The only thing that stood out was a Christmas tree that was obviously newly moved in.

The living room was quiet, and there was already brewed black tea and a variety of food on the table.

Yuan Jing turned on the fireplace, and the warm light of the fire appeared in front of him.

The glazed crystal lights on the Christmas tree reflect the lights and fire on the top, making the whole living room beautifully illuminated.

Yuan Jing poured tea for himself, while silently thinking about some things in his heart.

It was more difficult than he imagined to write a commentary on "No Place in the World".

After all, this is something for Murasaki Shikibu to see.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Yuan Jing's ears heard the sound of high heels hitting the floor and the very slight sound of skirts rubbing against each other. Yuan Jing, who was drinking tea, naturally followed the sound.

"Hmm... Wouldn't that be bad?"

Arturia looked at him with some embarrassment, her tone pitiful.


Even if he was as calm as Yuan Jing, he couldn't help coughing lightly at this moment.

Because the Artoria who appeared in front of his eyes was no ordinary Artoria.

Instead, it was Arturia in a Christmas hat and a red bikini Christmas swimsuit.

The signature red and white color scheme, the extremely elastic clothes outline the girl's soft curves, and the largest area is the white skin...

This is also where Arturia stands out the most.

"To be honest, it's more embarrassing than I imagined." Arturia said, "Does it look good?"

As she spoke, she lowered her head to confirm the outfit on her body.

"It looks good." Yuan Jing nodded without hesitation.

"That's good." Arturia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mashiro, don't push me." At this moment, the voice of Eiri Sawamura came from behind Artoria.

After Artoria tactfully moved away, the complete figures of the two girls were displayed in front of Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing blinked his eyes, his gaze stayed on the two of them, and fell into a momentary sluggishness.

Tights, black mesh stockings, false ears, bows, white ties and sleeves, and a little white tail...  

It turned out to be two 'bunny girls'!

No, compared to mature and charming bunny girls, Yinglili and Mashiro should be called 'bunny babies'.

However, such a contrast creates an extremely astonishing charm.

"How about it, the clothes I picked are not bad." The last voice came from Sayuri Sawamura.

The red tube top and the same red short skirt, the white stockings that symbolize purity, the slender waist that looks like magic, and the slender and slender legs.

What she was wearing was the most traditional Santa costume.

Chapter 65 Not an elk, but a wolf

Although both Eiri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina are wearing bunny outfits, the details of their outfits are different.

Shiina Mashiro's bunny girl uniform is a girly light pink, even the cute pair of half-folded rabbit ears on her head is a girly color.

Those chubby girls' beautiful legs were wrapped in beautiful stockings embellished with sakura, and a circle of white and round thighs was exposed between the stockings and the uniform. The black suspenders were the finishing touch!

If you use a rabbit to describe it, then Shiina Mashiro is the cute light pink [Sakura Rabbit].

The uniform and stockings of Eri Sawamura are white.The petite and flat figure looked even more immature against the white uniform and stockings.The beautiful long blond hair is tied into twin ponytails, with slight curls at the ends, like a little princess in a fairy tale.

White is the purest and cleanest color.But the huge contrast produced by such a pure color and this sexy clothing is even more captivating!

If it is also described as a rabbit, Sawamura Eriri can be said to be a pure and attractive "little white rabbit".

"Actually, I actually have a set of the most traditional bunny girl outfit here, which is the red uniform, V-neck, and wide-mouth black grid stockings." At the end, Sayuri Sawamura, wearing a Santa Claus costume, put herself The two girls in front, especially her daughter, pushed towards the living room and said to Yuanjing with a smile.

"However, the orthodox bunny dress needs to be slim and slender, and also has a pair of big breasts to look good on women."

"Unfortunately, none of the four members of our family met that standard, so we can only seal it up with some regret."

The mother and daughter of Eri Sawamura and Sayuri Sawamura may have poor breasts due to genetic reasons.

For Shiina Mashiro, although the chest is considered to be above the level of a normal girl, it is still a long way from the legendary "giant [哗——]".

For Artoria, it may be because the time has been frozen for too long and time has stagnated on her body for too long, and the development level is actually not satisfactory.but......

