A huge black shadow fell.

A huge black dragon stared at Cain with bright red eyes.

This is the artificial life dragon created by Cain.

"Starting today, it's up to you to monitor the 'Holy Annihilation'. Remember, the power of this spell can only be handed over to those who use it correctly."

The black dragon named 'Glenda' nodded quietly, with tears streaming from her bright red eyes.

"Why are you crying, I'm not dead yet. Besides, I'm already tired of this boring world..."

Cain smiled freely, no longer caring about life and death.

He only hoped that later generations could use 'Holy Annihilation' correctly, or hoped that someone would have the same idea as him and use 'Holy Annihilation' at the right time and place.

But that expectation, Cain knew, was hopeless...

The greatest stupidity of the beings who claim to be intelligent life forms is that they always make mistakes again and again, and never repent.

He can guess that after thousands or tens of thousands of years, there will be ambitious people who will take the "Holy Annihilation" as their private property and create endless wars and killings.

Even knowing that such a thing will happen, Cain still wants to keep the 'Holy Annihilation'.

There is still a glimmer of hope in leaving the 'Holy Annihilation', otherwise there is no hope at all.

The side presented in the picture is exactly what happened in the prison enchantment——

A molded angel named Hase Natsune, her air was suppressed by the quicksilver two-headed dragon.

This scene was recorded and placed in the deep palace of the King of War domain.

Ziy Julambaranda.

The ancestor of the vampire known as the 'Forgotten Warlord', the highest ruler in the realm of the Night Empire Warlord.

He watched all this from his throne in the palace.

Beside him, there was a beautiful red-haired vampire standing quietly beside Ziy's throne, watching this scene with him.

"As expected of the beast of the fourth true ancestor, even the spiritual power of the higher dimension has been devoured..."

The red-haired beauty chuckled like this, and said it as a matter of course.

"Yeah... the power of the higher dimension has been swallowed up."

Ziy also smiled, with an undeniable bitterness in his smile.

Sure enough... the power of modeling angels is not enough.

The methods of ancient times may not be useful in this era.

Even after countless years of turmoil, the ability of the Devil-Breaking Holy Lance has declined, let alone the existence of modeling angels?

Afterwards, the scene of Balegon fighting with the Fourth Primogenitor Beast appeared, and the Forgotten Battle King Qi Yi showed no fluctuations on his face.

There is nothing remarkable about this power.

Compared with the beasts, it is not worth mentioning.

All he cares about is whether the modeled angels and their high-dimensional spiritual power are still effective for the beasts of the true ancestors.

But looking at it now, I have overestimated these 'toys' too much.

Toys are toys after all.

Even with six extra wings, it is still no match for the beast.

Be it the Kingdom of Ardikia or the Lion King facility, they all failed.

What happened to the losers, their presence or absence no longer mattered.

"...Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

"Your Majesty, the North Sea Empire has ignored the alliance rules of the Sanctuary Treaty. How do you think they should be dealt with?"

"Let them deal with it themselves. Anyway, it's clear what the result is."

Zi Yi looked like he was too lazy to care, and he left the throne with the red-haired beauty's helpless expression, and walked deeper into the palace.

"Cain, what should I do now..."

This rather tired sigh spit out from his mouth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This battle is coming to an end.

It started at six o'clock in the morning, and people in the Beihai region had just woken up, and they did not expect the sudden arrival of this war at all.

The navy, army, and air force of the Beihai Empire were all on the verge of death, and most of them were killed or injured, shrouded in a deadly and cold atmosphere.

The grassland was turned into scorched earth, and every blade of dead grass was stained with blood. The heroic soldiers in magic armor all encountered unexpected horrors and died in despair with distorted expressions.

One after another, fighter planes crashed into the ground, blood was floating on the surface of the sea, and the armor of the battleship experienced unimaginable trauma, unable to float on the surface of the sea.

Although it was early morning, the cold star was still hanging high in the sky, and the bluish-white light it emitted began to mix with the morning sunlight, soaking in the thick fog-like land and sea.

Less than an hour after the start of the war, the Beihai Empire surrendered completely.

The capital palace of the Beihai Empire.

