Chapter 111 I Understand About Adding Money

The quickly approaching figure broke the joyous atmosphere in the arena in an instant.

The situation that was originally slightly relaxed has once again tightened the nerve strings of many people.

As a contemporaneous existence with Warring States Karp and others, Crane not only bears the title of lieutenant general, but also the identity of the general staff of the navy.

Can control the intelligence lifeline of the entire Navy headquarters.

Now something happened suddenly, and even Crane, who was used to seeing big scenes, changed his expression.

I'm afraid this is not an ordinary thing, right?

Luo Yu frowned, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally the biggest possibility flashed through.

"He, what happened? Even you can't hold your breath. Is Wu Laoxing coming to Xingshi so quickly to inquire about the crime?"

Zhan Guo's face darkened, and he spoke hastily.

He didn't have the extravagant hope that with those lame excuses just now, he could perfunctory the five old stars.

Already had the consciousness to bear all the injuries.

What I did just now was also to make Zefa change his mind and not let CP0 take advantage of it.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on He.

Crane looked at the information in his hand, and quickly recovered his senses: "No, even if Wu Laoxing came to the door, it should not be so fast."

"Just now, Rose received a request from Blackbeard Teach. He wants to make a deal with our Navy Headquarters. He wants to replace Crocodile Crocodile and become the new king Shichibukai."

The new king Xia Qiwuhai?

The faces of the people present suddenly changed, but there was a strange look in their hearts, and they subconsciously looked more at Weibull lying on the stretcher.

If it were in the past, every candidate from the Qiwuhai under the king would shock people's minds and make them, as the navy, cheer up.

It's a pity that now there is an extra Weibull, but it makes them have a strange feeling about the king's Qibuhai.

If Blackbeard knows, there is a lesson from the past. I don’t know if it will be so hilarious, as soon as he speaks, he will become the king of Qiwuhai.

"Crane, you said that Blackbeard Titch wants to make a deal with us, replacing Crocodile as Shichibukai?" Sengoku also suppressed those strange thoughts in his heart, and hurriedly said.

"Not long ago, didn't he assassinate Sage of the fourth squad on the Whitebeard ship? He was also hunted down by the Whitebeard Pirates. At this time, what confidence does he have to propose a deal?"

Many of the admirals present had obviously heard of this major event at sea.

The madness about Blackbeard was indeed beyond their expectations.

However, they were equally curious as to what confidence Blackbeard had in proposing such a deal.

"Is he planning to trade with Fire Fist Ace?" Luo Yu said lightly.

Looking back on what happened on the Whitebeard boat half a month ago, I can still vividly remember it.

It seems that the gears of the times are still the same as before.

"Fire Fist Ace?" Zhan Guo's expression changed suddenly, and he said anxiously.

"Is it the Fire Fist Ace who once rejected the invitation of Shichibukai the King and became the captain of Whitebeard's second team?"

"He was defeated by Blackbeard? It seems that Blackbeard hides too deeply, and we all underestimated him."

"If Blackbeard really uses Fire Fist Ace in exchange for the position of King Shichibukai, I think Wu Laoxing will definitely agree without hesitation."

"Crane, did Fire Fist Ace really fall into Blackbeard's hands?"

Crane glanced at Luo Yu in surprise, nodded quickly and said.

"As General Luo Yu guessed, the bargaining chip given by Blackbeard is none other than Huoquan Ace, captain of Whitebeard's second team."

"However, Blackbeard still sold a trick at the end. Fire Fist Ace still hides a secret that will collapse the era. Blackbeard concludes that our Navy Headquarters will absolutely not be able to refuse the temptation of this secret, and will definitely agree to his request! "

Having said this, a hint of solemnity appeared on He's face.

"Sengoku, I don't know what the secret of Blackbeard's mouth is. However, this was originally an internal strife among the Whitebeard Pirates. Once we intervene, we must be prepared to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates."

"If you agree to Blackbeard's deal, our people must go to the Chelsea Sea area in five days to meet Blackbeard Titch..."


In the crowd, Garp's face was extremely livid, and he secretly clenched his fists, and his palms were already covered with hot sweat.

After learning that Ace and Luffy went out to sea to become pirates, the last thing Garp wanted to hear was this kind of news.

He would rather Ace and Luffy be buried in the sea.

I don't want to meet again, and I will pass through my hands as a pirate.

This feeling is more tormented than killing him.

Unfortunately, as far as this is concerned, the only thing Karp can do is to bite the bullet and listen.

Luo Yu took a sip of his drink and had a panoramic view of Garp's expression changes.

However, Luo Yu is not a bad person.

The last time I reminded him on Whitebeard's boat, it was already repaying Karp's kindness.

It might be too difficult for Luo Yu to walk through the muddy water now.

Sensing the gazes from all around, Zhan Guo fell into a brief silence. As for the secret that Blackbeard said was enough to collapse the era, Zhan Guo couldn't guess it for a moment.

However, facing the bargaining chip of Fire Fist Ace, after a little pondering, Warring States said.

"Crane, you reply to Blackbeard Titch immediately, and our Navy Headquarters accepts their transaction request."

"At the same time, the order is passed, whether it is the Navy Headquarters or the Navy Branch, it has entered a state of combat readiness, and is always on guard against the attacks of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"This is a long-lost event!"

Cap fell silent for a moment.

Although he had already guessed the decision of the Warring States Period, after hearing it with his own ears, he was still deflated like a balloon.