"However, Lily has a lot of potential in this area." Sayuri Sawamura looked at Arturia, who was the mother of Eriri and Yuanjing's mother-in-law, and the latter did not hide her identity from her.

"I don't know why." When Saidura Sawamura said this, she glanced at Yuanjing meaningfully, "Anyway, Lily's body has started to grow again recently. A few days ago, she still Tell me that her current bra is a little tight, and ask if I can go to a lingerie store sometime."

"In addition, Lily's height has also started to rise..." Sayuri Sawamura said in a somewhat envious tone.

"It is said that after King Arthur pulled out the holy sword, he was cursed with eternal youth, and his body was frozen in that moment forever. If this is the case, could it be that the current situation is because of the [Holy Sword] Is there a reason to plug it back in?"

Sayuri Sawamura seemed to be muttering to herself, but everyone in the room could hear this slightly colored joke clearly.

"Sayuri." Artoria was a little shy when she was said, she called Sayuri Sawamura's name, and a jasper-like pupil revealed a sense of "I'll see you in the future!" ' means, kind of fierce and cute.

"Ah, it's scary, it's scary." Sayuri Sawamura patted her chest with a look of 'I'm so scared'.She is not wearing a traditional kimono or a lady's dress today.

It was a red tube top miniskirt, and a pair of pure white stockings that were exactly the same as her daughter's were wrapped around her legs.

The long dark purple hair that was always combed into twin ponytails is now hanging down like a waterfall, and a cute Christmas hat is just worn on top of this hair.

Wearing this outfit, Sayuri Sawamura showed a girly feeling that was almost overflowing. If she was someone who didn't know the details, even if she was killed, she would never have thought that she was actually in her 30s and had Eri Sawamura. Such a woman with a grown daughter.

Of course, this side of Sayuri Sawamura will definitely not be seen by people who don't know the details.

The only people who can see her in this state are her closest family members.

"Anyway, you saw the 'Sakura Rabbit' and the 'Little White Rabbit' today, Gen-kun." Sayuri Sawamura blinked at Yuan Jing, "However, the last 'Black Rabbit', Yuan-kun, you may It’s going to take a while.”

"At that time, remember to 'eat' this 'full rabbit feast'." Sayuri Sawamura smiled happily. For her, tonight is the day when her family reunite, so her interest is actually very high .

"That's right, I will notify Ah Jing at that time." Shiina Mashiro, who had been silent all this time, clenched her cute little fists, and suddenly said so very seriously.

"True white!" Sawamura Eriri turned pale with shock, why are you suddenly joining in the fun here.

But Sayuri Sawamura hugged her stomach and bent over with a smile.

"That's right, it really depends on Mashiro." While wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she gave Shiina Mashiro a thumbs up, "At that time, I will be counting on you, Mashiro."

"Well, leave it to me." Shiina Mashiro also returned a thumbs up, and her rabbit ears, which were originally half folded, also shook up and down, as if she was nodding her head in great agreement.

"By the way, Eriri, go and put this on for Gen-kun." Since Sayuri Sawamura was dressed as Santa Claus, she naturally carried a small pocket on her back.

After rummaging inside, Sayuri Sawamura took out a small ornament from inside, handed it to her daughter Eriri Sawamura, and motioned her to put it on for Yuan Jing.

Saiduri Sawamura apparently prepared it quietly by herself, and did not communicate with Eriri Sawamura beforehand. The 'Little White Rabbit' Eriri took the little decoration by accident.

This is a headgear with furry ears.

However, judging from the color and length, it is obviously not cat ears or dog ears.

"What a surprise, I thought it was some elk horn headdress," she muttered.

Today is an early celebration of Christmas, so since there is Santa Claus, there must be someone to dress up as an elk.

"Oh, I also have the elk horn headgear here," Sayuri Sawamura covered her mouth and chuckled, "Although I don't care about it, but are you sure you want Gen-kun to wear it?" She said meaningfully.

Afterwards, Sayuri Sawamura gently tugged on Agree's red miniskirt, and tugged on the Santa hat she wore crookedly on her head, "You know, the [Santa Claus] here is me."

The elk is going to drag Santa Claus around, that is to say, if the source scene is 【Elk】...

