But just when Wang Jin wanted to open the treasure chest subconsciously, he suddenly realized that something seemed wrong. The system prompted just now seemed to be not an ordinary treasure chest.

Subconsciously, Wang Jin looked towards the system panel, and sure enough, a golden treasure chest with bright golden light and rich colors was waiting to be opened in the system.

The golden treasure box has a golden color all over it, like a gold casting, and it is exquisitely carved with various lifelike auspicious and fierce beasts.

In addition, on the top of the golden treasure chest, there is also a fist-sized ruby ​​inlaid, shining with a charming halo.

Just looking at this external performance, it is completely different from those coquettish and lowly goods such as bronze treasure chests and supercilious treasure chests.

"Fuck, shit, shit! The golden treasure chest!"

Wang Jin cried out three times in a row, and jumped up from the boss's chair in excitement. It's no wonder that Wang Jin was extremely excited.

The long-awaited golden treasure chest finally appeared in front of Wang Jin.

"System, is there any difference between the golden treasure chest and the silver treasure chest? Why is there such a big difference in appearance?"

Wang Jin also opened a silver treasure chest, but compared with the gold treasure chest in front of him, the silver treasure chest is like a poor man's low-end treasure chest. Except that it is silver and has some silver light shining, it is not the same as the bronze treasure chest. no difference.

It's not as gorgeous as a golden treasure chest at all!

"Host, starting from the golden treasure chest, the treasure chests have gradually entered the advanced stage. The golden treasure chest is the lowest level among the high-level treasure chests. In the future, higher-level treasure chests will only become more and more gorgeous, and the items that are opened will also be more expensive. It will become more and more mysterious and powerful, and it is not impossible to even create an item that can ascend to immortality in one step, or directly become a god! So please don't be so surprised, the host!"

The system's notification sound resolved Wang Jin's doubts. No wonder the difference between the golden treasure chest and the silver treasure chest is so huge.

It turned out that the golden treasure chest was considered a high-level treasure chest, while the silver treasure chest was just a low-level treasure chest.

The difference between high-level and low-level is naturally unreasonable, even for the lowest level of high-level treasure chests.

"This is the first high-level treasure chest in history! I don't know what kind of good things can be opened, I hope I won't be disappointed!"

Wang Jin rubbed his hands excitedly, wanting to open this golden treasure chest immediately, but worried that he would be unlucky if he opened this treasure chest, it would be a big loss!

Immediately, Wang Jin still decided to wash his hands, burn incense, and come to open this golden treasure chest. Although it may be psychological comfort, it is better than doing nothing.

Wang Jin went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and then burned three sticks of incense to Second Master Guan, praying for his good luck.

After finishing these, Wang Jin returned to his office and replied to the system.

"Open the treasure chest!"

"Host, the treasure chest has been confirmed to be opened, yes, no!"


Wang Jin couldn't wait to yell yes, and then the golden treasure chest exploded with golden light, and even a golden rain fell in Wang Jin's office.

It's just that in this situation, only Wang Jin can see it!

"Congratulations to the host, the treasure chest has been successfully opened, and a cobra tactical assassination unit has been obtained, which will be loyal to the death, the number of people is 100/100!"

The system's prompt sounded in Wang Jin's ear, and Wang Jin reacted instantly, and opened something by himself.

Wang Jin had sold various items in 907 before, but it was the first time to sell a person, and it was not just one person, but a hundred people at once, which simply exceeded Wang Jin's expectations.

"System, can people come out of the golden treasure chest?" Wang Jin asked the system with some doubts.

"Yes, host! Starting from the golden treasure chest, it is possible to open humanoid creatures from the heavens and myriad worlds, but the chances are not too high! The host's luck is pretty good!"

The systematic explanation can also be regarded as a solution to Wang Jin's doubts, why he has not opened a humanoid creature before, and it turns out that it is only possible to open it if it is above the golden treasure box.

"Then where is the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad I got? It can't just appear in my office out of thin air, right?"

Wang Jin was a little worried. If a hundred people appeared in his office out of thin air, with enough weapons and ammunition to fight, how would he explain it to others?

"The host doesn't have to worry. The Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad will not appear out of thin air. When the host receives this reward, they have already appeared in this world and have arranged their identities reasonably. The host just needs to wait for them to appear and contact you!"

The systematic explanation immediately made Wang Jin heave a sigh of relief, as long as it didn't appear out of thin air, it would be fine, but Wang Jin was very curious about what identity was assigned to this team? .

Chapter 290 The Nine Leader Appears! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"System, can you tell me? Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, what identity is assigned in this world?"

