Such a person is absolutely impossible to be simple.

It is estimated that not only their side, but also other Masters and Heroic Spirits are afraid of Foreigner and his Master.

"That's true, but I believe Kiritsugu will handle it well. After all, he is a magician killer."

For Kiritsugu, Irisviel unconditionally expressed her trust.

In her eyes, her husband is always an omnipotent man.

Saber frowned, blind optimism is not a good thing.

Intuition told her that the Master of Foreigner was not a simple magician.

Judging from the extent of his showing, he was able to block Archer's Noble Phantasm projection without a hair. Although she and Rider took two-thirds of the burden, the power of the Noble Phantasm's projection is still not something that ordinary magicians can block without a hair. s attack.

If it were her master, Emiya Kiritsugu, facing that situation, at least it would end up being seriously injured.

Just when Saber was thinking about these things, suddenly there was a cold aura coming from the sky.



Saber's sudden warning sound made Irisviel unable to react for a while.

Saber didn't care about explaining to Irisviel, she directly leaned over to the driver's seat, gripped the steering wheel with one hand, stretched out her left foot to stop the brake position, and stepped to the bottom.

Appearing in this world as a Heroic Spirit, he has been endowed with all kinds of modern knowledge.

And with the skill of riding, she can flexibly drive all known and unknown vehicles.

Fortunately, the sudden brake was driving in a straight line, and the car did not spin violently.

The tires slid a certain distance on the asphalt road, emitting white smoke.

Saber didn't pay attention to these, but swept towards the source of the cold aura with sharp eyes.

There is nothing wrong with this breath, it is the breath of a heroic spirit.

The opponent didn't hide his actions, and directly appeared on the stage openly, which made Saber somewhat surprised.

"Saber, that's—"

Irisviel tensed up.

Not far in front of the car, there was a tall figure.

Facing the cyclist, stand calmly in the middle of the road where the car is going, blocking the way.

This person was wearing a set of ancient luxurious robes, the dark cloth was dyed the same color as blood.

A pair of unusually round pupils are reminiscent of the eyes of nocturnal animals.

He is a character with extremely strange temperament and appearance.


"It's okay, Irisviel, come down with me, don't get too far away from me."

Irisviel nodded, obediently followed Saber out of the car, and together with Saber, looked at the weird man blocking the way in front of her.

The opponent was undoubtedly a Heroic Spirit.

Excluding those Heroic Spirits who have already appeared, the only ones left are Assassin and Caster, which Saber has never seen with her own eyes.

Assassin, based on intelligence, seems to have had an accident.

In addition, it is impossible for the person who appeared on the scene to be an Assassin who used dirty means to assassinate him. Therefore, it can be guessed that the identity of the other party is Caster

Herein lies the strangeness.

This person had a smile on his face, if it was a smile, Saber could somewhat understand it.

After all, in battle, there are not a few fighters who are happy because of the fierce battle.

But the other party's smile didn't mean that.

His smile is clean and flawless, very pure, pure to the extreme, sublimated to the level of faith.

This kind of smile is like reuniting with a long-lost love after a long absence, and people can't help feeling sympathy and pity for him.

And the owner of this smiling face directly ignored Irisviel and came towards her.

Look at the other person's smile, as if you know yourself.

Saber was surprised here, after thinking for a long time in her mind, she couldn't find any memory about this heroic spirit, including his appearance, which was very strange.

Saber was about to open her mouth to ask, but the other party's behavior caught her by surprise.

The other party actually knelt on the ground respectfully, performing the etiquette of surrender with the mentality of a pilgrim.

"I welcome you, Your Highness the Holy Maiden."

"Hmm... saintess?"

Saber's beautiful face became extremely confused.

As the king of Great Britain, she had indeed been bowed down by many warriors in the past, but this was indeed the first time she had seen such a subject in her past palaces.

And the title of "Holy Maiden" in this population also made Saber very uncomfortable. She was the king of Great Britain in the past, and no one knew her identity as a woman until she died.

Also, among all her titles, there seems to be no so-called 'saint' title.

"Saber, do you know him?"

Irisviel was a little surprised to see the other party bowing down with the attitude of a courtier.

"No, I don't know this person."

Caster seemed to be able to hear the two of them whispering, as if struck by lightning.

"How, how is it possible? Your Highness, are you saying that you have completely forgotten my face? How could this be?"

Caster let out a mournful howl, and began to scratch his hair indiscriminately, the joy that had just appeared on his face was gone.

The panic and loss caused his oily face to distort like an oil painting. It is conceivable that he experienced an extremely drastic mentality change in a short period of time. Such a degree of mentality change made Saber feel that his character was very dangerous.

"It's me! How can I forget? I am your most loyal servant Gilles de Rais! Have you really forgotten me? I wholeheartedly look forward to your resurrection, even if it comes to the end of time and space, I only want to kneel before you! Oh, my beloved Joan of Arc!"

Lamentations poured out, emotions so unmistakably real that there was a tremor in the voice.

Saber frowned and said: "Sorry, I have never heard of this name, and I am not Joan of Arc."

"How is it possible? Why did you forget? How did this happen? What went wrong?"

