The message was sent out.


[Caller: C

——Code name [Night Owl]

Mission: Infiltrate the Capet Consortium for more information.

Plan: Participate in the recruitment of Seitan Street Company, intending to use the identity [Amy]

Appearance camouflaged. ]

Candice, who hadn't slept all night, received this information from the PAC informant almost immediately.

Looking at the content above, Candice couldn't help laughing.

Almost all large companies have their own personnel in the PAC, and even the upper management of many PACs have already been bought by the company, so almost all tasks that have been filed in the PAC are transparent in the eyes of large companies.

Miss Ariel seemed to understand this, so she didn't file the mission, nor did she ask her superiors for approval for this mission.

But it's a pity that she trusted her former colleagues too much.

So before the mission even started, it was doomed to fail.

It has to be said that this news made the insomniac Candice feel better.

Ariel, nocturnal owl...

What is this called?

Ah yes, throw yourself into the trap.

Candice laughed unkindly.


PS: There are three more updates today

Chapter 36 Chapter 34 I am your interviewer, Miss Amy (second update)

The recruitment of large companies is a matter worthy of attention for most people in Ace.

Although almost everyone is scolding the company, if they are given a chance to join the company, I am afraid that most of them will not refuse.

Everyone is cursing the company dog, but everyone wants to be a company dog.

Although they cursed the company's employees for selling their souls for profit, in fact, most of them envied the life of being able to work for the company.

After all, this is one of the few ways they can change their lives.

Scavengers work hard all day, and I am afraid that people from these companies do not earn as much per hour as those from these companies.

And the company's employees don't have to worry about the threat of wild dogs in the wilderness.You just need to punch a card in the company and wait to get paid.

At least in the eyes of the vast majority of people in Ace, the life of a company dog ​​is equivalent to the life of a human being.

However, in fact, not many people really know the pain buried behind the glamor of the company's employees.

But no matter what, the recruitment of Seitan Street Company still attracted the attention of many people.

The recruitment of large companies has always been relatively strict, and the recruitment requirements alone have wiped out countless people.

In addition, there are also high-paying and high-starting jobs such as "bodyguards" in this recruitment, and their requirements and standards are more stringent than other ordinary jobs.

Coupled with the fact that there is no regional restriction for this recruitment, some scavengers who have achieved good results in boxing matches in neighboring districts are all eyeing this recruitment.

Of course, Miss Ariel who had done a disguise was also among these people.

But what she applied for was not a bodyguard, but a networker.

The disguise identity given to her by Octopus, Amy's security task in Crocodile is related to network security. She has worked in other companies, and her competitiveness must be greater than those who came out of the wild.

Coupled with the fact that the interviewers had already been bought in advance, she had already successfully passed the most difficult part of the recruitment process.

Of course, the possibility that the interviewer took her money and didn't do anything was ruled out, but that was another factor to consider.

Sitting in the room waiting for the interview, Miss Ariel sat beside two people she was fairly familiar with.

They were all people she had come into contact with when she was in PAC before. At this time, the appearance of the two of them seemed a little bit scary to get close to.

One is thin and thin, but has fierce eyes and a violent temperament that makes people inaccessible. The other is tall and his left eye has been replaced with a very obvious mechanical eye. Just sitting there makes people feel full of oppression.

These two people, including the thin one named Rabid Sac, used to be from the slums and had a few lives on their hands, but they couldn't be arrested because of insufficient evidence.

Ariel once accepted his case. During that time, the mad dog Zac happened to leave Ace, and Ariel, who could not collect evidence, had no choice but to give up.

It is not known when he returned to Ace.

The sharpness in Ariel's eyes flashed across, and then she glanced at the burly man next to him calmly.

The tattoo on the man's shoulder is very obvious, and with the mechanical eye on his right eye, it can be seen at a glance that he is one of those ruthless characters in the quagmire.

Blind Bear Kika, a gang who used to hang out for a while, and that gang happened to be the Wild Wolf Gang that was wiped out by the Capet Consortium.

In a gang fight, he was poked blind in the right eye, and then he left the wolf gang and went to the Risland area to fight a boxing match.

With his good physical fitness and the ruthlessness he developed in the gang, he also got a good ranking in that boxing match.

Since the boxing match had already signed an agreement before it started, although Kika also had a few lives in his hands, it was legal in a sense.

