It can be said that at this moment, Yuan Haoyun has become the most majestic man on the court, treating the gangsters as nothing, walking around in the courtyard, so chic.

But Yuan Haoyun was so forceful that he died within a few minutes of pretending, because he was shot.

After all, if someone stood up so openly, if no one was covering him, he would be a living target, and the mysterious sniper who shot secretly stopped shooting after six shots and headshots of six people. But Yuan Haoyun suffered.

He thought he could continue to get the cover of the sniper, so he continued to charge forward. In just a short time, he had already killed two gangsters. , Memorized Yuan Haoyun's position, just stretched out his hand, and fired a shot at Yuan Haoyun's position, and then the unlucky Yuan Haoyun was shot.

He was shot directly in the leg, and he fell to the ground without standing still. Many police officers not far away thought that Yuan Haoyun had been shot and died, and immediately shouted.

"Yuan sir!"

Afterwards, these messengers rushed out of the bunker to avenge Yuan Haoyun.

For a while, the bullets came and went, flying more intensively. As for the sniper, people on both sides had subconsciously forgotten it. I don't know where the sniper went.

And that sniper, that is, Wang Jin, what is he doing at this time?

He had already got off the beam, and walked around behind the gangsters. These gangsters were only focused on fighting the policemen in front of them, and they didn't even notice that there was an extra person behind him. Wait for them By the time I knew it, it was already too late.

How fast and accurate Wang Jin's gun is, it is an existence that even the gun king Peng Yixing can't resist. How can these gangsters like stragglers be Wang Jin's opponent!

With just a few shots, these gangsters who thought they were hiding well were all found out by Wang Jin and shot in the head!

All the culprits were successfully dealt with, and none of them escaped the net. Wang Jin strolled leisurely with his gun in hand, and came to Yuan Haoyun who was lying on the ground. He stretched out a hand, trying to pull Yuan Haoyun to his feet.

"Yuan sir, we meet again, let's get to know each other again, I am Wang Jin, senior inspector of O Ji!"

"Don't move, who are you?"

Just when Wang Jin stretched out his hand to pull Yuan Haoyun up, many messengers pointed their guns at Wang Jin and came to Yuan Haoyun's side to surround Wang Jin.

"Don't move, you guys!"

Although grinning in pain, Yuan Haoyun still shouted this sentence! .

Chapter 180: Sniper Rifle = [-]? (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"My own!"

Although Yuan Haoyun said so, Wang Jin still took out his senior inspection certificate and showed it to many messengers.

Seeing Wang Jin's senior inspection certificate, these officers believed Wang Jin's identity, put away their guns and saluted Wang Jin. Although they belong to different departments, Wang Jin is also a senior officer. This etiquette is still required.

Wang Jin stretched out his hand to pull Yuan Haoyun up, and looked at his injured leg.

"How about it, do you want to call an ambulance for you and take you to the hospital?"

"No need, this little injury, I don't need an ambulance, I can go by myself!"

Yuan Haoyun rejected Wang Jin's kindness, and he didn't know whether to say that he was showing off his ability or that he was a tough guy.

"Wang sir, why are you here?"

At this time, Yuan Haoyun thought about asking why Wang Jin happened to appear in this Yunlai Teahouse. If he hadn't announced his identity just now, the messengers would really fight Wang Jin together. I rushed to the Dragon King Temple!

"I also came here because I was investigating a case. The group of people who traded just now, we suspect that behind them is an arms smuggling and trafficking syndicate. Originally, we wanted to take a long time to catch big fish, but now it seems that we can't catch them." .”

Wang Jin looked at the two foreheads, there were two more blood holes, and he said with a sigh.

Now, even Yuan Haoyun felt a little embarrassed. Their actions also destroyed the careful arrangement of another brother department, which was a bit embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, I don't know that there are things you remember, otherwise you must be careful, and you won't beat them to death!"

Yuan Haoyun immediately apologized to Wang Jin, anyone who was ruined the carefully prepared plan must be somewhat aggrieved, an apology is still needed.

