"Brother, no one!"

A younger brother held a submachine gun, glanced at the entire hall, and then reminded Lian Haolong.

"I saw it, use your brain to think about it, it's night, and the police are human, don't you want to get off work? Go, go upstairs!"

Although there was no one in the lobby on the first floor, Lian Haolong didn't take it seriously. This time period was originally the time when the messengers got off work, and it was not unusual for there to be no one. Do you hope that there will be fewer people remembering o?

In this way, they will not be under too much pressure when they hit the record.

Of course, Lian Haolong still had something to say in his heart, that is, O Ji might have already set up a trap, waiting for him to get into it.

Lian Haolong would not say this sentence, because saying it might shake the morale of the entire team.

These younger brothers now just followed behind with their courage for a while. If they were told that O Ji would be in ambush above, they might shrink back.

Soon, Lian Haolong and his party took the elevator in batches and went upstairs.

And Wang Jin had already received the notification when Lian Haolong and the others entered the o's office for the first time. After all, the number of people in the thirties, who wore black hoods and submachine guns in their hands at night, was who it was I don't think that these people are good people.

Therefore, Wang Jin immediately gave instructions through the walkie-talkie.

"Flying Tigers, go to Lian Haodong's room right away and guard this room. As long as it's not our own people, shoot directly, don't be polite!"

"Yes, sir! Flying Tigers, take action!"

The Flying Tigers, who had been waiting for a long time, directly rushed into the next door, Lian Haodong's room, at Wang Jin's order, completely blocking the defense of the entire room.

"Group A, Group A, you guard Luo Tianhong's detention room. You must not let the other party rescue Luo Tianhong easily. If Luo Tianhong dares to resist, shoot him on the spot!"

Later, Wang Jin's instructions to Group A came from the intercom.

"Yes, Sir Wang! Group A received!"

"Group B, go to the stairway and set up your defenses, in case someone rushes in from the stairway. Group C, follow me to the elevator entrance, let's meet each other!"

Wang Jin's series of arrangements, quickly settled, can be said to be well-organized and not chaotic.

In fact, Wang Jin had been thinking about all this for a long time, so as soon as Lian Haolong and others appeared, Wang Jin quickly completed the arrangement.

Even, Wang Jin did not allow them to take off their bulletproof vests, submachine guns, smoke bombs, flash bombs and other items. They had already been distributed to each group, and almost all of Wang Jin's men The team members are all on standby all the time, waiting for this moment.

Afterwards, Wang Jin rushed to the entrance of the elevator. At this time, the personnel of Group C had already been arranged. They were leaning against the bunker on the wall, and their guns were pointed at the elevator. They were waiting for the people coming out of the elevator.


With the soft sound of the elevator, the door of the elevator opened, and several Lian Haolong boys wearing black hoods rushed out of the elevator, but they didn't understand what was going on.

Da da da!

A burst of flaming bullets made them lie in a pool of blood, and then the second elevator arrived at the same time. Another group of people who lacked communication, although they heard the violent gunshots just now, knew that something had happened, And the moment the elevator door opened, he chose to shoot.

However, the space inside the elevator is really too narrow, and the firepower of Group C is fierce. These Lian Haolong's subordinates have no place to hide at all. They barely hide on both sides of the elevator, and they can only hide two people That's it, everyone else was completely exposed to the gun.

It was quickly beaten into a sieve...  

Inside the elevator, flames splattered everywhere, and bullets kept bouncing in the elevator. Finally, there was a younger brother of Lian Haolong, who was still quite clear-headed. Seeing that the brothers who came together were all dead, he quickly turned to the side shouted the only remaining brother.

"Press the elevator, let's go downstairs, the police are in an ambush!"

The younger brother of Lian Haolong who was hiding on the other side of the elevator reacted instantly, and hurried to press the button of the elevator to close the elevator, but Wang Jin was so likely to give him this chance.

"Strike the tough team, go! Don't let them go downstairs!"

Following Wang Jin's order, the team in Group C, holding an explosion-proof shield in one hand, immediately used the explosion-proof shield to support it, and rushed towards the elevator, hiding behind the explosion-proof shield. Members of Group C, shotguns, The submachine gun fired randomly into the elevator.

In a hurry, the two Lian Haolong's younger brothers had no place to hide at all. No matter how fast they pressed the elevator buttons, the elevator still needed reaction time, and this little reaction time was enough for the attacking team to rush forward. We're at the elevator door.

Therefore, it was no surprise that the two surviving Lian Haolong brothers did not escape being shot to death.

Before the operation, Wang Jin specifically warned that this operation does not need to arrest people, it only needs to be killed on the spot, so the members of Group C did not show mercy, and if they wanted to arrest people, they just shot them The opponent was killed.

This also prevents casualties from being careless on the messenger's side. For Wang Jin, the 4.8 of those people's death is nothing to do with him.

