This may be the most mismatched vocabulary she has ever seen.

What is this...

Chapter 63 Peace of mind and breaking up with friends?

"Let us protect Ah Jing?" Shimizu Kaguya repeated in a daze.

This was an expression that was rarely seen on Shimizu Kaguya's face.

"Of course." Putting his chin comfortably on Shimizu Kaguya's fragrant shoulder, Yuan Jing said without hesitation.

That magnetic voice rang in Qingshuihuiye's ears, as if a gust of wind had blown into Qingshuihuiye's heart lake, disturbing the clear water in this lake.

"I'm actually quite a selfish person." Yuan Jing dissected himself in Shimizu Kaguya's ear without hesitation, the other party was someone who wanted to spend his whole life with him, and there was nothing to hide from each other.

"It's been like this from the beginning." Yuan Jing's eyes flashed a little reminiscence, as if he remembered the time when he just came to Tokyo.

"You should also know that for a long time, I have actually been pursuing celibacy, being a lone knight-like figure."

This is his state of life before he was followed by Shizuka Hiratsuka to the 'secret base'.

"I'm not born with a lonely temperament, or I'm disappointed and disgusted with the human race, it's not like that."

Yuanjing is not a social phobic patient.

It can even be said that on the contrary, he is actually quite good at it.

For Yuan Jing in his previous life, socializing can even be said to be the capital for him to live and work. It is precisely because he is good at dealing with others that this "mediocre" him can have both sides, and live a very good life in the eyes of others.

However, [good at socializing] and [like socializing] are indeed two different things.

For the former Yuanjing, [socializing] is actually his job.

As we all know, once something becomes a job, then the heart will naturally feel bored with it.

This is the state of Yuanjing when he first came to this world.

"Once I get along with others, I need to pay more or less consideration, distort my will to a certain extent, and sometimes do things I don't want to do."

"This is the most important reason why I don't like to get along with other people."

"Time is actually very precious to me." Yuanjing said frankly, "There are only 24 hours in a day, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds. I hope that every minute and every second is just for me, not for me. Spending on things that don't really matter to me."

Whether there is a system or not, Yuanjing will look like this.

It's actually in his nature.

"In other words, the so-called 'celibacy' is actually a glorified rhetoric of 'only caring about myself'." Yuanjing said such words unpretentiously in Qingshui Huiye's ear, "Of course, You can also use another word to describe it, that is—”


This is Yuanjing's self-knowledge.

No doubt he considers himself a 'selfish' person.

Quietly ringing in his ears, Yuan Jing's analysis of himself, Shimizu Kaguya's body that became a little hot because of being caught by Yuan Jing and being treated so intimately, also slowly Cooled down.

She leaned back slightly, and the feminine lines fit perfectly with the boy's figure.

"If Lian Ah Jing thinks he is a 'selfish' person, then there is no 'selfless' person in this world." Shimizu Kaguya retorted.

Originally, 'refuting Yuanjing' was one of the few things she would never do.

However, among the things that I will never do, there is also "indifferent to belittling Yuanjing"...

When these two principles conflict, the latter still has a slight upper hand.

"You obviously saved so many people..."

When Yukinoshita Yukino was squeezed out by her classmates and laughed at her as "Sindurella from the countryside", only Yuan Jing extended a helping hand to her;

When Touma Kazusa had doubts about her piano career because of the judge's unfair trial, it was Yuanjing who made her a confident "piano princess" again;

When Fujiwara Chika was uneasy because of the blood type of herself and her parents, wondering if she was really her parents’ daughter but did not dare to confirm with them, it was Yuanjing who revealed a possibility and gave her the courage to ask the truth ;

Besides, Hayasaka Ai, herself, Sawamura mother and daughter...

The number of people saved by Yuanjing can be said to be too numerous to enumerate. Without him, everyone's life would definitely not be what it is now, but would inevitably be stained with sad gray.

And a person who has done so many good deeds would call himself a selfish person.

This is also too unreasonable.

"Because, the fundamental reason why I did this is for myself." Yuan Jing was not surprised by Shimizu Kaguya's reaction, "Kaguya, I wonder if you have heard of a saying called [Anxin Theory]? "

He said so in Qingshui Huiye's ear.

"[An Xin Theory]?" Shimizu Kaguya blinked his eyes, looking a bit puzzled, "Is that some famous theory?"

"For some groups, it is indeed very famous." The 'certain groups' here naturally refers to JOJO fans.

“[People live to overcome fear and anxiety, and to make themselves feel at ease. Gaining a prominent reputation, ruling others, and making huge wealth are all to make themselves feel at ease. Marrying and making friends is also to make oneself feel at ease. Consecrate to others and pursue love Peace and peace are all for peace of mind.]”

Yuan Jing recounted the classic theory of a certain "wicked savior" word by word, and he was actually very impressed with this theory.

"This is the so-called [peace of mind theory]."

"I actually don't agree with this." Especially the latter part, Yuan Jing has always felt that it is too extreme and generalized, "However, the so-called [security] is indeed a very important thing for people. emotion."

"And the reason why I help others is actually just for my own peace of mind."

"When I see a tragedy happening in front of me, I don't feel happy, and if there is no way to stop it, I will hate it."

"That's why I help others so that I can feel at ease."

As I said before, Yuanjing is actually a happy-end chef in essence.

He neither likes nor wants to see the tragedy happen, and when he thinks of its consequences, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

This is the nature of the man 'Yuanjing'.

The so-called "selfishness" means "only consider yourself" in the dictionary.

