"Wang sir, a foreigner came outside and said he came to see you! He said he has an appointment with you!"

Wang Jin was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't date anyone!

Not to mention a foreigner, but Wang Jin still decided to see who was looking for him, or how dare Wang Jin be a master of art!

He obviously didn't make an appointment with anyone, yet Wang Jin dared to easily agree to an appointment.

"It's my appointment! You bring him in!"

"Okay, sir!"

The reception staff got Wang Jin's permission, and quickly left Wang Jin's office, brought the blond foreigner to Wang Jin's office, and closed the door of the office with great eyesight.

For a while, only Wang Jin and the blond foreigner were left in the office. The foreigner looked at Wang Jin and didn't speak, but suddenly shot a black light from his hand towards Wang Jin. Wang Jin didn't feel it. With the slightest killing intent, Wu Guang was caught directly, and it turned out to be a cobra hidden weapon.

Seeing this hidden weapon, Wang Jin subconsciously understood who the person in front of him was!

"sit down!"

Wang Jin put away the concealed weapon, and beckoned the other party to sit down, and the other party sat down obediently.

"How did you find me?"

"Because of that video of you fighting a shark!"

Caesar, a blond foreigner, did not hide Wang Jin's question, and just said it outright. If there was no video, they would probably have to work hard to find Wang Jin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So it is!"

Wang Jin did not expect that it would be the video of him fighting the great white shark that made the Cobra Tactical Assassination Team find him so quickly.

"Boss, the purpose of my visit this time is to let you go back and preside over the overall situation!"

Caesar's absolute loyalty to Wang Jin would naturally not harm Wang Jin. The purpose of his coming to contact Wang Jin was to let Wang Jin return to the King Cobra organization to take power, because in Caesar's view, Wang Jin's current situation The status is simply not worthy of the status of Shang Wang Jin's leader.

A mere governor of Xiangjiang inspected it, but Caesar really didn’t notice it. He killed a lot of heads of state, let alone a small governor. It's really embarrassing.

As long as Wang Jin returns to King Cobra to take power, he will be able to influence the world situation immediately. After all, the strength of a huge organization of 10,000+ people must not be underestimated. Otherwise, ICPO will not keep staring at the King Cobra organization. Let it go, thinking about it day and night, I want to get rid of the King Cobra organization. It is really because the threat of the King Cobra organization is too great.

According to the strength and structure of the King Cobra organization, they can even easily subvert a small country.

"It's okay to go back and preside over the overall situation. I'm still very satisfied with my current life, and I can also preside over the overall situation here. Tell me about the current situation!"

Just kidding, Wang Jin is doing a good job, why should he give up?

Going to be in charge of the King Cobra organization is certainly a good idea, and it can mobilize countless people, but it doesn't mean that Wang Jin has to give up his current identity!

Wang Jin managed to get to this position with great difficulty. Seeing that there is still a higher future ahead, how could Wang Jin give up? It is good to be in power in the King Cobra organization, but that is only a secret identity, and it is not visible. On the bright side, Wang Jin still needs an identity, but at present, this identity, Wang Jin thinks is very suitable and saves trouble.

"Yes! Leader! Since you disappeared, the King Cobra organization has been growing day by day. In addition to a hundred members of the official tactical assassination team, there are nearly 11 peripheral members on the periphery of the organization. Some of them don’t know the secrets of the organization, they just serve the organization, help the organization earn money and inquire about information! These people are now scattered all over the world, and most of them are also engaged in all walks of life, doing everything!”

Caesar explained to Wang Jin the current structure of the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad.

Wang Jin originally thought that it would be nice to get a Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad, but he didn't expect that there was also a buy one get one free, and a super powerful organization as a gift.

Four five six three four eight seven seven zero [Lan Tian]

"You guys did a good job!" Wang Jin praised Caesar.

Wang Jin really has nothing to say. The Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad has grown to this point. What else can Wang Jin say?

Could there be any dissatisfaction?

To achieve this level, the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad has reached its limit. Even Wang Jin did not expect that the strength of the King Cobra organization could be so strong.

"Boss, even if you don't go back, at least find a chance to meet them! They really want to see you, but I stopped them, so they didn't come to you!"

Wang Jin didn't want to go back, so Caesar obeyed the order. After all, Wang Jin is the supreme leader and the soul of this organization.

"I'll take a look when I find time! Let's decide the time!"

As for his subordinates, Wang Jin also wants to meet, but not now, he has a post after all, and he has to manage a lot of things, and it's not during vacation or there are special tasks on top, so he can't It's been too long since I left Xiangjiang.

Regarding Wang Jin's reply, Caesar nodded earnestly. He basically achieved his purpose of looking for Wang Jin this time.

"Boss, if you have anything to do in Xiangjiang, please contact this number. His name is Ghost, and he is basically based in Xiangjiang. He will help you solve all the troubles. I will let him know. Even the ghosts can't solve it, I will call other people to come over!"