It was an exaggeratedly large sky battleship built with spirit technology as the backbone and magic technology as the branches.

Over six thousand meters in length, the spindle-shaped hull is covered with an all-black armor hard shell made of special alloy, reflecting a bright silver luster.

The above simulates the 'Godhead vibration wave driving technique', and the defense power generated can invalidate the attack of any magic weapon.

Equipped with 36 turbo engines and 72 naturally aspirated engines.

There are [-] auxiliary guns and [-] main guns exposed.

It took only 1 minute to carry out rounds of bombing from the sky, ignoring any naval warfare strategy of the North Sea Empire, and almost wiped out the sea fleet of the North Sea Empire that was on the attack. Only a few ships survived, but they also suffered irreparable trauma, and stopped on the sea and could not move. .

As for the marine troops, let alone the strategy of taking turns to wipe out all the living forces.

Except for the Magical Air Combat Troop, which managed to escape the hunt, no army or navy suffered heavy losses.

This huge sky fortress, only in terms of agility, cannot compare with the beasts of the ancestor level, and in terms of destructive power, it is far more terrifying than the beasts.

Especially in terms of ground scrubbing and bombing, it is unmatched by the true ancestors and beasts.

In addition, there are a large number of Godhead vibration wave driving spells depicted on the mounting board, which makes people even more desperate.

The extraordinary destructive power and defensive ability, in addition to some shortcomings in maneuvering, are also faster than ordinary fighters. In this world, except for the ancestors of the Empire of the Night, facing such a huge war fortress, they will all be desperate. What kind of resistance will arise.

Sky Fortress, many countries that have established their countries with magic technology, are developing this new type of fortress weapon.

Among them, the Kingdom of Ardikia in Northern Europe attaches the most importance to the development of this aspect. The Kingdom of Ardikia has many sky warships, the largest one is about [-] meters long, although it is not the largest sky warship in the world, but It is also possible to advance to the length of the top ten in the world.

But compared with the sky fortress with a total length of more than [-] meters descending on the capital of the North Sea Empire at this moment, the sky fortress I have seen in the past can only be called a 'sky ship', which feels like a big deal.

People can't help subconsciously admitting that the only sky fortress in this way is the real sky fortress.

In contrast, the sky battleships of the Kingdom of Ardikia are as kind and harmless as babies.

After all, the North Sea Empire had the experience of defeating the Kukai Magical Force of the Kingdom of Ardikia before.

Such despair, like facing the terrifying army of the Empire of the Night, is reminiscent of a dimensional gap.

The dark fortress with a total length of more than [-] meters shrouded the entire palace in darkness, blocking the sunlight that brought them hope.

Facing such a behemoth, one can only wait quietly for the judgment to come.

A circular metal door was opened in the center, and more than a dozen small fighter planes flew out of it, and landed in the North Sea Imperial Palace, ignoring the defense here.

A skeleton soldier holding a magic weapon got off the fighter plane, lined up on both sides in a uniform military posture, and opened a path in the middle as if welcoming a big man.

Walking in the forefront is a beautiful girl with snow-like silver hair and lavender pupils.

Holding a delicate cane in his hand, followed by more than a dozen face-faced officers, he swaggered in and out of the palace where the king of the Beihai Empire lived.

Such a lineup undoubtedly received the "warm" hospitality of the North Sea Empire, and this was just a friendly visit.

About an hour later, Sakayanagi left the palace with more than a dozen of the faceless officers, and returned to the dark fortress in the sky. The battleship sailed back towards Itogami Island at supersonic speed.

As for the top executives of the Beihai Empire, their faces were full of helplessness and anger.

What was placed on their table was a piece of light and weightless paper.

But such a light and fluffy piece of paper was so heavy that they couldn't lift their heads.

"North Sea Treaty" -

1. The Beihai Empire shall no longer invade Itogami Island in any form.

2. The Beihai Empire is fully responsible for this malicious attack on Xianshen Island, and must compensate Zhenbai Yegong [-] tons of gold for the losses caused by it.

3. Give up the ownership of Quezran Island and the surrounding submarine oil fields. The North Sea Empire only has the right to exploit, and must fully exploit the resources every year. However, the resources mined are transparent and open. In the end, all of them are owned by the True White Night Palace and have nothing to do with the North Sea Empire government.