Wang Jin is naturally full of curiosity about the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad. You must know that wanting to become a member of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad is not something that can be done casually.

It needs to go through a series of arduous and rigorous training, and then through actual combat selection, only the most elite can enter the Cobra, so every member of the Cobra is no worse than the elite special forces of various countries, and even come stronger.

Such an army of hundreds of people cannot be arranged casually.

"The Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad cannot disclose its identity according to the rules. Please wait patiently for the host to contact you!"

Seeing that the system couldn't get an answer, Wang Jin didn't continue to ask. Anyway, the products produced by the system are all high-quality products, and the sentence of sworn allegiance to the death is not fake.

Under the control of the system, all this is impossible!

For the appearance of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, Wang Jin was naturally overjoyed. In the future, with this group of elite troops belonging to him alone, if Wang Jin had any inconvenient actions in the future, he would not have to order Li Jie all the time.

Although Li Jie never minded that Wang Jin bothered him, but now that Li Jie has started a company and became the boss, it is inconvenient for him to do some things secretly.

The boss of a security company like this has many people staring at him. Wang Jin doesn't want Li Jie, a security company, to be blacklisted and investigated before it grows.

"Hope, they can know my news earlier and contact me!"

Since he couldn't contact the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, Wang Jin could only wait for the Cobra Tactical Squad to contact him.

The golden treasure chest accidentally opened an assassination team, Wang Jin can be said to be satisfied.

At least, this assassination team is what Wang Jin is in urgent need of.

While Wang Jin was thinking about the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, he was in a hidden castle in the deep mountains abroad.

Commander of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, Caesar!

Through a special channel, an order was issued to urgently recall all members of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad!

The members of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad who were performing missions all over the world, after receiving this order, whether the mission was complete or not, all suspended their operations and gathered towards the castle.

A day later, in the underground meeting of the castle.

A long conference table, which may be the largest in the world, is placed here, and a hundred gorgeous chairs are placed one by one.On the back of each chair, there is a label, which is everyone's nickname.

In the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, except for the name of the commander, Emperor Caesar, which is well known, the identities of all others are kept secret, and there is only one code name among them.

One hundred people with different skin colors, men, women and children, all of them will fill up one hundred seats.

And at the very head of the conference table, there are two positions, one is placed in the center, it can be called the most gorgeous and noble chair among all the chairs, the dark gold color and exquisite carvings all show this chair The owner of the chair has a distinguished status.

But there was no sitting on this chair, it was empty, and beside this chair, there was another chair, and the one sitting on it was none other than Caesar the Great!

"Everyone, I want to tell you a piece of good news! The leader of our King Cobra organization has appeared~"! "

When Caesar saw that everyone was present, he immediately announced a news that caused countless waves in the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad.

"What? The leader finally showed up? Where is he now? Let's go find him!"

"The leader, Shenlong, can't see the end. After he founded the King Cobra organization a few years ago, he disappeared mysteriously. No one knows his whereabouts. Even if we do our best to investigate, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. How can there be news suddenly? Is it? It can't be fake, right?"

"I also think that according to the leader himself, if he wants to hide, we can't find him at all, right?"

In the eyes of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Team, Wang Jin is like a god. They worship Wang Jin extremely, not only worshiping Wang Jin's strength, but also grateful to Wang Jin for founding this organization and giving them everything!

Without Wang Jin, there would be no Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, and there would be no such powerful King Cobra organization in the world.

These people started from scratch, and now enjoy a luxurious life, drive supercars, live in luxury houses, wear famous brands, date top beauties, and enjoy everything that rich people can enjoy, all thanks to the leader.

Therefore, they are extremely loyal to the leader, never have the heart of rebellion, of course they dare not, in their memory implanted by the system, they are deeply afraid of the strength of the leader, as if he is no longer human, but a god.

"¨~No, you are all wrong! This time the leader exposed himself! Look!"

The lights in the conference room gradually dimmed, and on the wall behind Caesar, the mechanism was activated, revealing a large screen composed of more than a dozen TVs, and what was projected on the large screen was Wang Jin in the shark tank. The scene of fighting with sharks.

The video was not long, and soon in the video, Wang Jin killed several sharks and rescued people!

"(Nuo's Zhao) Does anyone have any doubts now? People may look alike, everyone who sits here knows this, and must have encountered it, but this person's skill undoubtedly reveals that he is the leader! Can kill six sharks in the water, I think there is no one who can do it!"

Caesar waited for everyone to finish watching the video before asking questions.

