Although the position is lower than Wang Jin expected, it is also closer to the grassroots. As long as he wins the hearts of these grassroots, Wang Jin will not be the leader of the group for nothing.

In the future, these will be his team.

When Wang Jin climbs up, they can also help Wang Jin and control the whole O Ji.

"Uncle Biao, has the matter been settled?"

Wang Jin still needs to confirm the authenticity of the matter so that he can make comprehensive arrangements and plans.

"It's almost inseparable! The first brother made a decision, and it shouldn't be possible to backtrack on it. You can prepare now, and when the news arrives, you can take office immediately!"

Although Wang Jin was going to be the team leader of O Ji, he still belonged to Wanchai. As long as he had this kind of relationship, if there was any trouble in Wanchai, Uncle Biao would be able to recruit Wang Jin back.

This is the reason why Uncle Biao fought to the death. Anyway, in terms of status, Wang Jin still belongs to the Wanchai Police Station, so Uncle Biao is not reluctant.

"Understood~"! "

Uncle Biao said it so clearly, it must be a certainty, Wang Jin nodded immediately, and went back to make preparations!

Sure enough, not long after, Wang Jin's transfer order came down, asking him to report to the O record department.

Since he had already received the news from Uncle Biao, Wang Jin was not very surprised, but several of Wang Jin's subordinates, such as Ma Jun, Wei Jinghao, Chen Jin and others, were severely surprised.

Wang Jin is going to be transferred, so what should they do?

When Wang Jin returned to the office with the transfer order from O Ji, several people knocked on the door of the office. Wang Jin asked several people to enter the office, and then asked.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?"

A few people were a little shy, and no one spoke first, but in the end Ma Jun happily spoke first.

"Wang sir, it's like this! You said at the beginning, let us follow you, but now you are going to transfer yourself, so what should we do?"

As soon as Ma Jun said this, several other people also looked at Wang Jin eagerly, wanting Wang Jin to give an answer and see if there was any arrangement.

"Who said I'm going to be transferred?" Wang Jin asked with some doubts.

"It's not that the order has come down, we all heard it just now!"

Seeing that Wang Jin still refused to admit it, Ma Jun was a little unhappy, and his emotions were all written on his face.

"Yes, yes, I heard that too!"

Chen Jin also hurriedly came out and nodded to express his opinion. Naturally, the brothers had to stand in a ditch and ask Wang Jin for an answer.

"And me, I heard it too!"

Song Zijie also stood up and made a statement.

"I can't hear clearly! But I should have heard it!"

Only Wei Jinghao really didn't hear too clearly, and didn't dare to speak loudly, just said that he didn't hear too clearly.

Then he faced the glaring glares of the other three.

Knowing that he had committed public outrage, Wei Jinghao quickly changed his words, and the other three turned their heads in satisfaction.

"Okay, don't worry, you really misheard, here is the order, you can see for yourself!"

Wang Jin raised the transfer order in Yang's hand, and put it on the table. Several people immediately moved their heads together, reached the table, and looked at it.

After looking at it, they realized that they really had a wrong idea. Although Wang Jin went to the core department of O Ji, he was only acting as a substitute. The position and team in Wanchai were still reserved for Wang Jin.

In other words, they were still Wang Jin's subordinates, but Wang Jin was going to work in another place, and it was unlikely that they would see Wang Jin anymore.

However, as long as they are still Wang Jin's subordinates, they are satisfied.

Moreover, if Wang Jin does a good job of acting as a substitute, then it is just around the corner to reach the top position of O Ji. Are these old team members still worrying about not being able to be transferred to O Ji?

Speaking of O Ji, it is much more majestic than the Wanchai Police Station. After all, it only manages one area when it is powerful, but O Ji controls the whole Xiangjiang.

It is said that the grades are different!

"¨~Okay, it's all right now, right? I'm going to pack my things! I'll report later!"

After solving this matter, Wang Jin issued an order to evict the guests, telling the guys to get out of here quickly, and do what they should do.

"Hey, Sir Wang! We'll clean it up for you, and we'll send you to work later!"

Hearing Wang Jin's tone was a little unhappy, and several people felt a little guilty. What they did just now seemed a bit forced, which meant that Wang Jin had a big heart and didn't care about them.

