When Yuanjing composed the music, he felt refreshed because of the beautiful scenery and camping experience; when Dongma Hesa ​​played, he felt sweet because it was composed by his "sweetheart".

Only Yukinoshita Yukino.

She was the only one among the three who did not write the lyrics with such a simple and carefree mood.

These slight incongruities come from this——

That is the "unconfident" in the girl's heart.

Dongma and Sa were once deeply trapped in the same quagmire, and at this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino stepped into the same situation again.

Shouldn't it be said that she really deserves to be "best friend"?

But although the problem has been found, it does not mean the end of the incident.Yukinoshita Yukino doubts her abilities from the bottom of her heart, as long as this doubt does not dissipate, the sense of incongruity in her lyrics will never go away.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Jing said to the silent girl: "Student Yukinoshita, do you trust me?"

Looking into Yuanjing's eyes, Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slowly and solemnly.

"Just like Yukinoshita-san trusts me, I also trust Yukinoshita-san." Maintaining such a state of intersecting eyes, Yuanjing said softly, "For the sake of my trust, can you let Yukinoshita trust me?" Next, Miss Yukino should also trust herself a little bit?"

What kind of sophistry is this?

I trust you, and you trust me, so I should trust myself?

Such a logical chain is completely unconvincing, and logically speaking, it cannot be established at all.


"Okay." Yukinoshita Yukino answered in the affirmative with warm emotions in her chest.

And Yuan Jing also showed sufficient trust in line with his words, and did not have the slightest doubt about the girl's words.

Putting the drumstick in the girl's hand, Yuan Jing stood up, "It's almost lunch time, I'm going to get something to eat."

While talking, Yuanjing walked out of the recording studio.

Yukinoshita Yukino watched the other party leave, and then turned her attention back to the slender wooden stick in her hand.

Some weak hands waved it gently a few times, and Yukinoshita Yukino softly uttered onomatopoeic words such as "boom" and "crack", obviously recalling the previous period of time.

I'm really not ashamed to sit on his lap...

Although a little embarrassed, Yukinoshita Yukino still couldn't help showing a smile.

She felt that she would be able to write the best lyrics this time.

Chapter 60 The drum kit is an instrument that has nothing to do with loneliness (1/4)

"Yuanjing, I didn't expect your cooking skills to improve again." After taking a sip of the noodle soup, the store manager Matsuse couldn't hide the surprise on his face, "This noodle is so delicious. Of course, if you can fry it again It would be even better with a peanut as a side dish.”

She looked at Yuanjing, with a light called 'Hope' in her eyes, but she was rejected by the latter very cruelly.

"There are still two minors here. If you want to drink, go to your own room." Gently pour the homemade chili sauce into the bowl, Yuanjing gently stirred it up with chopsticks, "Borrow this from the kitchen The only condition is for me to agree to add you a pair of chopsticks, as for other things, I don’t need to talk about it.”

Matsuse Musical Instrument Shop actually has two floors.The first floor is the storefront that is open to the outside world, while the second floor is the private space of the store manager, where all kinds of living settings are naturally available.

From the perspective of saving trouble, Yuan Jing didn't go to stir-fry and cook, but directly cooked a pot of noodles for lunch for the three of them.

Noodles are the simplest vermicelli in clear soup.In addition to noodles and a little seasoning, Yuanjing only added a few handfuls of green vegetables, and each person beat an egg as a topping.

When it was served, it looked like a clear soup with little water, but it was really unremarkable.

But the simpler the dish, the more it can show the chef's skill.After yesterday's 'Gourmet Journey', Yuanjing's [Cooking] skill has officially passed the lv.3 mark.If such a setting existed in the culinary world, it wouldn't be a problem for Yuanjing to be a super chef.

Even if it is a simple vermicelli in clear soup, Yuanjing can easily turn it into a miracle.Manager Matsuse's way of swallowing his tongue is proof of that.

"Well, I've confessed my love to you before, so can't you be more accommodating? He's really a cruel man." Store Manager Matsuse sighed, his tone full of resentment.

Yuan Jing was not touched by this sentence, but Yukinoshita Yukino, who was silently sucking noodles, seemed to be a little choked. After covering her mouth and nose with her hand, and coughing lightly for a while, she looked at it in disbelief. To the store manager.

