One of the cloaked men laughed ferociously, walked out of the queue, raised his fist, and a bright white halo condensed on his fist, smashing towards the void.

Cracks suddenly appeared in the atmosphere like shattered mirrors, and a terrifying shock force spread towards the castle directly in front.

The forest, including the castle, all trembled terribly.

Gremi, Luther Ben, and Xiandumu Aye appeared here, half an hour later.

"I originally wanted to drop by the magician family's academic information, but I didn't expect it to be destroyed so completely. It seems that it will be very troublesome to find it."

On the permafrost piled up with ice and snow, the old castle was torn apart, and even the land and the surrounding forests were ravaged terribly. The dead body of the artificial maid's blood stained the snow, leaving no one alive.

A dead and cold ruin.

"Not long after he died, he can still chase after him now."

Ah Ye walked to the corpse of an artificial maid. The murderer's breath remained in the other's wound, and she could use magic to trace it backwards.

Gremi put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, shook his head slightly, looked at the completely shattered castle, and chuckled lightly: "Our goal is not to find people all over the world, just a few bugs, there is no need to pay attention to them, just let them go." go."

Afterwards, the land and the castle returned to their original state, and they were displayed in front of Ludben and A Ye so abruptly that the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Is it that incomparable ability to talk nonsense again?

"Okay, I've already imagined this place as it was before, let's go in and look for it. This state cannot last long due to relying on imagination to restore it, so the academic materials inside must be backed up. For you who are known as the secretary witch, It shouldn't be a difficult task. In addition, time is running out, we have to fall to the clock tower when the sun rises tomorrow morning."

Ah Ye nodded. When Gremi's imagination was constructing matter, once the imagination was interrupted, the matter would collapse.

Although it is possible to create things and humans out of thin air, the premise is that it requires a huge imagination and a relative spiritual power.

Even so, the ability of imagination can be called omnipotent, and theoretically there is no weakness.

The morning of the second day of the Holy Grail War.

Naiyazi disappeared early in the morning, Baiye didn't pay attention to her whereabouts, and didn't care whether she was dead or alive, of course, it's best to be dead.

This way he can be more or less clean.

It is estimated that this wish will be difficult to achieve. Although the other party seems to be indifferent, he is actually very cautious and will not easily put himself in danger.

Probably to go to the video game street, or to buy erotic games, or to buy some adult comics that are not suitable for children.

I didn't expect the evil god to like this kind of thing, it was really unexpected.

Fortunately, I only need to be responsible for her during the Holy Grail War, and when the Holy Grail War is over, I can completely relax.

Ah, no, after going back, he still has to endure Qian Tongzi and the others' torture. These days, he has to eat some kidney-reinforcing food.

"Uncle, I'm full. I'm going to wash the dishes."

Sakura finished her breakfast and took the initiative to wash the dishes.

"Sakura is so good."

After receiving Bai Ye's compliment, Sakura smiled shyly, then happily brought the tableware to the kitchen sink for washing.

Bai Ye looked at Sakura's busy back in the kitchen, and the future Sakura must be a good girl who manages the house well.

Then, I continued to pick up the morning newspaper I bought before going out. It seemed that the mysterious serial murder case still occupied most of the pages, and the bodies that were found were basically horrible.

Viscera and intestines are ripped out of the knife-opened wound without death, and then the victim dies in excruciating pain and lucidity, using very brutal methods.

The murderer, who was quite free with his self-righteous art of horror, seemed to be a man of great fantasies and horror stories.

The staff of the Holy Church in Fuyuki City will not ignore this kind of thing. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Holy Grail War, during the war, it is necessary to keep the overall low profile of Fuyuki City.

Now, there have been terrible murders in Fuyuki City for many consecutive days, and the murderer is not an ordinary person. This will inevitably lead to the strangulation of other magicians in Fuyuki City, as well as members of the Holy Church.