"It's okay, it's just two little guys, I guess I don't know anything, anyway, I beat you to death, so it can't be blamed on you!"

Wang Jin said indifferently, after figuring out the plot of the tough detective, Wang Jin already knew who the arms group was behind it, so it didn't matter to Wang Jin whether such a young man would live or not, otherwise Wang Jin wouldn't It's not like shooting two people in the head.

"Did you kill these two people?"

Yuan Haoyun pointed to the two bandits on the ground who had been shot in the head with a look of surprise, and asked in shock.

"What? Doesn't it look like it?"

Wang Jin's performance was nothing, very plain, such a headshot was just a trivial matter to him, not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention, Yuan Haoyun was very surprised, even the gangsters at his grand meeting were also surprised from ear to ear. The mysterious sniper just now was a master of marksmanship and unpredictable. No one knew where he was, but It just happened that one shot killed one person, which frightened the gangsters.

Such a mysterious sniper turned out to be Wang Jin in front of him, which is really unbelievable, but considering that there was only an outsider like Wang Jin on the scene, they did not apply for a sniper for this operation, it seems that it is really true It was Wang Jin who did it.

"What about your sniper rifle~"? "

Yuan Haoyun believed that the mysterious sniper just now was Wang Jin, but he was still very curious about Wang Jin carrying a sniper rifle with him. Is the O Department already rich to this point? Can you act with a sniper rifle at will?

"Sniper rifle? What are you talking about?"

Faced with Yuan Haoyun's inquiry, Wang Jin was stunned. How could he have a sniper rifle? He had to apply for that to get it. Unless there was a special action, the sniper rifle could not be obtained at all. It's just ashes in the security vault.

In this operation, Wang Jin was just stepping on a small spot to catch a fish, and it was not a comprehensive arrest of the criminals of the arms group. How could he bring a sniper rifle!

I don't know whether Yuan Haoyun has lost too much blood from the heavy gun, and he is starting to get confused.

"You didn't bring a sniper rifle? I don't believe it. If you don't have a sniper rifle, then why did you shoot your head with a gun just now? It's still at such a long distance!"

Yuan Haoyun didn't believe that Wang Jin didn't bring a sniper rifle. He only thought that Wang Jin didn't want him to see it or try his hand, so he said so.

As long as it is a man, who doesn't like guns, submachine guns, machine guns, large sniper rifles, the more powerful the gun, the more men love it.

No one can escape this law. Although Yuan Haoyun has seen a sniper rifle in the equipment library, he has never used it. If Wang Jin had one, he would naturally want to enjoy it.

Regarding what Wang Jin said about not having a sniper rifle, let alone Yuan Haoyun didn’t believe it, even the gangsters behind him didn’t believe it. Without a sniper rifle, at such a long distance and with people shaking, he wanted to take a Headshots are really too difficult.

None of them could do it, not even Yuan Haoyun.

At this time, Wang Jin understood it. It turned out that these guys thought that he could shoot headshots with a sniper rifle, and they wanted to see his sniper rifle. This made Wang Jin dumbfounded, but he There is really no sniper rifle!

"The sniper rifle you are talking about, could it be this?"

In front of the crowd, Wang Jin shook the [-] in his hand, which stunned everyone. The [-] in Wang Jin's hand was obviously a [-], as long as it belonged to a bad guy, no one would know it.

"Wang sir, stop joking with us! This is just a .[-], I don't use this kind of gun anymore, the power is too small, you should change it!"

Yuan Haoyun thought that Wang Jin was joking with himself, and persuaded Wang Jin to change to a .[-], which was a more powerful gun, because in their position, the criminals they faced were all repeat offenders, and the firepower in their hands was not weak. Eight is indeed a bit out of date.

Knowing that Yuan Haoyun and the others didn't believe it, Wang Jin didn't argue, but looked around, and then Wang Jin's eyes noticed a bird cage hanging in the air in the distance, and there was a little bird inside the cage, flipping up and down. Fei, the gun battle just now obviously frightened him, and now he seems to be crazy, and he can't calm down at all.