4. All technical and academic works of the Beihai Empire are disclosed to the True White Night Palace, and no private property is concealed. According to its technical value, the True White Night Palace will pay the corresponding US dollars, and will not ask the North Sea Empire to donate free of charge.

5. The True White Night Palace is allowed to open schools in the area of ​​the Beihai Empire. If there is a problem, the Beihai Empire government must take the interests of the True White Night Palace as the main purpose, and must meet the requirements of the school every year. There must be [-] students under the age of ten with excellent qualifications are given priority.

6. Allow the True White Night Palace to establish a military region within the territory of the Beihai Empire, and take friendly development as the core to jointly maintain the peace of the Beihai Empire.

7. Modeling angels or those who have the qualifications to become model angels are not allowed to privately own, and the True White Night Palace manages it on their behalf, and the Beihai Empire must pay the True White Night Palace a reasonable training fee every year.

8. The number of sea, land and air magic forces of the Beihai Empire shall not exceed [-]. If a war breaks out, the True White Night Palace will provide assistance for a fee.

9. All scientists and scholars in the Beihai Empire are obliged to conduct friendly cultural exchanges with scientists and scholars affiliated with the True White Night Palace, and the Beihai Empire government must not interfere.



X. In order to promote the development of trade between the True White Night Palace and the Beihai Empire, the Beihai Empire is obliged to open all ports to the True White Night Palace.All the actions of the True White Night Palace in the Beihai Empire are to promote the friendship between the two sides, and they will pay US dollars in a fair way of tax collection.

The legal signer of the True White Night Palace: Arisu Sakayanagi.

Legal signatory of the North Sea Empire: General of the Spani Air Combat Magic Force.

Addendum: Please be sure to disclose the "Beihai Treaty" to the media all over the world before noon, otherwise the True White Night Palace army will conduct another military exercise in the territory of the Beihai Empire.

The weather on Itokami Island is muggy.

But what is more noteworthy than the sweltering weather is the "North Sea Treaty" officially announced by the North Sea Empire at [-]:[-] noon today, which stunned the viewers from all over the world in front of the TV.

Although I know that there was a battle between Xian Kami Island and the North Sea Empire, the North Sea Empire deliberately attacked Xian Kami Island for various reasons, and it also involved the Fourth True Ancestor. If Xian Kami Island can endure this, then the rest of the country With the organization, it's time to think about whether it's time to bully Xian Kamishima.

However, after watching all the content of the "Northern Sea Treaty" on TV, as the biggest victim of the attack on Xianjin Island, the gap witch, Nangong asked a certain "terrorist" leader next to him with a speechless face that month. : "The Beihai Empire maliciously attacked Xianshen Island, why did your True White Night Palace pay the final compensation?"

Take all the big heads, and don't give any oil and water?

What that month cared about was not the defeat of the Beihai Empire. This time, the Beihai Empire and the library planned to attack Xiangami Island. She was the direct victim, her head was bleeding, and she was full of murderous intent towards this country.

What she cares about is that the Beihai Empire attacked Xian Kami Island, how to look at it, the content of compensation should also have Xian Kami Island, after all, they also contributed, didn't they?

The self-defense forces of Itokami Island also defeated the remaining armed forces of the North Sea Empire and the library criminals.

However, the Beihai Empire just declared that it will not attack String God Island in any form in the future... Is this the end?

What about real money?At least lose some money.

Nothing at all.

It's not that it can't be done like this, but that the food in the White Night Palace is 'ugly', and they don't give any change, just encourage Xian Kamishima-keep up, don't be proud.


"I don't know, don't ask me, I'm just here for vacation on String Kami Island. Go ask Arisu."

Bai Ye skillfully threw the ball to Sakayanagi in a Tai Chi way.

'I'm not in business, I don't know what's going on, if you need anything, just ask my secretary, she did it', that's exactly what it means.


That month, thinking about how much he had lost this time, that guy Sakayanagi didn't even give out a consolation prize.

"Compared to this, your top priority now should be to repair the prison barrier."

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