"For outsiders like you, this is indeed an incomprehensible truth. Don't you think that the appearance of the Fourth True Ancestor on Isogami Island is just a coincidence?"

Yase's serious tone was full of arrogance.

That is contempt from the bottom of my heart.

"Is not it?"

"So, what about the giant dragon Glenda in the swamp? Where's the priestess of Cain? Where's the saint? Why are they all converging on the Isogami Island? Is it a coincidence of fate? No, in the ancient times when Tianbu was still alive, the god of guilt Have seen it all happen.”

Fei Dao's face turned slightly pale, and she was sweating coldly while holding Xuexia Wolf's hand.

There are indeed many places where these things cannot be justified.

"The wisdom of the guilty god... is the pillar that supports the world."

"This kind of wisdom will kill many people."

"Are you talking about 10 people on the island? I didn't expect that you, who used to be the head of the three sages of the Lion King, could tell good jokes. What Anbai Nai said is right, you have quite a headache for cleanliness. "

Hidao snorted coldly, and stared at Kenshige Yase with vigilant eyes.

This person is different from her 'ex-boyfriend' Yase Motoki, and is a real conspirator.

Although they are father and son, the personality gap between the two is too far.

"The so-called Isogami Island, a special zone for demons, has a population of 10. The original intention of raising them in captivity is only to exist as sacrifices. As long as the 'altar' itself is fine, it doesn't matter how many thousands of people die."

Yaze smiled nonchalantly.

It seems that the lives of 10 people are just a number in his eyes, a small number that does not move him.

In his original plan, he originally wanted to gather millions or even tens of millions of people here as sacrifices, but the altar was only so big that it couldn't accommodate more people.

In the area of ​​Xiangami Island, even after several rests, increasing the number of artificial islands, it is already the limit to accommodate a million people.

"Your plan will not succeed."

"Not necessarily, maybe Sakayanagi will be more anxious to complete this spell than I am. After all, she holds the dragon in the swamp, which is the key to everything. I don't believe that the people behind her are not interested in 'Holy Annihilation' Interest. Tampering with the world, reversing all things, and even falling into the hands of stronger ones, can easily annihilate a planet. Humans, gods, and demons can only wait to die under this kind of power. This kind of power is enough to make anyone tempted, give up The bottom line of personality!"

Yase Akito put down these words firmly, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

"are you crazy?"

Hiina stared at Kenshige Yase who was submerged in the darkness.

How could this world have the power to destroy planets?

If so, how could God Cain, who developed and mastered the full power of the 'Holy Annihilation', lose everything?

The opening of the theme park island is delayed by one week.

Due to the terrorist attack on String Kamijima last night, many facilities on the island were damaged and maintenance work was required for a week.

Fortunately, no tourists on the island died unfortunately, only a few were slightly injured, and most of them were safely delivered to the refuge area by the guards and self-defense officers before the chaos started, and they were tightly protected.

For the humans and demons on Xiangami Island, they are already used to it.

It just so happens that disasters this year are more frequent than in previous years.

As for the tourists outside the island, they are divided into two groups. One group is eager to leave Xianshen Island, while the other group feels that this kind of battle scene is more real and exciting than science fiction movies, which makes them feel nervous and excited. I feel that this place is worthy of the Demon Special Zone String God Island.

There is no shortage of good people in this world, especially for the demons. Among the people who stay on Xiangami Island and continue to wait and see, most of them are foreign demons.

They don't think it's a big deal, and there are even many demons who want to settle in Xiangami Island.

The Mozu Special Zone treats the Mozu very well, and most importantly, Xianjin Island is never short of excitement.

From August to the end of October, for nearly two months, Xian Kami Island has been attacked by terrorists many times.

Mr. J from Western Europe... No, this can only be regarded as some diplomatic error. Strictly speaking, Mr. J came to Itokami Island for a good purpose and reason, and the Itokami Island officials also made a solemn apology to the Western European Church.

However, the subsequent incidents of the Black Death Emperor faction, the Saint Annihilation faction, and the alchemist were genuine terrorist attacks.

In addition, this time, it seems that the North Sea Empire and the library of international criminal organizations made it.

Many people began to speculate excitedly, whether String God Island would go to war with the Beihai Empire next.

Leaving aside the library, String God Island and the North Sea Empire are both under the command of the Sanctuary Treaty Organization, and they should be in an alliance and mutual assistance relationship. Now the North Sea Empire does not go through any reason, just like String God Island launched an attack, causing the island Many facilities were scrapped, causing many casualties among the demon attack officers on Xian Kami Island.

Such an international issue must be the focus news that will be capitalized and featured next, gathering the attention of people all over the world.

Will the Empire of the Night also get involved?

Many people are worried, and more people are waiting to see the attitude of Xian Kami Island and the Beihai Empire.

It creates a sense of oppression that is about to come.

In the deep workshop of the giant tower, a man in a worker's uniform is happily inspecting the huge machine in front of him.

The expression is quite serious and focused.

"Cain, as a lord, you can't go on like this."

The young senior officer who entered the workshop from the outside was one of the gods of the Celestial Division named 'Zi Juran Barada'.

Seeing that a man named Cain is not dealing with the business that a lord should have, but is researching strange instruments, it is really strange to have such a lord at the booth.

"Zi, thank you for your hard work. Are Aiswald and Garda not here?"

"On the way back, because the counter-insurgency locations are different, the two of them are a little farther away."