Normal race casualties.

Besides these two, Ariel was more or less familiar with the others.

After all, someone who can meet the company's recruitment requirements is already considered a somewhat famous character on Saitan Street.

As if he had noticed Ariel's gaze, Kika turned his head to look at her, and when he realized it was a woman, he frowned and didn't speak.

"Everyone, the interview will start in 3 minutes. Please read the number and access the chip."


The mechanical electronic sound sounded, and Ariel looked at the handed out chip. The number KP-14 on it made her hesitate a little.

It is very dangerous to access the chip at will, after all, no one knows whether there is any virus in the chip.

Although the Capet Consortium should not be able to do these things as a big company, Miss Ariel is still in a disguise after all, so she will inevitably hesitate.

"Number One"

While Miss Ariel was hesitating, the mechanical voice sounded again.

The one numbered one directly connected to the chip without any hesitation.

After about 5 minutes, the chip pops out automatically.

"The interview on the [-]st is over, please wait patiently for the interview result."

A mechanical sound rang out.

Then it started to repeat the previous link.

The numbers of the blind bear Kika and the mad dog Zack were eleven and nine respectively. After the interview, Kika's expression was very calm, but Zack became uncertain.

Obviously, the interview process of the latter was not very smooth.

Just as Ariel was observing other people, finally, the mechanical voice came to her number.

"Number Fourteen."

After a pause, Ariel finally connected to the chip.

Her vision became dim, and the next moment, as if a bright light shone in front of her eyes, the scene in front of her eyes changed instantly.

Ariel narrowed her eyes, and the scene in front of her gradually became clear.

Simple table, elegantly decorated room, a girl in a foreign dress is sitting on a wooden chair.

This scene doesn't look like an interview, but a tea party for a nobleman.

The girl on the mahogany chair slowly said:

"No.14, Amy, is it?"

"Hi, I'm your interviewer, Candice."


PS: Because I have to push the book, there are still two chapters around twelve o'clock in a while.

PS2: I recommend a book, the new book by Pesticide Guy.

Introduction: January 1

Head: Today I will teach you spiritual power protection.

So Chen Xu had an explosion-proof shield in front of him.


Head: Today I will teach you how to condense spiritual power bombs.

So Chen Xu condensed a fragmentation grenade that exploded and produced ice crystal fragments.


Master: Today I will teach you how to make a refining furnace.

So Chen Xu made an aluminum alloy pressure cooker.


Head: Xuzai, I heard that you have refined something, let me introduce what you have refined.

"Charge emission, multi-casting, target tracking version MG42 7.92mm anti-foundation cultivator machine gun; essence booster, thunder emission, launch modified FGM-148 Javelin anti-body repair missile."


Group 60⑥7 3

"The Arms Dealer in the World of Cultivation of Immortals"

[Extraction group] 606793406

[Stay Mao Wang warmly reminds you, please support the genuine version! 】

[Hedgehog cat link:]

Chapter 37 Chapter 35 What does Miss Amy think of PAC?

Candice looked at the police lady in front of her who seemed a little at a loss, and a strange feeling of joy rose in her heart.

To be honest, she probably knows this police lady better than the other party knows her.

As a senior player of the game, as long as it is a character with a lot of plot in the game, Candice has a certain impression.

The more roles there are, the more impressive she will be.

Coincidentally, the role of Miss Ariel in the original plot is not small.

Because of her stubborn and upright character, Ms. Ariel's character is not common in cyberpunk settings.It is also for this reason that most of the CGs about Miss Ariel in the game are persecuting.

The contrast created by the shy nature hidden under the stubborn character makes a lot of players call AWSL directly.

Coupled with the game's exquisite CG and the charm of Miss Ariel in the plot, she has become one of the most popular characters in this game.

However, due to some malicious reasons, gamers on the forum gradually distorted this liking, and finally a large number of strange articles were born on the forum.

And the articles, without exception, are all about persecuting Miss Ariel.

To borrow the words of a well-known distorted article author on the forum: "It's not that we don't like Ariel, we just want to see her cry more."

This distorted atmosphere gradually spread, and eventually spread to the entire forum.

Under the influence of this environment, Candice naturally has this kind of bad taste.

Following the trend to persecute Ms. Ariel, just like persecuting Miss 45, has become one of her sources of fun on the Internet.

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