Wang Jin arrived at Uncle Biao's office with ease, knocked on the door, and walked in.

"Uncle Biao, over there with Bawanghua, my mission is over!"

Wang Jin was not polite to Uncle Biao, and sat directly on the chair opposite Uncle Biao.

"What's over?"

Uncle Biao, who was busy with his own affairs, obviously didn't listen to Quan Wang Jin's words, and immediately raised his head and asked.

"I said, my mission in Bawanghua is considered complete!"

Wang Jin was full of black lines when asked by Uncle Biao, but he repeated it again.

"The task is completed? How is it possible that you, the chief instructor, have only been working for a few days, and you can train Bawanghua well?"

Uncle Biao obviously didn't believe Wang Jin's words, thinking that Wang Jin was talking nonsense.

⑥ ⒐⑧『Blank』5⒉5⑧[-]O

It's only been a few days?

It's been full of calculations, but it only takes more than a week, how can I train Bawanghua well.

"Don't lie to me, I want Bawanghua, but I want a team comparable to the Flying Tigers!"

"Uncle Biao, I didn't lie to you, I have already let the Bawanghua compete with the Flying Tigers, and the Bawanghua has the upper hand!"

Although there is always a faint suspicion of pretending to say this, Wang Jin is also very helpless. He is just telling the truth, and he can only blame him for being too awesome. There is no way to do it.

"Did you really let the Bawanghua compete with the Flying Tigers? And you still have the upper hand?"

Hearing this, Uncle Biao's suspicious expression also froze. He believed that Wang Jin would never joke with him about this kind of thing, but how could Wang Jin train Bawanghua beyond Flying Tigers?

"Could it be that the Flying Tigers are dying?"


This idea flashed through Uncle Biao's mind, and then he was thrown out of his mind by Uncle Biao. The strength of the Flying Tigers is obvious to all. It is said that some time ago, they also dealt with a lot of thugs.

If you say that the Flying Tigers can't do it, then it's pure nonsense, but Bawanghua has only trained for a short period of time, so why can he surpass the Flying Tigers?

"Could it be that Wang Jin is a one-in-a-million training genius? Only when he trains his subordinates can he fully realize his potential? Then asking Wang Jin to be this senior supervisor will delay him, or should he be Transferred to the Flying Tigers to train elite talents for the police force?"

Not to mention that in Uncle Biao's mind, he was thinking wildly for a while, he really thought that Wang Jin had a unique skill in training...

In just a few days, Bawanghua, a straggler, can be trained to become an elite comparable to the Flying Tigers. If all the police officers can be sent to Wang Jin's subordinates for training for a period of time, it will not be a Are all the police stations Flying Tigers or Bawanghua?

Fortunately, Wang Jin didn't know what Uncle Biao was thinking, otherwise he would have to vomit old blood.

Training Overlord Flower, but spent a full five times of life like a year card!

For Wang Jin, although this thing is useless and useless, it is simply a magic weapon for group troops like Bawanghua or Flying Tigers.

It seems that it only takes five days, but it is actually equivalent to five years of training.

Not to mention, after thinking about it, Uncle Biao was really moved!

Of course, if Wang Jin was transferred out of the Wanchai Police Station, Uncle Biao would definitely be reluctant to part with him. After all, he is the number one general under his command, and he will depend on Wang Jin for his food and spicy food in the future.

Didn't see the last director, have you gone to the headquarters to enjoy the blessing?

Uncle Biao has climbed to this step, although he is not young, but he also wants to be promoted to the headquarters, to gain the prestige of the headquarters!

Therefore, Wang Jin absolutely cannot be transferred, but if he cannot be transferred, it does not mean that he cannot train his subordinates!

Anyway, Wang Jin's side is all about quick success, as long as he trains for three to five days, the police station will change shifts, and it's not a problem 4.8.

If the people under his police station are comparable to the Flying Tigers, then this prestige is definitely not enviable by others.

Thinking of this in his heart, Uncle Biao smiled and spoke, and when Uncle Biao smiled, Wang Jin felt a chill in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, what Uncle Biao said next made Wang Jin want to vomit blood.

