows, "But in fact, Ningguang didn't Wanting to let me go, I made this request to her after I learned about it."

"She doesn't need help either, or in other words, this [isolated and helpless] situation is the result she originally wanted to create deliberately."

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard of such a thing. Can senior sister Keqing tell me in detail?" Although it can be said that Keqing's completely unexpected speech caught her off guard, but Shimizu Kaguya was not in chaos because of this.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with listening to the other party's different opinions.

If what Keqing said was the truth, then it would also give them another perspective to look at the problem.

And if she is telling a lie, then naturally 'too many words will lead to mistakes'.

"First of all, one thing to be clear is that Ning Guang and Junior Yuan will definitely not be strangers in the future. This is the so-called major premise." Ke Qing raised a finger, "After all, He's a solid investor."

When Yuan Laiguang attacked and Yuanjing was trapped in the Shinomiya villa, Ningguang took the huge risk of being approached by the Shinomiya family and became Yuanjing's biggest helper in manipulating the stock market.

Without Ningguang's help, Sigong Huangguang would not choose to take risks to kidnap Sijo Zhenfei because of the volatile stock price, and Yuanjing would not be able to obtain a huge bargaining chip enough to repay the Yuan family's upbringing, even Shimizu Huiye's 200 billion There is no way to talk about the "redemption fee" of the yen.

Although Yuanjing is definitely not in a desperate situation, it is impossible to solve everyone's problems as easily as before.

Maybe, he will be forcibly taken back to Yuan's house...

From this aspect, Ningguang can definitely be said to be a great contributor to this matter.

Afterwards, Yuan Jing did not treat her badly.

He gave Ningguang a bank card from the Central Bank of the Imperial Capital, and in that bank card lay a total of 30 billion yen quietly.

It is exactly the same as the annual budget of St. Eden Academy Student Union.

Obviously, Yuanjing chose this number on purpose.

Of course Shimizu Kaguya knew about this, she was the one who applied for this bank card, and the 30 billion yen on it was also transferred from Yuanjing's card.

Because she was still a "worker" of Yuanjing at the time, and such a transaction involving a large amount of money must have various negotiations with the bank.

Yuan Jing has always been tired of this kind of behavior that has no meaning and is just a waste of time, so he handed over this matter to Kaguya.

"Brother Yuan originally wanted to give the 30 billion yen directly to Ningguang. After all, what Ningguang lacks most is such a start-up capital."

Although he is the student council president of a noble school like St. Eden Academy, Ningguang is not from a wealthy family.

On the contrary, she is a complete commoner, or from a poor background, and she was able to sit in this position by relying on her excellent grades and talents.

Sakurajima is a patriarchal society with a solid class. As a female class, Ningguang needs to break through the barriers that need to be broken through the blockade of this class. You only need to think about it a little.

Because of this, she took aim at St. Eden Academy's annual budget of 30 billion yen, and wanted to use the influence of this budget to do business related to its students, so as to obtain the initial and most difficult The first pot of gold.

This is also the direct reason why her and Yuan Jing's lives intersect.

"But Ningguang rejected the gift."

"On the one hand, she doesn't really like money, she just likes the pleasure of making money. In her words, [this gift is a humiliation to her earning ability]; on the other hand, for a commoner like her For a family from a high school background, it is absolutely impossible to keep such a large sum of money all at once."

Now is the information age, and personal private information can almost be said to be open and transparent to those who really eat this bowl of rice.

Ningguang holding such a large amount of money by himself is no different from a three-year-old child walking in the downtown area with gold in his hand, and will soon be eaten by those cannibals who don't even spit out bones.

After all, Sakurajima is a completely legal place for a 'vibrant organization'.

"So, Ningguang and Yuan students finally decided that the 30 billion yen is not a [gift] from Yuanjing, but an [investment] or [shareholding]. The banner of the Yuan family is deterring those wolves, tigers and leopards."

At this time, Ning Guang's [weak background] became her unique advantage.

After all, with Yuan Jing's personality, there is no way to see her die tragically on the street.

This is not an exaggeration.

In Sakurajima, if there is no power to protect, disappearing without a sound can be said to be the most likely ending.

The ghosts under Tokyo Bay must agree very much.

"Even if Ningguang graduates and leaves St. Eden, and even Junior Yuan also leaves St. Eden in the future, the relationship between the two will never be terminated."

"Even if Junior Yuan doesn't have such intentions, Ningguang can still use the reason of 'I want you to take a look at the current situation of our company' to visit..."

"Of course, it's definitely not very frequent."

In other words, the connection between Ningguang and Yuanjing has indeed been established.

As long as Ningguang doesn't do anything that makes Yuanjing furious, makes him extremely disgusted, and even wants to cut off contact with her, although this kind of connection is a bit weak, it can be said to be quite stable.

With Dingguang's intelligence and EQ, it's hard to imagine that she would make such a mistake.

"Under such a premise, the standard of action that Ningguang set for herself is two words - [Show weakness]." While speaking, Ke Qing raised her second finger.

"This so-called show of weakness is naturally not for you."

The three people present all knew who the target of the gazing light was.

"Of course she knows that you are all very hostile to her, and she actually finds you a little displeased, more precisely, it should be—jealous?"

This is a problem left over from history. After all, she was not friendly enough to Yukino and Qianhua at the beginning, and she tried to poach their corners many times.

If you want to solve it now, you can only have one of the two parties bow their heads to the other party.

Obviously, Ning Guang's pride did not allow her to do so.

It's fine if it's Yuanjing who has already convinced her, wanting to make her bow down to other girls?

There is absolutely no such possibility!