Manager Matsuse, are you just joking, or is it true?

"Of course it's true." After noticing the look in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes, the store manager Matsuse did not hide the matter, but showed a look of course, "As long as you are a musician, after hearing his performance Isn't it quite normal to fall in love with him? At that time, I not only confessed, but even proposed directly."

The young and beautiful store manager sighed and muttered, "Don't look at my musical instrument store as inconspicuous, in fact, I just asked for it from my father to play. As long as you marry me, not only this musical instrument store, but also can inherit it in the future." It is not an exaggeration to say that the several buildings in the hands of my father have saved decades of struggle."

"This kind of good thing, Yuanjing refused without even thinking about it." There was a bit of resentment in the tone of the store manager Matsuse, she gently stirred the slender noodles in the bowl with her chopsticks, and continued, "It's even worse. What makes me angry is that I clearly rejected his confession, but then I continued to take care of the store's business as if nothing had happened."

"This attitude of not avoiding suspicion at all, doesn't it just mean that I have never taken me seriously? This is the first time I have tasted this kind of humiliation." The beauty store manager said a little indignantly.

Ah, this...

Yukinoshita Yukino was not sure what reaction he should make.As a woman who admired Yuanjing as much as she did, she should applaud him for his failure.However, listening to the other party's experience, a feeling of sadness that the rabbit died and the fox inevitably came to my heart.

If I also confess to Yuanjing, will the result be any different?

Probably not.

After getting along for more than two months, Yuan Jing is still the same Yuan Jing as before, but he is no longer who he was two months ago.

From this point of view, isn't he even inferior to the store manager Matsuse?At least, she still has the courage to confess...

Yukinoshita Yukino gently picked up the noodles with chopsticks, opened Tankou lightly, and put it into his mouth.There is a smooth and chewy taste in the mouth. If it is normal, I should be able to taste this kind of food and feel happy.

But at this moment, she tasted a bit of bitterness from it.This bit of bitterness does not come from Yuanjing's cooking, but from the girl's inner feelings.

In Buddhism, there is a saying that people have eight sufferings.One of the hardships, the Buddha called it "can't ask for it".

The name of this bit of bitterness tasted in the girl's taste buds should be 'I can't ask for it', right?

Lunch didn't take long.

While talking and laughing, the pot of noodles was exhausted, and Yuan Jing refused Yukinoshita Yukino's help.She hasn't slowed down yet, even if she follows, it will only be a disservice.

After putting the bowls and chopsticks of several people in the pot, Yuanjing easily picked them up and walked to the kitchen on the second floor.

In the small restaurant, only the store manager Matsuse and Yukinoshita Yukino were left.

Looking at the back of Yuan Jing leaving, the store manager Matsuse gently stroked his somewhat full stomach, "Actually, I was quite surprised when I heard that he was going to play the drums this time."

'Is this, talking to me? Yukinoshita Yukino was a little surprised.

Manager Matsuse's tone was quite soft, these words could only be heard very clearly by Yukinoshita Yukino who was just beside him.

But why should the store manager be surprised?Isn't it normal for Yuanjing, who likes music, to try a new instrument?

Seemingly noticing the girl's question, the store manager Matsuse smiled and continued, "Because the drum set is an instrument that has nothing to do with loneliness."

"In rock bands, drummers are generally the most popular. Do you know why?" The beauty store manager looked away from the kitchen and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino.

The latter looked at her with scorching eyes, as if expecting the answer from her mouth.

'Another little girl who was captured by Yuanjing's charm, what a sinful man. '

Thinking of this in his heart, the store manager Matsuse didn't hold back anymore—"Because drums are such an instrument, if no one cooperates, basically nothing can be done. So for drummers, being a human being is very important One ring."

"Because of this, Yuanjing has played the piano, guitar and bass here, and even tried the accordion, but he has never played the drums, as if he doesn't care about this instrument." The beauty store manager looked at Xue Under the snow, Yukino showed a somewhat envious expression, "Then, why did Yuanjing make an exception this time?"

Is it for me?

No, if it is Yuanjing, it should be considered that drumming can make people the most happy, and it is most helpful to the completion of lyrics.

Even though rationality told herself so, the girl still couldn't help but feel throbbing in her heart.

