"Why is Osamu Dazai so loved? It is because readers can see their troubles and pains in Osamu Dazai's works, and Osamu Dazai's works have the magic that can arouse this resonance."

"As one turns the pages of the book, the reader becomes one with the author and travels in the world of the work."

"Ah, this is like my own story! The protagonist is me...His works, people can't help but think like this."

Hayasaka Ai nodded, she had a deep understanding of this.

"It's a pity, he finally took the road of suicide. At this time, Goethe obviously didn't do that..." Another writer's name suddenly appeared in Yuan Jing's mouth.

"Goethe?" Ai Hayasaka made a somewhat puzzled voice.

"It's also an autobiographical novel. The hero in the novel commits suicide in the end, but Goethe didn't give up his life so easily." Yuan Jing was talking about "The Sorrows of Young Werther".

Coincidentally, this is also the book that Murasaki Shikibu and Fujiwara Chika are discussing in the Fujiwara family.

"Because of this, there will be the following "Faust"."

If Osamu Dazai didn't commit suicide, he might be able to create a better work than "No Longer Human" just like Goethe...

However, this is only an unrealistic fantasy after all.

Shaking his head, throwing away the regret from his mind, Yuan Jing stretched out his hand and picked up the pen that was put aside.

Murasaki Shikibu's 'homework', he hasn't finished it yet.

In addition to the post-reading impression of "The Tale of Genji", he also wanted to give her one thing.

That is-

"Disqualification in the World" annotated by him.

This is his return gift for the annotated version of "The Tale of Genji".

Chapter 62 When Jealousy and Love Fight Each Other

"Okay, have you rested long enough?" Yuan Jing gently stroked Ai Hayasaka's hair, feeling the feeling of the hair like running water flowing between his fingers, "Continue to lie in my arms If not, Kaguya will have waited too long."

Started around 6:7 and ended at [-]:[-]...

Yuan Jing and Hayasaka Ai spent almost an hour and a half watching "No Longer in the World" together, which actually exceeded Kaguya's rest time.

This is not to say that Ai Hayasaka's status in Genkei's family is lower than that of Kaguya, and Kaguya is still using her as a servant or something.

Just to prepare for the final exam.

In order for Ai Hayasaka to get good grades in the final exam and to go to Vienna with everyone, Kaguya Shimizu, as her tutor, not only spared time to help her with her homework, but also formulated a very detailed essay. daily itinerary.

From supper to bed, when and what to do, these are very detailed regulations.

Among them, the period from dinner to 7 o'clock is about one hour, which is the "rest time" preset by Kaguya Shimizu.

In other words, it was the time she left for Hayasaka Ai to be intimate with Yuan Jing.

During this time, she will not disturb the two of them.

But after that, it's time to obediently come to her side to receive her Spartan education.

This kind of education will continue until about 10:[-], and then it will be time for washing.

This might seem unfair to Kaguya, because Ai Hayasaka has such 'intimacy time', but she doesn't.

But it's not.

Kaguya Shimizu actually has the same "intimacy time" as Ai Hayasaka, but it has to be after washing...

However, compared to Hayasaka Ai's one hour, Shimizu Kaguya's "intimate time" is actually a little shorter, only about half an hour.

Although she has been trained for a long time, her martial arts and physical fitness, according to Yuanjing's system standards, should be almost at the peak level of Lv.2, almost to Lv.3, but she still can't bear Yuanjing's pressure for too long. intimate'.

If it takes more than half an hour, her going to school the next day will be affected irresistibly.

Shimizu Kaguya has always been unwilling to do this, she even went to Artoria to ask about ways to exercise, and she has actually been exercising hard recently.

In addition, in order to satisfy Yuan Jing, she is even studying the "speaking skills" carefully, and wants to use the "speaking power" to extend this period of time as much as possible...

Keke, the topic seems to have gone too far.

From about 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock, although it was Ai Hayasaka's 'intimacy time', she usually would not pester Yuanjing to do this or that.

If Yuan Jing is playing music, she will be a quiet listener; if Yuan Jing is reading a book, she will also "read the book" together, and will listen to what he occasionally said on a whim and what he read Interesting little stories about books or authors...

For Hayasaka Ai, this is undoubtedly the happiest and happiest time of the day.

However, no matter how reluctant you are, the agreement is the agreement.

She was almost half an hour late, if she didn't go to Kaguya again, she would definitely come to her.

