Inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⑨

It's not that no one imagined Wang Jin throwing an olive branch, but before they could do it, Wang Jin was first promoted by the first brother, that is to say, from this moment on, Wang Jin also had the shadow of a faction.

Wang Jin himself is a brand new faction, or Wang Jin is from Brother Yi's side.

It doesn't matter, Wang Jin himself admits you, as long as the first brother doesn't deny it, in the eyes of others, Wang Jin is the first brother's person, whoever tells the first brother not to be promoted, promotes Wang Jin!

Although Wang Jin's merits are really solid, there are some things that can't be solved by strong merits.

Merit only plays an important role in it. If there is no roll call by the first brother, Wang Jin will not be able to climb to the top position so quickly even if his merits are in Niucha.

It was precisely because of Brother Yi's personal roll call and the cheers of Brother Yi's cronies that many people were willing to save face and did not block Wang Jin's way.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Wang Jin at this time is still playing soy sauce in the middle and lower levels, so how could he sit here and have a meeting with many big shots?

"Okay, stop arguing! I don't think your methods are very good! There is nothing to argue about!"

The first brother was also a little overwhelmed by the dispute between the two parties. Whether it is martial law or not, the point is not here, but the factions of the two hilltops are fighting for power and profit.

This kind of atmosphere still needs to be stopped in time, so the first brother directly slapped the table, interrupting the argument between the two parties.

Seeing that brother one was furious, no matter whether it was the people from the political department or the security department, they all fell silent. After all, this is the headquarters, and brother one is the biggest, so they still have to show some face.

The first brother rubbed his temples, and suddenly found Wang Jin who was sitting on the old god at ease, like a clay bodhisattva, and said immediately.

"Wang Jin, I asked you to come to this meeting, and you can also tell everyone your opinion! After all, in terms of merit, most of the people present are not as good as you, and you have solved many cases. expert!"


Wang Jin, who was sitting at ease at first, listened to the argument between the two parties, just like buying vegetables in the vegetable market. It was lively and interesting. Give the roll call.

Wang Jin was almost unprepared and didn't know what to say, so he turned his eyes to the crowd of Uncle Biao for help, Uncle Biao gave Wang Jin a suggestive look, and gently spit out his own words with his mouth.

"Say whatever you want, as long as it's not the same as the two of them!"

Although Uncle Biao's voice was weak, Wang Jin could hear it clearly. Although he didn't know what Uncle Biao's intentions were, Wang Jin felt that Uncle Biao would not harm him, so he said it right away. .

"Director, I think the best way is to loosen the outside and tighten the inside. We can reduce the number of patrolling policemen to confuse the terrorists and make them think that we are not prepared. Then we secretly increase the number of plainclothes manpower. Let them secretly patrol the airport, the port and other places to see who is suspicious, but we can't catch them here, but we have to take a long time to catch big fish and find out their action plans and plans. Only after knowing their plans and action plans can we make targeted arrangements, or even set up traps, so that these terrorists can get into the traps we designed and kill them all!"

The more Wang Jin talked, the more excited he became. Anyway, Uncle Biao asked him to talk casually, so he can talk casually, as long as it is different from the two families just now. Wang Jin took the advantages of the two families and combined them together. Together, and thus got the plan he is talking about now.

And following Wang Jin's detailed description of the plan, both the political department and the security department have seen the flaws in their plan. Their argument just now is actually meaningless. If they are really used The way, maybe the terrorists will find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Compared with Wang Jin's plan, their plan is full of loopholes!

But Wang Jin's plan is much more cautious in this aspect, and it can be seen that Wang Jin can get so much credit, there are really real materials in it! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Just follow Wang Jin's plan, you all stop arguing!"

After listening to Wang Jin's plan, the first brother's eyes lit up. Wang Jin's plan really touched his heart. It was more practical and effective than the proposals proposed by the Political Department and the Security Department, and had less impact on Xiangjiang.

As the first brother who is already at the top of the poor pyramid, he has basically reached the ceiling of power. Even if he is promoted, he can't be promoted by fighting a few terrorists.

On the contrary, as long as Xiangjiang is prosperous and stable without turmoil, it is a great achievement for him.

So he naturally supports Wang Jin, because Wang Jin's method not only minimizes the impact on Xiangjiang, but also helps to deploy and control those terrorists. .

The guys from the Political Department and the Security Department could only hold back their flags when they saw Brother Yi's support, mainly because they really didn't have any objections to Wang Jin's proposal.

Wang Jin's plan was originally obtained by combining their respective strengths. If he refuted Wang Jin's plan, wouldn't he be saying that there was something wrong with his plan in disguise?

They won't do this kind of thing that slaps themselves in the face.

In the end, the meeting was decided by Brother Yi, and it was unanimously agreed to follow the guidelines proposed by Wang Jin.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed. Uncle Biao, Director Lin, and Wang Jin left the headquarters together.

