Except for the subordinates brought by Wang Jin, the business of the whole teahouse is really good.

There are quite a few tea drinkers, but most of them are middle-aged and elderly people. There are one or two exquisite birdcages on the table or under their feet. From time to time, they listen to the crisp chirping of the birdcages, drink two sips of tea, It's also fun to chat with friends.

Of course, there are also young people, but not many, and the teahouses are still dominated by the elderly.

Wang Jin looked around, but didn't find anything strange. He couldn't help but feel puzzled. In such a gathering place for middle-aged and elderly people, would there really be an arms transaction case?

It can't be the information of O Ji, it's a mistake!

However, thinking that coming is coming, Wang Jin simply planned to spend it, regardless of whether he had an arms deal, if nothing happened, he would be salted fish everywhere, he might as well drink tea here and listen to It's fun for the bird to call, at least it has a lot of human flavor, it's much more interesting than him salting fish in the office alone!

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

However, soon Wang Jin didn't think so, because suddenly a person Wang Jin was very familiar with came up to the teahouse.

"Gao Jin? Brother Ma? Jian?"

Seeing the person coming up from the teahouse, Wang Jin immediately denied the possibility that it was Brother Ma and Gao Jin, because Gao Jin was so familiar to him that he could recognize him even if it was far away. Gao Jin's aristocratic elegance is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to imitate.

Therefore, the God of Gamblers is the God of Gamblers, because ordinary people can't become God of Gamblers at all, no matter how much you look like Gao Jin, you can't learn Gao Jin's aura like a natural aristocrat.

........ 0

Since it's not Gao Jin, it's even more impossible for Brother Xiao Ma to be lame, but Wang Jin saw it with his own eyes, and the man in front of him has healthy legs and no problems at all.

Among Wang Jin's acquaintances, only Brother Xiaoma's younger brother still looks like this, but it is said that he is abroad. If there is nothing to do, he probably won't come to Xiangjiang. This is a bit of a headache for Wang Jin. Brother has acted in too many movies, both good and bad, who knows who this one came from!

Regarding this, Wang Jin didn't dare to go up to talk to him, what if this person who looks like Brother Fa is the leader of the arms crime group!

Then Wang Jin went up to talk, didn't it just arouse the vigilance of the other party!

Therefore, Wang Jin still sat in his seat and drank tea calmly, but his eyes were fixed on Fa Ge. Even if "Fa Ge" was not the head of the arms group, he alone Fa Ge's status is worthy of Wang Jin's attention, because this "Fa Ge" is likely to let Wang Jin trigger a new movie plot check-in.

This is something Wang Jin absolutely does not want to miss. For Wang Jin, every movie plot check-in is very important.

To be honest, Wang Jin didn't expect that he would just step out to investigate the big arms deal case, and meet a character in a movie plot, and give himself a chance to sign in for a movie plot. What a surprise!Long.

Chapter 180 Seventh Teahouse Shootout, Wang Jin Enters the Game! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Wang Jin didn't want to disturb "Brother Fa" so as not to ruin his fishing plan, but who knows that sometimes the world is so strange, things you want to hide, but it just rushes to your side, such as now.

"Brother Fa" went upstairs, looked around the whole teahouse, and saw many new and unfamiliar faces, he was a little taken aback, and then he pretended to be indifferent, and walked towards Wang Jin's table.

Because Wang Jin came with his staff, several tables in the restaurant were taken up at once, and there was no room left.

The only table with vacant seats was Wang Jin's. He was alone at the table, so "Brother Fa" naturally subconsciously came here.

"Hello, there should be only one of you, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Brother Fa" smiled and greeted Wang Jin very politely. What can Wang Jin say? The other party's tone, see what the other party is coming from!

"I don't mind, please sit down! My name is Wang Ya, I don't know how to call this brother?"

Wang Jin called "Fa Ge" to sit down, took out an empty tea bowl on the table, and poured "Fa Ge" a cup of Longjing.