Sawamura Eriri obviously also understood what her mother meant. Looking at her mother's beautiful and youthful attire, Sawamura Eriri naturally felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

"No need, this one is fine." As if she was afraid that her mother would repent, she quickly snatched the tiara from Sayuri Sawamura's hand, and walked quickly to Yuan Jing.

Its agility is just like that of a real little white rabbit.

However, just as she carefully put the headdress on Yuan Jing's head, and was about to leave like that, Yuan Jing grabbed her wrist.


Accompanied by this exclamation, Sawamura Eriri was pulled into her arms by Yuan Jing.

Although it was not unwilling, but out of the reservedness of a girl, Sawamura Eriri subconsciously wanted to struggle.

At this moment, Yuan Jing's voice came from her ear, and her crystal clear earrings also felt the heat from the boy's mouth——

"This is [Wolf Ears]." Yuan Jing felt the trembling of the girl in his arms, and whispered in his ear with a chuckle, "If [Little White Rabbit] escapes so easily, I, [Big Gray Rabbit] Wolf], isn’t it a bit too dereliction of duty?”

That's right, Yuanjing's identity tonight is not a "moose" pulling a sled, but a legendary "big bad wolf".

He came to [eat] rabbits.

"Si-if that's the case, then I have nothing to do." Eriri Sawamura said unwillingly, "After all, I've been caught by [wolves]."

However, her 'rabbit ears' swaying from side to side in joy and a smile on the corner of her mouth fully exposed her mood.

Sawamura Eriri is the one with the thinnest skin among several people, and the one who is the most reluctant to let go.

That's why Sayuri Sawamura asked her to do this, in order to prepare a step for her silly daughter to come down.

Fortunately, Yuan Jing quite fully understood what she meant.

Sayuri Sawamura was already very satisfied with her son-in-law, Yuanjing. He has a solid background but does not bully others.

Thinking of her daughter having such a good home, Sayuri Sawamura has been sleeping with a smile recently.

Now that she has seen such a considerate side of him, she is more satisfied with Yuanjing.

'Now, I can safely return Ying Lili to him. ' she said softly in her heart.


After joking around, everyone came to sit at the rectangular dining table, where a sumptuous meal was already set.

But before eating, there are other things to do.

Originally, after Eri Sawamura sat in Yuan Jing's arms, only four seats were enough for five people.

Since it is a long table, it should be two sides.

However, the reality turned out to be Yuan Jing holding Eiri Sawamura in his arms, Arturia on the right and Mashiro Shiina on the left.

As for Sayuri Sawamura, she was left alone.

Saidura Sawamura's beautiful eyes glanced at the two people around Yuanjing with some resentment, and then, as if by magic, she took out five salutes from her pocket, and distributed four of them to Yuanjing and Yuanjing's arms. Eri Sawamura, Arturia, and Mashiro Shiina, and she kept one for herself.

"Come, come, pick up the salute first."

She smiled and said to several other people, and then took it in her hand first.

After confirming each other's eyes——


Pull out the cannon, and foils of various colors fly in the air.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone said in unison.

Then there was the sound of opening the champagne cork with a "boom", and Sayuri Sawamura began to pour the 5 glasses in front of her, which were constantly bubbling with white foam and exuding a mellow liquid.

However, the move was opposed by her daughter.

"Mom, do you want us to drink too?"

The legal drinking age in Sakurajima is 20.

While Sawamura Eri, Genke and Shiina Mashiro are adults, but they are not yet 20 years old.

Then, according to the law of Sakurajima, there is no way to drink alcohol.

Yuanjing also drank alcohol in his previous life. In his concept, he can actually drink alcohol after he becomes an adult, so naturally he didn't have much reaction.

As for Shiina Mashiro, not to mention whether she knows this law, her nationality is still British, and there is naturally no weird law where you must be 20 years old to drink alcohol.

Sayuri Sawamura opened her eyes wide in astonishment, and looked at her 'black-hearted little padded jacket', arguing, "Champagne can't be counted as wine...champagne!...only a 12-degree liquid, Can it count as wine!"

"Even if it's only once, it's still wine." Sawamura Eriri argued, "Please don't infect Ah Jing with this habit."

She doesn't have much of a liking for wine.

Mr. Spencer died of a myocardial infarction caused by alcoholism.

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