Susu told Ah Fa one after another, otherwise women are careful, Susu knew that what happened to Lian Haodong at this time would definitely draw part of Lian Haolong's attention. Brother Yu's best chance to attack, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

"I understand! Sister Su! I'll see you off, Sister Su!"

Ah Fa nodded heavily, and was about to get up to give Susu off, but was stopped by Susu.

"No need to send it off, you can do your work! I'll just go by myself!"

After saying this, Susu got up and left Ah Fa's office with her bag in her hand. Ah Fa did not hesitate, and immediately ordered her most trusted and trusted subordinates to investigate Brother Yu's situation. .

This matter is actually quite easy to investigate, because they are all from Zhongxinyi's own people, so the people around Brother Yu are not too guarded against Ah Fa's subordinates, and soon Ah Fa will investigate the matter around Brother Yu clearly .

Then, Afa called Susu.

"Sister Su, I have already investigated clearly, where are you!"

"I'm at the golf course, playing golf! Come here!"

Susu also didn't say anything (ceei) on the phone, but directly ordered Ah Fa to find her on the golf course.

Ah Fa also obediently arrived at the golf course. When he arrived, he saw Sister Su playing golf with a golf swing, and she was playing well. She immediately praised Su Su.

"Sister Su, you play golf very well!"

"It's great, it's all a blind fight!"

Hearing Ah Fa's praise, Su Su was a little happy in her heart, but her face was extremely humble. After handing over the golf club in her hand to the staff, she took Ah Fa to wander around the golf course.

"Ah Fa, do you know why I want to learn to play golf?" Susu asked.

Ah Fa immediately shook his head honestly, expressing that he didn't know.

Susu pointed to a large stretch of golf course, and said to Ah Fa.

"Stupid! Of course it's talking about things, it's not easy to be known! This is learned from those rich people. Look at this huge golf course. It's just the two of us. No one will hear what we say. Do you think so? Unless you and I both have wheat!"

Ah Fa smiled at this, and praised with a thumbs up.

"Still Miss Su, you are amazing!"

And at this time, the two finally reached the place with the best view and the most open space on the golf course. Within a few hundred kilometers of this place, is there anyone who can see it at a glance, so the two of them also talked about it with confidence. down to business.

"Ah Fa, how is your investigation going?"

Susu took off her golf gloves and stuffed them into her pocket, while asking Ah Fa.

"It's all been investigated! Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to come to you, Sister Su!"

Ah Fa suddenly smiled and made an ok gesture, indicating that everything was fine.

"That's good. I have no problem here. I know the company's account best. I can come up with [-] to [-] million cash at any time!"

When it comes to the company's finances, Su Su has a proud smile on her face. When she was in charge of the accounts, the company's finances never had any problems. This time there was an accident, she would not have thought of such a crazy idea.

"Sister Su, shouldn't Brother Yu's family pay for the money?"

Hearing what Susu meant, it was obviously Brother Yu's ransom, and Ah Fa couldn't help but feel a little strange if he wanted to take the company's accounts.

"Just as a businessman, how could there be 1000 million in cash? Even if you go to the bank to withdraw [-] million, the bank will report it to the police station, and our Lianhaolong is doing a side business. There is nothing much but money. ! No credit cards for fans, no checks for opening a house! It’s not easy to take out [-] million cash!”

Seeing that Ah Fa didn't understand the doorway, Su Su immediately explained to Ah Fa, and after saying this, Ah Fa suddenly realized.

"Sister Su, when will we start to act?" Ah Fa asked immediately.

"If you're ready, act now! It's a long night and dreams!"

Su Su is also careful about any mistakes, and should do things early, so she can feel at ease sooner.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements now!"

Afterwards, Ah Fa left the golf course to make arrangements. For this matter, he deliberately found a few unfamiliar faces, and then secretly looked for an opportunity to deal with the two bodyguards with guns beside Brother Yu.

Next, the people arranged by Afa used familiar codes to trick the bodyguards around Brother Yu, making them relax their vigilance, and everything became easier.

The person Ah Fa is looking for only needs to get out of the car easily and kill Brother Yu's bodyguard, and Brother Yu will be robbed so easily.