There was anxious worry hidden between Qi Yi's brows.

The human and demon rebels are unexpectedly strong.

"As long as you are safe. How about it? The human and demon alliance?"


Ziy remained silent, with a therapeutic bandage wrapped around his arm.

"It seems that the situation is not optimistic."

Cain paid no attention.

"Yes, if this continues, our Tianbu will probably..."

Ziy clenched his fist unwillingly.

As one of the strongest fighters in the "Heavenly Ministry" and the holder of the strongest divine power, he was injured by the coalition forces of humans and demons.

It is estimated that not only him, Aiswald and Garda were also injured in the war.

Weak human beings, as well as the slave race created by their "Heaven Department" - the Demon Race.

The Tianbu has ruled the earth and the sky for an unknown number of years. Their lifespan is extremely long, and their bodies are also very strong. They are as strong as him, and their physical strength can be compared with that of a giant dragon.

Dynamic ability, endurance, etc., are far beyond the existence of humans and demons, plus the use of divine power, and a powerful immortal body.

This is the origin of the 'Tianbu' commanding the world, their blood is extraordinary.

But the 'Heaven Department' also has weaknesses.

Afraid of the sun.As long as it is exposed to the sun, the biological tissues of the gods of the Heavenly Department will collapse and turn into ashes, and the immortal body is useless.

They yearn for sunshine, but cannot coexist with sunshine.

And must suck human blood, without sucking human blood, the gods of Tianbu cannot survive.

"The competition between individuals is meaningless. In the final analysis, human beings are also a kind of creature. It is inevitable that they will replace Tianbu."

Cain concluded in this way.

"Really? If you said it, maybe it could become a fact..."

Without rebuttal, Ziy believed in Cain's judgment.

"Our Tianbu has reached the point where we have to rely on humans... isn't it?"

This sentence made Qi Yi silent again, and said what he learned: "During the counter-insurgency process this time, some members of the Tianbu violated the regulations and used the beasts."

After hearing this, Cain had an expression that he had known for a long time, but his expression was no longer relaxed, but extremely solemn and serious.

"These people are damned."

Cain cursed these people under his breath.

"Even if the Ministry of Heaven falls, new civilizations will still be born in this land. Maybe in the future, the Ministry of Heaven will be able to flourish again. But they actually used beasts... All these idiots should die."

Fear of beasts, panic, and caution.

The atmosphere around Cain changed.

It's no longer a foolish look.

"Because they are annoyed by the coalition forces of humans and demons, they don't care about everything, what they want is to destroy the enemy."

"The self-proclaimed 'god' is only so enlightened, that's why I hate these pretentious 'gods'. God, god, god, it's annoying."

The reason why Tianbu can command the world is because Tianbu has led all races to repel the world-destroying monsters from different worlds—Familiars time and time again.

In a world full of desolation, order and civilization have been established and are admired by all races.

However, the descendants of the glory passed down by the ancestors did not keep in mind, but because of the internal struggle, they called out the root of the disaster again.

But this time, the power and brutality of the beasts are even greater than before, because the beasts are getting stronger all the time, and they have become so powerful that it is difficult for all the races in this world to unite to compete.

"It's not just the Heavenly Ministry. It's said that humans and demons are also trying to summon the beasts, hoping to gain stronger power—although they didn't succeed."

Ziy let out a silent wry smile, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Cain was slightly taken aback. He had a good impression of human beings at first, and even hoped that the other party could defeat the Ministry of Heaven and ban the brand-new civilization. Unexpectedly——

"——also a bunch of idiots who don't think through everything."

Do you think the world is not dying fast enough?

"They believe they can control the beast."

Ziy explained in this way, instead of those who use the beasts, speak their minds.


Cain sneered.

"The horror of the beast is not so much the destructive power, but the memory pollution after the destruction. The beast that is out of the control of the summoner, in order to maintain the materialization in this world, will never stop taking it from the surrounding intelligent life." Information'. Until the life forms in this world die."

And the beast can't be killed.

As long as there are living creatures in this world, the beasts will never die, and they cannot be killed by any means.

All 'information' will be plundered by them and become their bait.

This is no longer an internal war between the Heavenly Ministry, humans, demons, dragons, etc. The destruction brought about by the beasts is equal, and there will be no bias.

As long as the beast exists, it will devour life and destroy the world.

The only way to kill the beast is until all life forms in this world die.

"Humans don't care about it for the time being, we will deal with our own troubles ourselves."

Cain said so.

Ziy did not refuse. As the strongest fighter of the Tianbu, he had no room to retreat and could only move forward.

"Have you figured out a way?"

"...More or less. I still need the assistance of Aiswald and Garda."

Cain said with a heavy tone.


"Well, it seems that relying on high-dimensional spiritual power alone is not enough. Sooner or later, the beasts will grow to the point where the high-dimensional spiritual power cannot take effect. Therefore, I have been thinking about how to limit the growth of the beasts, or even weaken them. They. So I recently developed a spell, but I still need the help of the three of you."

"Is that so?"

"This is a technique that can change everything. It's called 'Holy Annihilation'. The only shortcoming of Holy Annihilation is that it cannot be rewritten for me, the creator. Therefore, it must be up to you, Aiswald, and Garda, the three of you. The strongest Tianbu fighters take on the mission of this container."

Cain spoke in a serious tone, then raised his head and called out to the sky above the workshop:



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