"Wang sir, the elevator has been cleaned up, all personnel have been shot dead, and there are no survivors!"

The tackling team immediately passed the walkie-talkie and communicated the current situation to Wang Jin.

"Very well, you guys continue to guard the elevator, don't even let a fly in, I'll go to the stairs and have a look!"

"Yes, sir!"

It turned out that when Group C successfully cleaned up all Lian Haolong's younger brothers at the elevator entrance, there was a call for support from Group B, because there were more people coming up the stairs and more firepower. fierce.

"Group B, Group B, what's the situation on your side! What's going on!"

Wang Jin rushed to the stair passage guarded by Group B, while using the walkie-talkie to inquire about the situation in Group B.

Chapter 410: Waiting for work with leisure, Haolong enters the urn! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Sir Wang, our situation here is a bit troublesome. I don't know what method the other party used to go upstairs. Now they are attacking us from the stairs on the upper and lower floors. The opponent's firepower is very fierce, and there are even grenades. We have already It hurt a few brothers, and the stairs can no longer be guarded!"

The commander of Group B briefly told Wang Jin about the situation over there through the walkie-talkie.

The general idea is that the opponent's firepower is too fierce, we have to withdraw Wang sir, otherwise the casualties will be heavy.

"Retreat, you withdraw, don't be tough with the other party, we will continue to guard the corridor and consume their strength, there are not many people on the other side, let the brothers pay attention to safety!"

Wang Jin pondered for a while, and made a decision. In the narrow place of the stairs, hitting from top to bottom can easily suppress the firepower. It is a bit difficult to attack from both sides.

What's more, the opponent still has grenades and other weapons. If it explodes in a narrow space like stairs, the power will be even more powerful. It can be said that it can kill a large area.

Wang Jin also didn't want his subordinates to suffer too many casualties. After all, he was the one waiting on the sidelines, and he had already made all the arrangements, just waiting for Lian Haolong to get into the huge net he had arranged.

Now, the most important thing is to consume the vitality of Lian Haolong's subordinates. After all, this is the base camp of O Ji. Under the circumstances of the ups and downs, Lian Haolong and others have only one end to die.

"Okay, sir Wang! Let's withdraw now!"

With Wang Jin's order, those who retreated from group b felt more at ease and more justified.

As Team B retreated in an orderly manner, Lian Haolong also felt that the firepower of the poor man had suddenly weakened. He was a little unclear, so he hurriedly said to Xiao Heng beside him.

"Xiao Heng, go and see what's going on!"

Xiao Heng didn't say much, holding the gun, he slowly approached the stairs and looked down. He was still very cautious, but after looking around a few times, he didn't see any guns shooting at him.

Only an empty door at the top of the stairs was open, and there were countless bullet holes on the surrounding walls, as well as charred traces of being bombed by grenades.

"Brother, they seem to have withdrawn, and there is no one at the stairs!"

Xiaoheng quickly reported his discovery to Lian Haolong.


Lian Haolong felt a little strange, this is his own territory, how could he withdraw as a messenger, there must be some conspiracy.

However, no matter what the result is, he came here to rescue Lian Haodong today. Since the messengers took a step back, he will take advantage of the victory to pursue, at least until Lian Haodong is rescued.

Even, in order to cheer up and instill confidence in his subordinates, Lian Haolong tried his best to belittle the poor.

"Look, the poor guys are nothing special. They were also beaten back by us. Since they retreated, then we will kill them and follow me! Brothers, come on!"

After saying this, Lian Haolong took his old gun, went down the stairs first, and walked towards the door at the entrance of the stairs.

It was Lian Haolong's action that gave his subordinates a lot of confidence and morale. After all, Lian Haolong was ahead of them, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

For a moment, no matter whether it was the team upstairs or downstairs, they all followed behind Lian Haolong, passed through the staircase door, and came to the floor where Lian Haodong was detained.

Although Lian Haodong knew that the policeman who resisted just now had withdrawn, he would not be foolish to think that the policeman didn't even want the entire o note. deal with yourself.

Seeing Lian Haolong stop suddenly, Xiao Heng was a little confused, so he was about to rush forward and rushed into the floor, but was stopped by Lian Haolong.

"Wait, what are you in a hurry for!"

After Lian Haolong stopped Xiao Heng, he took off his coat and threw it out.

Lian Haolong's probing really worked. As soon as his coat flew out, countless bullets shot at his coat frantically, tearing his coat to pieces. .

"Learn, the poor man is not as stupid as you think! In the future, don't be so impulsive!"

Lian Haolong leaned against the wall and reprimanded Xiao Heng in a low voice. Although Xiao Heng was very embarrassed, but fortunately he was wearing a black hood so no one could see his expression clearly.

"Give me a grenade!"

Lian Haolong stretched out his hand, and said to Xiao Heng who was beside him.