The leader is now basically stationed in Xiangjiang, so he must have manpower at his disposal. Caesar thought for a while, and finally remembered that one of the official members of the Cobra Tactical Squad was basically active in Xiangjiang all the year round, so he reported A number was given to Wang Jin, and Wang Jin asked him to find him if he had anything to deal with.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

Wang Jin remembered this number in his heart, and with this ghost, Wang Jin would not need to go to battle in person for many things that needed to be done secretly in the future.

"The leader! Then I will leave first, and I look forward to the day when you come to the headquarters as soon as possible!"

Caesar stood up and gave Wang Jin a special etiquette that only official members of the Cobra Tactical Squad could understand.

It means to offer the most loyal respect to the noble leader!

After performing this ceremony, Caesar left, and Wang Jin sent him outside the door. After Caesar was gone, Wang Jin returned to the boss chair, picked up the newspaper, and carefully chewed the news that he had just read. .

......... 0 ......

I don't know why, but he always has an ominous premonition that what the terrorists say is not for nothing. If they really don't let people go, maybe the terrorists really dare to do anything.

Wang Jin was also thinking about this matter to make a reminder, but the words are slight, and there is no evidence, even if Wang Jin reminded, no one would believe what Wang Jin said. In this case, Wang Jin still It's better not to say anything at all.

However, this matter still left an impression in Wang Jin's heart. He always felt that if this matter really went according to what he thought, he might be the one who took over the case in the end. That's why Wang Jin had one more person. mind.

Sure enough, Wang Jin's premonition was always very effective in this kind of thing. More than a week later, a terrorist attack really happened abroad, for the purpose of releasing the hostages.

The behavior of the terrorists also caused a big wave of exaggeration and shocked countless people. After Wang Jin heard the news, he was also very shocked. At the same time, Wang Jin also had a premonition that someone might come to him soon .

Sure enough, Wang Jin's guess was not wrong. When Wang Jin saw the news, in another place, many people were already struggling to deal with this matter. Compromise is impossible. It's a headache for them to ask who will handle this matter!

And Wang Jin is one of the candidates!Long.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A certain country wants to catch these terrorists, and has set up a net for this purpose, but these terrorists are not fools, and naturally they will not fall into the trap and fall into the designed trap.

After finishing the retaliatory action, they left early, so that the people of a certain country could only look at the ocean and sigh, but there was nothing they could do.

After these terrorists left the country, they spoke out again. If the people in their organization are not released, they will face their crazy revenge.

This time, the news was completely popular, and Xiangjiang also reported it extensively, because there were gossip that Xiangjiang was also one of the targets of terrorist revenge.

As for whether Xiangjiang is the target of terrorists, only those terrorists and God know.

No "[-]", even if it's just that, Xiangjiang will take it seriously. After all, they are terrorists who dare to provoke a certain country, and they are not ordinary small-time thieves. of.

Therefore, the headquarters held an impromptu high-level meeting on this matter to discuss how to deal with these terrorists and how to prevent them from committing crimes in Xiangjiang!

Although this is a high-level meeting at the headquarters, Wang Jin has also been notified that he can go to the headquarters to hold a meeting together, because it is authorized by the first brother.

When Wang Jin came to the conference room of the headquarters, there were already a lot of people in the conference room, including the political department, the security department, the heads of the police stations, and Wang Jin, a newcomer.

Anyway, this meeting is not limited to the inside of the poor, it is an expanded strategic meeting that concerns the safety of the entire Xiangjiang River.

"Ah Jin, here we come! There is no place to sit! Sit here!"

When Wang Jin entered the office, his eyes were darkened. This was the first time he had come to this kind of meeting, and he didn't know where to sit!

Who knows, is there any doorway and sayings in it?

Just when Wang Jin hesitated to sit there, Uncle Biao, who had been there for a long time, greeted Wang Jin and asked Wang Jin to sit beside him.

Wang Jin looked at the scene and found that there were no acquaintances. After being an acquaintance of Uncle Biao for the time being, Wang Jin naturally approached the past subconsciously. After all, he was an acquaintance and an old leader. It's better not to know!

When he came to Uncle Biao, Uncle Biao patted Wang Jin on the shoulder and asked.

"This is the first time you have a meeting like this, how do you feel?"

"To be honest, I'm a bit confused! I haven't figured it out yet!"

Naturally, Wang Jin answered honestly. Regarding this kind of meeting, he was indeed a little confused, and didn't know what kind of attitude he should take to deal with this meeting.

"It's your first time here, so you'll get used to it gradually. Sit next to me later, don't listen too much, just wait until the meeting is over!"

Uncle Biao is obviously very experienced. He has long been familiar with participating in this kind of meeting. He has his own experience and is teaching Wang Jin.