Then, Yuanjing's practice of helping others for his own "peace of mind" can naturally be called "selfish".

"To be honest, I just want to 'reverse the tragedy', and I'm not very interested in the subsequent [favorite], [admiration], [love] and so on."

"For this, I even tried a little at first..."

"Ah Jing said that when solving matters related to Sha, he insisted on dragging Yukino into it?" Although he did not personally experience it, Shimizu Kaguya heard about this matter from Kazuya and Yukino matter.

This is actually the beginning of the relationship between the two and Yuan Jing.

"That should be the most obvious attempt." Yuan Jing said with certainty.

In fact, for Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yukino's strength at that time was indeed dispensable, even without her help, Yuan Jing at that time could think of other ways, maybe even easier.

And the reason why he asked Yukino to participate at that time was that the most fundamental purpose was to attract Touma Hesa's kindness and gratitude to her. For this reason, he had actually been intentionally provoking Touma Hesa ​​during the process. angry.

But the result was not quite what Yuanjing wanted.

Where he miscalculated, there are actually two main points.

First, feelings are not real objects, and they will not become thinner because of sharing with one more person.

Second, this world is not the real world he lived in before.

Because of habit issues, Yuanjing has actually followed his previous life's code of conduct in this world.

In Yuanjing's previous life, it was almost impossible to win the heart of a beautiful girl with such help.

However, this world is not Yuanjing's previous life.

It is gentler than the world of Yuanjing's previous life, and at the same time, it is also more, um... lustful?

"What happened after that, Kaguya, you actually know."

What follows is a love battle between Yuan Jing, who doesn't want to accept the girls' kindness, and the girls who like Yuan Jing very much.

This "protracted" battle ushered in the most critical turning point during the cultural festival, when Yuanjing seriously considered taking care of the future of Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Touma Kazusa, and Hayasaka Ai It's already over.

And on that Sunday, through a 'tragic' 'battle', it finally ended with a complete defeat on Yuanjing's side.

"Qianhua, Yukino, Kazuya, Ai, Kaguya, Haruno, Zhenfei, Eriri, Mashiro, Artoria." Yuan Jing read out the names of the girls with great emotion.

Shimizu Kaguya was extremely happy when he heard his name, and felt the emotion in Yuanjing's voice.

Among these young girls, some are due to the feelings of long-term companionship, and some are due to the sense of responsibility as men...

In short, Yuanjing Dawei has already been closely connected with these ten girls.

"To be honest, ten people is actually a little too much for me." Yuan Jing is not the kind of person who has no sex with women, and he actually doesn't think too much about the life of 'being a groom every night'. Much yearning.

Even if that kind of life is within his reach.

"If there are more people, the burden on me may be too heavy."

It's not a physical 'no', but a mental 'unbearable'.

"My heart is still limited after all, and I'm not as fraternal as Qianhua."

"However, if I have to stand by and watch the tragedy that will happen in front of me because of this, I will feel psychologically uncomfortable..."

Without Genkei's help, Yumiko Miura would undoubtedly have had the worst birthday ever, and her and Yuigahama Yui's school life would become extremely difficult in the future;

If Yuanjing hadn't rescued the scene in time, Mai Sakurajima would have been injured because of the falling accident on the stage, and her future might be clouded by the scar...

Didn't Yuanjing consider the consequences before doing these things?

Of course he thought about it.

Moreover, isn't there already a lot of lessons learned?

But even so, it would be impossible for him to just stand by and watch.

After all, he is an extremely 'selfish' person who only considers his own feelings.

"Kaguya, Yumiko Miura, Yuihama Yui, Ningguang, Mai Sakurajima... like them, there will definitely be more and more girls who have good intentions for me in the future." Yuanjing said to this Have a very clear understanding.

This trend is not something he can stop.

Even if he doesn't want it to be so, his future will definitely be entangled with many, many girls.

The prototype of this world is a butter world.

The love and love between men and women is the most important theme in this world.

Fortunately, now Yuanjing is not fighting alone, relying on his own strength to resist the 'general trend' of the world.

He has lovers who are extremely reliable and can safely give himself to them.

"Please be mentally prepared for this, and protect me from their hands." Yuan Jing smiled lightly and said to her in Shimizu Kaguya's ear.

In the face of malice and calculation, Yuan Jing has always been invincible.

His intelligence and strength can destroy almost any attempt to harm him, and he will not hesitate or soften his hand when revenge comes back.

However, as Ningguang once said, he is actually not very good at dealing with other people's kindness.

And this 'short board' will now be filled by the girls.

This is what he said to Kaguya before, hoping that they would come to protect him.

"Well, leave it to us!"

Shimizu Kaguya replied simply and neatly.

After these heart-to-heart talks, Shimizu Kaguya no longer had any confusion in his heart at this moment, and became full of fighting spirit again.

Even so, she still disagrees with Yuanjing's claim that she is 'selfish'.

"Where is such a [selfless] [selfishness], Ah Jing..."

Shimizu Kaguya sighed softly in his heart.


There are several large reservoirs in St. Eden Academy.There are several spots on the school grounds that are slightly basind and sometimes foggy on clear cold mornings.

Rays of dawn appeared among the trees in the courtyard.The light is reflected by the white mist in the forest, swallowing the night bit by bit...

If it is the first time to see such a beautiful scenery, it should be easily captured by it, right?

Although it was not the first time for Keqing to see such a scene, it still did not affect her appreciation of this beautiful scene.

It was 6 o'clock in the morning, and St. Eden Academy was completely quiet, without the bustling crowd during the day.

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