However, Wei Jinghao, who had the closest relationship with Wang Jin, licked his face directly, and wanted to help Wang Jin pack his things, which was flattering and calmed Wang Jin down.

The other three, seeing Wei Jinghao's behavior, although they were not ashamed of Wei Jinghao's behavior, they still followed behind to help from the heart.

With the help of several people, Wang Jin (Zhao Zhao Zhao) quickly packed up all the things and loaded the car.

Originally, he didn't have too many things, and he could clean it up by himself, but he couldn't rely on four people, and he didn't need naughty help, so it took an hour to get it done, but it was finished in less than 10 minutes.

Moreover, several people really shamelessly followed into Wang Jin's car and sent Wang Jin to take office.

What else to say, to help Wang Jin strengthen his prestige!

Wang Jin was speechless immediately, you guys, following him to take office, it is a shame, and you have a strong reputation!

But when I arrived at Oji, there was a lot of things to move in the trunk, and it was really troublesome to be alone.

Wang Jin let go, and brought a few people along. Anyway, it was free coolies, so it was not for nothing.

If he knew that he was waiting for others, in Wang Jin's heart, he was just a free coolie, and he didn't know how Ma Jun, Chen Jin, Wei Jinghao and others would feel in their hearts! .

Chapter 150 Seventh New Colleague, Huang Zhicheng! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Although Wang Jin knew in advance that the headquarters of O Ji had a large team, and the anti-mafia teams of the various district police stations were not counted in it, he still didn't really know how big it was.

It wasn't until he took office that Wang Jin realized that the team at O's Headquarters was far larger than he expected.

The Wanchai Police Station where Wang Jin worked before is nothing else. The Anti-Mafia Squad alone has only 30 people at full count. The number of other departments may be more. It's just about fifty people.

But today when Wang Jin took office, when handing over the list to O Kee, it was discovered that he seemed to be the leader of a team, but the number of policemen under his command had reached almost a hundred, which was the number of the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team. More than double.

This is just a small group. There are as many as twelve such groups in the main office of O Ji. After such a calculation, the number is really scary.

In addition to these operatives, O Ji also has a lot of clerks and support staff, which is not counted. If the anti-mafia teams of various police stations are added, the number of 777 is at least several thousand.

Even Wang Jin was taken aback, this diary is too huge!

But Wang Jin thought about it later, O Ji was in charge of the entire Xiangjiang area, and a few thousand people didn't seem to be many.

For example, Wang Jin, the team he took over is one of the four teams in Group B, which is responsible for triad crimes.

That is, social crimes. To be honest, this department is doing nothing nowadays.

The current era is the most arrogant period of the association, many members of the association are not even afraid of bad guys.

On the surface, although they did not dare to resist the law, secretly, there were many missing policemen. The reason why Hongxing's thirteenth sister came to power was because she solved a policeman and solved the problem for the society.

Otherwise, in an association that favors men over women and respects seniority and feudal etiquette, how can a woman of the generation be superior?

Anyway, if you offend the police, you can hide for a while at worst, and if you smuggle abroad, you can hide for a while.

It is impossible for the messengers to spend huge manpower and material resources for one person, it is not worth it at all.

Because associations, large and small, have sprung up like mushrooms in Xiangjiang, and the number of people is getting larger and larger. In order to stabilize these associations and avoid causing social turmoil, the messengers will naturally be involved in a lot of energy.

For some small people and small cases, it is really impossible to manage.


However, Brother Yi made the decision to let Wang Jin enter the O Ji headquarters this time, which may be a special signal.

Perhaps, it is the arrogance and tentacles of the associations that have violated someone's interests, and the upper management has moved their minds to start rectifying these associations in Xiangjiang.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to stuff Wang Jin, a general, into O Ji's headquarters.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be nice to let Wang Jin hang around at the Wanchai Police Station?

After all, Wang Jin, the youngest senior inspector, is so in the limelight. What does it mean that the higher-ups will not let him hide his strength and bide his time, but put him in a place with more power and greater influence?

At least, that's how Wang Jin understood it!

Wang Jin has just arrived and is tidying up his office and some things he brought over.

This time, Wang Jin's office is no longer the small place it used to be.

The office building is a building with a bit of modern style, and Wang Jin finally found a bit of post-era feeling.