It is at least 50 meters away from the birdcage, but it is no closer than Wang Jin's position on the beam just now.

In this regard, Wang Jin glanced at everyone, then raised his hand and still shot!


With the sound of a gunshot, everyone couldn't help but looked over curiously, and gasped at this sight.

What did they see? The little bird that was still alive and kicking in the cage just now really fell headlong into the cage at this moment, kicked its legs, and stopped moving.

Apparently dead!

Of course, there were still some people who didn't believe that Wang Jin's marksmanship was so good, they still ran to the birdcage, picked it off, and brought it over.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but it's even more shocking when you look at it. They can even stuff a duck egg with their mouths wide open, because Wang Jin's shot not only hit the bird, but a bullet even hit the bird. to the bird's head.

From such a long distance, just hitting a moving bird is already shocking enough, and this bullet even hit the bird's head, which is countless times more difficult than shooting a human headshot. Not counting the obstruction of the birdcage.

The birdcage is also made of metal, and the gap between the two metal rods is very small. If you want to get in the gap, one of the objects that jumps up and down, and hits the head, is so difficult. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Without superb marksmanship, this is absolutely impossible!

With Wang Jin's performance, everyone believed it. They admired Wang Jin's marksmanship. Wang Jin really used a .[-] to shoot a sniper rifle.

With such marksmanship, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Wang Jin is a spear master.

"¨~ Gunslinger, do you accept disciples? I want to learn marksmanship from you!"

"Gun God, don't listen to him, I can practice Sanjiu in the summer, and practice in the winter, and I can also deliver breakfast and do labor, just ask the Gun God to teach me!"


At this moment, all the gangsters surrounded Wang Jin. If they want to be taught by Wang Jin, the gun god, even if they can't become Wang Jin's apprentice, it's good to be taught by Wang Jin. !

Being a messenger is an extremely dangerous job. Sometimes life is in danger. If you can learn good marksmanship, you can at least save your own life during a shootout, and even kill the bandit leader. It is not impossible to get promoted and raise salary for great contributions.

Therefore, being good at marksmanship is really very important for a bad guy.

"Okay, okay! I can give you some pointers, but how much progress can be made depends on the individual, and I can't help you!"

Surrounded by a group of people, Wang Jin's head felt dizzy a few times, so he had no choice but to agree to give advice when he had time, but Wang Jin couldn't guarantee how high these poor guys could improve.

Just like doing all kinds of things with talent, you also need talent to play guns. Without talent, no matter how hard you practice, it is impossible to reach the top level.

"It's okay, as long as the gun god is willing to teach, it's up to us to succeed or not. Isn't there a saying that the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual? Everyone thinks it is not!"

"That's right, that's the truth!"

For a moment, all the messengers nodded in agreement.

Chapter 190 Information Sharing! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

On the side, Yuan Haoyun hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say what he wanted to say, but drove away his subordinates.

"Okay, stop booing around Sir Wang, spread out, spread out!"

As soon as the boss said this, all the messengers immediately dispersed and got busy. For example, the guns on the ground needed to be confiscated, so they couldn't be left behind.

Seeing his subordinates scattered, Yuan Haoyun smiled and said to Wang Jin.

"I'm sorry, Wang sir, my subordinates have never seen the world, so forgive me!"

"It's okay! They are all my brothers, so there is no need to say polite words!"

Wang Jin waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind.

"Then Wang sir, what are you going to do next? Your target is already here!" Yuan Haoyun said.

"There will always be a way, don't be in a hurry!"

Of course, Wang Jin can't say that he already knows who is behind the Arms Group. As long as he follows the clues to check, he will definitely find out that the Arms Group is gone. Especially Wang Jin still remembers that there is another Liang Chaowei in the plot of this movie. The lead actor is an undercover agent who has been undercover inside the arms group. Only 840 needs to find this person. All of Wang Jin's problems can be easily solved, and he is even making a great contribution.

While Wang Jin was chatting with Yuan Haoyun, the messenger's army finally arrived, together with the army, and Yuan Haoyun's boss.