"Ah Jin! You see, I think so. The officers in our police station are very poor in skills. If you don't bother you, you can also help with training. It will be done in three to five days! There is no need for flying tigers Like the team, it's almost done!"

Uncle Biao smiled and was very polite to Wang Jin, and he used his fingers to make a slight gesture.

"Damn it, this is Uncle Biao, this is Dong Papi!"

Wang Jin complained in his heart, and shook his head without thinking about it.

Chapter 150 Uncle Biao: You have to be mentally prepared! (I beg you to subscribe more)

"Or, are you thinking about it?"

Uncle Biao persuaded from the side, and he also knew that this request might be too much, but he thought that if it succeeded, the benefits would be too great.

(Lantian) 45634⑧⒎⒎0

Even with Uncle Biao's disposition, he couldn't help but be a little bit reluctant to let go, and persuaded Wang Jin again and again.

It's a pity that Wang Jin is definitely determined not to follow Uncle Biao's tricks.

After persuading him to no avail, Uncle Biao had no choice but to give up.

After all, this matter mainly depends on Wang Jin's wishes. If Wang Jin is not willing, he can train a team comparable to the Flying Tigers in a week.

In a year's time, you can train someone who is comparable to ordinary poor guys, but the gap between them is huge.

Knowing this, seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Uncle Biao had no choice but to let it go.

The two were chatting, and Uncle Biao brought the topic back to Bawanghua.

"Then Bawanghua can now be officially on duty like the Flying Tigers?"

This is a concern of Uncle Biao. After all, the matter about Bawanghua is a task assigned to him by his superiors. It is best to complete it as soon as possible.

And the standard for testing tasks is whether the Overlord Flower at 24:[-] can attend work smoothly.

"I think there should be no problem. I left them the last assessment, which is about attendance!"

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For the batch of Overlord Flowers he trained, Wang Jin is still full of confidence. As long as he is not facing a master like Tian Yangsheng or Li Jie, with the current strength of Overlord Flowers, it is not a problem to deal with them.

"Assessment, what assessment?"

Uncle Biao asked, Wang Jin, the Overlord Flower, was the chief instructor, and Uncle Biao was out of his control, so he didn't know the information about the Overlord Flower, so he was naturally curious when he heard that Wang Jin had arranged an assessment.

"It's about a jewelry show!"

Wang Jin didn't go into details, but only briefly introduced the situation in a few words.

However, Uncle Biao is also an old man, and after listening to it for a while, he also understood what Wang Jin meant. It seemed to be an assessment, but in fact he just wanted Bawanghua to see his blood.

A team that has never seen blood, no matter how well trained it is, cannot be called elite.

"Since you have made all the arrangements, then I won't say anything more!"

Seeing that Wang Jin had made arrangements, Uncle Biao felt relieved, Wang Jin was not Jia Kui, and Jia Kui was a worrying thing, but Wang Jin was completely different in this regard, very reassuring Naturally, when he came to the Wanchai Police Station, Uncle Biao felt younger and more relaxed. At least he didn't have to follow Ka Kui every day and deal with all kinds of problems for Ka Kui.

Suddenly, Uncle Biao seemed to have thought of something, and immediately talked to Wang Jin.

"By the way, I went to the headquarters for a meeting yesterday, you have to be mentally prepared!"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Jin said with a face full of questions, he still didn't understand that Uncle Biao's change of topic was a bit too jumpy!

"It's the top management of the headquarters, and I want to add more burdens to you!"

"Do you want to add more burdens to me? I'm afraid my shoulders are a little thin and I can't carry them!"

Wang Jin was a little dumbfounded. What does this mean at the headquarters? He has just been promoted to a senior supervisor, and he has to add another burden. Could it be that he is going to be promoted to the chief inspector?

But, isn't Kuang Tianyou, the Chief Inspector of the Wanchai Police Station?

Could it be that Kuang Tianyou was going to be transferred?

"Do you think the headquarters is going to give you a promotion? You are so beautiful!"