The people you care about really care about you.

How can this not make people's hearts sway?

Chapter 61 The new neighbor who is too polite (2/4)

After parting with Yukinoshita Yukino at dusk, Yuan Jing embarked on a journey home.

Recently, regarding the unattainable Lv. MAX on the panel, Yuanjing feels as if he has a little idea.

This is also inspired by yesterday's incident of finding hair rings for Ai Hayasaka.

Although it could only be said to be a whim at the beginning, and I was not [-]% sure, but in the end I really succeeded.

Using the resonance of the piano to find something that is not even big enough to slap, this is probably a plot that even dare not be easily adopted in science fiction, but it has been reproduced by myself in reality.

Obviously I can do such a thing, but my skills are still stuck at Lv.3, no matter how [+1] I do, there is no sign of improvement.

This kind of thing is definitely weird, right?

Up to now, he has clearly felt that in terms of the skill [Piano], there is only a pitifully thick barrier between himself and Lv. MAX.

But how to do to break through, Yuanjing is not very clear.

In the game, lv.3 is already at the top level, but I didn't expect that after the game turned virtual into reality, it would be able to add another level.

Yuanjing reckons that, unlike the previous Shadui's proficiency, there should be some special requirements to reach the so-called Lv. MAX.

For example, all music-related skills have reached Lv.3?

This is not random speculation without reason.

When I was practicing the double bass before, I was clearly playing the violin, but I could occasionally see signs of [+1] appearing on the progress bar of [Piano].

At that time, he thought it was because he was distracted, so he immersed himself in the practice wholeheartedly and stopped paying attention to the system panel.

Looking back now, I realize something was a little wrong.

In addition, he also thought of another skill of his own that reached Lv.3, that is [High School Knowledge], and he couldn't help feeling a little enlightenment——

Could it be that [piano] or [double bass] are actually sub-skills of a broader category, such as [music]?Is it possible to break through to Lv. MAX only after combining them together to become 【Music】?

With this in mind, he stopped slamming on the [piano] and began to try other instruments.

Although because of the short time, there was no effect.

But Yuanjing had a great time.

Constantly trying new things and enriching yourself with fresh knowledge is actually a very happy thing.

In addition, Yuanjing himself can see his own progress very clearly.

These two happiness superimposed together brought more happiness to Yuanjing.

This is the happy time like a dream...

Just as Yuan Jing was reminiscing about today's extremely rhythmic drum sound, he had already arrived downstairs in his apartment.

Then, at the door of the apartment, he found a large truck full of furniture.

Several people in blue uniforms and blue hats were busy unloading goods on the ground.

The words [SAKAI] were printed on the chests of these uniforms.

Yuan Jing is actually quite familiar with this uniform.

This is the exclusive uniform of Tokyo's largest moving company.

In the past two months alone, Yuan Jing has seen people in this uniform busy up and down many times.

Tokyo is the well-deserved center of Sakurajima, which has attracted countless people to come here just to fight for a future and future.

However, there are very few people who get good results.

Many people stepped into Tokyo with high ambitions, but they could only leave dejectedly after their blood had cooled and their fighting spirit had dissipated.

The apartment complex where Yuanjing is located is an area with very frequent population traffic, and he himself is not surprised by this.

He just sighed a little in his heart, "I don't know which unlucky guy is going back to his hometown to farm", and he no longer took this kind of thing to heart.

However, when it was time for dinner, there was a knock on the door of his room.

This made Yuan Jing, who was about to start making dinner, a little confused.

'I haven't done anything to disturb the people recently, have I? '

No wonder Yuanjing has such doubts.

In modern society, indifference among neighbors is the norm, especially in the single-person apartment where Yuanjing lives.Dingtian just nodded politely to each other when they met in the elevator.

Neighbors may only use this method of door-to-door contact when they have disputes with each other.For example, your car is parked in my parking space, or you always make strange noises every night, disturbing others to rest, and so on.

Yuanjing didn't have a driver's license, so naturally he didn't buy a car.The biggest possibility is his possible disturbing behavior.

No, I've been quite quiet lately, haven't I?

Yuanjing was full of doubts until he opened the door before he got the answer.

Because he knew the person knocking on the door.

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