"Marshal Warring States, don't worry, I'll take care of this right away." He replied in a deep voice.

"However, Blackbeard Tiki is an existence that dares to kill even his companions. I am worried that he will cheat."

"If you want to find someone to hand over to them, I'm afraid you need the general to go there in person, right?"


The expressions of the admirals present changed slightly.

Of course, they have no objection to Crane's suggestion.

However, when it came to handing over with Qi Wuhai, everyone subconsciously looked at one place.

Feeling the gazes from all around, Luo Yu almost spit out the wine.

Did he become a professional accountant of Qibuhai handover?

Facing the gaze cast by Shang Zhan Guo, Luo Yu quickly took a sip of his drink and couldn't help but smile.

When Warring States saw this, his cheek muscles couldn't help twitching, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, I understand about adding money, so you don't need to talk about it!"

"Hehe, old man of the Warring States Period, it's normal to have to pay extra for the private car service!" Luo Yu said with a dry smile.

"But don't worry, this time I promise to bring them back alive!"

Although, Luo Yu had already guessed Luo Yu's peeing nature, but faced with the behavior style of adding money as soon as he opened his mouth.

Warring States still felt his head swell uncontrollably.

After taking another look at Weibull lying on the stretcher, he glared and said, "It's not about bringing them back alive, it's about bringing them back alive, otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain to Wu Laoxing!"

Chapter 112 The Stranger the Situation, the Higher the Bonus

Half a day later, the holy land of Mariejoa, inside the Supreme Temple.

Yi Si, Yamamoto, and Zefara and others had extremely gloomy faces.

Looking at Spandain who was kneeling below and trembling, wishing to bury his head in the ground, Yamamoto shouted angrily.

"What's the matter, Spandain, do you still have the face to come back? If it wasn't because of your clan's absolute loyalty to our Five Old Stars, I would have slapped you to death just now!"

"Let you split the Navy Headquarters and weaken their strength so that our five old stars can control them. Tell me now that Zefa not only did not rebel from the Navy Headquarters, but even the new king Shichibukai we selected is still lying on a stretcher. Are you kidding me?"

The rolling roar echoed in the hall for a long time.

Spanda's whole body was stiff, and he buried his head directly on the ground.

The current him doesn't even dare to snort, the only thing he can do is to hope that at this juncture, someone can speak out to relieve him!

"Okay Yamamoto, this matter has nothing to do with Spandain. If you want to blame it, blame us for underestimating that brat." Zerafar, who was tall and dressed in a straight suit, said in a deep voice.

"Originally, he was allowed to be promoted to the position of the fourth general of the navy in order to cause internal strife among the middle-level generals of the navy, consume one or two of the navy's strength, and let us have better control. We didn't expect that we still underestimated that brat's means."

"Not only did he gain a firm foothold in the Navy Headquarters, but he also seemed to have accumulated a certain reputation. Others seem to have no doubts about his position as the fourth general."

"It seems that we made a bad move!"

The faces of Yamamoto and others became extremely ugly.

Due to the emergence of the three generals and the blessings of a group of veterans, the strength of the Navy Headquarters has become stronger day by day.

Wu Laoxing was worried that the Navy Headquarters would be out of their control, so they came up with this method, intending to weaken the strength of the Headquarters from within.

It's a pity that they never expected that anything related to Luo Yu would be like a wild horse running wild, completely out of their control.

"Okay, now that things have developed to this point, it's useless for us to waste our words here." Yisi said in a deep voice, leaning on a cane in his hand.

"Just now, the Navy Headquarters has sent back news that Blackbeard Tichi asked to use Fire Fist Ace in exchange for the seat of Shichibukai, the king. The person who accepts this task is the new general."

"Since he ruined our good deed, let's work hard here first, and hope that he can come back smoothly!"

"Send an order to Urati, the time is ripe for harvesting!"

"Understood, my lord, I will go and do it immediately!" Spandain responded hastily, and retreated as quickly as if he had been pardoned.

On the other hand, on the edge of the windless belt, on an island.

Thousands of natives held spears and rushed towards the huge figure like a hill in the distance.

The armor on his body, under the extremely fast running, made a sound of clanging metal.

The short distance of [-] meters shortened in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that before they could launch their attack, the gigantic mammoth suddenly turned around and let out a roar like thunder.

The huge body burst out with huge power, and rushed straight towards the crowd.


Hundreds of natives were instantly knocked into the air.

Under the catharsis of the huge force, many people exploded like balloons.

In an instant, blood mist splashed all over the sky, and severed limbs, remains and flesh and blood flew across the sky.

The huge mammoth body like a hill, with its undiminished power, slammed into the huge rocky mountain more than ten meters behind.


The huge rock mountain collapsed in response.

The thunder-like shaking of the ground lasted for more than half a minute before subsiding.

"Hmph, waste, it really is a bunch of waste, even the skin on Lao Tzu's body can't be scratched."

"However, Urati, how long do you want me to wait here? I even have the heart to kill you!"

Jack's huge body suddenly turned around, his blood-colored eyes widened, and he roared angrily.

The rolling sound made the faces of the pirates not far away turn pale, and they all stopped.

They knew very well that if they approached in such a furious situation, what awaited them might be a dead end.

"Hehe, Master Jack, don't worry, I've got the guy's whereabouts just now." Urati, who has a graceful figure, walked out of the crowd with a smile.

"He will go to the Chelsea Sea area next, which is only a few days away from us."

"Master Jack, you should be mentally prepared and take a good look at that guy's desperate expression!"

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