Although Yuan Jing's body is much better than her father's, alcohol is not a good thing after all, if possible, Sawamura Eriri hopes that he will never touch this thing that has swallowed her father's life.

"It's okay, Sayuri." Artoria, who was sitting on Yuanjing's right hand, said softly, "I can drink with you."

Although she is still in high school, Arturia is the most standard adult by any standard.Naturally, you can drink heavily.

"Wow, I like Lily the most." Sayuri Sawamura clapped her hands very happily, then crawled across the side on all hands and feet, squeezed into a seat with Arturia abruptly, and even took advantage of the momentum to sit on Yuan view here.

"In this case, don't drink this kind of white water with only 12 degrees." She said with a smile, took out a small remote control from the pocket, and then pressed it lightly.

Accompanied by a deep mechanical sound, the door of the wine cabinet in the corner of the living room opened slowly.

"Lily, what kind of wine do you want?" Sayuri Sawamura said generously, "Beer, sake, Shaoxing wine, whiskey, brandy, wine, vodka, all kinds of wine are available here."

"Here, there is also the top Burgundy produced by Lehua Chateau, which I highly recommend!"

Chapter 66 【Day after day】, there must be diligence

"Le Hua Winery?" Artoria blinked her eyes in confusion after hearing the name.

She is the king who entered the frozen state 1500 years ago, so it is naturally impossible to know about this winery established in 1868.

Not only Lehua Winery, but also Saidura Sawamura, among the many wine names she mentioned before, she can actually recognize very few.

During the period of her slumber, the pace of human beings has advanced too far.

However, she had a lot of trust in Sayuri Sawamura, so she naturally agreed with Sayuri Sawamura's proposal.

"Then the white wine." Arturia nodded and said, "I'm actually quite familiar with wine."

Wine is considered to be the oldest type of wine in Europe. Compared with those wines that require distillation technology to make, wine is thousands of years old.

In her era, Artoria drank wine most often, followed by ale, or beer.

"Okay, then I decided to drink it." Sayuri Sawamura snapped her fingers, and after hugging Artoria fiercely, she got up from her seat decisively and walked towards the wine cabinet.

The red miniskirt swayed gently, and the firelight from the fireplace coated the pure and flawless white stockings with a layer of soft yellow.

"Eriri, is there something wrong?" Yuan Jing said softly in Sawamura Eiri's ear, turning his gaze away from Sayuri Sawamura.

Ever since Sayuri Sawamura proposed to drink, Eiriri's behavior was a little strange, and she also had a hesitant expression at this time...

"Then, it should be your father's wine cabinet?"

On such a happy day, it stands to reason that this matter should not be mentioned.

But now, Sawamura Eriri obviously hasn't crossed that hurdle in her heart.

"Yeah." With loose hair covering half of her cheeks, Eri Sawamura bit her lower lip with her white teeth, and her throat made such affirmation.

"Father is a big drinker, and basically drinks a few glasses at home every day." There was a little sadness in Ying Lili's voice, obviously thinking of the past.

"On the contrary, my mother basically doesn't drink much, and basically only drinks a little champagne or wine with my father."

"But after Dad passed away, Mum started gulping herself down."

"She doesn't drink in front of me and Zhenbai, but basically only pours wine into her mouth at night, and then runs to the toilet to vomit..."

"If I hadn't gotten up to go to the toilet at night that day, I might not have discovered this secret."

Sayuri Sawamura is not drinking to soothe her sorrows because of her husband's death.

She doesn't have the leeway to do that, and the world is not so gentle.

"This is to exercise your drinking capacity..." There was a bit of pity in Yuan Jing's words.

After the death of Mr. Spencer, Sayuri Sawamura had not yet come out of her grief when she received a notice from her husband's family that she wanted to take her daughter away from her.

That's right, they were not seeking Sayuri Sawamura's opinion, they were just informing her.

And if you want to keep Ying Lili, it is not enough to rely on her own strength.

It is necessary to visit other families to seek the strength that can be recruited.

Also known as 'social'.

And if you want to get help from other families, it is not enough to only have a mouth that can speak well. Just like Huaguo in the previous life, in Sakurajima, the wine table culture is actually quite prevalent.