"Yuan "[-]" Haoyun!"

Yuan Haoyun, who was sitting down, scanned the entire teahouse and found his target, then he focused all his attention on that group of people, and just chatted with Wang Jin.

But in fact, it was enough for Wang Jin to know Yuan Haoyun's name!

He already remembered what kind of movie that Yuan Haoyun existed.

Tricky Detective!

The protagonist of this movie is Yuan Haoyun, and "Fa Ge" also starred in it. At the same time, Wang Jin also knows why he feels familiar with this teahouse, since he has never been to this teahouse.

That's because the beginning of this movie is a detailed display of the entire teahouse setting. Wang Jin, who has watched the movie, naturally engraved it deeply in his mind, so when he saw this teahouse, he would naturally have Something familiar.

Wang Jin didn't expect that just investigating a small arms sale would flood the Dragon King Temple, his own people met his own people, and even investigated the same case.

However, it is not surprising that such things often happen in Xiangjiang.

Yuan Haoyun's side is the serious crime team of the jurisdiction. It is understandable for them to investigate the arms trade, while Wang Jin and the others are O's. They are investigating the group crime behind the arms trade. The nature of the two does not conflict.

It can only be said that the serious crime team of O Ji and Yuan Haoyun is not the same department, and there is no way to communicate with each other. This is why both groups of people will track down a group of people.

Wang Jin, who has seen the movie, knows that this teahouse will soon become a scene of a gun battle.

Wang Jin himself is confident that he can protect himself in the chaotic gun battle scene, but Wang Jin has no time to take care of his men. After all, bullets have no eyes. Wang Jin doesn't want his men to sacrifice here for nothing, so Wang Jin stood up and pretended to go to the bathroom, but he was already making a subtle gesture of retreat with his hand.

Although Wang Jin's order to retreat was a bit inexplicable, the subordinates who saw Wang Jin's gesture obediently obeyed his order, left the teahouse, returned to the car, and waited for Wang Jin's further orders.

The movement of such a group of people naturally attracted the attention of interested people in the teahouse.

The other table was the target of Wang Jin and Yuan Haoyun.

"Brother, something seems wrong!" a little brother said in a low voice.

"I can see that there may be a policeman at the scene. You all pay attention for a while, and draw out your guns for me. If there is anything wrong, shoot me immediately!"

That big brother is also a veteran, and the slightly weird atmosphere at the scene also made him feel dangerous, but no matter what he wants to buy today, even if it is a fight with the poor, he will not hesitate.

"Understood, brother!"

"We'll be ready, brother!"

Seeing that the elder brother has spoken, these younger brothers who are licking blood naturally have to obey. They have already pulled out their guns under the table and opened the safety. If something goes wrong, they can stand up immediately fight back.

At this time, the atmosphere in the teahouse was already a bit treacherous, but at least on the surface, it still maintained a weak balance, because the transaction had not yet appeared, and no one dared to act rashly.

Suddenly, two big men holding a birdcage came up from the teahouse. One was wearing only a white vest and a beige shirt, and the other was a sloppy, sloppy guy.

After the two guys came up, they looked around the teahouse and found the person they were looking for.

And the person they were looking for was the group of Wang Jin's O Ji and Yuan Haoyun from the serious crime team. After noticing something unusual, he opened his mouth.

"The goods are under the birdcage, and the bullets have been filled in the magazine. Where's the money?"

"Bring something!" Another big man winked at the subordinates beside him.

The subordinate took out an envelope-sized kraft paper bag from the handbag under him and handed it to the other party.

"Good! Happy cooperation!"

"Be careful, add tea!"

In the middle of the lobby, a shop assistant carried a large teapot and knocked away the birdcages placed on the table by several big men.

"Boy, what are you doing! You're clumsy, are you looking for a fuss!" The sloppy big man grabbed the corner of the clerk's collar and shouted angrily.