As soon as he entered the scene, Yuan Haoyun's boss didn't care about Yuan Haoyun, but looked around. He saw a target he wanted to capture alive for a long time, lying in a pool of blood, his muscles twitched from time to time, seeing that he couldn't survive.

All of a sudden, Yuan Haoyun's boss lost his temper, and when he came in front of Yuan Haoyun, he scolded him head and face.

"You, Yuan Haoyun, are so capable! You dared to attack so many innocent people in a teahouse. Have you considered the consequences, and do you know that the person lying there is that we have been tracking them down for a long time and have always wanted to capture them alive. A witness who can convict the arms group? As long as he opens his mouth, the case will be over, how can I say hello! Should you say you are stupid, or that you are stupid like a pig!"

Yuan Haoyun's boss, this scolding really didn't save Yuan Haoyun any face, and he didn't have any scruples about having Wang Jin, an outsider (ceei), beside him.

Perhaps, it was because Yuan Haoyun ruined his long-prepared plan, which really made him very angry.

And Yuan Haoyun lowered his head in embarrassment and didn't speak. He was also anxious to solve the case. Then he got the news and brought his brothers here. But he didn't expect the firepower of the gangsters to be really strong. If it wasn't for Wang Jin today , he and his brothers must have suffered a heavy loss.

The bandit lying on the ground that his boss pointed out was not killed by Yuan Haoyun and his men, but by Wang Jin. Yuan Haoyun, who was just a loyal man, was going to carry it down alone, and he was not going to say anything about Wang Jin. name.

Firstly, if there is no Wang Jin today, no one can tell what the situation will be like today. Secondly, he destroyed Wang Jin's plan and wanted to make up for Wang Jin, so he didn't say anything about Wang Jin. things.

But does Wang Jin need Yuan Haoyun like this?

No need at all!

"This sir, as a police officer, you shouldn't be so irritable. When a police officer handles a case, there will always be unpredictable situations. If it weren't for me today, all your subordinates might be lying here, waiting for you Arrange a cemetery for them, compared with the lives of the brothers, what are you talking about? We are bad guys, representing the people and the police force of Xiangjiang, we can have the confidence to fail once, but those arms groups can fail once Is the person you mentioned just now killed by me, if you have any comments, you can tell me!"

Although Wang Jin also hated Yuan Haoyun's self-assertion, but as a comrade-in-arms who had just carried a gun together, he really couldn't stand it, and Wang Jin didn't want Yuan Haoyun to help him take the blame, because it would make Wang Jin feel that he owed others .

"Who are you! I'm going to teach my subordinates, I don't care about you! Also this is the scene of the crime, what are you doing here as an outsider? Who allowed you to be here!"

At this time, Yuan Haoyun's boss noticed Wang Jin's existence. He really didn't notice Wang Jin much before, but now that Wang Jin opened his mouth, he noticed Wang Jin.

"I am the senior supervisor of O Ji. If you have any comments on me, you can contact my superior directly. As for why I am here, I don't think I need to tell you! This is our O Ji's secret, no matter what. I can tell you!"

Seeing that Yuan Haoyun's boss had a bad attitude towards him, Wang Jin didn't bother to please him. He had a cold face and was doing business. Anyway, he and Yuan Haoyun's boss were not in the same system. Even if Yuan Haoyun's boss had a higher position than him, he didn't care. to his business.

"Okay, okay! O note, right! I remember, you beat that person to death just now, I'm not wrong, am I right! You wait for me to call your boss and make a complaint!"

Yuan Haoyun's boss was also pissed off by Wang Jin's attitude. A small senior supervisor, who was two levels behind him, dared to talk to him like this, really lawless!

"Welcome! Waiting for your complaint call at any time!"

Wang Jin looked lazy and didn't care at all. He didn't care about this kind of person, and he didn't look at what he looked like when he came up. Wang Jin dared to say that even if Yuan Haoyun's boss called O Ji to complain, he would Nothing will happen, and no one will even mention it to Wang Jin.

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