As soon as he said this, everyone present lowered their heads. Even those who thought they were the best in water skills did not dare to say that they could easily and unscathed the six great white sharks surrounded by them. The killing call.

In their minds, the only one who can do this is their leader, the man who claims to be omnipotent!

"Presumably everyone has finished watching this video, and shouldn't be doubting the identity of the leader! Then I will send someone to contact the leader!" Caesar said as he scanned the audience.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------



"I also agree!"


"Since more than half of the people agree, then I will personally contact the leader and get in touch with the leader. During this period, no one is allowed to contact the leader without authorization, because the status of the leader is very special now. We must be careful not to give If people are watching, it will bring trouble to the leader!"

Caesar looked at everyone and ordered solemnly.

Although the King Cobra organization is powerful, its strength is intertwined and deeply rooted in the dark underground world, but it does not mean that the King Cobra organization has no enemies. After all, the King Cobra organization is strong, and it is impossible for an organization to single out the entire world .

And as long as the entire world cannot be singled out, there will always be enemies, and the King Cobra organization has two very powerful enemies.

One is ICPO, the most powerful international law enforcement organization in the world, and the other is an organization that wants to replace the status of the King Cobra organization. This organization is also very mysterious. In the first fight, they failed to collect all the opponent's intelligence.


However, the opponent's organization is not in the hands of the King Cobra organization, so it is of no benefit. As long as they meet the official members of the Cobra Tactical Squad, they will always be wiped out.

After several times, this organization also began to learn how to behave. Instead of starting with the core members, it wanted to cut off the peripheral members of the King Cobra Organization first, and the peripheral members of the King Cobra Organization exceeded one hundred thousand. Congregation, distributed all over the world, all walks of life, they are dedicated to serving the official members of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad.

After all, the people of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad are awesome, they are human beings, and they also need to eat and drink. If no one specially arranges these for them, reducing their worries, the prestige of the King Cobra organization will not be well-known Underground world.

"We understand!"

The members of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad obeyed this order. Commander Caesar, can be said to be the most mysterious person in the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, except for the leader of the Dragon, who almost never shows up. He commands everything by remote control. There are no photos and information left in the world.

Except for the regular members of the Cobra Tactical Team, few people knew of Caesar's existence, not even ICPO and that mysterious organization knew of Caesar's existence, so it was the best result for Caesar to contact the leader.

"Since there is no objection, let's dismiss it! Go to complete your own tasks. If the leader returns, I will notify you to come to the meeting!"

With a word from Caesar, he announced the dissolution of the meeting, and all members of the tactical assassination team left.

"Butler, help me book a ticket to Xiangjiang, the sooner the better!"

"My pleasure! Sir! Willing to serve you!"

An old man with gray hair and a gentleman's uniform came to Caesar politely and accepted Caesar's order.

It didn't take long for Caesar, who pretended to be a successful businessman, to get on the plane to Xiangjiang. The plane pierced the sky and rushed towards Xiangjiang.


Sitting bored in the office, Wang Jin read the newspaper while drinking coffee, and entered the life of the elderly in advance.

Leisurely and comfortable, loose and comfortable!

Flipping through the newspapers, Wang Jin found that the newspapers were full of old-fashioned things, or some gossip about the entertainment industry, which were really lackluster and meaningless.

Just when Wang Jin was about to throw the newspaper aside and was not going to read it, a huge headline suddenly turned over, attracting Wang Jin's attention.

The terrorist group publicly clamored for the certain government to release their people. If they did not release (ceei) their people at the appointed time, they would launch retaliatory actions.

And this title also quoted a big quotation mark!

Wang Jin read the content carefully and found that the whole article was ridiculing terrorist groups. He felt that they were sensationalizing, so he dared to take action against a certain government, because there has never been a terrorist organization in the world that dared to disclose Shout out to the government of such and such.

It was not that there were no arrogant terrorist organizations in the past, but under the pervasive investigation of the intelligence department, there is no leftover scum that was crushed, so there are not many terrorist organizations in the world that are really successful, they are all small No one cares about the propaganda of terrorist groups.

Many people subconsciously thought that it was a terrorist group and wanted to recruit troops, so they came out to create a sense of presence.

Therefore, the tone of the newspaper was extremely mocking, telling the terrorists to act quickly, but after Wang Jin read the report, he frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

As for why he feels that way, it can only be said to be Wang Jin's sixth sense!

Just when Wang Jin was about to study carefully what was going on with this terrorist group, there was a knock on his office door.

Boom boom boom!

"Please come in!"

The door of Wang Jin's office was opened, and the reception staff of O Ji came in.

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