Along the way, both Uncle Biao and Director Lin gave Wang Jin a thumbs-up, but they didn't praise him, but appreciated Wang Jin's courage.

As a newcomer, in such a scene, I really dare to say anything, without thinking about the consequences.

"How dare you say it, I just asked you to say a few words casually, just deal with the errands, it's all right now, don't look at your appearance, you have the support of the first brother, but you offended the Political Department and the Security Department all at once People from the two departments, you'd better keep a low profile in the future, lest they put on your shoes for you and make trouble for you~"! "

Uncle Biao persuaded Wang Jin that as Wang Jin's old leader, he would tell Wang Jin these things, and Uncle Biao would never remind ordinary people.

In fact, with so many people meeting, is there really no one with better opinions than the Political Department and the Security Department?

Of course not, it's just that these people have already selected their teams, or they know how to protect themselves wisely, and they don't want to stand up and offend the two major forces, the Political Department and the Security Department.

Wang Jin did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns in such a small high-level meeting.

However, if you offend, you will be offended, so what else?

Could it be possible to turn back time and let Wang Jin go back and make a choice?

"It's mediocre not to be envied by others. As handsome and talented as I am, even if I don't offend the Political Department and the Security Department, won't they mess with me? As long as I'm not in the same camp as them, I'm afraid I'll be troubled by them! "

Wang Jin waved his hands, and said to Uncle Biao and Director Lin with a nonchalant expression.

After saying this, although Wang Jin was suspected of bragging, neither Uncle Biao nor Director Lin had any intention of refuting.

They don't comment on Wang Jin's handsomeness, but they definitely recognize Wang Jin's talent.

It is not too much to meet once in a hundred years, otherwise Wang Jin would not be able to rush from an ordinary poor guy to such a high position in a short period of time.

"Anyway, just be careful yourself!"

"Yes! There is nothing wrong with being careful!"

Uncle Biao and Director Lin reminded Wang Jin again as people who had been there, and parted ways with Wang Jin at the gate of the headquarters.

They have to go back and make arrangements, otherwise, if terrorists appear in their jurisdiction, if they don't respond, it will be a big trouble.

As for the results of this high-level meeting, the messengers in the whole Xiangjiang also started to act.

The number of policemen patrolling the entire Xiangjiang has decreased, but these policemen did not go to be lazy, but took off their police uniforms, changed into casual clothes, walked onto the streets, and began to monitor the corners of the streets and alleys.

On every street, there are at least two plainclothes people who are watching everything around the clock.

Therefore, the restaurants in Xiangjiang, or the owners of the tea restaurants, have discovered a strange phenomenon. Recently, there are always strange customers who order a cup of tea or a meal, and one seat lasts for a day.

Places like airports, ports, and ferries are the center of gravity of the police force!

After returning to the o's diary, Wang Jin was not idle, and called his subordinates for a meeting to assign various tasks.

The most important thing is to ask your subordinates to communicate with their informants and see if there are a large number of strange faces in Xiangjiang recently.

o Remember that the group of people under his command and the informants in his hands, although they don't have any great skills, are all undoubtedly the top snakes in Xiangjiang, the well-informed people, if there is any trouble, they will definitely attract their attention.

Terrorists are also human beings, and they have to eat and drink. The appearance of a group of people may not be noticed by the police. After all, the police are to govern the entire area of ​​Xiangjiang.

There are always places that cannot be taken into account, and these informants are different. They usually hang out in a specific area. It can be said that they are more familiar with an area than their own home. You will notice it immediately.

o Remember to rely on these informants to solve a lot of cases every year. Otherwise, the huge informant fees (promised) invested every year are all for nothing?

Those who remember are not fools, how can they devote themselves to things that have no benefit.

Following Wang Jin's order, his group began to operate efficiently, and everyone was busy contacting their informants. If there was any news, they would immediately notify themselves.

Perhaps, among this group, Wang Jin is the most leisurely one!

However, he didn't have a long time to relax, and a news came out that in order to retaliate against Mo Mou's government, terrorists were going to take action in Xiangjiang, kidnap a certain school, threaten the certain government, and release the personnel of their own organization.

The news came out of nowhere, even weird, and I don't know where it came from, but it has a nose and an eye, and Wang Jin has been given a task by the superior to investigate and find out which school the terrorists want to attack! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wang Jin was also working hard, and he naturally had to do what his superiors ordered him to do.

It's just that there are so many schools in Xiangjiang, who knows which school the terrorists are going to attack?

How to investigate was the first thorny problem Wang Jin encountered!

Because of this weird news, it only mentioned that terrorists would attack the school, but it didn't say when or where, which made people puzzled.

Even Wang Jin had some doubts that these news were released by the terrorists themselves, just to disturb the sight of the police force and disperse the strength of the police force.

