"I can't see any trace of lying." Shijo Zhenfei shook her head, "At least in my opinion, Senior Sister Keqing is telling the truth."

"Is that so..." Kaguya put his small fist against his chin, and fell into deep thought, "I also don't think this is a lie."

If Ke Qing was telling the truth, the current situation might be a little difficult.

"However..." Shijo Zhenfei was a little bit hesitant to speak, but finally said, "Didn't Senior Sister Keqing say a word at the beginning?"

[In fact, I have a little bit of sympathy for Yuan Yuan, and you. 】

Concubine Sijo imitated Keqing's tone at that time and repeated it.

"It may be my illusion, but there seems to be a slight pause between this [There are still you] and the first half of the sentence?"

Chapter 58 Almost collapsed?

After Shijo Makoto and Shimizu Kaguya left the Lamb Club's room, Kashiwagi Nagisa also thanked the other members of the Lamb Club, then turned and left.

And Hayasaka Ai also bid farewell to everyone. There is a batch of precious ingredients that she managed to get, and they will be delivered to the front of the villa in about an hour. As one of the orderers and hostesses, she needs to come forward to take care of them.

"This is specially prepared for someone's welcome party." Before walking out the door, Ai Hayasaka winked meaningfully at Yukinoshita Yukino.

The latter blushed pretty, and after looking at Hayasaka Aifei's back with some shame and indignation, he couldn't help but secretly look at Yuanjing.

'Really? ' Her eyes full of hope seemed to say so.

Yuan Jing also blinked at her——

'Oh really. '

After the last weekend, Yuan Jing basically had obtained the acquiescence of Yukinoshita's family, so Yukino no longer had any need for scruples.

On the day after the exam, she will officially move into Yuanjing's house and become one of the mistresses.

To celebrate this event, it is natural to hold a welcome party.

Yukinoshita Yukino's heart warmed up.

And just when she was about to say something, a pair of "huge monsters" suddenly pressed on her shoulders, making her feel heavy physical pressure.

And of course psychological pressure.

"Hey, is Xue Nai going to live with Ah Jing?"

From the top of Yukino's head, words full of envy came.

"Qianhua, don't talk on my shoulder." Yukinoshita Yukino said in a helpless tone.

Now that Shimizu Kaguya, Shijo Makoto, Kashiwagi Nagisa, and Hayasaka Ai have all left, apart from her and Yuan Jing, only Fujiwara Chika and Murasaki Shikibu are left in the lamb club.

It is naturally impossible for Murasaki Shikibu to do so.

"Hey, let me put it aside for a while, after a day, my shoulders are already a little sore." Fujiwara Chika then pretended to be surprised, "Oh, sorry, there is no way I forgot Yukino... ...Yeah~?."

Fujiwara Chika didn't finish her sentence, because a pair of slender white hands had already grasped the two lumps of 'fat' at once.

Xue Nai's movements were swift and decisive, and from that sharp movement, one can see her proficiency.

Obviously, this kind of scene is not the first time between her and Qianhua, it can even be said to be a common occurrence.

Is this a fight between good friends?

"If you are envious, you can come too." Feeling the perfect touch from her hands, Yukinoshita Yukino said in a slightly envious tone, "Anyway, you are A Jing's official fiancee, and no one will not welcome you .”

"If you live together on the bright side... um~?...not yet." Enjoying Yukinoshita Yukino's "massage", Fujiwara Chika's tone was slightly panting, "But If it’s a welcome party, I’d rather be respectful than obedient.”

It's just 'not now', because right now, the Fujiwara family has not recognized the relationship between Yuanjing and the girls.

In fact, they didn't care too much about how many girlfriends Yuan Jing had, even Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Manho, they didn't say anything to Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya.

At the "wife meeting" on the second day of the cultural festival, Fujiwara Wansui even took the initiative to make friends with their mothers to pave the way for their future.

It is quite normal for a person of Yuan Jing's status to have several lovers, and the Fujiwara family has a tacit attitude towards this.

