Slightly leaning back on the sofa, she looked at the system interface, and the task that originally belonged to Miss Aphra had been updated with new content.

[Stage3: Task Type (Development)

Task introduction: When you first arrive in the game, you have already adapted to most things in this world, and it is time to develop your own reputation.

As the future consortium master, you must ensure that you find a reliable partner.

Task content: Find a reliable partner.

Current targets: Carol Wilder (40%), Cloris Charlotte Sayus (70%)

Task Reward: Character Attribute Point Designation Improvement

Stage3 (updated)]

[The accumulated credit of the partner is full, and the task is completed. 】

[Please choose to upgrade the attribute]

Miss Candice hesitated for not choosing the reward directly.

To be honest, regarding the description on her character panel, the "psychic power (unlocked)" still made her curious.

If you guessed right, spiritual power is linked to intelligence.

In other words, if she chooses to add this attribute to intelligence, it is very likely that she will unlock the psionic interface.

As an experienced game player, the girl naturally knew what psionic power represented.

Her own ability is very weak, if she can unlock the psychic power, her self-protection ability will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Of course, improving the physical attribute will definitely also improve the self-protection ability.

But this item of the helpless girl is really a little bit overwhelmed. Even if the rewards of each mission are focused on the body, it may not be possible to touch Miss Wei Ni.

It's better to use your strengths, take a gamble, and see if you can awaken new abilities.

Thinking about it this way, the girl finally chose intelligence.

Then, on the character attribute bar, the number nine behind the line of intelligence jumped to the number ten.

In an instant, Candice's brain began to swell and ache as if a lot of things had been stuffed into it, which made her frown uncontrollably.

Obscure knowledge, memory fragments, and an unprecedented sense of emptiness.

After a burst of pain, the brain became more active than ever, and the world in front of him became clearer.

[Reminder: The attribute "spiritual energy" has been unlocked.

Current attribute points: 1]

Candice breathed a sigh of relief when the system beeped again.

Sure enough, her guess was not wrong.

After the system's notification sound, she felt an invisible force filling her body, as if it came from another space, or from her own brain.

Out of curiosity, Miss Candice tested the new ability she had obtained.

Then, with great difficulty, she lifted a cup that was less than ten meters away from her through spiritual power.

After doing this, Miss Candice felt as if her strength had been drained, and she spread out on the sofa.

Facts have proved that this ability is not as useful as she imagined.

"be cheated..."


"Back safe..."

Rachel still felt her feet go limp when she got off the buggy.

I have to say that this mission is really exciting, and it made her feel the feeling of being in danger for a long time.

Coupled with the determination and means shown by the new boss in this mission, she had a rare hope for the future that she had no hope for.

Originally, she thought that the next day would be to eat and wait to die, but she met a ruthless character as the boss. She could even imagine how much sensation the next mission she would be involved in would cause.

After today's incident, Miss Rachel is completely sure that her new boss is the kind of character who is likely to cause big things. If she hangs out with her, exciting things will definitely not be rare.

And with such a boss, I feel much more at ease when participating in missions.

While Rachel likes to be thrilled, she doesn't like to be killed.

She would rather run away than participate in missions that are too dangerous and have no guarantees.

In any case, Candice's performance is still in line with her appetite.

At least it's much better than the old stuff from PACSC.

"What about this man?"

Mark's voice came from behind.

Rachel turned her head, thought for a while and said:

"Send this person to Capet Company first."

"? Send it to the company?"

"Otherwise where else can we send it?"

"Okay, let's go, after sending it, the task this time will be considered complete."

Mark said, and muttered again:

"I must go to have a drink or two after delivery, and I almost won't be able to come back today."


Miss Candice, who has obtained new abilities, is not in a hurry to exercise her abilities.

On the contrary, the improvement brought to her by the unlocking of psychic power is not reflected in supernatural ability, but in other aspects.

For example, the brain is clearer and more active, the vision is wider, the reaction is faster, and ..

It was harder to fall asleep at night.

That's right, Miss Candice suffered from insomnia the night she unlocked the psychic power.