No, no, it should be said that they have already come to the door.

After Hayasaka Ai pulled her body out of Yuan Jing's warm embrace with some reluctance, she just raised her head when she saw the door of the study room that had been gently pushed open a crack, and she was already watching silently. His own pair of scarlet eyes.

It was the third person living in this villa, besides Yuan Jing and Hayasaka Ai - Shimizu Kaguya.

Obviously, when she found out that Hayasaka Ai didn't arrive on time, she felt a little strange, so she went up the stairs and came to the front of the study.

However, after slightly pushing the door open and finding Hayasaka Ai and Genkei who were concentrating on reading the book in front of them, they did not push the door to enter, but waited outside the door silently.

Hayasaka Ai is not the kind of person who will break the agreement because of the momentary pleasure, this time, there should be some necessary reason.

This is the trust that Hui Ye has developed in him after spending more than ten years with him day and night.

After noticing that Hayasaka Ai had found her, Shimizu Kaguya no longer continued to peek through the crack of the door outside the study, but opened the door openly and walked in.

"Have you finished reading it?" She said to the two, especially Ai Hayasaka, "If you have finished reading it, should you continue to study?"

"This weekend is the final exam."

"Yes, Teacher Kaguya!" Ai Hayasaka put her hand on the side of her head, saluted Shimizu Kaguya with a non-standard and playful salute, and then stood up from Yuanjing's embrace.

After unabashedly kissing Yuan Jing on the cheek, as if afraid of Shimizu Kaguya's reprimand, Hayasaka Ai walked out of the study in a hurry.

On the contrary, it was Kaguya Shimizu who did not immediately follow Ai Hayasaka and leave with her.

She still looked at Yuan Jing, a little hesitation flashed across her pretty face.

"What's the matter, Kaguya?" Seeing Shimizu Kaguya's hesitation, Yuan Jing tilted his head slightly and asked curiously.

"Actually, there are." After hearing Yuanjing's question, Shimizu Kaguya seemed to have finally made up his mind, and nodded slightly.

She came to the "special seat" (that is, Yuan Jing's thigh) that was vacated because of Hayasaka Ai's departure, and lay down in Yuan Jing's arms very well.

It's not because I envy Hayasaka Ai just now.

Well, there is indeed a little bit of envy.

However, the main reason why Shimizu Kaguya did this was because he didn't want Yuan Jing to see her expression in the following conversation.

At this time, Shimizu Kaguya finally saw what the book Hayasaka Ai and Genkei had read before——

'"Human disqualification"?Why did Hayasaka and A Jing read this work at this time? '

Such questions flashed lightly in her mind, but after all, she still had other matters to ask Yuan Jing, so it was only a 'flash' after all.

"Ah Jing, you also know that Concubine Zhen and I went to the central school building of the Student Union this afternoon to see what kind of medicine is being sold in Ningguang's gourd."

While speaking, Shimizu Kaguya stared at the table in front of him without blinking, as if studying the texture on it.

"Of course," Yuan Jing nodded, "But, after you came back, didn't you tell us that there seems to be another mystery to this matter, please leave it alone and leave it to you and Concubine Zhen for the time being?"

Out of trust in the ability and character of the two, the rest of the Lamb Club agreed with this.

"Could it be that something unexpected happened?" Yuan Jing asked curiously.

"How should I say it? It's an accident, but it's not really a big deal..." Shimizu Kaguya hesitated a little, but the hesitation only lasted for a moment.

"Actually, we didn't go to President Ningguang," she said. "We first went to the office where Vice President Ke Qing was. After that, Concubine Zhen and I felt that there was no need to go to Ningguang again."

"At least until we judge Keqing and Ningguang's intentions and come up with a solution to it, we won't contact Ningguang rashly."

"Ke Qing..." Yuan Jing repeated the very familiar name, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Ever since the meeting in the student council president's office was [rescued] by the purple-haired cat, the 'Yu Heng Xing' from his previous life seemed to have disappeared around him, and there was no more front and source view. met.

However, this does not mean that Yuan Jing has forgotten about this short-lived girl with cat ears.

In fact, although she has never met her face to face, Yuan Jing's extremely keen intuition can actually feel her gaze occasionally, but basically it is just a superficial glance.

After Yuan Jing followed this line of sight, basically he could only see the small purple back that gradually disappeared.