However, this has a very important premise——

That is, only Chika Fujiwara can be Genkei's wife.

This is the bottom line of the Fujiwara family.

It was precisely to solve this problem that Chika Fujiwara went to persuade the aunt who lived in her hometown.

"Auntie, do you want to come together?" Thinking of this, Fujiwara Chika suddenly turned her head and said this to Zi Shikibu. Because of Zi Shikibu's speech just now, the quarrel between her and everyone was a little stiff.

Then, as a middleman, Chika Fujiwara naturally hoped to ease the stiff atmosphere a little.

"Ah Jing's cooking skills are very good, I will definitely..."

"Of course." Zi Shibu replied as it should.

Obviously, Chika Fujiwara miscalculated the degree of Murasaki Shikibu's obsession with collecting materials.

For her, what happened before was actually nothing.

Not to mention that Chika Fujiwara invited her, even if she didn't invite, Zi Shibu, who knew about it, would definitely be there with the cheek.

Although Zi Shibu has always ridiculed himself as a "defective product" of the Fujiwara family, this spirit of persevering and never giving up until the goal is reached is exactly the same as Chika Fujiwara.

Chika Fujiwara wanted to get closer to Yuan Jing, but she was rejected many times...

"Don't dislike me for being an eyesore." While talking, she looked at Yuanjing.

"Even if I refuse, will Sister Zi stop like this?" Although he didn't meet many times, Yuanjing already knew Zi Shibu very well.

In addition to being very good at reading people's hearts, the three notes in "The Tale of Genji" that describe the three different age groups of Murasaki Shikibu also contributed a lot.

'A monster who doesn't know people's hearts? '

Yuan Jing whispered this sentence of Zi Shibu's self-evaluation in his heart.

Murasaki Shikibu said that she is a narrator of emotions, so it is very likely that this dedication to writing books comes from her desire for emotions?

"No, no." Murasaki Shikibu shook his head.

"If you are rejected, then just settle for the next best thing." When she spoke, she didn't hesitate at all. "The reason for the rejection is nothing more than the fact that I, an 'adult', is by your side, so you can't let it go, right?"

"In that case, it's okay for me to watch through the window outside the house."

"How could you treat my aunt like this? It's winter now, auntie, you'll catch a cold!" Zi Shibu's words shocked everyone, and the fight between Yukino and Qianhua couldn't help but stop at this moment, and the latter immediately complained like this road.

"That's right." Zi Shibu nodded slightly, and after thinking for a while, she suggested, "If that's the case, then put me in a cage, cover the outside with a curtain, and leave a little gap for me." Enough."

"In this way, I can be allowed to enter the house without disturbing your celebration time." Zi Shibu suggested to everyone as if he really thought his proposal was quite good.

"It's scary! How could we be able to eat like that!" Chika Fujiwara complained quite precisely.

"Then hang me in a corner..."

"Sister Zi, we have agreed, so don't talk about such a proposal that makes people feel a little bit creepy." Yuan Jing looked at Zi Shibu who seemed to be completely unaware that she had deviated from the original goal, and stopped her from continuing to speak.

"But, you just promised me to attend the welcome party?" Murasaki Shikibu tilted his head slightly, "But what if I want to stay that night..."

She quickly glanced at Yukino Yukinoshita, showing a very serious expression.

"Will you continue to welcome me?"

The extremely unreliable proposal before was actually just for this moment.


"Of course it's not allowed!" Yukinoshita Yukino's objection was quite firm.

She is a fan of Murasaki Shikibu, and she respects her very much in her heart, but this does not mean that Yukino is willing to let Murasaki Shikibu interfere with her "good things".

"Shikibu-sensei, what on earth do you want to see!" She said with a little embarrassment.

"Well, although I really want to 'hmmmhhh' with my sweetheart, but because there are irrelevant outsiders around, I can only regretfully 'get in heat' with her, and toss and turn in my bed at night and can't sleep. After a good night's sleep, I finally made up my mind to sneak out with my pillow in my arms, and knock on the door of Jing'er's bedroom..."