"So, she has given up the idea of ​​joining you, and instead turned herself into an object to be isolated and guarded by you, in order to gain some sympathy from Junior Yuan."

' Is that what is commonly known as 'pretending to be pitiful'? '

"Of course, this [pretend] may be open to discussion. After all, Ningguang is really being hostile and isolated by us..."

Shimizu Kaguya is no stranger to this method.

Among other things, the reason for the "Volunteer Department Fraud Incident" that was found out today was that the senior named 'Yayoi Mizono' was pretending to be pitiful to her boyfriend.

However, even though the purpose is the same, compared with Ningguang, Yayoi Mizono's rank is too much worse, and it can even be said that there is no comparison at all.

"If you talk about Ningguang, you've already made plans for long-term fishing." Ke Qing unabashedly presented Ningguang's plan in front of Qingshui Huiye and Shijo Makoto.

"This winter trip, to be honest, whether it is successful or not, it doesn't matter to her at all."

"She just wants to show her disadvantaged situation to Junior Yuan."

"Whether it was you who came to your door to object, or you were targeted by you during the trip, and there was no way to be alone with Junior Yuan, for Ningguang, it was actually expected."

Her purpose is to present this kind of thing in front of Yuanjing.

"It is foreseeable that such things will definitely happen in the future, because the time of condensing light is still very long."

Life is not just a few short years in high school.

Ningguang has formed a not-so-close but very tenacious connection with Yuanjing, so as long as she is patient, the distance between the two will shrink sooner or later.

"Ningguang can fail countless times, but as long as she succeeds once, her goal has actually been achieved."

From the very beginning, Ning Guang never thought about marrying Yuan Jing or anything.

In other words, she should have thought about it, but she gave up later.

The only thing she prayed for was a child of Yuanjing.

Therefore, even if there is no favor, only pity is fine, as long as she can give birth to her and Yuanjing's child, she would rather use this kind of "credulous way" that she had never seen before...

Shimizu Kaguya was a little silent.

Keqing's words were quite sincere, and she didn't find any logical problems.

In Ningguang's words, he really has the determination to do such a thing.

Moreover, this is a complete conspiracy.

If they stop targeting Ning Guang because of this, she will be able to get a chance to get along with Yuan Jing; but if they go to target Ning Guang, it will be exactly what she wanted...

Whether it is head or tail, Ningguang can achieve her goal.

'It should be said, is it really worthy of being President Ningguang? 'Even Qingshuihuiye couldn't help admiring in his heart at this moment.

She finally understands how terrifying a woman with outstanding wit and determination is.

"Then, how about you, Senior Sister Keqing, why did you stop Ningguang?"

If you follow this line of thinking, Keqing's participation in the trip together is really preventing Ningguang.

The "isolated and helpless" Ningguang may indeed arouse Yuanjing's compassion, but if there is Keqing by Ningguang's side, the degree of pity will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

But the problem is...

Why did she do this, even at the expense of changing her previous code of conduct?

"Because, I don't want Ningguang to become like that." Ke Qing's words were full of pity, "During the relationship with Junior Yuan, Ningguang has always put her status very low. She even told me that she is Yuan Xuedi's [Puppy Dog]..."

If the girls around Yuanjing were ranked by the level of [lower girls], Ningguang's position would definitely be at the top of the list, not to mention top.

"Before, I can actually bear it. After all, robbing a man is an individual's own way. And at that time, Ningguang didn't have a chance."

"After all, I'm Ning Guang's best friend, even if I don't help, I won't hinder her." Ke Qing shook her head, her sharp gaze swept across the faces of Qing Shui Hui Ye and Si Tiao Zhen Concubine.

"But, now, the dust has settled for you, right? After all, the atmosphere between you and Junior Yuan is different."

As the person in charge of the executive committee, Keqing could be said to be the first to notice this matter.

"That is to say, Ningguang has already 'lost'." Ke Qing said bluntly, "Since she has 'lost', then she must 'admit', instead of being reluctant to seduce some 'married girl'." husband'."

"I don't want my best friend to become such a person that I look down upon." Ke Qing's words were quite forceful, and one could hear the extremely firm will contained in them.

"Moreover, this is also a good thing for Junior Yuan."

"Student Qingshui, you've spent a lot of time with Junior Yuan. Do you think he has become less free than when he was at the beginning?"

Shimizu Huiye remained silent.

The answer is certainly yes.

After all, [Responsibility] and [Restraint] can be equated to a certain extent.

Compared with when he was alone, now he who is responsible for the future of everyone will definitely be more constrained, and the time that only belongs to him will definitely be reduced.

This is also an important reason why they are unwilling to add more people.

"Actually, I always thought that Junior Yuan was the best at the beginning. How should I put it, he is more like an 'immortal with nothing to worry about'?" Although Ke Qing has been avoiding meeting Yuan Jing, this does not mean that she has given up to observe her.

In other words, Ke Qing became the only 'bystander' after Ning Guang left the field.

From the very beginning of "Don't move your heart, don't know what you want, don't reveal what you do", to now......

For Yuanjing's step-by-step changes, this purple-haired 'girl with cat ears' might be the one who knows best.

"Forget it, it's useless to say this now, after all, the deal is done." Ke Qing shook her head, dispelling the traces of regret and regret from her face.

"Anyway, that's why I want to stop Glow."

Ke Qing's words are quite in line with her usual style, and she has always been so aboveboard.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have already told you all the reasons."


"How about it, Concubine Zhen, do you think the reason Senior Sister Keqing said is credible?" Walking out of Keqing's office, Shimizu Huiye and Concubine Shijo did not go upstairs again, looking for Ningguang.

Ke Qing's words just now contain a lot of information.

The two of them need to discuss it first to judge whether it is true or not.

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