At this time, the birdcage rolled to the middle of the aisle, and a tall guy stood up quickly, and stepped on the wooden birdcage, and the birdcage immediately spread apart, revealing several pistols hidden under the chassis of the birdcage.

"Fuck! It's going to be a shootout! What an idiot!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Jin's heart suddenly trembled. The gunfight in the movie plot started at this time. Although Wang Jin had already prepared himself, he still couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Those who make arms are all lunatics, and they dare to trade in the downtown area in broad daylight.

This guy Yuan Haoyun is also a lunatic. With so many innocent passers-by in this teahouse, he dared to arrange an arrest operation. He was really out of his mind. Wouldn't it be good to catch big fish with a long line?

If Wang Jin were Yuan Haoyun's boss, he would definitely be able to beat Yuan Haoyun to the point where he couldn't take care of himself.

But it's too late to say anything now. Fortunately, Wang Jin has already asked his buddies to withdraw first. The people from Yuan Haoyun's side and many gangsters are left on the scene, so Wang Jin doesn't worry about accidental injury. .. . .

If Wang Jin hadn't let his men withdraw just now, no one would know if there would be a tragedy of one of his own beating his own in a chaotic battle where each of them didn't know their identities!

Don't think it's impossible. In the Xiangjiang police force, this kind of thing really happened, but few people know it.


The next moment, the gunshots in the middle of the lobby rang out one after another. It was even more lively than setting off firecrackers during the New Year.

The two groups of gangsters and many police officers fired at almost the same time. Many ceramic tea bowls in the lobby were instantly smashed to pieces by bullets flying all over the sky.

It shattered to pieces!

For a while, bullets flew across the lobby of the tea house, and the fighting was very lively.


Yuan Haoyun deserves to be called the most reckless man. Even in the hail of bullets, he is not afraid of death. With his nimble skills, he rolled down a few times and came to the flanks of the gangsters. He has fired several shots one after another, wounding several gangsters .

The gangsters naturally also noticed Yuan Haoyun, a fierce man, and shot together to suppress him. The bullets hit the bunker in front of Yuan Haoyun continuously, and Yuan Haoyun was so deeply suppressed that he couldn't lift his head.

Yuan Haoyun is reckless, and he is not afraid of death, but it does not mean that he likes useless sacrifices. If he shoots back at this time, at most, the gangsters will punch a few holes in his body and head, and nothing else can be done. So he still obediently hid behind the bunker, waiting for the bandits to run out of bullets, and took action.

At this time, Wang Jin didn't have to worry about whether to help, because the gangster's bullets didn't have eyes, and they had fired several bullets at Wang Jin one after another, dragging Wang Jin into the gunfight.

However, even if he joined the gunfight, Wang Jin still had to show his identity. He didn't want to be besieged by both sides, that would be wronged!

4.8 "Brothers in the police force, I am Wang Jin, Senior Inspector of O Ji, and I am here to help you. I am wearing a navy blue suit. Please don't shoot me!"

Important things, say it three times!

Wang Jin yelled this sentence three times in the teahouse. The voice was so loud that it even covered the dense gunfire. Many policemen looked at each other, wondering whether they should believe Wang Jin's words.

Because, they don't know whether there is an officer from O Ji here in this operation. If there is, they will not be able to bear the responsibility if they hurt the officer of O Ji. If not, it is a conspiracy of bandits. Then they will be seized by the opponent and suffer heavy losses.

The gangsters no longer have this worry. When they heard that it was someone from the messenger who wanted to support him, and he was a high-level inspector, all the gangsters kept an eye on Wang Jin's movements. Where Wang Jin's voice appeared earlier, It has long been greeted by various bullets.

It's a pity that Wang Jin had already left that place a long time ago, and had already appeared on the beam of the teahouse by a ghost!

This location is the place Wang Jin has long set his sights on. It is definitely the commanding height of the teahouse. As long as this place is under control, everything in the teahouse will be under his eyes. Whether it is the police or gangsters, they cannot escape Wang Jin's eyes.