Xiao Heng obediently took out a grenade from his black backpack and handed it to Lian Haolong.

Lian Haolong held his own old-fashioned gun in one hand, and the grenade in the other with his teeth, tore off the ring of the grenade, and then threw the grenade out in the direction of the bullet just now.

"No, there are grenades! Get out!"

The policemen in Group B who were ambushing around the corridor saw a chubby thing flying over, quickly shouted 983 to notify their colleagues, and then ran forward without looking back.

The other policemen who were reminded also ran away. After all, grenades are short-sighted things, and he can't tell the good from the bad.


With a loud roar, the entire corridor was violently exploded, and even the corridors were blown up. Some lines were malfunctioning, flickering, making the entire corridor seem dark and bright, quite weird .

Fortunately, those gangsters in Group B ran fast, so there were no casualties. Otherwise, such a big explosion would burn the entire passage and corridor to black, and it would definitely hurt a lot of gangsters.

Seeing this situation, Lian Haolong picked up his master gun, aimed at the flickering lights in the corridor, and then completely extinguished several lights with three shots.

In an instant, all passages and corridors fell into a dark silence.

"Let's go! Now this corridor is safe, it's pitch black, and the police have become blind like us, they dare not shoot randomly! Shooting is tantamount to revealing the location!"

Speaking of which, Lian Haolong walked into the darkness first, his footsteps were light, there was almost no sound of footsteps.

Chapter 410 Waiting for work with ease, Haolong enters the urn! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"It's still big brother, you have a way!"

Ah Fa followed behind Lian Haolong. In this action, his sense of presence was very low, and he almost followed Lian Haolong's side. He had no chance to show off. At this time, he naturally wanted to flatter crazily up.

"Okay, stop flattering, do you know where Ah Dong and the others are?"

A group of people were in the dark corridor, Lian Haolong stopped Ah Fa from flattering him, but asked about his brother Ah Dong's location.

"I know, brother, the investigation has been clear, and they are being held in the front detention room!"

At this time, Ah Fa showed his sense of existence. As the most flexible person in Zhongxinyi, he had already done a detailed investigation before coming here, and he had already known where Ah Dong was being held. .

Now that he already knew where his younger brother was being held, it was much easier to do the job, as long as he rushed all the way to Lian Haodong's detention room to rescue him, so Lian Haolong faced Xiao Heng, Ah Fa still had his hands A group of younger brothers below ordered.

"That's good, don't save on the grenade, just use the method I just used to open the way, let's go directly to Ah Dong's detention room, save people and leave, don't love to fight!"

"yes, Sir!"

Xiao Heng took the grenade in his backpack and walked ahead to open the way.

As long as there are lights, Xiaoheng will throw a grenade, first drive the police away, and then shoot all the lights out with a shuttle, and then let everyone pass.

Although the gangsters wanted to fight back, but with Lian Haolong's side ignorant of the grenade, the gangsters in group b had no way to deal with it at all, so the commander of group b picked up the walkie-talkie and started to fight back. Wang Jin reported the situation here.

"Wang sir, we are in some trouble here again! The other party opened the way with a grenade, and we didn't dare to resist, and they also turned off the lights in the corridor, making it impossible for us to fight back. We are already approaching the detention room. , what should I do~"? "

"Do you want me to teach you this? What are the flash bombs in your hands for? Can't you throw flash bombs to shine if you can't see them in the corridor?"

When Wang Jin said this, the commander of the b-foot group, who got into the horns, reacted quickly, and almost slapped his thigh excitedly.

Yup!There are grenades on the opposite side, and they also have flash bombs!

It doesn't make sense to not see, let the other party keep going like this!

Therefore, the commander of Group B quickly instructed his subordinates to throw flash bombs towards the dark corridor.

Sure enough, the unprepared Lian Haolong and others suffered a sudden loss. The dark environment is indeed conducive to their hiding and action, but the dark environment also prevents them from seeing clearly the things thrown by the members of group b .

When many people didn't react, they were flashed by the dazzling light, and their eyes suddenly hurt. They hugged their eyes frantically and lay on the ground howling miserably.

Although Lian Haolong didn't find out what the poor guy from Group B threw, he thought it was a grenade, and lay down on the ground, covering his face with his hands. Haolong followed Lian Haolong's actions without even thinking about it.

In an instant, Lian Haolong's team had already suffered a lot of losses. After all, they were stabbed by a flash bomb, which meant that they lost their combat effectiveness in the next action.

But this is not the worst. The worst thing is that the personnel in Group B have already prepared for it. After the flashbang flashed, they immediately rushed out from various positions and shot into the darkness. More Little brother Lian Haolong was completely beaten to death without any precaution.

Fortunately, Lian Haolong was lying on the ground at this time, and escaped a catastrophe. With a nimble roll, he groped in the dark and approached the wall.

"It's okay, brothers, come with me!"

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