In Yuan Jing's eyes, this is Murasaki Shikibu's only identity.

'Well, my heart seems to be a little screwed up. If I'm not mistaken, this is the so-called [sadness], right? '

'Should I, be happy about it? '

Thinking so bitterly, this perfect 'jade carving' made by nature is finally no longer silent.

Tilting his head slightly, he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who was standing behind Yuanjing, a little at a loss.

Murasaki Shikibu then bowed his head deeply——

"Sorry, I will never do that again."

Chapter 59 Treat each book as if it were your last, and then don't be afraid...  

"Thanks for the treat, I'm done."

After saying this, Zi Shibu put down his chopsticks, nodded slightly to the others, and then prepared to get up and leave the dinner table.

"Don't you want to eat any more? I see that the rice in your bowl has hardly been touched. Is today's food not to your liking? If yes, I will ask the cook to change it." Fujiwara Daichi stopped his sister and used He said so in a concerned tone.

Murasaki Shikibu's appetite has been small since she was a child, and she actually prefers snacks and desserts more than meals.

There is no doubt that this way of eating is not considered healthy. The Fujiwara family has actually tried many methods before, but all of them have had little effect.

Murasaki Shikibu didn't care about his body.

She has always maintained a kind of indifference and indifference towards illness and even death.

Even if it's your own.

Fujiwara Daichi knew where this indifference and indifference came from.

'Grandpa, what you did was absolutely wrong...'

This is the lament that Fujiwara Daichi has said countless times in his heart.

But after coming to Tokyo, such a bad habit has improved slightly.

Although there is still a little distance from normal people, but compared with before, there is no doubt that there has been a great improvement.

My sister's lonely heart, which was like a closed dead well, finally saw a little light.

Neither Fujiwara Wansui nor his own daughters could notice this change.

But Fujiwara Daichi discovered this very keenly.

After all, this is the miracle he has been searching for since he was young.

However, today, as if he had been beaten back to his original form, Zi Shibu returned to his original form...


Shaking his head slightly, Zi Shibu's movements did not cause any delay due to Fujiwara Daichi's words——

"The food is delicious, that's my problem."

After saying this, she left lightly.

Seeing the back of his sister leaving, Fujiwara Daichi frowned slightly, and then turned his gaze to Fujiwara Chika who was burying her head in her meal without saying a word.

'Qianhua, did something happen between Minamoto-kun and Shikibu? '

He wanted to ask his second daughter, but after opening his mouth a little, he didn't continue to say anything.

What's the use of saying it?Everything that can be done, he has actually done.

There must have been some unpleasant things between my sister and Yuan Jing.

And the wrong person... probably his sister.

Fujiwara Daichi also knew his sister's character.

'This is not the Fujiwara family, and Yuan Jing is not his grandfather who feels guilty towards Murasaki Shikibu, so it is impossible to tolerate you without limit. '

'I thought you understood that, Shikibu...'

However, since Zi Shibu didn't just pack up and go back to his hometown in Kyoto, it means that the matter has not developed to the point of no return.

'I hope things will develop in a slightly better direction...'

With such hope in his heart, Fujiwara Daichi just lowered his eyes.


In Murasaki Shikibu's room, there was a cautious and cautious knock on the door, and after that——

"Auntie, can I come in?"

This is Chika Fujiwara's voice.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

After receiving Zi Shikibu's response, Fujiwara Chika gently pushed the door open, and then saw Zi Shibu was sitting in front of the desk, and she was putting the life-sized 'Wakazi' doll aside.

'Isn't sitting on its lap as usual...'

Fujiwara Chika muttered a little in her heart, and then noticed the gaze cast by her aunt.

"Aren't you going to study hard like usual?" Zi Shibu's tone was very faintly surprised, "Aren't you going to be the top three in the grade, and then go to Vienna with Jinger?"

"You need to combine work and rest." Chika Fujiwara said the reason that almost everyone has used, "This is not laziness, it's called 'changing your mind'."

After walking in front of Zi Shibu, Fujiwara Chika got into Zi Shibu's arms and sat on her round thigh.

Feeling the perfect touch from behind, she let out a contented sigh.

She glanced slightly at the table in front of her, but the paper that was always full of words was empty at this time, only a few wrinkles pinched by her fingers could be seen...

"It really is like this..." Chika Fujiwara was not surprised by this.

"You..." Zi Shibu shook his head helplessly, but he didn't push Fujiwara Chika off his lap, instead he hugged her all at once.

"Hee hee, I knew my aunt was the best for me." Chika Fujiwara smiled happily as she rubbed against Zi Shibu lightly like a small animal.

The two just enjoyed a moment of warmth.

After that, Chika Fujiwara looked at the doll 'Wakashi' who was left alone and received a cold reception.

"Auntie, I wanted to ask you something a long time ago." Fujiwara Chika asked, "This [Master Ruozi] looks a bit like Ajing."

"Is this my illusion?"

When she saw this doll on the first day, she had this feeling, but she never asked before.

And now, it seems like a better time.

