"Cheers Sea?" Jack's eyes widened, his huge body quickly shrank, and he reverted to a human form. The giant half-moon scythe clenched in both hands slammed down towards the rock beside him, and he said angrily.

"Okay, very good, after waiting for so long, I hope he won't let me down, he can put some pressure on me!"

"Everyone set sail for me, I want to give the three big brothers a surprise before they know about Sol!"

As the orders came down one by one, all the pirates quickly turned around, boarded the ship and set sail as if they had received an amnesty.

Looking at this scene, the charming smile on Urati's face became even more charming. He lowered his head and glanced at the photo belonging to Luo Yu in his hand and said, "You are so handsome, I don't know what expression he will have when he is desperate."

Three days later, in the Chelsea sea area.

A warship is advancing through the waves.

Luo Yu stood on the deck of the ship, stretched, and opened the space of consciousness.

With the help of Weibull's task, the system points that had already been cleared skyrocketed to 500 million Baileys in an instant.

According to the old style, the landlord of the system will never let Luo Yu's family have surplus food, and will definitely come to a temptation.

However, thinking that there is still a day or two left before completing the first month's clock-in at work and getting the long-lost monthly salary, Luo Yu forcibly endured it.

It's just that living life with one's fingers still feels inexplicably torturous.

"General Luoyu, Blackbeard hasn't booked a meeting place yet. Next, we need to go to Suwu Island to rest. However, we found a strange situation." Ain walked quickly behind him.

Luo Yu frowned, took a sip of his drink, and said with a smile, "What a strange situation."

"The weirder the situation, the higher the bonus. I'm idle now."

Ain was confused.

Looking at Luo Yu who was eager to try, his original worries disappeared in an instant.

What a magical brain circuit!

If it were anyone who took on such a task involving the runaway of the Four Emperors, he must be worried that something would happen in the middle.

People like Luo Yu who don't mind troublesome things are probably the only ones, right?

Chapter 113 Hey Marshal of the Warring States Period, is the bonus for the three disasters high?

Looking at the dignified general who was waiting for his explanation with a serious face, Ain said bitterly.

"General Luoyu, this time the handover with Blackbeard Tiki involves the Whitebeard Pirates, the leader of the Four Emperors."

"At this juncture, we shouldn't have extra problems, and it would be better to complete the deal with Blackbeard as soon as possible, right?"

"If the transaction goes wrong because of other things, I'm afraid it will be wrong?"

Smoker and the others standing aside also silently agreed.

Thinking of the possibility of a head-on conflict with the Four Emperor Pirates after taking this mission, their palms couldn't help sweating.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere on the deck, Luo Yu patted Ain on the shoulder with a smile and said.

"Hehe, Ai En, you are right. It is not good to add extra details to this kind of mission."

"However, no one knows whether the deal proposed by Blackbeard is a game. Instead of putting yourself in a passive position, it is better to figure out the importance of it first, and kill all unstable factors in the cradle."

"The most important thing is that if you don't want the bonus delivered to your door, it's not for nothing."

Ain's face was full of bitterness.

Listening to the analysis in the first half, Ai En thought that Luo Yu, who was the new admiral of the navy, was too superficial.

It's just that at the end I suddenly realized that I was still too young to see enough.

Reasoning with someone who is morbidly paranoid about salary bonuses.

I'm afraid the brain is really caught in the door!

However, facing Luo Yu's analysis just now, Ai En also understood the pros and cons, and said with a wry smile.

"Admiral Luo Yu, according to the news from the monitoring phone bug sent out, there are at least hundreds of active pirates and merchant ships in the Chelsea Sea area at ordinary times, and there are even thousands of them at peak times."

"It's just that we just checked and found that there are no traces of pirates or merchant ships within a radius of hundreds of nautical miles. I am worried that there is fraud. Should I report this matter to Marshal Warring States?"

In Ain's eyes, a sea area can be emptied in an instant.

Even those unruly pirates were gone.

This is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the matter.

"Not a single pirate group?" Luo Yu frowned, looking a little surprised.

In the original book, the transaction between Blackbeard and the Navy Headquarters did not have much of an episode.

After all, Blackbeard's biggest goal is to become Qi Wuhai, and with the help of Qi Wuhai's identity, he can enter the city's prison and choose his own subordinates.

At such a juncture, when such an accident suddenly occurred, Luo Yu instantly understood that the cause of this kind of incident probably came from himself.

Looking back, Luo Yu smiled even wider at Fei Liupo who was still tied to the mast.

"General Luo Yu, you are smiling a little creepy, did you think of something, do you need to tell Marshal of the Warring States?" Ai En was the first to lose his composure.

Luo Yu smiled and waved his hands: "No, I just have a bold guess, don't bother Marshal Warring States until it's confirmed."

"Of course, if something really happens, this call must be made!"

"Next, let's go to Us Island according to the original plan!"

Ai En's red lips parted slightly, and the words that came to his lips could hardly be said.

Facing Luo Yu's remarks, Ai En really doubted what intention Luo Yu would have as a starting point when he called.

However, with Luo Yu's status as a general here, Ain really felt uneasy.

