She actually knew that with Yuanjing's personality, it was absolutely impossible to do such a thing, but she just couldn't help having such delusional thoughts.

After reading Yukino's notes, Yuan Jing showed such an expression.

It was precisely because of anticipation of such a situation that he was determined to improve his proficiency in the drum kit today. His original plan was to play the guitar.

After putting the notes aside, Minamoto looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, without making any comments on the lyrics he wrote.

Instead, he asked her, "Are you interested in playing the drums with me?"

Chapter 58 Some bold Yukinoshita Yukino

"But, I've never played a drum before." There was some hesitation in Yukinoshita Yukino's voice.

Unlike most girls, she doesn't think drumming is rude or unladylike.

It's just that I simply don't want to make a fool of myself in front of Yuan Jing.

As if seeing the worry in the girl's heart, Yuan Jing gently passed a drumstick over, "It's okay, it's the first time I've hit this kind of thing in the real world, I guess it's not much better than you."

Seeing that the girl still seemed to be hesitant, Yuan Jing added another twist——

"When writing the lyrics, did you feel that something was wrong? There was an awkward feeling that I couldn't explain, right?"

Sure enough, he saw it.

While Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little lost because of this, she also felt a little hope in her heart——

Since he also discovered this, then, Yuanjing should have a solution, right?

Never helpless, no matter what the problem is, the teenager has a solution.

With the passage of time together, Yuan Jing's impression in Yukino Yukino's heart also gradually changed.

Apart from certain emotions that are difficult to express, the one that inflates most rapidly is an emotion called 'trust'.

And so far, Yuanjing has never betrayed this trust.


Teenagers can occasionally display a very childish mischievousness.

Just like now.

Facing the girl's hopeful eyes, Yuan Jing didn't make any response, but just passed the drumstick in his hand to Yukinoshita Yukino again, and the smile on his mouth was completely undisguised.

His meaning is already very obvious.

'Okay, okay, I'll just knock.However, since you did the first day of junior high school, don't blame me for doing the fifteenth day. '

Somewhat indignantly, Yukinoshita took the drumstick from the boy's hand, and Yukinoshita Yukino walked to Yuan Jing's side.

However, she didn't wait quietly for Yuan Jing to make room for her, she sat down immediately.

Feeling the sudden round and plump pressure from his thigh, Yuan Jing was stunned for a very rare moment.

It seemed that Yukinoshita Yukino, who had always been like a good girl, would suddenly act so boldly.

Yukinoshita Yukino actually didn't expect it.

How should I put it, I always feel like I did something very bold on impulse.

What expression will be on Yuanjing's face now?Was this action of his still in his expectation?

I really wanted to see Yuan Jing's surprised expression, but the girl at this moment didn't dare to look back at all.

His face was hot, and his heart was beating hard.

His current face must be quite strange.

If this unseemly expression was seen by Yuan Jing, he might die just like that because he was too ashamed and angry.

Fortunately, according to the current posture of the two, Yuan Jing can't see his face...

Thinking about this, Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, although she was ashamed and angry to death, the girl unexpectedly did not have any regrets in her heart.

On the contrary, I feel a little grateful for what I have done.

As if trying to hide her inner feelings, Yukinoshita Yukino said, "What song do you want to play?"

There was some obvious trembling mixed in this short sentence.


Yuan Jing was really surprised, he obviously didn't think that Yukinoshita Yukino would do such a bold act, he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, although Yukinoshita Yukino tried her best to conceal it, the girl's mind was still fully exposed, and the spy was the ear sticking out from her soft and beautiful long hair.

This pair of small ingots, which were originally white and crystal clear, were so red that they seemed to bleed.

If we puncture it here, the life of the girl Yukinoshita Yukino should end here, right?

Such a cruel thing, I can't do it myself.

Picking up another drumstick, Yuan Jing responded to the girl's words——

"up to you."

"What do you mean by what I like? I obviously don't know how to type a score." The girl's tone was full of astonishment.

"Then don't follow the score, just hit it casually." The boy's tone was nonchalant, as if he was demonstrating for the girl, he knocked on the light brown metal disc next to him, and made a very crisp sound.

"Wow, when the cymbals are struck like this, do they make such a sound?"

There was a little joy in the boy's words, and he knocked on the thing called 'cymbal' in technical terms with different angles and different strengths.

Responding to his taps, the latter continued to make crisp sounds in response.

Yuanjing wasn't writing notes.

It's like a child with a new toy, he's just 'playing'.

In the crisp sound, there is a lively and happy atmosphere.

As if attracted by Yuan Jing's behavior, Yukinoshita Yukino also stretched out his drumstick with some hesitation, and tapped the cymbal softly.

As if feeling the hesitation in the girl's heart, the sound from the cymbals was a little lazy.


Although he didn't look back, Yukinoshita Yukino still heard Yuan Jing's chuckle.Excited by it, Yukinoshita Yukino was a little pissed and used a little more force in the next blow.

There was only a "snap", and the cymbal shook up and down at an extremely fast speed, making a somewhat sharp sound.

"The cymbals are not the enemy, so there is no need to rush them to death." The young man could not hide his smile, and his words contained earnestness and kindness. I have the courage to go forward."