Chapter 180: The mysterious sniper who hits every shot! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Wang Jin was on top of the beam, and he had a panoramic view of the whole scene.

Wang Jin already knew where the police were and where the gangsters were.

At this time, the gunshots in the lobby became more intensive. Wang Jin looked down from the beam of the house, and saw that bullets were flying from below. It was a mess, some guy spilled the flour, and the whole lobby was even more chaotic.

But don't look at the current scene is chaotic, the sound of bullets is continuous, but there are not many people who are actually lying down. Of course, the few unlucky ghosts who are lying down are covered with bullet holes, and I don't know what to say about these unlucky people. Ghost, is it bad luck, or brave enough to catch bullets in the flesh, anyway, it's a miserable one.

Obviously they didn't hurt a few people, but they just died, Wang Jin was also a little speechless.

And in this chaotic gun battle, all the guests who should leave have already left home. Don't look at those old people, but facing this situation, their feet really don't hurt and their waists don't hurt anymore. He walks like flying, he is 24 times better than the young man, which makes Wang Jin dumbfounded, feeling that the human potential is infinite.

Wang Jin likes this kind of chaotic situation the most, because the gangsters have no professional training at all, and they don't know where to watch out for the bullets coming from. Their attention is all on the opposite side at this time. They didn't know that there was already a killing god standing on top of their heads.

Wang Jin took out his .[-]. To be honest, at Wang Jin’s level, he could have applied for a replacement gun long ago. The .[-] is no longer worthy of his status, and the bullets can’t meet the needs of Wang Jin’s mission. , but maybe it has been used for a long time, and it has become a habit, and Wang Jin is too lazy to change it.

What's more, Wang Jin has the passive skill of unlimited bullets, so he doesn't have to worry about the problem of reloading bullets in .[-].

At this distance, at this height, Wang Jin didn't even need to look at the target. He could hit the target as long as he made a rough estimate.


With the sound of a gunshot, amidst the chaotic gunfire, a bullet fired by Wang Jin hit a gangster, that sloppy big man. He was shot directly in the forehead, bleeding After the flowers splashed all over, they fell to the ground with a loud bang.

[-] (Linglong)

The other man next to the big man, who was wearing a vest, jacket, and shirt, was splattered with blood on his face, and was completely frightened.

The gangster wearing a vest, jacket, and shirt didn't expect that a bullet would come out of nowhere and headshot his brother!

Immediately, he froze on the spot for a moment, and only after the gunshots rang out did he react, lying on the ground, rolling up, and after finding a relatively safe position, he shouted in a mournful voice.

"The police have snipers, everyone pay attention!"

Following this shout, both the policeman and the gangsters were taken aback, and the gangsters secretly scolded the policeman for being shameless and shameless.

To deal with them and arrange snipers is simply too much!

As for the poor ones, it was also inexplicable, they didn't apply for snipers to participate in this operation at all!

How could there be a sniper at the scene!

And just when the gangster and the police, one was very afraid and the other was inexplicable, another gangster was inexplicably headshot and fell down.

Don't look at it now, it's a real hammer, it must be a sniper, otherwise why would the marksmanship be so accurate, the guns are all headshots, there is no deviation at all!

Although there are so many gangsters, it is still a bit inexplicable. I don't know where the sniper came from, but since he is from the police, he is a new force, and it also brings huge psychological pressure to the gangsters, because no one knows. , Where is the sniper, is his head well hidden, and is it exposed to the sniper's sight.

As the most reckless man, Yuan Haoyun didn't care about these things, he didn't dare to look up when he saw the gangsters, this was simply the best opportunity!

What more should I say, I rushed out of the bunker, and I don't know where to get a gun in my hand.

With two guns in hand, while marching, he fought openly with the gangsters, not even dodging bullets, but even so, the gangsters couldn't raise their heads, because the main one raised his head a little, and he didn't know where it came from. The bullets will blow the gangsters headshot completely!

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