Uncle Biao is an old fox. Seeing Wang Jin's wandering thoughts, he knew what Wang Jin was thinking, and immediately rolled his eyes and said.

"Isn't it?"

Wang Jin asked with a strange expression.

According to his understanding, isn't the explanation of adding a burden a promotion?

"Of course not!"

Uncle Biao immediately explained to Wang Jin.

It turned out that there was a senior inspector at O's side, who was already in place, and was about to enter retirement soon.

Since this senior inspector is about to retire, it is natural that another senior inspector needs to be replaced.

Originally, this wasn't a big deal, usually according to the procedure, O's side would propose a candidate to send up.

As for whether he can be promoted, that's another matter, or the upper management will directly assign someone to this position by airborne, and it's not up to the bosses at the division level and above to say it during a meeting at the headquarters.

But this time, it was different, because Wang Jin was also a senior inspector, and he was the youngest senior inspector in Xiangjiang. In addition, the first brother was very impressed with Wang Jin, so he made a point of mentioning it.

This is good, what brother one said is a weathervane in the police force, many people from brother one's faction came out to wave the flag for Wang Jin, and wanted to transfer Wang Jin to O's office as the chief officer.

O remember that this organization is different from ordinary police stations. The police station is in the nature of a district. Once it leaves the district, unless it cooperates with the local police station, it has no law enforcement power. Crossing the line for law enforcement is overstepping, and it may even be forced to If you get credit, you will be punished.

O Ji is different, it governs the entire Xiangjiang, syndicated criminal activities, and is generally responsible for syndicated drug trafficking or syndicated money laundering.

The power is even greater!

Although Wang Jin's anti-mafia team works in the Wan Chai Police Station, it is also a member of O Ji in name!


O is under the direct command of a chief superintendent, with a senior superintendent as his deputy responsible for the management and planning of the entire department.

O is generally divided into three groups, and each group is headed by a superintendent who leads the entire group; the personnel are divided into two groups, led by a chief inspector, and the group is further divided into two groups, led by a senior inspector lead.

Team A: Responsible for investigating organized crime.

Team B: Responsible for investigating triad crimes.

Group C: Specially responsible for investigating the influx of illegal arms, the personnel of this group must accept the indoor close combat training provided by the special task company.

The meaning of the headquarters is to transfer Wang Jin to lead a team. After all, Wang Jin's ability is obvious to all.

The position of team leader is also competent!

However, Uncle Biao, who has just been promoted to director, quit, this is his corner!

His subordinates are such a capable general as Wang Jin, and he poached Wang Jin away. What kind of shit is he, Uncle Biao?

Naturally, Uncle Biao was fighting with reason and refused to give in half a step, but Wang Jin still belonged to O Ji in name, and Uncle Biao couldn't be too lenient.

In the end, the first brother couldn't bear the market-like atmosphere in the meeting room, so he decided to let Wang Jin serve as the team leader of O Ji temporarily.

This allowed the two sides to calm down the fight! .

Chapter 150: Take office! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

After listening to Uncle Biao's explanation, Wang Jin couldn't laugh or cry, so he has become a sweet potato?

All departments are scrambling to get me, even Uncle Biao refuses to let him go!

He even got a position as the head of the O's team. Could it be that he is not a member of the O's team in the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team?

Wang Jin was mentally prepared to be transferred to the core department of O Ji, but he never thought that this day would come so soon.

Compared with the small fights on the anti-triad team in Wanchai, when it comes to the core department of O Ji, it is the real ruling party.

Although, the status of the group leader is somewhat low in Wang Jin's opinion.

However, after all, it was the level of the senior supervisor, so Wang Jin had nothing to say.

In fact, the most ideal thing in Wang Jin's mind is to be transferred to the core department of O Ji after being promoted to the chief inspector, which is the best, because that way the power is greater, and there is only one director level and one general director level on his head. As long as the meritorious service is large enough, it will be faster to get up.

It's a pity that not everything in the world is according to Wang Jin's ideas. This sudden news disrupted Wang Jin's deployment.

However, everything has two sides!

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