After Bai Ye finished reading the newspaper, he walked to the window of the living room, looked at the small courtyard outside the window, and let the sunlight shine on his face through the glass.

At present, the contenders for the Holy Grail are basically fighting on their own, and it is not ruled out that some people have secretly united.

However, given the current situation, the rest of the people should already be very afraid of the existence of him and Naiyazi. After showing their hands last night, the fear of him is probably even more serious.

In addition, he also offended the legendary hero king Gilgamesh... From this point of view, it can be said that he has made countless enemies.

However, Bai Ye didn't regret that kind of behavior. It's really that Archer, the hero king, owes too much. He repeatedly said that the people present were bastards. He thought he had a good temper, but when he was called a bastard, he didn't reply a few words I can't think through.

Bai Ye believed that what he said mocking the King of Heroes was the voice of everyone at that time.

This is also what Bai Ye finds strange. The hero king Gilgamesh was undoubtedly a brutal tyrant in the past, but later turned into a wise monarch. Why does he always keep saying that other people are bastards?

I think that the things about Gilgamesh are all learned from myths and legends, without any real historical investigation, so I can only think that this is a conflict between mythology and historical reality.

After all, the history of every world has more or less conflicts.

Among the three kings who appeared in this Holy Grail War, the hero king is arrogant and arrogant, and his mind is full of self-importance. Except for himself, he is all bastards.

The rumors of King Arthur basically come from "Celtic Mythology" and medieval unofficial history, as well as various fantasy novels, but there are not many records of King Arthur in Western official history.

For the legendary King Arthur, Bai Ye only had one comment - His Majesty is not human.

If the prototype of Saber is that King Arthur, Bai Ye is a little curious about her wish.

A King Arthur who is so perfect that he is not human needs the Holy Grail to complete what regret?

Of these, only the King of Conquerors is the most human.

Because he himself was not fabricated by stories and legends, without too much mythology, but with a large number of real historical records. Although the King of Conquerors has many flaws in the official history, it is precisely because of this that Iskandar the King of Conquerors is a real human beings.

There is neither the arrogance of the hero king, nor the sanctity of King Arthur, but a king of flesh and blood.

In the Holy Grail War, these three kings pose the greatest threat.

And the most dangerous person is undoubtedly the hero king Archer.

While Bai Ye was thinking about these issues, a guest came and rang the doorbell.

It was Matou Kariya.

The complexion is not very good, the skin is ghostly gray, half of the face including the eyes has been necrotic, and he is wearing a gray hooded top to cover it up.

"Uncle Kariya!?"

It happened that Sakura had finished washing the tableware, came out of the kitchen, and saw Kariya standing by the door, she yelled in surprise.

"Sakura, long time no see."

Kariya showed a terrifying smile to outsiders, but Baiye knew that this was already the result of his greatest efforts.

Letting Kariya come in, Bai Ye didn't close the door immediately, but stared at the ground for a few seconds before closing the door.

After the door was closed, a wriggling little worm emerged from the soft soil of the courtyard, staring at the gate of the mansion with its gloomy green eyes.

On Chongzi's face, there seemed to be a wrinkled old man's face distorted, with a strange smile on his face.

Sakura, grandpa is here to pick you up...

Chapter 15 Sakura and Grandpa ([-])

"Using loyal words such as honoring your highness to calm the king's anger, you were too presumptuous last night, Tokiomi."

In the Archer's room in the Tohsaka mansion, although it was a relatively luxurious room arranged by Tokiomi, after Archer lived here, although the furniture hadn't changed at all, it gave Tokiomi the illusion that it was getting more and more luxurious. Elegant and luxurious like a beautiful palace.

Therefore, this part of the change comes from Archer itself.

The blond hair that stood up like burning, and the eyes like red gemstones, what he was wearing at this moment was not the golden armor from last night's battle, but a modern black leather jacket and leather pants.

In normal times, the other party doesn't like the state of the spirit body. Relying on his own ability to act alone, he travels wildly and self-willedly. among entertainment elements.