The office also exceeded Wang Jin's expectations, not only was it spacious, it also had a floor-to-ceiling window with a panoramic view.

The light white decoration and office supplies also make Wang Jin's new office look simple and clean.

Even (ceei) standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can still see Victoria Harbor in the distance.

Compared with Wang Jin, the previous office has been improved several levels.

"I've heard for a long time that there is a young and promising general from the Wanchai Police Station. It's a pity that I haven't had the chance to meet him. Now I finally saw it. Sure enough, the meeting is even more famous!"

Wang Jin was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring the rare scenery, when he knocked on Wang Jin's door alone and walked in.

Wang Jin subconsciously turned his head to look, a middle-aged man with withered yellow hair, a bit old appearance, and a bit of a foreigner, walked into Wang Jin's office.

Seeing this face, Wang Jin was shocked.

"Huang Qiusheng! It's him!"

To be honest, Wang Jin was not surprised to see this face. As one of the film kings of Wang Jin's era, he starred in so many movies that he couldn't even count them.

Traveling to this world, Wang Jin has already met the most famous Fa Ge, Hua Ge, and Long Ge. As for other famous people, Wang Jin also had a premonition that he would meet them, but he did not expect to see them in O Ji. Still in Wang Jin's own office.

Moreover, it was delivered to the door by someone else.

Before Wang Jin could think about the identity of the Huang in front of him, he introduced the identity to Wang Jin himself.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Huang Zhicheng, a senior supervisor, and I'm leading another team. I heard that a newcomer is coming to take over, so I'll come and have a look on my own initiative. You don't mind, do you?"

"Huang Zhicheng? Is it the Huang Zhicheng from Infernal Affairs?"

Hearing this name suddenly, Wang Jin's heart moved. If you want to say the name Huang Zhicheng, the most famous one is the one in Infernal Affairs, and the Huang Zhicheng in front of him, no matter his status or anything else, seems to be the same as the one in Infernal Affairs. All about the same.

But whether the one in front of him is the one in Infernal Affairs, Wang Jin still needs to observe, mainly waiting for the update of the system plot.

"Of course, I don't mind!"

Wang Jin smiled, and invited Huang Zhicheng to sit down and chat. Huang Zhicheng was not polite, and sat down on the new sofa in Wang Jin's office.

After brewing a cup of coffee for Huang Zhicheng, Wang Jin then chatted with Huang Zhicheng. After all, in the future, he is also a colleague, and at the same level, with the same status, and there is no restraint between everyone. It will be a comparison soon cooked.

At noon, it was naturally Wang Jin's treat for lunch, and Huang Zhicheng also agreed!

This is also a way to build acquaintance between colleagues. Although it is very old-fashioned, it is still very effective. At least after eating Wang Jin's lunch, Huang Zhicheng patted his chest and said, if Wang Jin has anything he doesn't understand, he can come to him .

Chapter 150 Eight Talks That Changed the Situation, New Story Quests! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"You just came to O Ji, so if you don't understand anything, you can ask me!" Huang Zhicheng said enthusiastically.

"Definitely, definitely!" Wang Jin said politely.

A not-so-luxurious lunch ended in the cordial and friendly exchanges between the two.

Both of them had business to do, so they naturally returned to the office building~, and soon separated.

Huang Zhicheng has a case to follow, while Wang Jin needs to meet his new subordinates.

When a new official takes office, if he can't even recognize his subordinates, let alone start work.

However, before Wang Jin had time to meet his subordinates, the call from his boss came.

Of course it wasn't the inspector general above Wang Jin, but the boss in charge of the entire B group, the boss at the department level, Qian Zhi!

This boss is not a face that Wang Jin is familiar with, and obviously there is no plot for him.

Wang Jin thinks about it too, there are only so many Hong Kong movies, how can everyone have a plot!

This kind of abnormal fresh face is the mainstream of this world.

Wang Jin was naturally not interested in this, but in order not to spoil the interest of the boss, Wang Jin still cheered himself up, at least not too perfunctory.

As the team leader of Group B, Qian Zhi's attitude towards Wang Jin was very warm and cordial, even making Wang Jin a little bit unbearable, which was too enthusiastic.

This is also Wang Jin's unaware of his position in the hearts of the upper echelon at this time, especially the position in the hearts of the first brother.

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