Naturally, Wang Jin also listened to Uncle Biao's experience, and when he was not chatting with Uncle Biao, he sat there quietly like a statue, watching his mouth and nose, nose and heart, and the old god was at ease , not moving like a mountain.

Soon, one entered the meeting room. The people who were sitting on the chairs chatting and kicking farts, when they saw one coming in, they all stood up subconsciously, stared at brother one, and made a welcome gift.

Brother Yi stood at the main seat and waved his hands to everyone in the conference room.

"Everyone sit down! The meeting is now!"

After getting permission from the first brother, everyone sat down.

"Presumably everyone has guessed it. The purpose of my calling everyone to this meeting is to deal with those terrorists! The behavior of those terrorists is very arrogant. I think you all know that their revenge actions have made the upper echelons very angry. It is annoyed that they set up a net, but it is a pity that those cunning terrorists escaped. Now there are rumors that the next target of those terrorists is Xiangjiang. Although this is just a rumor and its authenticity has not been confirmed, we as The largest law enforcement agency in Xiangjiang must do a good job of prevention! Don’t let those terrorists have a chance to succeed! If something happens, the higher-ups will blame me, and I won’t be able to keep my position, nor yours! Do you understand?”

Brother Yi is one after all, he speaks differently, and he will tell everyone bluntly, everyone will give me some snacks for this matter, if something goes wrong, I will be dismissed... then everyone better not After playing, he has to drag a few away before going into the water.

"Director, don't worry, we will do our best to prevent the terrorists from having the slightest chance to succeed!"

Those who spoke were from the Political Department. They were one of the most powerful departments in the Xiangjiang police force. The people inside, except for some grassroots personnel, were all ghosts. Don't bother with the Political Department.

To be able to say such a thing, the political department is already very face-saving.

"Our security department will do our best!"

People from the political department all came out to express their views. As people from the security department, they naturally had to come out to express their views.

As soon as the two parties expressed their views, Brother Yi's face brightened a little. He was afraid that the Political Department and the Security Department would hold him back, so he held the meeting.

With the first statements made by the two parties, the remaining police stations also expressed that they would do their best.

Even Wang Jin followed suit and said a few words, O Ji will work hard, and will not let terrorists take advantage of it and so on.

Anyway, everyone said so in 4.8, Wang Jin also does not seek meritorious deeds, but only seeks to be free from faults.

"Since everyone says they will do their best, is there any practical plan to prevent terrorists from destroying Xiangjiang?"

Brother Yi looked around the meeting room and asked this question.

Many people in the conference room were lost in thought. There have always been only those who have been thieves for a thousand days, but not those who have been guarding against thieves for a thousand days. If you want to prevent terrorists from destroying Xiangjiang, you must solve it from the source.

But terrorists are not so easy to find. Once they cast a wide net, it is likely to arouse the vigilance of terrorists.

More serious results may make terrorists take risks, thus causing greater panic and riots! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I think the best way is to strictly investigate! Strictly block the ports, airports and other traffic arteries, and carefully check those who enter Xiangjiang. They must confirm their identities before they can enter Xiangjiang! People with unknown origins , we will detain them first, and when the investigation finds that there is no problem at all, we will send them back to the country!"

The person in charge of the Political Department saw that no one spoke to answer Brother Yi's question, so he simply spoke up and laid out his plan.

Most of the people in the political department are ghosts, and they don't care what will happen to Xiangjiang after it is under martial law.

Most of them just want to keep the position under their buttocks. For them, as long as there are no major mistakes, the higher-ups will not hold them accountable. With their connections and connections, they can sit in high positions, so they The idea is that there is no big mistake if you are careful!

"I don't agree with this. It will have too much impact on Xiangjiang, and it will easily cause a panic atmosphere among civilians. Once the panic atmosphere reaches a critical point, no one knows what will happen, and the consequences may even be worse than those caused by terrorist attacks." The effect may be even more serious!"

The head of the security department who came to the meeting, 24, was not a ghost, he was a native of Xiangjiang, and from the interests of Xiangjiang, he knew very well what kind of unknown consequences would be brewed in the end.

This is a responsibility that none of them here can bear. All the heads of the security department do not agree with the plan of martial law.

"I agree with the opinion of the Political Department!"

"I agree with the opinion of the Security Department!"


In front of Wang Jin, a good show was soon staged, and it has reached such a critical moment, but the people from the Political Department and the Security Department are still fighting.

There is a huge difference in opinion, and no one can convince anyone!

Even, their two departments also brought a lot of people to support their respective plans, which also made Wang Jin quite interesting.

He had always heard that there were many hills and serious factions inside the police system. At first, Wang Jin thought he was joking, because Wang Jin didn't seem to see any factions or ideological disputes along the way.

This is actually Wang Jin's own fault. He was promoted too fast, relying on his own solid achievements to climb up. Before he had time to be branded as a faction, he had already half-legged into the top ranks. in the middle of the circle.

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