Therefore, Sayuri Sawamura must develop a good drinking capacity as a stepping stone.

Even if it's only a little bit, we should try to increase the chips in our hands as much as possible.

This was what Sayuri Sawamura thought at that time.

"It's okay, those nightmares are over." Yuan Jing hugged Eiri Sawamura tightly, feeling the soft touch and a little uncontrollable trembling, as if stroking a kitten, stroking her golden body Xiufa, "Everything is mine, don't worry."

"For Sayuri, drinking today is just for celebration, there is no need to think about other superfluous things at all."

In fact, in addition to celebrating, it should also mean saying goodbye to the past.

That's why she unabashedly displayed her deceased husband's wine cabinet in front of everyone, and generously demonstrated her familiarity with wine products.

Yuan Jing's reassuring promise sounded in his ears, and Yuan Jing's gentle touch was felt on his head. Eri Sawamura leaned back again, completely burying her petite body in Yuan Jing. In the embrace of her, she completely forgot that she was actually 'forced'.

However, on her face, apart from peace of mind, there was also some deep doubts and a little bit of...fear?

Eri Sawamura is not a person who is good at acting.

Compared with "Masters of Performing Arts" like Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu, she is much more immature.

Yuan Jing naturally saw some slight expressions on her face, but he rarely said a word about it, but the movement of stroking Ying Lili's hair became more and more gentle.

"Here comes the good wine..." Saiduri Sawamura came back at a cheerful pace, carrying two bottles of white wine and two bottles of juice in her hand.

When she was drinking with Artoria, Yuan Jing and her 'two daughters' couldn't be allowed to drink plain water.

Saiduri's purplish red eyes turned lightly towards Yuanjing and Sawamura Eriri, after noticing their current actions, a slight smile appeared on Qingli's face.

However, she didn't say anything to destroy the sour-sweet atmosphere, but squeezed into Artoria's seat again very familiarly.

Arturia was no stranger to this, and didn't show any resistance to it, "If we hold a banquet in the future, will it be changed to a round table?" There was a hint of ridicule in her words.

Obviously the rectangular dining table has two sides, but now the four of them are squeezed into Yuanjing's side, but the other side can be said to be empty and desolate.

"That's right, I'll change the round table tomorrow." Sayuri Sawamura naturally responded well to this, "However, for today, everyone should squeeze a little bit."

"However, there are advantages to being squeezed." She looked at Shiina Mashiro with her beautiful eyes, and blinked at her, "You think so?"

"Yeah." Shiina Mashiro nodded frankly.

Because they were all squeezed together, at this moment, she was actually very close to Yuan Jing next to her, and she could almost be said to be next to him.

Of course, this is nothing compared to someone.

Shiina Mashiro looked at Sawamura Eriri with envy, obviously, she still wanted the seat in Yuanjing's arms rather than leaning aside.

Like Ying Lili, she is also a 'little rabbit', why doesn't the 'big bad wolf' come and eat her?

Seeing Shiina Mashiro's cute little expression, Sawamura Sayuri chuckled, but didn't continue to say anything.

As the old saying goes, 'children and grandchildren have their own blessings'.

She doesn't have to worry about Shiina Mashiro's words.

She was much more frank than her awkward daughter.

When the cork was pushed away, there was a "pop" sound, and a mellow wine fragrance permeated the restaurant.

After pouring a glass of wine for himself and Arturia, and pouring a glass of juice for the other three.

"Cheers!" Accompanied by the crisp sound of glass colliding, the "Christmas Dinner" at the Sawamura family officially began.

All the lights in the living room were turned off, only relying on the fire in the fireplace to illuminate the whole house.

The moonlight outside the window was bright and clear, and the shining moon and silver light dragged the shadows of things long, and the shadows of the five people were printed on the carpet like a light ink painting.

Sayuri Sawamura turned on the record player that was placed somewhere, and the cheerful melody reverberated throughout the room, and the moonlight kept swaying along with the music...

In such an atmosphere, five people gathered around the table and enjoyed a delicious dinner together.

"That's great," Sayuri Sawamura poured down a full glass of wine, looking at her family members with blurred eyes, "It's a cold winter night outside, we drank in front of the fireplace, as if we were the only ones left in the whole world Same five people."