Perhaps, their target is really a school, but there are at least dozens of schools in Xiangjiang. If the police force sends people to investigate every family, the police force will be relatively dispersed.

In the face of terrorists, the police force has an advantage, one is the advantage of identity, and the other is the advantage of numbers.

There will be a steady stream of support from the police at any time. After all, the police force in Xiangjiang has tens of thousands of people, and there are only a few terrorists in total. One death is a big loss, so they naturally have to fight to the maximum extent. Up, reduce the strength of the police force.

Although the force of the police force is strong, but it also has a big plate, and there are many people who need to be protected. It is easy to be dispersed, such as now.

Even knowing that this might be the news released by the terrorists themselves, Wang Jin had no choice but to send people to every school to investigate, just in case.

Anyway, be careful!

If Wang Jin didn't investigate and something went wrong, he would be responsible for everything!

All his subordinates were sent out to investigate, and Wang Jin naturally did not stay idle. He also took two of his subordinates to visit several schools.

The few schools he visited naturally had any problems, at least in Wang Jin's view. If he was a terrorist, he would not kidnap such a school, because there is no use value at all.

Soon, Wang Jin's eyes turned to the next school!

"Well, Adam Smith International School? It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Seeing that the next school on the statistical list was Adam Smith International School, Wang Jin's spirit was shaken suddenly, and a plot subconsciously appeared in Wang Jin's mind.

Adam Smith International School!

It's the plot of Play Back to School 2, Wang Jin can't remember the exact time, but it seems to happen within a month after the end of the plot of Play Back to School!

 (ceei) And many terrorists entered the Adam Smith International School and kidnapped the entire school's students.

Zhou Xingxing turned into an undercover agent again, became a student, and entered the Adam Smith School, also to track down the terrorists.

Originally, Zhou Xingxing was just trying his luck, but he didn't expect his luck to be good, and he guessed the terrorist's target right away, which is how the plot of Play Back To School 2 started.

Of course, the final result was that Zhou Xingxing led the Flying Tigers smoothly, killed all the terrorists, and rescued all the students in the school.

Terrorist!Kidnap the school!

Everything is right!

When Wang Jin recalled the plot of Play Back To Dragon 2, he was already [-]-[-]% sure that the target of those terrorists should be Adam Smith International School.

Terrorists are not Chinese cabbages, you can have them if you want. Although there are many terrorists in the world, if they are distributed to the whole world, then terrorists are like a drop of water in the ocean, and the few are really inconspicuous.

The possibility of Xiangjiang facing two groups of terrorists at the same time is very small, and their targets are all schools, so the chance is even smaller.

Therefore, Wang Jin made an inference that the group of terrorists he is investigating now should be the same group of terrorists who kidnapped the Adam Smith International School.

Of course, whether it is or not, Wang Jin is going to go and have a look!

At least, with the group of terrorists from Adam Smith's international school appearing, Wang Jin can deal with the higher authorities. Anyway, they are all terrorists, so it's okay!

Does Wang Jin still want to investigate whether the terrorists on both sides are the same organization, who is the leader, and what are their ideas and goals?

This is something only the anti-terrorist forces need to investigate. What's the matter with Guan Wangjin!

"Come on, follow me to Adam Smith International School!"

Wang Jin greeted the two men, and headed towards Adam Smith International School.

When Wang Jin came to the gate of Adam Smith International School, he was stopped by the school's security guards.

Adam Smith International School, although it is a notoriously bad school, but that only refers to the performance of the students.

In other things, Adam Smith International School is undoubtedly top-notch, with a magnificent campus, luxurious canteens, and top-notch teachers.

All in all, what Adam Smith International School revealed is a message, not bad for money!

The fact is also the same. The students who go to Adam Smith International School are all children from rich or noble families, and they are not short of money at all. The tuition they pay every year, plus the messy fees, can build a campus.

Therefore, Adam Smith International School is an aristocratic school among aristocratic schools, but their philosophy of educating students is really weird, that is, they don’t care about anything, just make money, as long as they have money, everything can be solved.

"I'm inspector Wang! I have something to do, I need to go to the school to investigate!"

Wang Jin directly took out his ID card and showed it to the security guard who stopped him. The other party immediately gave way to Wang Jin in shock, not daring to stop Wang Jin.

Ordinary people are a little in awe of police officers, and the chief inspector is the highest-ranking figure he has ever seen in his life. He is a small school security guard, how dare he stop him, so he can only watch Wang Jin lead him His subordinates entered the school.

As soon as he entered the campus, Wang Jin found that the Adam Smith International School is really luxurious, with green grass everywhere and green trees, the school occupies a large area, and the distance between the teaching buildings is even greater. scary.

If there is no one to guide, it is estimated that it will take a long time to run through a school.

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