The other party repeatedly identified the wrong person, and Saber's tone became impatient: "Since you have announced your name, let me introduce myself too. My name is Arturia, and I was the king of Great Britain in the past!"


The other party began to beat the ground, making a loud noise, and the voice became more mournful.

"It's so painful... What a sigh! God, not only the memory of Her Majesty, but also the mind of Her Majesty is going to be confused? Hateful, despicable! You incompetent trash gods, are you going to play tricks on me? How far is the saint?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? I'm not Joan at all, and I don't know a woman named Joan—"


Caster interrupted Saber's words, looking over with burning eyes.

"I understand that you don't want to admit it. In the past, you were extremely devout in your belief in God, but in the end you were abandoned by God and executed as a witch. No wonder you lose yourself now."

Saber felt a kind of fear and loathing, the man in front of her was crazy beyond her imagination, it seemed that she couldn't continue to deepen the misunderstanding.


"Wake up! Holy Maiden, don't be confused anymore! You are Her Majesty the Holy Maiden of Orleans, the savior of the whole of France!"

"Enough is enough!"

Saber used her magic power, pressed directly, and looked at Caster with a headache.

You have already said that you have admitted the wrong person, why did you become like this?

Unreasonable guy.

"Caster, we are all Heroic Spirits participating in the Holy Grail War, it's just the relationship between enemies."

"No, that's not it, Joan. The Holy Grail War is over."

Caster said so.

Irisviel knew that Saber didn't understand what happened in the time after her.

Otherwise, you will not be unaware of the legend of Count Gilles de Rais, which is full of madness.

As the hero of France's wine country, Gilles de Rais ascended to the position of marshal, but his glorious other side indulged in horrible black magic and lust, and killed hundreds of beautiful people for this reason. juvenile.

Undoubtedly a terrifying monster.

The tragic fate of the other party has a lot to do with Joan of Arc who fought with him.

For Joan of Arc's dedication, even if it is involved in the Holy Grail War, it will not diminish a bit.

Irisviel didn't know how similar the appearance of Saber and that saint was, so that the other party would admit it.

But he suddenly said that the Holy Grail War was over, which made Irisviel look dissatisfied.

"Marshal Gilles de Rais, since you said the Holy Grail War is over, what about the Holy Grail?"

Caster proudly said with a satisfied smile: "My only wish is to hope that Her Majesty the Holy Maiden can be resurrected. And this wish has been fulfilled, and I don't even need to fight for it. My wish has been defined as a fact. I don't even need to fight." Yes, the Holy Grail has chosen me, Gilles de Rais."

Saber and Irisviel looked at each other, and the other party seemed to be seriously ill.

"If you dare to talk nonsense here again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Saber's voice was sharp and murderous, and the Invisible Sword had already been swung, bringing a wisp of cool wind past Caster.

Caster didn't get angry, but the extremely excited and distorted face just now returned to a strange calm, and his round eyes widened.

But for the "Holy Maiden" persistent willpower has not diminished in the slightest.

"It seems that words alone cannot make you change your mind. Have you closed your heart so far, Joan?"

"I'm very sorry, if you insist on treating me as that Joan of Arc, I won't be polite to you!"

After Caster listened, he still said in a calm tone: "Jeanne, next time we meet, I will definitely snatch you back from the gods!"

Using firm words to guarantee his determination, before Saber reprimanded him angrily, he had already disappeared on the road ahead, becoming one with the night.

Saber stood there gloomyly, this psychopath.

Europe, Einzbern Castle.

Bitter wind and snow, north wind howls.

Five mysterious people wearing black cloaks to conceal their aura appeared here.

Moving forward step by step, one of them was obviously communicating with someone.

After the communication ended, one of them asked.

"How is the situation in Fuyuki City?"

"Originally, according to the plan, one team was in charge of Matou Sakura, the other was in charge of Tohsaka Tokiomi, and the other was in charge of monitoring the battlefield... But now, the two teams in charge of Matou Sakura and those in charge of monitoring the battlefield have been wiped out. You can’t even make a sound when you throw it out.”

"Does that mean it failed?"

Hearing the subordinate's question, the captain nodded, revealing a pair of eyes in the darkness, looking up at the gray and cold sky, the dark clouds that could not see the sun covered the entire forest.

"Yeah, what's even more troublesome is that there's no way to determine how many people there are or what class the opponent's strength is in. But if you can quietly wipe out those two teams, your strength might be at the same level as mine."

The other four remained silent.

In their 17-person team, only the captain and vice-captain have reached the upper-middle level of the third level, and the rest are either at the second level or have just reached the third level. Mostly.

"I didn't expect the plan to go so badly. Fortunately, I will do it myself, so there will be no more problems... It has arrived."

They sneaked into the hinterland of the Einzbern territory without causing anyone to notice. At the end of the winter snow forest, a huge old castle stood in the snow and ice, looking very magnificent.

"I have always had a question before, that is, in Emiya Kiritsugu's heart, is his daughter more important or his ideals. Now I can quickly know the answer."

The captain smiled lightly.

Pulling off the black hood on his head, his eyes swept towards the castle. The wind and snow were even stronger. At the end of the forest, the figures of the five of them became blurred from a distance.

"Go ahead."

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