'Keqing seems to be avoiding me? "Yuan Jing would think like this, "However, for her who has mastered the executive committee, if she doesn't want to see me, she can obviously not even let me see my back......"

The Executive Committee is the governing body of the Student Union and an extension of its influence.

If the student union is compared to the 'mind', the executive committee is its most powerful and flexible 'limbs'.

As the actual controller of the executive committee, if Keqing wanted to know the movement track of a certain student or faculty member in the school, it could not be easier.

If you really want to hide from someone, you should be able to disappear more completely...

"Then, what did she tell you?" Yuan Jing asked curiously.

"She said that the reason why she disappeared in front of you and avoided you everywhere was because she felt that you were too dangerous, and she was afraid that she would also be captured by your charm and become a prisoner like us and Ningguang."

Shimizu Kaguya said this without reservation to Yuan Jing.

"And the reason why she abandoned the previous principles of action this time and joined this trip to Vienna is because she really can't understand Ning Guang's behavior. She feels that such an approach is too shameless, and she doesn't want her former friend to degenerate. At this point, that's why she stopped and destroyed her plan."

"The reason why she showed up is actually to stop Ningguang?" Yuan Jing said with great interest, "What did she tell you about Ningguang's plan?"

"It's...to set up a pitiful image of 'isolated and helpless' in front of you, so as to arouse your pity and sympathy, Ah Jing, so as to narrow the distance between you and her."

Yuan Jing blinked, noncommittal, but asked instead: "So, did you and Concubine Zhen believe what she said?"

"We don't believe it all." Shimizu Kaguya shook his head, "Senior Keqing's words are extremely reasonable, but there are also some weird things. We are actually wondering what her intentions are... ..."

"However, this has nothing to do with what I'm going to ask you next. I'm not here to ask you whether what Senior Sister Keqing said is true." Shimizu Kaguya shook his head.

This is a matter between her and Concubine Shijo, and it is the responsibility of the two of them.

"Actually..." Shimizu Kaguya finally poured out the doubts that had been lingering in her heart——

"I'm thinking about whether I should stop Congealing Light."

"No, actually it's not just Ningguang, the two girls in Chiba City, I remember they are Yuihama Yui and Miura Yuiko, right?" Shimizu Kaguya heard Yukinoshita Yukino mention the names of these two, "Besides, there is Mai Sakurajima-senpai..."

"They all seem to be interested in you."

This point, as long as you are not the kind of person whose emotions are as dull as wood, you can definitely see it clearly.

"Being liked by a girl, especially by such a beautiful girl, should be something to be happy about for a boy, right? So, do I really want to stop them?"

Shimizu Kaguya didn't consider his position.

Compared with her own mood, she actually cares more about Yuanjing's mood and feelings.

"Ah Jing didn't show too much alienation to them, and gave them tickets for the best seats; she didn't sever ties with Ningguang, but instead supported her entrepreneurship; and even today, you also saved her. Miss Sakurajima..."

Shimizu Kaguya's words were a little messy and disorganized.

Just like her thoughts at this moment.

"So, maybe Ah Jing doesn't resist the approach of these beautiful girls, but wants to take them into her harem and become our 'sisters'... I sometimes think so."

If this is the case, as the girl who loves Yuanjing with all her heart, she shouldn't be jealous, she shouldn't stop them, instead she should suppress her unnecessary thoughts and open her arms to welcome these 'new sisters' …

"If this is the case, is it still necessary to stop President Ningguang? It doesn't matter whether Keqing-senpai's intentions are true or not. If Sakurajima-senpai, I can also create opportunities for her... .ah!"

Shimizu Kaguya's voice stopped abruptly.

The cheeks that looked like white jade were blushing as if thick rouge had been applied all of a sudden, and the blood-red eyes were full of sparkling water.

Because at this time, Yuan Jing's big hands had already reached into her somewhat loose home clothes, grabbing her [crucial points].

"Hmm..." A soft groan emerged from between the red lips, and Shimizu Kaguya glanced at the door of the study that was still open in a little panic, as if afraid that Ai Hayasaka would see that she did not follow, but Come back and kill a carbine.

However, Yuan Jing is not the kind of sex monster who is in heat anytime and anywhere, the reason why he does this is actually just to calm down Shimizu Kaguya's messy head.

"Kaguya, if you're lost in this kind of thing..."

"How can I trust you to protect me?"

He whispered softly in Kaguya's ear.

Shimizu Kaguya suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Us, protection, Yuanjing?

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