Who would have thought that in broad daylight, the big boss behind Zhongxinyi would be kidnapped so easily. I'm afraid no one would believe it, but that's how it happened.

After receiving a call asking for a ransom, Lian Haolong smashed the phone angrily and cursed.

"Trash, all of them are rubbish! Two people with guns were dealt with without anyone noticing, what a rubbish!"

But even if he is angry, Lian Haolong has to save Brother Yu, otherwise his reputation in the Jianghu will be completely stink, so there is no need to come out to mess around, a dignified society, even his own big boss behind the scenes can't protect him , this kind of association, who else would like to follow?

"Susu, how much money do we have in the account?" Lian Haolong pondered for a moment, then asked Susu.

"One or two hundred million! Why, do you want us to pay the ransom? Isn't Brother Yu's family paying the ransom?"

"Blank" [-]

At this time, Susu's heart was full of joy, but her face was full of reluctance. Beautiful women had to be said to be the best actors.

"No way! Brother Yu, we have to help! If Brother Yu's family pays, they will be targeted by the police soon! We can only do this!"

Lian Haolong sighed, feeling deeply troubled.

Chapter 410 The Fifth Shock O Note! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Brother, shall we obediently pay the money?"

Ah Fa did not expect that Lian Haolong, who usually looks high-spirited, would be so aggrieved and compromised. Is this man in front of him still the Lian Haolong who made the world fearful?

"Of course we won't let it go like this, but until brother Yu comes back safely, we don't have to do anything, not to mention that now Tianhong, Ah Wu, and Ah Dong are all on the police side, we are not suitable to go to war with each other. We are looking for these people to find out the matter with A Dong and the others, and settle it with them!"

On Lian Haolong's face, there was boundless ferocity, Lian Haolong was Lian Haolong after all, even if he forbeared for a while, it was for the more crazy revenge later.

"Okay, big brother!"

"Understood, brother!"

Xiaoheng and Ah Fa who were present also understood Lian Haolong's meaning, brother Yu's safety is the first priority, we must first ensure that brother Yu returns safely, and then we can talk about other things.

"Susu, you go out first! I'll talk to them about other things!"

Lian Haolong asked Susu to go out first, obviously it was the next thing, he~ didn't want Susu to hear.

Su Su also nodded, then turned and left the office.

With Su Su's departure, there were only Lian Haolong, Ah Fa, and Xiao Heng left in the office. At this time, Lian Haolong finally spoke.

"Recently, a lot of things have happened in the company. It is an eventful time for the company, but as the saying goes, meals need to be taken one breath at a time, and things need to be resolved one by one. The most urgent task right now is to rescue A Dong. , and Tianhong, as for that guy, Ah Wu, his stinky mother-in-law dared to take the opportunity to blackmail me, so she just didn’t do anything, just kept on killing him!”

"But big brother, the place where Brother Dong is detained is the O's Building. There are only three of us, isn't it too small?" Ah Fa couldn't help but asked a little worried.

"Why, I have been a supervisor for several years, and my courage is getting smaller and smaller? If you are afraid, you don't have to go!"

Hearing this, Lian Haolong cast a glance at Ah Fa, the dissatisfaction with Ah Fa in his heart was already beyond the table, did he really think he didn't know anything?

If it weren't for this time, when the company was in urgent need of employment, he would have gotten rid of Ah Fa a long time ago, and dared to get so close to Susu. If he hadn't hired a private detective to investigate, he really didn't know about it.

As for what Afa and Susu did together, does Lian Haolong even need to think about it?

As long as it is a man, even a little suspicion is enough to beat him up severely, let alone Lian Haolong, the big brother of the society!

"No, big brother! Why would I be afraid, but our weapons and equipment are a little outdated, and I'm afraid it's not enough to hit the mark!"

In order not to let Lian Haolong feel that he was timid and afraid, Ah Fa deliberately made an excuse.

"What you said makes sense. It's really impulsive for the three of us to take notes. In this way, the two of you will choose a group of people and then take out our stocks. It's time for those stocks to come in handy!"

Lian Haolong caressed the minibus, looked at the three people in front of him, and felt that it was unrealistic to hit the o's mark with the strength of the three of them, so he immediately gave a command to Ah Fa and Xiao Heng.

