Just when everything was going well and developing in a good direction, reality gave him a heavy iron fist.

On the fifth day after the X1 drink was put on the shelves, hidden dangers and contradictions broke out.

A large number of consumers who have purchased X1 beverages have experienced physical discomfort.

Even a small number were directly admitted to the hospital because of this incident.

This kind of thing instantly pushed the X1 drink to the forefront.

When the incident broke out, our Mr. Carleon and his collaborator Bowen were sleeping soundly on the beds in their respective rooms, dreaming of defeating Candice completely.


PS: third more.

Chapter 102 Chapter 95 Sorry, I don't know her

"This thing is outrageous. After I used it, my muscles started to ache the next day, and I was paralyzed on the bed on the third day and didn't want to move at all."

"I don't believe that the side effects of this thing are just as simple as disclosed in its instructions. I have never had such obvious side effects from any functional drink before."

"This company has had problems with product quality before, and I have long expected that something will happen this time."

This is a discussion on the sports sector, almost overwhelmingly condemning the side effects of X1 drinks.

"I'm actually quite convinced. Such obvious violations of elements beyond the standard can also be released by the Food Administration. What exactly are they testing?"

"In the past, there have been a large number of incidents about the ineffective supervision of the Food Administration, and now this situation can only be regarded as an outbreak of conflicts."

"Less than ten days have passed since the last incident of questioning the Food Administration, and this time the old incident has recurred. What the hell are those trash from the Food Administration doing?"

"The detailed data of Nuka-Cola has not been released yet, and the impact of radiation on the human body is also vague. In addition to this incident, will we really be able to eat normal food in Ace in the future?"

"Don't talk about it, maybe it will be something like a mutated octopus in the future. Cherish the current X1 drink."

"Don't be embarrassed, I don't think the X1 drink is any better than the mutated octopus feet."

"Although Nuka-Cola also has its concerns, there has not been a single case of safety issues related to Nuka-Cola. Don't compare Nuka-Cola with this kind of nuclear waste."

"Don't wash it. When the side effects erupt, it may be a biohazard. Your Nuka-Cola is no better than nuclear waste."

This is a discussion about the medical sector, and in addition to condemning the X1 drink, it also brings up Nuka-Cola and the Food and Drug Administration by the way.

On the forum, as long as there are discussion posts related to energy drinks and X1 drinks, they almost all have the same point of view.

And most of their guesses, as well as their remarks on X1 drinks, are mostly questionable and condemning.

Of course, on this forum, only the Two-dimensional section is different, like a preserved egg popping out of a pile of poached eggs.

"Brothers, the good days are coming. Whoever tries the X1 drink may lose their sexual function and become a girl."

"Are you cerebral palsy? What should I do if I drink and mutate?"

"White silk octopus girl, I can also (saliva soybeans)."

"Netizens quickly bought X1 type drinks, and then turned into sissy iron hoofs and battle ax tauren wearing high heels to step on me."

"Send! Isn't there a normal person in the Two-dimensional section?"

"You have come to the Two-dimensional section, and you still want to find normal people here?"

"I suggest that the publicity department of X1-type drinks quickly make a promotional video of the mutated cat girl, and then add a beautiful anime girl on the package, maybe it can save sales."

"Two Cricket Newt Rescue Plan"

"Don't send it, sell it. If this situation is left alone, it will definitely be taken off the shelves."

"Even if it is managed, it will definitely be taken off the shelves. This side effect is almost the same as taking poison."


Carleon looked at the discussions on various forums and the sudden burst of news about the X1 drink, his face turned pale.

These things seemed to pop up overnight, and Karion, who was unprepared, received a heavy blow.

This is not just as simple as public opinion and word-of-mouth. It is possible for the product to be removed from the shelves for rectification when such a thing occurs, and a problem event of this level.

Coupled with the publicity contracts signed with other companies, if the other party wants to pursue responsibility, this is another large amount of compensation.

Karion is in a trance now.

After sitting slumped on the chair for a long time, he remembered his partner, Miss Carol.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Carleon hastily dialed Carol's communication card.



Calling the other party several times in a row did not connect, and Karion had a bad feeling in his heart.

Finally, on the fifth call, the other party connected to the communication card.

This made Karion happy:

"Hello, is this Miss Carol?"

"Well, yes, who are you?"

The unfamiliar tone of the other party made Karion's heart sink.

"I'm Carleon, Miss Carol."

"What's matter?"

The other party's performance made his heart sink even more.

