Candice did this because she was interested in her company. If she showed her intention, Candice would not accept it.

Sell ​​the company, mortgage the debt, and the remaining money should be able to support his comeback.

It shouldn't be too late to start planning for a career change.

Although he abandoned the family business of his ancestors, he barely survived.

If you don't go bankrupt, you will have a chance to make a comeback, Karion thinks so.

And it was this situation that accelerated his original career change plan.

Karion didn't feel that his retreat was cut off, after all, the current situation was only a little tricky.

Until NASCAR sent a lawyer's letter.

——The X1 drink illegally used NASCAR’s patented technology, and more than one,

Next, the fines for Carlyon will be determined based on the number of products produced.

Preliminary estimated fine amount

—— 670 million credit points.

This is an amount that he can't help but sell.

What's more, at this time, he is still burdened with tens of millions of credit points of debt.

Obviously, the current situation is forcing Mr. Carleon to go bankrupt.

But Karion was unwilling to succumb to Candice's tricks.

Seeing the increasingly heated X1 beverage incident, Karion decided to run away with a bucket.

He first notified the company's employees to take a day off, and then notified the finance department to transfer all the funds in the company's account, including the salaries of the company's employees, to her private account.

Then began to sell their own company's equipment at a low price.

In less than three hours, Karion's account had nearly 900 million credit points.

Of course, these are not used to repay debts, but to run away.

In such a situation where it is not appropriate to act rashly, Karion decided to flee from Ace as quickly as possible.

In this way, he may still have a chance of a comeback.

Obviously, if Candice's script continues, his ending will either be in jail or bankruptcy.

And if his plan is successful, he will take millions of credits away from Ace and seek development elsewhere.

Sooner or later, there will be a day of comeback.

Then it will be the day he returns to Ace to seek vengeance.

Thinking this way, Karion distributed all of his accounts with scattered credit points to other accounts.

Then he took a private plane and flew towards the south of Ace.

All the funds in his hand were obtained by improper means. To be honest, Karion felt a little guilty.But that didn't stop him from betting on himself.

He believes that he has the ability to get up again, or in other words, he has always thought that he is a capable person, but the beverage industry has dragged him down

It was precisely for this reason that he fell into the trap set by Candice.

A private jet flies over the Clarence district.

At this time, Karion was frowning and looking out the window while whispering something in his mouth.

"Candice, just wait... When I come back, I will find someone from the gang to kill you."

As a businessman, he rarely talked about life and death, but when he thought of Candice, his anger couldn't stop rising.

As a result, the risks that may exist on the ground are ignored.


PS: Second update

Chapter 104 Chapter 97 Just invite you to be a guest (4K)

Karion's dream is doomed to fail.

Just as his plane was doomed not to leave Ace.

As if he had expected him to run away, the people from the debt company squatted beside his villa and company early on.If there is any trouble, the headquarters will be notified immediately to respond.

Of course, in addition to this, Candice's people have long been watching Carleon's movements to prevent him from not acting as originally expected when he ran away.

If the opponent chooses to leave the Clarence area, all the previous arrangements will fall short.

Of course, the chances of this happening are actually not high, but Candice always likes to be fully prepared, and she is used to making advance responses to every possibility she can think of.

"Consumers affected by the X1 drink demand a reasonable explanation from Lilicar."

"X1 Beverage Victims Demand Compensation from Lilicar Corporation."

"Boxer Kako is affected by the X1 drink and may not be able to participate in boxing for life."

Karion looked at the pieces of news that slipped by in front of him, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

The group also wanted compensation from me.


He flicked across the message and finally saw the news about other companies.

"NASCAR Victory Nuka-Cola sales break 5000 million."

Seeing this, the smile on Karion's face disappeared instantly and became ugly.

Every time he saw news about NASCAR, Carleon's mood would get worse.

In fact, in order to avoid being caught, NASCAR did not end in the whole incident.

But all other beverage companies, including Callion himself, are very convinced that the other party played an important role in this incident.

If it wasn't for Candice's setup, it would be impossible for Lilikar Company to have things happen so quickly.