"Brother, I'm going to pick someone right now, and I'm sure to find the most elite and powerful!"

As soon as Xiao Heng heard that there was a big scene to be fought, his blood was on fire, he stood up impatiently, then said something to Lian Haolong, and left the office to pick someone.

"Brother, I'm going to take out the stock!"

Seeing Xiao Heng left, Ah Fa didn't dare to stay longer. He was still a little nervous when facing Lian Haolong alone, and he would always unconsciously feel that Lian Haolong knew some secrets, especially for Lian Haolong. When looking at Lian Haolong's eyes.

"Well! You go!"

Lian Haolong didn't say much, he just waved his hand and told Ah Fa to leave.

After Ah left the office, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he felt that his entire back was soaked. One could imagine how much pressure he was facing Lian Haolong.


A few hours later, in an abandoned warehouse.

Lian Haolong drove here alone, and at this time, there were already several people waiting in the warehouse.

Seeing Lian Haolong getting off the car, everyone greeted Lian Haolong in unison.

"Big brother!"


Lian Haolong nodded in response, at this time Ah Fa hurried up and said to Lian Haolong.

"Brother, all the stocks have been taken out, 34 short guns, 36 long guns, a box of bullets, [-] grenades, and the stocks of several warehouses are all here!"

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

"Okay, let's distribute it to everyone! There are still bullets! You and Xiao Heng take the grenade!"

Lian Haolong gave an order, and then waited quietly for Ah Fa and Xiao Heng to distribute the long guns and short guns to everyone.

After all the guns had been distributed and the bullets were in everyone's hands, Lian Haolong spoke slowly.

"Brothers, what we are going to do tonight is hard work. I, Lian Haolong, will be the first to charge forward. If you are afraid, you can leave now. If anyone stays, it will be my Lian Haolong. Brother, as long as no one dies today, as long as I have Lian Haolong to eat, you will have it. If something happens tonight, your family will be taken care of by me, Lian Haolong, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life! Those who go can go out!"


Of the more than 30 people present, none of them left, but they all held their guns high, looked at Lian Haolong frantically, and shouted.

"Willing to follow Big Brother!"

"Willing to follow Big Brother!"

"Willing to follow Big Brother!"


They were all carefully selected, and they admired Lian Haolong immensely, and they were not afraid of death, but Lian Haolong said such generous conditions, what did they have to be afraid of!

What's more, with the Lian Haolong they admire charging forward, they have nothing to be afraid of!

"Okay, put on the headgear, let's go! Life and death, wealth and honor!"

As he spoke, Lian Haolong took the lead in putting black hoods on his head, and those people had already been distributed black hoods, and they put all the black hoods on their heads one by one, leaving only There are two openings where the eyes are.

In an instant, a ferocious gangster group had already assembled.

And their goal is to imprison Lian Haodong, Tianhong, and Ah Zou's oji building. This is an extremely dangerous operation, but Lian Haolong has a reason to do so!

Afterwards, Ah Fa, who was wearing a black hood, and a few younger brothers lifted off the tall canvas on the side, revealing a huge bus inside, which was specially prepared by Ah Fa for the action.

More than 30 people followed Lian Haolong into the bus silently, and the bus drove out of the warehouse and headed for the O Building for a long time.

Chapter 410 Waiting for work with ease, Haolong enters the urn (please subscribe more!)

It didn't take long for the bus to stop at the gate of oji.

"Brothers, are you ready?"

Wearing a black hood, the fat Lian Haolong stood up from his seat and asked more than 30 people in the bus.

"Ready, big brother!"

More than 30 people responded to Lian Haolong with one voice.

"Okay, then act!"

After saying this, Lian Haolong signaled to the driver, opened the gate, and took the lead to get off the bus.

As Lian Haolong got off the car first, everyone filed out, followed Lian Haolong to get off the car, and stepped into the gate of the building marked by o.

As for the gate and the back door of O Ji, monitoring has already been installed, and there are even people on duty 24 hours a day. These people are arranged by Wang Jin, and the purpose is to guard against Lian Haolong who comes to surprise him at any time.

As of September [-], the front desk clerk in the hall had long been put back by Wang Jin, so Lian Haolong, who had just entered the O Kee Building, faced an extremely empty hall without even a hair on his face. .

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