If Carol knew what was going on now, it shouldn't be the way she behaved now.

As the real seller of the product, the other party should be more anxious than him when this kind of thing happens.

But judging from the tone, the other party seems to be a little... leisurely?

Carleon was a little unsure.

"Miss Carol, do you know what happened to the X1 drink?"

"Is it the latest functional drink? Well, I know."

The other party's wording was a little strange, which brought the feeling of uneasiness in Karion's heart to its peak.

"Then Miss Carol thought of a solution?"

Suddenly there was no sound from the other end of the communication card.

The scene fell silent for a while.

Just when Karion was feeling uneasy, the other party's voice came again, with some doubts in his tone:

"What does this have to do with me?"

After hearing what the other party said, Karion was stunned for a while, and then his voice became a little anxious:

"But aren't we collaborators? Miss Carol, you gave me the formula back then, but now something goes wrong, shouldn't you be responsible?!"

On the other end, Carol's tone became cold after hearing Carleon's words:

"Mr. Carleon, please be sober, there is no cooperation between us, and I don't remember giving you any formula."

"Carol! Are you trying to tear up our agreement?!"

"Agreement, what agreement?"

Carol's voice became suspicious again:

"Has there been an agreement between us?"

Karion, who was originally extremely angry, froze after hearing this.

After reacting, his face turned pale, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head, and he felt cold all over on a hot day.

Then, that feeling of despair and powerlessness suddenly surged up, and he felt extremely terrified.


"Sir, I'm Carol Delier, not Candice."

"All of this is a game you set up...?"

Mr. Carleon finally came to his senses, his body collapsed completely, he slumped on the chair,

Then, he heard the other party's slightly sarcastic words:

"Sorry, I don't know her."


Chapter 103 Chapter 96 Run away with a bucket

Karion reacted, but Bowen didn't.

When he really realized the seriousness of the matter, the ending was already doomed.

All the money in his hand was poured in. For this matter, Bowen even withdrew 500 million credit points from his own casino, which almost made his business unable to operate.

After paying such a high price, it turned out that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, which made Bowen somewhat unacceptable.

Just like what Candice said at the beginning.

No matter what Bowen does, he will lead the ending to the worst direction.

He can make a profitable business barely lose money, and make a non-losing business into a loss.

Perhaps this time, Bowen was responsible for most of the reasons for Carrion's failure.

Of course, Miss Candice, who is behind the scenes, also accounts for part of the reason.

Looking at the overall situation, it seems that the Capet family completely bankrupted an old beverage company.

Of course, members of the Capet family who were the perpetrators were also unlucky.

Bowen's loss was not as serious as that of Carleon. After all, he only invested a small part of it, and he did not bet all his old capital as a bargaining chip like Carleon did. Perhaps it was because of his stupidity that saved him Horse, so that he will not lose money and go bankrupt.

But in the current situation, if he doesn't ask his family for help, Mr. Bowen will probably have a hard time getting through it.

And even so, he still doesn't know who the culprit is.

The naive Mr. Bowen thought it was the loss caused by Carleon's poor management. After all, this happened to him often.

At this time, Mr. Bowen was just like him when Candice's Nuka-Cola was hot, cursing the culprit he thought he was, while looking around for a way to get himself through the difficulties.

"Kalion is an idiot, he can make such a moth out of such a product that is almost impossible to lose money."

Bowen ended up cursing, furious at the news in front of him.

"If Miss Carol hadn't personally selected him as a collaborator, I would have kicked him out a long time ago."

Bowen was clearly dissatisfied with another of his collaborators.

Originally, I was still daydreaming about getting money while lying down at home, but when I woke up, let alone making money, it became a problem to lose less.

——Why didn’t Candice encounter such a thing before.

Bowen subconsciously ignored the rumors that Candice encountered at the beginning, only feeling very unbalanced.

Naturally, he will not attribute the loss to himself. Even though he has never seen the other party's X1 physical fitness enhancer or X1 drink, this does not prevent him from trusting his collaborator Carol Miss.

In a sense, the frustration and despair that Bowen felt at this time was much lower than that of Carleon, after all, he really didn't know what was going on at this time.

And ignorant people will not feel despair.

Just like Bowen at this time, he didn't expect what will happen next.


The loss is not fatal, and it is still possible to get out of it.

After regaining his strength, Karion began to study his plan to escape completely.

Make more efforts to sell these drinks, sell them at a low price and then sell all the equipment in your company, maybe you can mortgage the debt.

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