"Don't worry," Zi Shibu gave Yukinoshita Yukino a thumbs up, "I'll hand you the [wow——] in front of the door."


"Protection measures are very important, Yukino." Zi Shibu said like someone who had never experienced such a thing before, "You are only a freshman now, if you don't pay attention to this kind of measures, there will really Baby's."

"It's just a year off from school... No! That's not what we're discussing, is it?"

"Hey, what do you mean, you won't [wow——] with Jinger?"

"Not this one either!"

"So, will [wow——]?" Zi Shibu opened his eyes, and asked Yukinoshita Yukino very persistently.

"...If, first of all, this is [if]. If the timing of that day, the mood, everything is in place..."

"Understood, it means [wow——] absolutely." Zi Shibu nodded.


"This is the second time today, Sister Zi." At this moment, Yuan Jing's voice cut in, "Can you stop teasing Yukino?"

"Anyway, you're doing this just to see others [shame and annoyed]?"

Yuan Jing stood up, walked between Murasaki Shikibu and Yukinoshita Yukino, as if wanting to protect Yukinoshita Yukino, he protected her behind him, blocking Murasaki Shikibu's view of her.

The clear black eyes merged with the deep purple eyes just like that.

"Purple Shikibu." Yuan Jing didn't use the title 'Sister Purple', but called her by her full name directly, "Is writing a book really so important to you? Others treat it as a prop and arrange it at will?"

In the eyes of Zi Shibu, Yukino and the others may never be regarded as real people, but only as some kind of objects.

It's like the pen or paper she needs to use when writing.

That is, lack of so-called 'empathy'.

After all, she is an 'ignorant monster'.

All expressions disappeared from Zi Shibu's face, and she who was watching Yuanjing looked like a beautiful jade sculpture at this moment.

"I have to remind you that the reason why I am willing to meet some of your requirements is not because I want to get some help from you."

Yuan Jing could feel Chika Fujiwara gently tugging on his clothes from behind, as if he wanted to use this method to persuade him not to speak so unfeelingly.

However, Yuanjing insisted on doing so.

This is something that must be made clear to Murasaki Shikibu.

Yes, Murasaki Shikibu did have some emotional problems because he witnessed the death of his grandmother when he was young.

But this can't be her reason to hurt others.

Yuan Jing is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, and unconditionally accommodates her, otherwise Qianhua and the others would have already dealt with him.

"I'm not asking for anything from you. The most important reason why I, or we, are willing to accommodate you is because you are Qianhua's aunt."

Even without the help of Murasaki Shikibu, Yuan Jing didn't think he would be unable to deal with the Fujiwara family, at most he would just spend a little more effort.

Anyway, time has always been on his side.


"There's an old saying that's good, it's called [again, twice, never again]." Staring at the expressionless Zi Shibu, Yuan Jing said these heartless words without hesitation.

In other words, there was no special relationship between him and Zi Shibu.

"If you act recklessly again, I may have to ask you to go back to your ancestral home in Kyoto."

He is serious.

Murasaki Shikibu could see it.

If he really continued to do this, the boy in front of him would really find a way to drive him back to his hometown in Kyoto.

Even if he would no longer extend a helping hand to him because of this, or even become his enemy instead, he would not hesitate at all.

The reason why Yuanjing chose the most difficult path was because he didn't want Yukino and the others to be hurt.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be fine for him to just marry Fujiwara Chika and maintain an underground lover relationship with others?

If it is necessary to use the method of hurting the girls to obtain the assistance of Zi Shibu, even if it is simple, he will not bother to do it.

'It's great to protect my wife. Zi Shibu sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, I did not choose the wrong person, this is what [Guangyuan Shi] should look like in my mind." '

[Guangyuan's] was created by the song fairy, a "perfect man" that fits her and the aesthetics of that era.

In other words, from Murasaki Shikibu's point of view, Yuan Jing is the template of the 'perfect man' in her mind.

'Of course, you probably don't bother with my affirmation, after all, I'm just [Qianhua's aunt]. '

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