"Of course not." Holding his soft and fragrant niece, Zi Shibu's mood was obviously much more stable, "This was originally made according to the appearance of the grown-up Jing'er in my mind, it should be like him. "

Murasaki Shikibu only met eight-year-old Minamoto, and Minamoto Raimitsu cut off all contact with him because of a 'joke'.

Therefore, she can only rely on her similarity to outline her grown-up appearance.

She even asked the Fujiwara family to invite people who are proficient in this way to learn from each other.

And the life-sized doll she brought to Tokyo was actually made by herself.

"So, Auntie, the prototype of 'Ruozi' in your previous book is... A Jing?" Since Zi Shibu did not show resistance, Chika Fujiwara continued to push forward according to her own plan. topic.

"Yes, that's right." Murasaki Shikibu admitted quite straightforwardly, "The prototype of 'Ruozi' in "The Tale of Genji" is Jinger."

"As for the image of [Guangyuanshi], half of it comes from me, and the other half comes from Jinger's adoptive mother Yuan Laimitsu."

"In other words, the resolute and invincible side after leaving home is Minamoto Raimitsu, and it is also what I hope I can be; while the lazy and complaining side at home is my reality. "

"So, the entire "New Tale of Genji" is actually nothing more than the product of my daydream combined with my imagination. This is the truth of this book."

The corner of Murasaki Shikibu's mouth twitched a little called 'self-mockery'.

"How about it, isn't it a little disgusting?"

Just seeing my friend's adoptive son, I can't forget him, and I even wrote a book about it, using it to fantasize about living with him, being taken care of by him, and even getting married and having children...

If you just say that, such behavior can naturally be classified as 'disgusting'.


"I don't feel that way." Chika Fujiwara said.

"You don't need to comfort me with your conscience anymore." Zi Shibu said in a tone that had seen through everything, but was then severely protested by Chika Fujiwara——

"I have no conscience! Because—"

"Auntie, your novels are really really good to read."

"Huh?..." Zi Shibu opened his eyes slightly, "As long as the book is good-looking, isn't such behavior disgusting?"

"Of course, auntie, you are a writer, so the quality of the work is the only criterion, right?" Fujiwara Chika said as a matter of course, "If the quality of the book is not enough, then such behavior may indeed be a bit disgusting."

"However, isn't "The Tale of Genji" particularly beautiful? Then such behavior has nothing to do with nausea at all, but it can be said to be a good talk."

"That's the way the world is."

The quality of the work is excellent, that is, it has such a right to speak.

"The above is my opinion as a reader."

Just like the light source in "The Tale of Genji" has two sides, Chika Fujiwara actually has more than just the identity of a reader.

In addition, she is also Yuanjing, the fiancée of the prototype of 'Ruozi'.

"If you want to ask my opinion as Ah Jing's fiancee..." Fujiwara Chika paused here, as if she was considering the words to use.

Zi Shibu, on the other hand, looked forward to it, but at the same time remained silent in fear, waiting for his niece's answer.

"I just have one thought—"

Murasaki Shikibu swallowed slightly.

"Auntie, wouldn't it be great if you just took Ah Jing to Fujiwara's house?"

Huh, this is what I thought?

"In this way, wouldn't I be able to meet Ah Jing earlier, and even become her childhood sweetheart?" Chika Fujiwara in Zi Shikibu's arms seemed to turn on some switch, and said so eloquently.

"Auntie, I can remember you for so long. The childhood Ah Jing must be so cute. It is my life's regret not to see the Ah Jing of that time!"

"My birthday is March 3rd, and Ah Jing's birthday is April 3th. So, I'm his older sister by a month. If you, Auntie, kidnapped Ah Jing home at that time, I might I can still hear Ah Jing calling my sister..."

"Of course the strong Ah Jing is great, but the weak Ah Jing must be great too!"

Chirping, chirping, chirping.

Chika Fujiwara just used a very excited tone, imagining how she and Yuan Jing would get along if Yuan Jing was kidnapped by Murasaki Shikibu to Fujiwara's house.

No, at that time, it should be called 'Fujiwara King'...

"But in that case, apart from you, Jing'er would have one more sister, one more sister." Zi Shibu reminded.

The elder sister here naturally refers to Fujiwara Toyomi, and the younger sister is Fujiwara Moeha.

"They will come and snatch it from you."

"Mengye is nothing to be afraid of." Fujiwara Chika said quite domineeringly, showing her sister's majesty, "She dare not defy me as a sister."

"Sister Fengshi's words may be a little difficult. Once she becomes serious, I may not be able to grab her."


"If this is the price of being able to see Ah Jing earlier, then it is completely acceptable."

Fujiwara Chika really thought so, Zi Shibu could hear the sincerity in her words.

"You really like Jinger."

Putting his chin gently on the top of Fujiwara Chika's head, Zi Shikibu said with emotion.

She understood what Fujiwara Chika meant.

The idea that Chika Fujiwara just said was actually much more 'excessive' than what was written in her book.

If such behavior is considered 'disgusting', Fujiwara Chika is much more 'disgusting' than her.


'It's not the same after all. '

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