It is also for this reason that Karion's dislike for Candice has risen to a new level.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents.

What's more, the other party almost made him go bankrupt and go to jail.

Candice is at least [-]% responsible for being forced out of Ace in despair.

Of course, there are no permanent winners and losers among businessmen.

Maybe he lost this time, but next time...

Forget it.

Although he said harshly that he would kill the other party, Karion knew very well that it was almost impossible.

If possible, he hoped that he would never confront Candice for the rest of his life.

This woman is really too cruel.

In the more than ten years of running the beverage company by himself, Candice is the most difficult opponent he has ever seen, the most difficult to deal with, and also the opponent he fears the most.

Perhaps because the company's size is not small in the beverage industry, most of the previous conflicts with other companies ended in nothing.Although it doesn't take much advantage, at least on the bright side, both sides can still see it.

But this time, it was really a crushing defeat.It even almost made him fall into the point of no return.

Candice's methods are too ruthless, to the point of killing them all. The only thing Karion wants to do now is to escape from Ace, and run as far as possible.

Of course, Carleon, who was thinking like this, didn't realize that something more cruel would happen.


At this time, below the Clarence area.

On a piece of wasteland, several men with earrings and lip rings on their lips were messing with something.

"This thing, when does the boss want us to release it?"

One of the men's tone was a little excited, obviously looking forward to seeing the power of this thing.

"Don't worry, we can start when the monkey's plane arrives."

The corner of the man's lips curled up. As one of the important members of the Clown Society, he was obviously a veteran of this kind of thing with the title of "Blaster".

He has done this kind of bombing of planes no less than ten times, and he can be seen in almost every large-scale assassination plan of the clown society.

But this time, it seems to be a bit different from the previous plan?

This time, the arrangement of the clown meeting is to capture alive the personnel on the plane numbered GD245.

Although he had never done this before, it was no different from assassination.

After all, he is one of the rare people in the clown club who has a sense of proportion.

As if sensing something, Blast raised his head upwards. At this time, the sky in the Traorun area was still empty, but Blast had sensed the arrival of the prey in advance.

His smile became distorted, which made him look a little hideous at this moment.

"Okay, brothers, get ready to snipe the monkey."


The sound of shells being loaded.

The latest technology obtained from Renai Company.

Electromagnetic artillery shells that can strike accurately even if they are half a distance away from the Clarence area.

Portable, accurate and powerful.

Even though it is a product that has been eliminated for two versions, the price/performance ratio of this thing is still at the forefront of black market weapons, and it is still the kind that has a price but no market.

"The target has not been locked, whether to search"

An electronic sound came from the display screen.

For gang members, this is indeed a rare thing.

"The target has not been found yet, change the search mode."

Hearing this familiar electronic sound, Blast asked:

"Brothers, how far do you think the time I guessed is from the time when the monkey plane appeared?"

No one answered him yet, the electromagnetic weapon made another sound

"Find the target, do you want to attack?"

He grinned:

"The answer is, 3 minutes."

The electromagnetic shell shot out from the barrel mouth, like a sharp arrow, rushed towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

This speed surpassed the sound of the cannonball when it was fired. It was only after the cannonball landed on the plane in the clouds that the sound above the gun barrel was delayed.




Unaware of what happened, Karion only felt his surroundings start to spin.

The alcohol in his hand spilled all over the floor, and before the smell of alcohol evaporated, his brain began to dizzy.

The strong impact caused Karion's head to hit the glass, and because of the strong impact brought by the shell, a crack appeared in the glass that was strong enough to withstand the bullet.

Fortunately, the safety measures on the plane were in place, and the airbag popped out in time to keep Karion's head from bleeding, but the pilot of the plane was not so lucky. At this time, he had already fainted Died in the cab.

It was not until the moment before the aftermath of the second wave that the security system in the plane sent a reminder.

"The body is under attack and may not be able to make a normal forced landing. Please be prepared for an emergency landing."

Karion's still-awake brain subconsciously felt something was wrong, and his heart had sunk to the bottom.

——Debt collection?Deadline?Or Candice's?

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