She was lying on the bed, with a ceiling with chandeliers in front of her eyes, and a communication card by her ears.

There should be about two hours before dawn. After trying many methods to no avail, Miss Candice finally gave up on falling asleep.

Tomorrow... seems to be the job fair for Seitan Street Company..

I am also responsible for interviewing and recruiting...

Hope you're okay tomorrow.

Candice thought so.


PS: Chapter 2.

Chapter 35 Chapter 33 What is Self-Casting?

This is one of PAC's hidden strongholds, and the monitoring here is the same as the interface of the PAC branch.It is also because of this that many PAC members whose identities cannot be revealed use this place as their workplace more often than branch offices.

Some of these members are undercover in some gangs, and some are PAC technicians, but no matter what they are, once their identities are exposed, they will bring them a lot of danger.

But fortunately, the security system in the stronghold is still very good, whether it is concealment or defense, it is much better than that of the branch.

So so far, no one has had an accident here.

This is usually the place where special staff from PAC come to, but today a person who is not usually seen here is here.

——PAC senior police officer, [Nocturnal Owl] Ariel

While it's not common, that doesn't mean the others here don't know her.

And because Ariel used to belong to Saitan Block, most of the people here are Ariel's former colleagues.

On the wall, the screen on the virtual projection continued to flicker.

In front of it, the black-haired woman stared intently at the scene in front of her as if she didn't want to miss any details.

Ariel kept replaying the footage recorded by the drone in the Seitan neighborhood not long ago.

On the image, a man in a Capet suit was constantly hitting the head of a gangster on the other side with a tactical baton.

Obviously, this was a very obvious brawl, but due to the large gap in strength between the two parties, it looked like the employees of Capet Company were committing violence unilaterally.

This incident took place within two weeks, and the Capet employee in the picture has been fired. It is as simple as described in the dossier.

For some reason, she didn't have a good impression of the Capet Consortium.

Coupled with the recent collection of a large amount of information about the Capet Consortium, she increasingly felt that the blood and secrets buried behind this company were far more than imagined.

Ariel didn't think she was an upright person, and she knew very well how miserable an upright person would die in Ace.

But she had no reason to ignore what was happening in front of her eyes.

Ace needed someone to maintain order below the surface.

This is why she will become the youngest senior police officer.

With a sigh of relief, Ariel knew very well that she was not capable of fighting against these big companies.

But for some things, if no one takes care of them, order will only exist in name only.

Whether it can be done or not, Ariel only does what she should do.

She has always been like this.

Even if it would cost your own life.

"Bajiao, is my new identity ready?"

After turning off the projection, Ariel asked behind her.

"OK, boss."

Hearing this, a man with dreadlocks responded:

"The new identity is Amy, a former crocodile security officer who worked as a scavenger for a while after retiring."

"Yeah. It's fine when it's settled." Ariel nodded, and then she looked to the other side: "Mouse, I will leave the matter of disguise to you."

"No problem, just leave it to me,"

After the man named Mouse finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with some hesitation:

"But boss, you have to be careful with this mission. The Capet Consortium is different from the ones we have dealt with before."

Dealing with gangs is not at the same level of difficulty as dealing with big consortiums. Without resource support, it is almost impossible to achieve the latter.

"Boss has not filed a record for this task, so you must be careful about your own safety. These big companies hate to attack you. Once your identity is discovered, without the protection provided by PAC, it will definitely be a disaster."

The bodies of those employees who were thrown in the sewer have not yet been cremated.

Most of those people were sent by other companies.

And the nature of Ariel's mission this time is actually not much different from those people.

"For the record, I think it's more dangerous."

Ariel sighed, she naturally knew how ruthlessly the PAC was infiltrated by big companies.

I really need to record the task, and I guess people have already got her information before I go.

"makes sense..."

But what they didn't know was that when several people were talking.

Not far away, a man wearing glasses took out his communication card under the table.

Hearing the conversations of several people, a little red light flashed in the upper right corner of the mechanical glasses.

Da da da, da da da

A small voice sounded.

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