He casually took away the red wine that Tokiomi had treasured for many years from the mansion, and he was reluctant to take a sip, poured himself a glass without the slightest bit of embarrassment, and after taking a sip, stared at Tokiomi in front of him with extremely disgusted eyes, He uttered the words in a low voice.

"Please calm down the king."

Tokiomi spoke with the courtesy of a subordinate, although his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, his body had subconsciously expressed his submission.

"In the circumstances of last night, it's completely unnecessary."

"You don't need to bother... what do you mean, Tokiomi?"

"Those who offend the majesty of the king are nothing but clowns who will be dealt with sooner or later. Just let them fend for themselves."

"Do you think I was angry because of the 'country king'? Or, because of the Berserker mad dog's overstepping?"

Even the sarcastic sneer disappeared from Archer's face, and he looked down at Tokiomi with an indifferent expression.


Is it not?

Tokiomi was puzzled in his heart, his palms were slightly clenched, and a trace of cold sweat leaked out.

"What a boring game."

Tohsaka Tokiomi... is such a boring man. Archer confirmed this again.

With a soft snort in his nose, he took another sip of the red wine in the glass, and his red eyes swept out the window, overlooking the atrium of the Tohsaka mansion.

Tokiomi's wish is to use it to achieve the 'root' that all magicians dream of. From Archer's point of view, this is simply a boring vision with no meaning at all.

Archer has no interest in areas beyond his control, and can only lead to the root path of the "outside" of the world. To Archer, it is not as good as a bottle of low-quality red wine casually bought on the street.

Therefore, he was born to be the opposite of the magicians of this era.

Coincidentally, his current Master is Tohsaka Tokiomi, a traditional magician who abides by ancient methods, so it is only natural that Archer would feel bored.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party is still knowledgeable about current affairs, this kind of guy wouldn't even take a look.

"Please forgive me, king."

To Tokiomi, it was not the same thing.

Rather, he felt that the King of Heroes, Archer, felt that a battle of that level was too boring, so he expressed such emotion.

To Tokiomi who knew the full strength of the King of Heroes, the fight last night was nothing more than a small fight.

Although the strength of Foreigner and Foreigner's Master was unexpected, Tokiomi always had confidence that he would be the ultimate victor.

As long as Archer acts step by step according to his plan, the final victory will definitely be their group.

Temporary forbearance is nothing. At that time, there is no need to argue with a group of "common people" who don't know how great the king is.

"This is the last time, Tokiomi. Don't let me down again."

Archer glanced at Tokiomi who treated him like a subordinate, his face softened a little, although he was a boring man, he was somewhat self-aware when dealing with some of his matters.

Therefore, Archer also felt that he should treat his loyal courtiers with the heart of a king.

But also, as he said, this is the last Passover.

If there is a next time, it will not be so simple and can be passed by.


"Go on. I need to calm down."

There was an inexplicable haze in Archer's red pupils, as if he was obsessed with something.

Being reprimanded by the King of Heroes, Tokiomi thought it was a lucky thing.

The king's reprimand is the reward, if you don't say a word, that is the worst situation.

If he is willing to reprimand and criticize, it means that the king still has confidence in him and can listen to his words.

Therefore, Tokiomi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The disappearance of Sakura, whose whereabouts are still unknown, has made him suffer a lot, and now he has to deal with Archer's willfulness, which makes him a headache.

But in order to reach the root cause, he can only rely on Archer to win this battle for himself, there is no other way.

Tokiomi went down respectfully.

The room fell silent.

The corners of Archer's mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

The Master of the Foreigner was actually on the battlefield in the form of a clone last night. He was really unexpected.

And with the power of the avatar, it blocked part of his treasure projection.

The other party is not a magician, and his sense of existence is incompatible with the whole world.

Archer is delighted that he can't even see through the Noble Phantasm that detects 'reality'.

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