The boy demonstrated a few more times.

This is not a particularly difficult content, and Yukinoshita Yukino is quite smart, but after a while, she knocked in a decent way.

Not only the tallest cymbal, but the two shorter rhythm cymbals and the hi-hat with pedals, as well as the snare, tom and kick drum, were all 'named' by the duo afterwards.

Drums are one of the easiest musical instruments to make people feel happy.This kind of musical instrument with a strong sense of rhythm seems to have nothing to do with melancholy, but only to spread rhythm.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was originally very reserved, also felt this kind of happiness, and a happy smile appeared on her face naturally.

The two of them didn't think about playing any tunes.But the most important thing about drum kits is the player's sense of rhythm.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino is slightly inferior in this respect, Yuan Jing is indeed a master in this respect.

Under his intentional or unintentional guidance, the two had a great time.

That's right, it's 'playing'.

It's not a mechanical training or a one-on-one scripture, the two are enjoying the joy of drumming.

This impromptu performance did not come to an end until Yukinoshita Yukino failed to grab the drumstick.

Only then did she realize that not only had she exhausted her strength, but also there was a gurgling sound coming from her stomach.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, he realized that it was noon.

Yuan Jing also stopped the drumstick in his hand, and he said to the regretful girl, "Student Yukinoshita, remember your current mood."

"What's missing from your lyrics is this uplifting thing."

Chapter 59 Please believe in me who believes in you

Adolescent boys and girls have begun to show differences in physical fitness due to differences in gender.

Unless they are some talented or hard-working women, women's physical strength is inherently weaker than that of men.

Unfortunately, Yukinoshita Yukino is not that kind of woman.

On the contrary, she is still the kind of person who is quite weak in physical strength.

To be honest, being able to last for nearly two hours this time can be said to be quite extraordinary.

It can only be said that happiness is really the best natural anesthetic.

Compared with Yukinoshita Yukino, who was empty in strength and empty in her stomach, Yuan Jing was still somewhat energetic, and his mental outlook was even a little better than before.

It seems to derive great satisfaction from beating the drums.

He gently helped Yukino up, and made her sit on the bench beside the recording studio.After confirming that Yukinoshita Yukino had sat firmly, he took the notebook that had been put aside before, and gently opened it in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Actually, these lyrics are very well written." On the notebook, the beautiful and neat handwriting spread out in front of him.

Just from this handwriting, we can see the creator's intentions.

"Whether it is in terms of rhythm or diction, there is no beginner's jerky. Although it cannot be said to be perfect, it is at least qualified. If I were the client, I should be satisfied with any version."

"..." Yukinoshita Yukino bit her lip and did not speak.

On her delicate face, although the blush of happiness has not faded, it also shows a kind of stubbornness and stubbornness.

'It's not enough if it's just qualified. 'This is what the girl said in her heart.

Yukinoshita Yukino knew that her level of writing lyrics was far from Touma Kazusa's piano level, let alone Yuan Jing's composition level.

It is precisely because of this that she is so cautious, not only going to her sister's university to attend related courses, but also holding back her shyness after class to go to the professor for consultation.

All these efforts are for the success of this song that embodies the efforts of the three people.

If you want to reach that level, just 'qualified' is not enough, you have to be more, more...

"Okay, don't put on such a bitter and bitter face. If I fall into that kind of emotion again, won't my previous efforts be in vain?"

A slight pain came from Yukinoshita Yukino's forehead.Raising his eyes, Yuan Jing's handsome face came into view.

Holding a drumstick, he tapped Yukinoshita Yukino's forehead lightly, as if to wake her up from her confusion.

"Student Yukinoshita, haven't you always wanted to know where that sense of incongruity comes from?"

Xue Xiaxue nodded lightly, then looked at Yuan Jing with some hope.

The latter didn't show off again this time, and opened his mouth and said, "It's because of your overly cautious heart."

"Under the snow, you take this commission too seriously."

Although Yuan Jing's words were not loud, they reached Yukinoshita Yukino's heart all the way.


"You are too afraid that this album will fail because of yourself, so you push yourself desperately and try your best to do your best, am I right?"

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't speak, just nodded silently.

"This is the crux." After closing the notebook in his hand, Yuan Jing squatted down gently so that his eyes and Yukino Yukino were at the same height, "Student Yukinoshita, you should also listen I have passed the sample played by Dong Ma, in your ears, what do you think is the emotional core of this piece?"

"Is it sadness, joy, melancholy, or some other emotion?" Yukinoshita Yukino's dark blue eyes were as clear as blue waves, and Yuan Jing could even see his own self clearly from them. reflection.

Yukinoshita Yukino has listened to this song countless times this week, and has naturally tried to figure out its core countless times.After hearing Yuanjing's question, she said without thinking, "It's happiness."

"That's right." Yuanjing nodded, "This song was actually composed when I went camping in the countryside, so I made it."

"And the reason why I made this song is because I felt very happy at that time." As if recalling the scene at that time, Yuan Jing showed a warm smile on his face.

He just stared at Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes, and asked, "What about you, Yukinoshita Yukino? When writing lyrics, do you feel happy from the bottom of your heart?"

The answer is naturally no.

Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood where the sense of disobedience came from.

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