At this juncture, we can only bite the bullet and pass on the orders one by one.

With the order falling, the huge warship moved forward again with full rudder.

It only took half a day to travel tens of nautical miles to Us Island.

Wait until they can see clearly the mouth of Ous Island.Many people's faces suddenly changed.

The sea estuary, originally used as a naval supply point, has already been filled with dozens of pirate ships at this moment.

Every flag fluttering in the wind is buzzing.

Many of the pirates are still well-known, offering rewards of over [-] million.

The gathering of such a large battle was beyond their expectations.

"General Luo Yu, these pirates originally fought on their own, and many pirates kept fighting in private. I'm afraid it's not a good thing for them to suddenly let go of their prejudices and gather here," Ain said hastily.

"Should we suspend the approach to the island and report the situation here to Marshal Warring States?"

As a trainee lieutenant, facing Luo Yu's completely unreasonable behavior style, Ai En obviously can only take a little more responsibility.

All of a sudden, everyone on the deck turned their gazes to Luo Yu, revealing a sense of inexplicable urgency.

I really want to know how Luo Yu will choose.

"No, I just said that the old man of the Warring States Period is busy, so don't hinder him until he understands the situation."

"Since these pirates are all gathered here, I think the instigator should be nearby too. I'll go and see how much bonus he is worth!"

"No, I'll go and see who he is first, and then I'll tell Mr. Warring States!"

"You guys wait here first!"

As the voice fell, Luo Yu's body moved slightly, and the whole person disappeared into place out of thin air like a ghost.

After everyone came back to their senses, Luo Yu had already appeared hundreds of meters away.

Such a resolute gesture caused Smoker and the others to change their expressions all of a sudden. Before they had time to think about it, they quickly followed.

In the estuary of Us Island.

Thousands of pirates gathered here.

The leader is the big pirate who offers a reward of over [-] million.

Each of them held a newspaper with a big head photo of the new Navy Admiral Taotie Luoyu in their hands.

"Haha, I didn't expect that in the first half of the Great Channel, we could meet Mr. Jack, one of the Four Emperors' One Hundred Beasts Pirates, who is offering a reward of one billion Baileys. This is an opportunity for our Tiger Pirates."

"Hey, what is your opportunity? It's everyone's opportunity. This time, the person Jack is looking for is the new admiral of the navy, Taotie Luoyu. As long as we find his whereabouts, we will have the qualification to join the Hundred Beasts Pirates. With the banner of the Four Emperors, we will definitely be able to walk sideways!"


The scene suddenly boiled.

Thousands of pirates gathered in a circle, and their attention was obviously attracted by the content of this cooperation conversation.

He didn't notice the several figures appearing on the bell tower not far away.

However, in the face of their conversation, Smoker, Ain and the others turned pale all of a sudden.

Originally, a white beard pirate group was involved in this mission, which already put them under a lot of pressure.

Now there is another Hundred Beasts Pirates group, which is one of the three disasters with a bounty of one billion.

For them, it felt like Mount Tai was overwhelmed.

Thinking of conflicts with the two Four Emperor Pirates at the same time, Smoker and the others immediately lost their temper and planned to report the matter back first.

An unexpected voice sounded in the center of the square.

"Hey, Marshal of the Warring States Period, is the bonus for the Three Disasters high?"

Chapter 114

"Hey, Marshal of the Warring States Period, are the bonuses for the Three Disasters high?"

The small sound was extremely deafening in the square where thousands of people gathered.

Not to mention Ain and the others standing on the clock tower, even the pirates in the arena had stiff expressions.

The Three Disasters exist like they look up to.

Anyone who encounters it, who is not respectful, is worried that if he is not careful, he will be killed.

Now, suddenly, such a crazy talk came out. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would really doubt whether this guy was a spy who mixed in with them.

Saying such disrespectful words, intending to drag them to be harmed by the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Everyone followed the sound.

First look!

Thousands of pirates trembled all over, and felt instantly stunned.

He glanced blankly at the newspaper in his hand, and when he looked at Luo Yu again, he seemed to see a ghost.

For the olive branch thrown by the Beast Pirates, they are of course bound to win.

It's just that they never imagined that the target thousands of people were looking for would come to them on their own initiative and appear in front of them without anyone noticing.

The most important thing is, this new admiral mentioned how much bonus the three disasters are worth as soon as he opened his mouth.

Is this an inevitable posture for dealing with the three disasters?

For a moment, the entire square fell into an inexplicable dead silence.

Luo Yu, who appeared in the square, instantly stood out from the crowd.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere in the arena, Luo Yu frowned involuntarily as he looked at the phone bug in his hand that was emitting a busy tone.

Originally, I planned to discuss the bonus first, and then proceed.

Now the phone bug suddenly disconnected, which disrupted Luo Yu's overall plan

Huge fruit landing discount half price!

Luo Yu didn't want to be led by the nose, and said after putting away the phone bug.

"Can you pretend you didn't see me? I'll ask the price before I come back?"

"Ask the price?"

The pirates present couldn't help but froze for a moment.

This answer was beyond their expectations.

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