After speaking, as if she couldn't wait, she poured herself a full glass of wine, and then drank it again in one gulp.

"Sayuri, don't drink too fast..." Artoria advised.

One of the two bottles of wine she brought disappeared in a blink of an eye, and now it was the second bottle.

"It's okay, this is where it is." Sayuri Sawamura pulled out the cork of the second bottle of wine, her fair cheeks turned bright red, exuding an extremely amazing charm, " Although I'm definitely not at the point where I won't get drunk after a thousand cups, my alcohol capacity is actually pretty good."

"Let's not talk about this kind of wine, even pouring vodka into my mouth in big glasses is just a trivial matter to me."

"Mom!" Eri Sawamura couldn't help calling out with concern.

"Oh, this daughter is not in vain, and she knows how to care about her mother." Although her face was red, Sayuri Sawamura's eyes became brighter and her posture was quite relaxed, "My fault, my fault, shouldn't At this time, let's talk about those spoilers."

After drinking the wine in the glass again, Sayuri Sawamura looked at Yuan Jing, and a little evil 'bad intentions' flashed in her eyes.

"Then say something pleasant, such as..."

"Gen-kun, when will you allow me to hold a grandson or granddaughter?" Since there are no outsiders here, Sayuri Sawamura has no scruples in speaking, "Lily's, Yingli's, Zhenbai's... No matter who's child, I, as a grandma, have the responsibility."

"Cough cough!"

Eri Sawamura obviously didn't expect her mother to say such a thing in front of everyone.

She didn't know if she choked on the juice, or because she was shy, her cheeks were very red, and her clear blue eyes were full of moisture, as beautiful as a vast and deep ocean.

"The... baby between me and Ah Jing." Unlike Ying Lili, Shiina Mashiro's voice was full of longing.

She even lowered her head and gently stroked her lower abdomen.

On that day, Yuanjing didn't take any 'protective measures', so whether it was Sawamura Eriri, Shiina Mashiro, Artoria, or other girls, they might have already planted jade in the blue field at this moment.

However, things like pregnancy test sticks have to wait for a week before they are really effective, so at present, everything is actually just an unknown.

Logically speaking, that's right.


"Sayuri, then you may have to wait for a while." Artoria said quite confidently.

Compared with Sayuri Sawamura, who was already flushed from the alcohol, there was only a slight blush that was barely noticeable on her fair cheeks.

Obviously, Artoria's alcohol capacity is much better than Sayuri's.

"For Ah Jing now, it is not easy to get a woman pregnant." There was a little apology in her words, as if she felt a little embarrassed, "This is a flaw in the martial arts of the Pandoragon family. .”

In the natural world, the more powerful a race is, the less populated it is, and it is difficult for it to have offspring.

This point can be said to be vividly reflected in the legendary [Dragon].

The core idea of ​​the martial arts of the Panduolagon family is to imitate the powerful species of "dragon" and achieve "I am a dragon".

If it is the kind of ordinary people who are not good at learning, that's all right, but the farther people go on this road, the harder it is for them to have children.

Because of this, among the old Pandaragon family, the more powerful the people, the more wives and concubines they had.

They want to use this method of increasing the amount to maximize the possibility of giving birth to an heir.

Whether it is Artoria or Yuanjing, it can be said that they have reached the extreme on this road, and it can even be said that they have reached the end. If they want to have children, they must rely on persistent "hard work" .

"However, the baby born in this way is definitely far beyond ordinary people, and is a natural [genius]," Arturia said as if to remedy, "I can guarantee this."

"I see," Sayuri Sawamura sighed softly, but she was not too disappointed.

The sufferings of the past have forged a strong heart for her.

"In this case, maybe Yuan-jun can only be invited to 'day after day'."

She even used kung fu to make such jokes with Yuan Jing.

After that, of course, Eri Sawamura gagged her mouth with a fork of chicken.


I don't know how long it took.

The wine is finished, the food is almost finished, and the record has just finished playing.

Just when Sayuri Sawamura wanted to change a film, such behavior was stopped by Yuan Jing.

He pointed to the opposite wall, and under the light of the fireplace, he could see a somewhat strange silhouette.

It was a guitar hanging on the wall.

"Sayuri, can I use that?"

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